Unit 5 Let’s eat Part A Let’s learn & Let’s do 教案


名称 Unit 5 Let’s eat Part A Let’s learn & Let’s do 教案
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(PEP)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-06-21 22:52:24



Unit 5 Let’s eat Period 2: A Let’s learn & Let’s do
能听、说、认读4个食物单词:juice, egg, milk & bread;
能在语境下使用Have some 为别人提供食物或邀请别人吃东西;
能区分Have some 与Eat some …前者表示请别人吃/喝…., 后者表示自己吃/喝…..
Have some….句型的正确使用。
juice, milk, bread的发音以及eggs的正确读法与使用。
egg已在前面Unit 3 Letters & sounds中学过,milk已在前面Unit 4 Letters & sounds中学过,juice与bread已在本单元第一课时初步感知;I’d like some 句型、Here you are & Have some 句型已在前面第一课时中出现,总体而言,学生对该课时内容的学习有一定的了解。 教学准备:
相关ppt、 图片、相关食物实物、磁铁
(课前要求学生自带至少一种食物实物,其中鸡蛋egg为熟的) 教学过程:
1. 组织教学
T: OK. Let’s stop here and have our class today. Class begins.
S1: Stand up.
Ss: Good morning, Miss Dong!
T: Good morning!
T: Sit down, please! We have 2 groups here.以中间为界限,左边为Group A,右边为Group B。 Hello, Group A! How are you?
Ss: I’m fine, thank you!
T: Nice to meet you, Group B!
Ss: Nice to meet you, too!
T: Let’s enjoy a song—Let’s have a picnic today. 我们先来听首歌,是大家非常熟悉的Let’s have a picnic today.会的同学跟着唱。
3.回忆复习& 呈现新课
T: Do you know the name of the song
T&Ss: Let’s have a picnic today. 我们先来看大屏幕 (呈现懒羊羊的图片)
T: Who is he
Ss: Lan yangyang. (屏幕上出现一个小女孩,问号以及相关问题)
T:屏幕上的小女孩是谁? Who is she?
Ss: Sarah.
T: Very good! Sarah wants to invite Lan yangyang to have a picnic with her. But Lan yangyang is very lazy. We need to help Lan yangyang. Can we Yes or no
Ss: Yes.
T:Task1: What can Lanyangyang take 懒羊羊可以带什么呢?
Ss: Egg/milk (egg→bread→milk→juice) (ppt 呈现一个魔术盒)
T:Look at the box and guess what’s in it
Ss:Egg/milk/ . PPT上呈现答案。
T: Look, it’s an egg.教师拿出实物egg进行教学。 (黑板上板书并贴上图片)Egg, egg, it’s an egg. (拿出另外一个鸡蛋) Look at me, another egg! Eggs, eggs, two eggs, I have two eggs. Eggs, eggs, some eggs, I have some eggs. (拿出一个鸡蛋教读egg,2个、一堆、多于一个教读eggs)(并在黑板上egg后用红色粉笔标出s)
T: Would you like some eggs?Yes or no?
Ss: Yes. T: So we can say “eggs,↗ eggs,↘ I’d like some eggs.” (小组开火车,跟读,准确,快速) PPT上呈现句子:只有egg 吃不饱,同时旁边的懒羊羊说: I’ m hungry. I’ m hungry. 同时教师按按肚子,声音虚弱,并带读句子。带读几遍后问学生:Are you hungry 请回答Yes的同学站起来读I’m hungry.
T:So we can invite him to have some
Ss: Bread/面包。
T: Yes,very good, he can eat some bread(边说边拿出面包,并板书贴图) 带读bread:bread, bread, br-ea-d,bread. I’m hungry. I’d like some bread.(带读后,边走下讲台边捏点面包给学生吃)Mm, yumny, would you like some bread (叫yes的同学起来并说I’d like some bread) 并把面包递给学生说,Have some bread,示意他吃并说eat some bread。 叫多一两个学生,带学生边说边做动作Have/Eat some bread。
T:Have/Eat some bread有什么不同?So what’s the difference between have some bread and eat some bread
T: Have some bread请别人吃面包,Eat some bread自己吃面包。教师先带读并做动作,接着要求学生看老师的动作判断是Have/Eat some bread. (接下来呈现milk) PPT上呈现 :懒羊羊刚吃了面包,有点渴了(带图)并大声说I’m thirsty. I’m thirsty. 教师手放在喉咙,脸上做口渴神情。
T: What can Lan yangyang drink He can drink some (边说边拿出milk,引导学生说出milk)
T: milk, milk, m-i-l-k→milk. 教师教读并做动作Drink/Have some milk (Milk, milk, drink some milk; milk , milk, have some milk) 接下来是玩个游戏, I do, you say。教师手拿实物(Look, I have , 然后教师用该实物作相应动作,让学生判断是Have/Drink some milk,Have/Eat some bread还是Have/Eat some eggs?)(学生此时可能会出错,教师告诉学生如果是吃的用eat, 喝的用drink) 接下来懒羊羊要考考我们了,“Guess which one is milk 小朋友们,你们能猜出哪杯是milk?” 教师拿出两杯事先倒好的饮料。
T: Who would like to have a taste?谁想要尝一下? 请举手的1位同学上来品尝并让大家猜一猜他喝的是什么饮料? XXX, you please! 待大家猜完后,品尝的同学公布答案,同时教师撕下包装纸。
T:Guess what’s in the cup Is it milk Ah, it’s milk! Look at another one, is it milk Oh, no, it’s juice. Juice, juice, j-ui-ce; Juice, juice, have some juice;Juice, juice, drink some juice. 接下来教师带学生做个游戏, 大家看老师的动作和老师说的一不一致,一致的就跟老师说并且做,不一致的就不跟读也不做任何动作!
Task 2: Sarah asks Lan yangyang to open the book and turn to Page 49 to read it. But Lan yangyang can’t read it correctly. Let’s help Lan yangyang and read it together. 打开课本49页,听录音跟读。 其中,Let’s learn 跟读,Let’s do全体起立边说边做.
5.小练习 Task 3: Sarah gives some exercises to Lan yangyang. But Lan yangyang doesn’t know how to do them. Can we help him
1)Shape eyes;
2) Look and say words看图说词;
3)Look and match看图连词;
4)Look and say sentences看图说句;
5)Look and judge看图判断。
6.Review: Sarah: Hey, Lan yangyang, do you still remember what you’ve learned today Lan yangyang: No, I don’t.
Task 4: Boys and girls, and you Do you remember what you’ve learned today
Eggs, eggs, have some eggs, eat some eggs.
Bread, bread, have some bread, eat some bread.
Milk, milk, have some milk, drink some milk.
Juice, juice, have some juice, drink some juice.
Task 5:Now Lan yangyang is having a picnic with Sarah. Let’s join them together. (播放背景音乐Let’s have a picnic today,此时全班起立,小范围活动进行野餐,待音乐停下来后,请一到两组同学上台表演)
T: OK, the whole class, stand up and let’s have a picnic today. Now 2 in a pair, use the sentences as follow:
A:I’m hungry.
B: Have some eggs/bread/milk/juice.
A:Thank you.
B:You are welcome.
8.珍惜食物,杜绝浪费 Thanks to our help. Sarah can have a picnic with Lan yangyang happily. Both of them say “Thank you” to us. But they also have something to tell us: cherish the food.
世界上仍然有许多地方的孩子没有东西吃,整天挨饿(ppt呈现图片),因此我们要珍惜食物,杜绝浪费(cherish the food),包括我们今天带来的食物也不能浪费,能吃完就吃下,不能吃完的就带回家。
9.作业:动动小脑袋,眼到、口到、手到、心到认读A Let’s learn & Let’s do两遍并读一遍给家长听。
10. 板书 Unit 5 Let’s eat A Let’s learn & Let’s do
Have/Eat some eggs.
I’m hungry. bread.
Have/Drink some milk. juice.