Unit 3 Look at me Part B Let’s learn Let’s do
1. 能听懂Let’s do部分的6个动作句子,它们分别是:Clap your hands. Touch your head. Wave your arms. Shake your legs. Shake your body. Stamp your foot.
2. 能正确认读Let’s do部分的6个动作句子,并能根据所听到的英文句子做出相应的动作。
3. 运用所学的身体部位单词和动作句子“Clap your .. Touch
your … Wave your … Shake your … Stamp your …”能较流利地说出动作指令给他人,并能根据指令做出相应的动作,加强语言实践。
1. 通过游戏、思维导图、说唱歌谣和说、做动作等活动,帮助学生能听懂6个动作句子:Clap your hands. Touch your head. Wave
your arms. Shake your legs. Shake your body. Stamp your foot.
2. 借助观看微课和动作图片展示,帮助学生正确认读6个动作句子并做出相应动作:Clap your hands. Touch your head. Wave your arms. Shake your legs. Shake your body. Stamp your foot.
1. 部分单词的正确发音:单词shake的摩擦音字母组合sh的发音;单词wave的摩擦音字母组合ve的发音;单词stamp的清辅音字母t跟在字母s后要变成浊辅音的发音。
2. 能运用身体部位单词和动作句子“Clap your .. Touch your … Wave your … Shake your … Stamp your …”说出动作指令并回应做出动作。
Free talk: Share some days about body.
Listen and mime.
Teacher plays the video and asks students to say the chant with doing actions.
Game:Voiced GPS.
Teacher plays a game with students. This game is in order to help students review the words of body. The main sentence structure in this game is “Look at me! This is my …”
Mind map:Body tree.
Teacher asks students to finish the mind map in 6-person groups.
The mind map is about the eleven words of body. Teacher chooses one mind map to present for students and asks students to check
the words.
Bling eyes.
Teacher uses one of the tools of the electronic whiteboard, which
is called “spotlight”. Teacher uses “spotlight” to make students read and spell the whole words together.
Study the actions in groups.
Every group finds out the paper in the envelope and gets one
action. Teacher makes students get into groups and study the actions
with I-pads in groups.
Show time.
Teacher invites six groups to present their actions. When the groups are presenting, students should read out the sentences and group
leaders teach others to read the actions.
Read and do the actions.
Teacher leads students to read the six actions one by one. While
saying the sentences, teacher is also doing the actions.
Teacher focuses on checking students’ pronunciation.
Let`s chant.
Teacher plays a video. Teacher asks students to say the chant and do the actions.
Listen and number.
Exercise: Listen and number. Teacher asks students to listen and
finish the exercise on their tablet PC. Teacher plays the record and sends the page to students’ tablet PC online.
Say and do.
Competition: Say and do. Teacher divides students into two groups. Students take part in the competition between boys and girls. One group says the action and another group does the action.
【练习】Sing and do.
Teacher plays the song “The Body Rock” for students. Teacher and students sing the song and do the actions.
Teacher summarizes the content of this lesson.
At the end of the lesson, teacher tells students to cherish our lives. Students should learn to keep away from dangers and love their
(1) Read Page 28 of textbook twice.
(2) Say and do the actions.