Unit 8 A trip to Hong Kong 教学设计
Module/Topic模块及话题 Module 4 Past Experience Title题目 Unit 8 A trip to Hong Kong Period课时 2
Learning Analysis:学情分析 六年级学生通过三年的英语学习,对英语的时态有了一定的认识。本模块学习的一般过去时态,对于六年级的学生而言,是一个全新的时态。但通过Unit 7三个课时和Unit 8第一课时的学习,学生已掌握了一般过去时态的部分词汇、短语和语法结构。另外Unit 8的主题是旅行经历,与学生的生活经历非常的贴近,这些都为本节课最后的语言输出作了很好的铺垫。
Content:教学内容 本模块话题为Past experience。重点是学习如何表达过去所发生的事。本课时是Module4的第五课时, Unit8的第二课时,本课时的学习建立在第一课时已对核心词汇和句型语法进行处理的基础上,对课文文本进行深入学习,并为第三课时的拓展阅读和写作活动打基础。U8作者通过“日记”的方式,叙述上周末的香港游,从而营造一个自然、生动的时态运用情景,便于学生理解的同时也起到很好地引导学生结合实际运用语言、巩固语言。
Objectives:教学目标 (一) 语言能力 :1. 语言知识:①熟练掌握四会单词diary, felt, sat, surprised和句型…was/felt + adj. +because…句型的运用;②能在课文情境下理解文章的内容以及意义,能复述课文。2. 能用英语表达过去旅行的经历和感受。(二) 思维品质:通过教师的问题导学,学生的观察力、想象力和发散性思维得到培养。(三) 文化品格:1. 通过对英文日记的学习,学生培养了中西方文化差异意识。2. 通过旅行经历的分享,学生了解各地的旅游文化,激发对旅游文化的兴趣。(四) 学习能力: 1. 通过完成多个阅读任务培养阅读兴趣,提升阅读策略,提高阅读能力。 2. 培养良好学习习惯和自主学习的能力。
Difficulties Analysis:教学重难点 (一) 教学重点: 1. 引导学生结合自己的旅行经历培养综合运用英语语言能力的能力。 2. 引导学生培养阅读的技巧和良好习惯。 (二) 教学难点: 引导学生综合运用英语描述过去的旅行经历。
Teaching Procedures:教学过程 Teaching Steps of the Activities 教学活动操作步骤 Learning Strategies学生学习策略 Purposes设计意图
Procedures Teacher’s Activities Learners’ Activities Purposes
1. Pre-reading 1. Greeting & Free talk “What did you do last weekend ”]2. Let’s talk出示香港的图片,引出课题。引导学生对旅行经历的五要素进行提问并引导他们谈论自己在香港的旅行经历。3. Let’s guess 出示书上的三幅图片,引出Jiamin’s trip,并引导学生提问和猜测课文的内容。 Greeting & Free talk “What did you do last weekend ”Brainstorming:在教师引导下针对旅行经历向同学提出几个“Wh-”问题,并谈论自己的旅行经历。When did you go there Who did you go with How did you get there What did you do there Let’s guess看图,对课文内容进行提问和猜测。 创设英语学习氛围,把学生的注意力引进课堂,拉近与学生的距离,并为下一步创设旅游情景铺垫。激活学生自身与课文相关的生活经历,复习有关旅行经历的五要素,锻炼口语能力,培养发散性思维,并为学习Jiamin’s trip作铺垫。激发学生对课文的学习兴趣,培养学生的想象力。
2. While-reading 1st reading: Listen to thediary for one or two times and find out the answers of the questions. Q1: Who did Jiamin go to Hong Kong with Q2: When did they go there Q3: How did they get there (引导学生用完整的句子来回答。)2. 2nd reading (learn Q: “What did they do ” in details)指导学生Silent reading 并用横线划出What did they do 的活动。Group work: 指导学生打开教师准备的词条和思维导图框架,四人小组合作完成“What did they do ”部分的思维导图。3rd reading教师通过问题导学引导学生再次阅读课文并找出How did they feel 的三部分内容,巩固句型…was/felt…because…, 并深入学习Jiamin ate too much and felt ill部分,进行情感教育If our friends are in trouble, we should help them. Ask the students to read aloud.1) Read in groups (pay attention to the verbs of past tense)2) Read all together. Listen and answer the three “Wh-” questions.Silent-reading and find out Jiamin’s activities in Hong Kong and try to finish the mind map in their groups.Find out the three sentences about Jiamin’s and Ben’s feelings. Answer the teacher’s questions.Read aloud with emotionRead in groupsRead all together Students can have a basic understanding of the text.Help students develop their ability of reading carefully and their cooperated spirit. Inspire students to use mind-map to store information.Help students to have an in-depth understanding of the text and know how to treat their friends.Improve the students’ reading and speaking ability
3. Post-reading 1. Fill in the blanks according to text(教师根据原文内容重构文本)。2. Retell Jiamin’s trip according to the mind map on the blackboard.1) Work in group2) Retell together3. Development 1) Show a video of the teacher’s travel diary—A trip to Thailand.2) Ask students to finish the mind map of the teacher’s travel diary.3) Ask students to talk about the teacher’s trip to Thailand according to the mind map. Fill in the blanks with the verbs of past tense.Retell the passage with the help of the mind map, group members and the teacher.Development 1) Watch a video of the teacher’s travel diary—A trip to Thailand.2) Finish the mind map of the teacher’s travel diary.3) Talk about the teacher’s trip to Thailand according to the mind map. 让学生掌握文中动词过去式的用法并且为后面的retell做铺垫。Help the students consolidate what they have learned and develop their speaking and cooperating ability.Help students to consolidate what they have learned today and improve their cooperating and speaking ability.
Blackboard Design Unit 8 A trip to Hong Kong