Unit 4 Space Exploration Period 3 Discovering Useful Structures 课件+导学案


名称 Unit 4 Space Exploration Period 3 Discovering Useful Structures 课件+导学案
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资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-06-21 15:43:19


Unit 4 Space Exploration
Period 3
Discovering Useful Structures
Key words
[ ri sa kl] vt.
recycle waste
recycle materials
[l k]n.&adj.
a/the lack of...
[ wa z]adv.
[b j nd] prep.
beyond control
beyond belief
[ k r nt] adj.
current prices
current affairs
[s f nt]adj.
be sufficient for...
[ m sl] n.
muscle pain
Key words
1.The bank has s_________ (enough for a particular purpose; as much as you need) money
to continue operations. (根据首字母单词拼写)
2.What he said this morning was _______ (无法,超出) my understanding.(根据汉语提示单词拼写)
3.He helped me with my English, ________(否则) I wouldn’t have passed the exam. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
5.He couldn’t go to university for l_____ (缺乏) of money.(根据中英文提示填写单词)
6.You need to release the tension in these shoulder ________ (肌肉).(根据汉语提示单词拼写)
7. The objective would be to ________ (回收)98 per cent of domestic waste.(根据汉语提示
Key words
1.The iPad there is mine.
2.The boy to take the ball is my son.
3.I come all the way to see you.
4.He is the teacher who teaches us math.
5.Which couple of superstars will get divorced in the future
6.Given time, he will be a good dancer.
7.The girl in pink is my daughter.
8.I will love you heart and soul.
Look at the following sentences. What sentence elements do the underlined parts act as in the sentences
Lead in
Mystery creates wonder and wonder is the basis of man's desire to understand.
——Neil Armstrong
How many infinitives are there in the sentence
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
Scientists were determined to help humans realise their dream to
explore space.

infinitives:realise(不带to的不定式是动词原形),to explore space,to help
Look at the following sentences and choose the correct answer.
Infinitives 动词不定式
(Bare infinitive)
Let me play.
I have my brother clean the room.
They made me laugh.
I heard her cry.
I watched him pray.
使役动词let/ have /I make
He is old enough to go to school.
to do
(Full infinitive)
To be a teacher is her dream.
They all want to go.
The purpose is to win.
He wasn't allowed to participate.
1. (教材P39)First of all, you must be intelligent enough to get a related college degree. ____________
2. (教材P40)Some scientists were determined to help humans realize their dream to explore space. _______________
3. (教材P40) On 12 April 1961, Yuri Gagarin became the first person in the world to go into space. _________________
4.(教材P40)Looking up at the stars, people have always wanted to learn more about space, and scientists work hard to find answers. __________________
5.(教材P40)They make vehicles to carry brave people into space to find out the secrets of the universe.__________________
6.(教材P40)However, some scientists were determined to help humans realise their dream to explore space.________________
7.(教材P40)Yuri Gagarin became the first person in the world to go into space.________________
8.(教材P41)More recently, China has sent Chang'e 4 to explore the surface of the far side of the moon to make measurements and observations.___________________
动词不定式 主动式 被动式 概念
一般式 to do to be done 不定式的动作与句中谓语动词的动作同时发生。
I am glad to meet you here again.
进行式 to be doing / 不定式的动作与句中谓语动词表示的动作同时进行。
He seems to be worrying about something.
完成式 to have done to have been done 不定式的动作发生在谓语动词的动作之前。
I am sorry to have given you so much trouble.
The question to be discussed at the meeting is very important.
He has no pen to write with.他没有钢笔写字。
(3)不定式用来修饰被序数词、最高级或no, all, any等限定的中心词,且与中心词之间为逻辑上的主谓关系。
He is always the first to arrive at the school and the last to leave the school.
不定式作目的状语意为“为了”,强调目的性,可以单独放在句首,也可加in order或so as,但so as to一般不能用于句首。
To pass the college entrance exam, we must work hard.
The speaker raised her voice so as to make herself heard.
The villagers came to see the football match.(作目的状语)
The villagers wanted to see the football match.(作宾语)
不定式作结果状语,常用于to...to.. ,enough...to..., so... as to...,such...as to...的结构中。表示出人意料的结果,可以再不定式前面加only。
I'm too tired to go any further.
He was brave enough to do what he wanted to.
He is such a timid man as to be afraid of mice.
She hurried to the station only to be told the train had gone.
①不定式作原因状语,常用于“主语(人)+系动词+形容词/过去分词+to do”结构中,一般放在表示情绪变化的形容词或动词后,表示某种情绪的原因。常用于这类结构中的形容词和过去分词有sorry,surprised,disappointed,excited,glad,happy,anxious,delighted,pleased,foolish等。
We were astonished to find the temple still in its original condition.
②常用于“主语(物)+系动词十形容词十to do”结构中。
这类形容词有: easy, difficult, hard, cheap, expensive, fit, comfortable, heavy, good,
important, impossible, dangerous等,表示主语的特征或性质,不定式和句子主语之间存在被动关系,但常用主动形式表示被动意义。
The chair looks rather hard, but in fact it is very comfortable to sit on.
To hear him talk, you would think he owned the whole world.
(1)在"be + adj. to do"结构中,不定式在形容词之后作各种状语。
I am delighted to receive your e-mail.收到你的电子邮件我很高兴。( 原因状语)
He is too excited to say anything.他激动得说不出话来。(结果状语 )
Be careful to avoid making the same mistake.小心避免犯同样的错误(目的状语)
(2)在"be + adj. to do"结构中,系表结构和不定式构成“合成谓语”,不要拆分,
You are supposed to get a good mark.你应该考个好成绩。
(3)在"be + adj. to do"结构中,有时不定式用主动语态表示被动含义,逻辑宾语
That box is heavy to lift.那个箱子搬起来很重。
1. Paul doesn't have to be made_________. He always works hard. (learn; to learn)
2. The telephone is generally considered to__________________ by Alexander Bell
(be invent; have been invented)
3. It is careless______________ the same mistake again in your composition. (for
you to make;of you to make)
4.—Why not get someone_______ your letter (to type; type)
—No one can find a typewriter around here.
5. —I hope to take the computer course.
—Good idea. __________more about it, visit this website. (Find out; To find out)
to learn
have been invented
of you to make
to type
To find out
A. To get a passport, you should fill out this form.
B. Sending people to other planets or even beyond the solar system is not an easy goal to achieve.
C. I'm afraid the whole process is too complicated to explain in a few words.
D. We are here to study infinitives and its type.
E. We were surprised to find that he had already left.
F. She has no friend to depend on.
G.Jessie got a new toy to play with.
H.They've made many plans so as to catch the thief.
as adverbial
as attribute
A. C. D. E. H.
B. F. G.
N + to do
Action/State + to do
1 Look at the following sentences and focus on the italicised infinitives. In pairs,
discuss their functions and meanings. Find more examples from the unit.
Describe space facts and efforts to explore space
1 I trained for a long time to fly airplanes as a fighter pilot.
2 As we all know, an astronaut needs to be healthy and calm in order to work in space.
3 First of all, you must be intelligent enough to get a related college degree.
4 Some scientists were determined to hep humans realise their dream to explore space.
5 On 12 April 1961, Yur Gagarin became the first person in the world to go into space.
1. ...and scientists work hard to find answers. ( as adverbial )
2. ...They make vehicles to carry brave people into space to find out the secrets of the universe. ( as attribute; as adverbial )
3.For example, America's NASA space agency launched Voyager 1 on 5 September 1977 to study deep space... (as adverbial)
4.These disasters made everyone sad and disappointed, but the desire to explore the universe never died. (as attribute )
5.China became the third country in the world to independently send humans into space in 2003,... (as attribute)
Other sentences from the unit include:
6. ...followed by the vehicle Jade Rabbit being sent to the moon to study its surface. (as adverbial)
7.China launched the Tiangong 2 space lab into space and Tazhou 1 to dock with it. (as adverbial)
8.This signalled one step further in China's plan to establish a space station in the future. (as attribute)
9. ...and China all have plans to further study and I explore planets like Mars and Jupiter. (as attribute)
1 In 2003 Yuri Malenchenko became the first person who got married in space.
→In 2003 Yuri Malenchenko became the first person to get married in space.
2 In space, astronauts collect all dirty water so that it can be recycled for later use.
→In space,astronauts collect all dirty water so as to recycle it for later
2 Rewrite the sentences using infinitives or"in order to/so as to+do”. Change the italicised parts accordingly.
3 Mankind has always been curious about the universe and many people have dream that one day they would fly into space.
→Mankind has always been curious about the universe and many people have the dream to fly into space one day.
4 Astronauts' bones and muscles can get very weak in space due to the lack of gravity, so they need to exercise every day, which will help them stay healthy.
→Astronauts ' bones and muscles can get very weak in space due to the lack of gravity,so they need to exercise every day to/in order to/so as to stay healthy.
5 Astronauts have to use tape to stick everything down while working in space
while they are working in space because everything would float of otherwise.
6 During a spacewalk, astronauts have to move slowly so that they can keep their bodies under control.
2 Rewrite the sentences using infinitives or"in order to/so as to+do”. Change the italicised parts accordingly.
→Astronauts ' bones and muscles can get very weak in space due to the lack of gravity,so they need to exercise every day to/in order to/so as to stay healthy.
→During a spacewalk,astronauts have to move slowly to/in order to/so as to
keep their bodies under control.
Sending people to other planets or even beyond the solar system is not an easy goal __________(achieve). One of the problems is that the trip would take a very long time.
For example,______(use) current technology, it would take over two years ______
(get) to the closest planet, Mars, and back. Although light is the fastest thing _______(know) in the universe, it could take more than four years to reach the nearest star system. Will scientists figure out a way_______(store) sufficient food and water for the long journey Is it possible to travel faster than light No one knows the answers yet.However, space scientists never give up . They are experimenting with growing
crops in space so as_______(help) astronauts get enough food on longer journeys through space.
3 Complete the passage with the correct forms of the verbs in
to achieve
to get
to store
to help
in order to为了
so as to (do sth.)为了:以便
be recycled for later use回收供以后利用
float off浮起;漂浮
get very weak in space在太空中公
due to the lack of gravity由于失重会变得非常虚弱
stay healthy保持健康
float about/around (思想等)传播,流传
keep...under control控制得住,抑制得住(不造成损害)
keep...from doing sth.阻止......做某事
beyond the solar system在太阳系以外
an easy goal to achieve一个容易实现的目标
current technology当前的技术
reach the nearest star system到达最近的星系
fly into space飞往太空
bones and muscles骨骼和肌肉
1. recycle [ ri sa kl] vt.回收利用;再利用
2. lack n.缺乏;短缺v,没有;缺乏
3. otherwise adv.否则;要不然,在其他方,除此以外
4. beyond prep. 在更远处;超出;超过
5. current adj.当前的;现在的;通用的;流通的n.水流;电流;气流
6. figure out 弄懂;弄清楚;弄明白;想出;计算
7. sufficient adj.足够的;充足的
8. be sufficient for ...对......来说是足够的
Language point
1 In space, astronauts collect all dirty water so that it can be
recycled for later use.在太空中,宇航员收集所有的脏水,
本句是复合句。so that later use是目的状语从句。
so that引导目的状语从句
I stood the little girl on a chair so that she could see.
He ran quickly so that he might catch the first bus.
(1)so that引导目的状语从句,意思是“为了,以便”,从句动作尚未成为现实,此时相当于in order that,从句中常有will, would,can, could,may ,might等情态动词。
My old father began to study computer at the age of sixty so that(=in order that) he might keep up with times.父亲六十岁时才开始学习电脑,以便跟上时代。
(2)so that目的状语从句只能用于主句之后,in order that目的状语从句还可以置于句首。
In order that he could find a getaway on the map, he put on his glasses.为了在地图上找到适合度假的地方,他戴上了眼镜。
She had not planned her time well,so that she did not finish her homework on time.她没把时间计划好,所以没按时完成家庭作业。
(3)so that还可以引导结果状语从句,意思是“所以,结果”,表示从句动作已经发生。
We paid him immediately so that he left contented.我们立即给他付了款,结果他满意地走了。
Language point
用so that/in order that填空
①He grasped her arm firmly_________________she could avoid falling off the ladder.
②___________we could get to the company on time, the boss took some measures.
so that/in order that
In order that
Language point
recycle n.回收利用;再利用; (recyclable adj.可回收利用的;可再循环的)
Steel, iron, glass, cloth and paper can all be recycled.
Some products can be recycled at the end of their useful life.
recycle the paper/glass回收纸/玻璃 recycle waste回收利用废弃物
a recycle plan一项回收利用计划 recycle materials可回收的材料
③In fact, most things made of paper, metal, glass and plastic can___________ (recycle ).
④People are advised to sort their rubbish to make it easier for the waste______________ (recycle).
be recycled
to be recycled
Language point
lack n.缺乏;短缺v.没有;缺乏(一lacking adj.不足的;缺少的)
a/the lack of...缺乏...... for/because of/through lack of因为缺乏......
not lack for...不缺..... There is no lack of...不乏......
lack confidence缺乏信心 be lacking in sth.缺少某物
Research has been constrained by a lack of funds.研究工作因经费不足而受限制。
I feel there is something lacking in my life.我觉得我的生活中缺少点什么。
2 Astronauts bones and muscles can get very weak in space due to the lack of gravity..由于失重,宇航员的骨骼和肌肉在太空中会变得非常虚弱.....
Despite his lack of experience, he didn't lack innovative ability.尽管他缺乏经验,但他并不缺乏创新能力。
①My father looks quite tired ____________lack of sleep.
②Although Peter_______(lack) of experience, the manager asked him to take charge of the project.
otherwise adv.否则;要不然,在其他方,除此以外
Conditions should be laid down. Otherwise it's all talk.应该先定下条件,否则全是空谈。
There was some music playing, otherwise house was silent.除此以外,房于楼上有些音乐声。
Otherwise the house was silent.除此以外,房子里静悄悄的。
He is rich, but otherwise an unhappy man.他有钱,但在其他方面却是个不幸的人。
3 everything would float off otherwise.......否则所有东西都会浮起来。
①Warm up with some exercise before you swim;__________ you might hurt yourself.
②We lost our way in that small village. Otherwise we ____________________ (visit) more tourist destination yesterday.
①otherwise 常用于“析使句+otherwise陈述句”的句型,意为“否则”,相当于or。
Study hard next term, otherwise others.下学期努力学习,现你会落后于其他人。
②otherwise作句子副词时,还可引起含蓄型语气句,该句谓语动词形式多用“wold/could done”。
The alarm clock didn't go off. Otherwise, he wouldn't have got up late.
would/could visited
Language point
beyond prep. 在更远处;超出;超过
beyond control无法控制 beyond the reach of 鞭长莫及 beyond belief难以置信 beyond recognition 难以辨认 beyond description难以描述 beyond compare 无与伦比
It had been a success far beyond their expectations.成功之大远远超过他们的预期。
This subject lies beyond the scope of our investigation.这一问题超出了我们的考察范围。
4 Sending people to other planets or even beyond the solar
①Your shoes are worn out and they are______________(无法修理).
②Martin lives in New York,___________________(鞭长莫及) his parents.
beyond repair
beyond the reach of
Language point
It takes sb. some time to do sth.时间、金钱、人力、耐心、毅力等都可以是take的宾语。
(1)人+ spend +金钱/时间+ on sth. /doing sth.
(3)人+pay+金钱+ for+物
The alarm clock cost me five dollars.这个闹钟花了我5美元。
5 For example, using current technology,it would take over two
years to get to the closest planet, Mars, and back例如,使用当前的
①It will take nearly 20 years_________(bring) the fish's population back to strong levels.
②How much did you pay ____ the tickets
to bring
Language point
current adj.当前的;现在的;通用的;流通的n.水流;电流;气流(→currently adv.当前;现时
→currency n.通货;货币;通用)
Current thinking holds that obesity is more a medical than a psychological problem
The building is currently being used as a warehouse.
Language point
current prices时价 current affairs时事 current money流通货币 a current of thought思潮
③Zhu Ting, one of the most excellent players in China,__________(current) plays for Tianjin Bohai Bank.
④His ideas enjoyed wide ________ (current) during the last century.
Language point
figure out 弄懂;弄清楚;弄明白;想出;计算
注意:figure out后面可接名词、代词作宾语,也可接“疑问词+动词不定式”或宾语从句。
It took me an hour to figure it out.
You must figure out some way of getting some bread.
If you know a little bit about words its not difficult to figure out.
6 Will scientists figure out a way to store sufficient food and water
for the long journey 科学家们会找到为长途旅行储存足够食物和
① couldn't __________(弄明白)what made our boss so angry at the meeting.
figure out
sufficient adj.足够的;充足的
be sufficient for ...对......来说是是足够的 be sufficient to do sth.足够做某事
Allow sufficient time to get there.
A few brief comments are sufficient for present purposes.
②The water in this pond is not sufficient___watering the wheat.
③To my regret, my allowance was not sufficient_________(afford) my mom's birthday gift.
to afford
Language point
1. Review the key words and phrases in this class.
2. Review the usage of infinitives as attributives and adverbials.
3. Finish the exercises on page 80 and 81.
学生姓名 班级 序号
课题内容 Unit 4 Space Exploration Period 3 Discovering Useful Structures
教材分析 The activity theme of this section is "describe space facts and human efforts to explore space" (describing space facts and trying to explore space). When people discuss the topic of space exploration, they often use infinitive as attributive and adverbial grammatical structures. This textbook course will focus on finding useful structures, mastering and flexibly using infinitives as attributives and Adverbials to describe major events and achievements of important people in the history of space exploration. By analyzing the sentence patterns and some simple sentences in the text, students can understand the characteristics and usage of infinitives, complete the exercises in the textbook, consolidate the knowledge they have learned, and lay a foundation for future text appreciation and writing on topics related to space exploration.
学习目标与核心素养 1.Knowledge objectives: ①Learn and master the usage of key words and phrases. ②Guide students to review the basic usage of "infinitive" as adverbial and attributive. 2.Skill objectives: ①Students understand and flexibly use the meaning and function of "infinitive" in combination with the real context, and learn some special cases of infinitive as adverbial and attributive. ②Use the learned structure to describe the facts about space and the efforts people have made to explore space. 3.Emotional objectives: Encourage students to learn more about space exploration. 4.Thinking quality objectives: Help foster students' practical language capacity, cultural awareness and intercultural communication skills.
学习重点 ①Students understand and flexibly use the meaning and function of "infinitive" in combination with the real context, and learn some special cases of infinitive as adverbial and attributive. ②Use the learned structure to describe the facts about space and the efforts people have made to explore space.
学习难点 Students understand and flexibly use the meaning and function of "infinitive" in the real context, and learn some special cases of infinitive as adverbial and attributive.
探究点一:Look at the following sentences. What sentence elements do the underlined parts act as in the sentences
1.The iPad there is mine.
2.The boy to take the ball is my son.
3.I come all the way to see you.
4.He is the teacher who teaches us math.
5.Which couple of superstars will get divorced in the future
6.Given time, he will be a good dancer.
7.The girl in pink is my daughter.
8.I will love you heart and soul.
探究点二:Look at the following sentences and choose the correct answer.
Scientists were determined to help humans realise their dream to explore space.
How many infinitives are there in the sentence
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
1. Paul doesn't have to be made_________. He always works hard. (learn; to learn)
2. The telephone is generally considered to__________________ by Alexander Bell (be invent; have been invented)
3. It is careless______________ the same mistake again in your composition. (for you to make;of you to make)
4.—Why not get someone_______ your letter (to type; type)
—No one can find a typewriter around here.
5. —I hope to take the computer course.
—Good idea. __________more about it, visit this website. (Find out; To find out)
A. To get a passport, you should fill out this form.
B. Sending people to other planets or even beyond the solar system is not an easy goal to achieve.
C. I'm afraid the whole process is too complicated to explain in a few words.
D. We are here to study infinitives and its type.
E. We were surprised to find that he had already left.
F. She has no friend to depend on.
G.Jessie got a new toy to play with.
H.They've made many plans so as to catch the thief.
单词:Words and expressions.
1. ___________ vt.回收利用;再利用
2. ___________ n.缺乏;短缺v,没有;缺乏
3. ___________ adv.否则;要不然,在其他方,除此以外
4.___________ prep.在更远处;超出;超过
5. ___________ adj.当前的;现在的;通用的;流通的n.水流;电流;气流
6. ___________弄懂;弄清楚;弄明白;想出;计算
7.___________ adj.足够的;充足的
8.___________ ......对......来说是足够的
Language points.
1 In space, astronauts collect all dirty water so that it can be recycled for later use.在太空中,宇航员收集所有的脏水,以便回收它供以后使用。
本句是复合句。so that later use是目的状语从句。
so that引导目的状语从句
I stood the little girl on a chair so that she could see.
He ran quickly so that he might catch the first bus.
(1)so that引导目的状语从句,意思是“为了,以便”,从句动作尚未成为现实,此时相当于in order that,从句中常有will, would,can, could,may ,might等情态动词。
My old father began to study computer at the age of sixty so that(=in order that) he might keep up with times.父亲六十岁时才开始学习电脑,以便跟上时代。
(2)so that目的状语从句只能用于主句之后,in order that目的状语从句还可以置于句首。
In order that he could find a getaway on the map, he put on his glasses.为了在地图上找到适合度假的地方,他戴上了眼镜。
She had not planned her time well,so that she did not finish her homework on time.她没把时间计划好,所以没按时完成家庭作业。
(3)so that还可以引导结果状语从句,意思是“所以,结果”,表示从句动作已经发生。
We paid him immediately so that he left contented.我们立即给他付了款,结果他满意地走了。
用so that/in order that填空
①He grasped her arm firmly_________________she could avoid falling off the ladder.
②___________we could get to the company on time, the boss took some measures.
recycle n.回收利用;再利用; (recyclable adj.可回收利用的;可再循环的)
Steel, iron, glass, cloth and paper can all be recycled.
Some products can be recycled at the end of their useful life.
recycle the paper/glass回收纸/玻璃 recycle waste回收利用废弃物
a recycle plan一项回收利用计划 recycle materials可回收的材料
③In fact, most things made of paper, metal, glass and plastic can___________ (recycle ).
④People are advised to sort their rubbish to make it easier for the waste______________ (recycle).
2 Astronauts bones and muscles can get very weak in space due to the lack of gravity..由于失重,宇航员的骨骼和肌肉在太空中会变得非常虚弱.....
lack n.缺乏;短缺v.没有;缺乏(一lacking adj.不足的;缺少的)
a/the lack of...缺乏...... for/because of/through lack of因为缺乏......
not lack for...不缺..... There is no lack of...不乏......
lack confidence缺乏信心 be lacking in sth.缺少某物
Research has been constrained by a lack of funds.研究工作因经费不足而受限制。
I feel there is something lacking in my life.我觉得我的生活中缺少点什么。
Despite his lack of experience, he didn't lack innovative ability.尽管他缺乏经验,但他并不缺乏创新能力。
①My father looks quite tired ____________lack of sleep.
②Although Peter_______(lack) of experience, the manager asked him to take charge of the project.
3 everything would float off otherwise.......否则所有东西都会浮起来。
otherwise adv.否则;要不然,在其他方,除此以外
Conditions should be laid down. Otherwise it's all talk.应该先定下条件,否则全是空谈。
There was some music playing, otherwise house was silent.除此以外,房于楼上有些音乐声。
Otherwise the house was silent.除此以外,房子里静悄悄的。
He is rich, but otherwise an unhappy man.他有钱,但在其他方面却是个不幸的人。
①otherwise 常用于“析使句+otherwise陈述句”的句型,意为“否则”,相当于or。
Study hard next term, otherwise others.下学期努力学习,现你会落后于其他人。
②otherwise作句子副词时,还可引起含蓄型语气句,该句谓语动词形式多用“wold/could done”。
The alarm clock didn't go off. Otherwise, he wouldn't have got up late.
①Warm up with some exercise before you swim;__________ you might hurt yourself.
②We lost our way in that small village. Otherwise we ____________________ (visit) more tourist destination yesterday.
4 Sending people to other planets or even beyond the solar system...
beyond prep. 在更远处;超出;超过
beyond control无法控制 beyond the reach of鞭长莫及 beyond belief难以置信
beyond recognition 难以辨认 beyond description难以描述 beyond compare 无与伦比
It had been a success far beyond their expectations.成功之大远远超过他们的预期。
This subject lies beyond the scope of our investigation.这一问题超出了我们的考察范围。
①Your shoes are worn out and they are______________(无法修理).
②Martin lives in New York,___________________(鞭长莫及) his parents.
5 For example, using current technology,it would take over two years to get to the closest planet, Mars, and back例如,使用当前的技术,到达(离地球)最近的行星火星并且返回,需要两年多的时间。
It takes sb. some time to do sth.时间、金钱、人力、耐心、毅力等都可以是take的宾语。
(1)人+ spend +金钱/时间+ on sth. /doing sth.
(3)人+pay+金钱+ for+物
The alarm clock cost me five dollars.这个闹钟花了我5美元。
①It will take nearly 20 years_________(bring) the fish's population back to strong levels.
②How much did you pay ____ the tickets
current adj.当前的;现在的;通用的;流通的n.水流;电流;气流(→currently adv.当前;现时→currency n.通货;货币;通用)
Current thinking holds that obesity is more a medical than a psychological problem
The building is currently being used as a warehouse.
current prices时价 current affairs时事
current money流通货币 a current of thought思潮
③Zhu Ting, one of the most excellent players in China,__________(current) plays for Tianjin Bohai Bank.
④His ideas enjoyed wide ________ (current) during the last century.
6 Will scientists figure out a way to store sufficient food and water for the long journey 科学家们会找到为长途旅行储存足够食物和水的方法吗
figure out 弄懂;弄清楚;弄明白;想出;计算
注意:figure out后面可接名词、代词作宾语,也可接“疑问词+动词不定式”或宾语从句。
It took me an hour to figure it out.
You must figure out some way of getting some bread.
If you know a little bit about words its not difficult to figure out.
l couldn't __________(弄明白)what made our boss so angry at the meeting.
sufficient adj.足够的;充足的
be sufficient for ...对......来说是足够的 be sufficient to do sth.足够做某事
Allow sufficient time to get there.
A few brief comments are sufficient for present purposes.
①The water in this pond is not sufficient___watering the wheat.
②To my regret, my allowance was not sufficient_________(afford) my mom's birthday gift.

1. The astronaut on broad the spacecraft has a lot of missions __________(carry out).
2. The astronaut must be able to complete a spacewalk independently so as_________ (transmit) relevant
data to the agencies on Earth.
3. This is a famous saying________(keep)in mind:"That's one small step for a man,one giant leap for mankind."
4. The boy is keen_______ (figure) out the mysteries of the universe.
5. He boarded a vehicle called Jade Rabbi in the hope________(explore)the final frontier.
6. There was a microwave, a smartphone. a pillow,an oxygen bottle,some soap,towels,tissues and other facilities
_________ ( provide)for him.
7. The monitor signalled regularly __________ (warn) people of any danger.
8. The spacecraft broke down suddenly only______(stop)the ongoing mission.
9. Due to lack of sufficient training, he was forced_______(float)on the river in a small boat.
10. The tiny rocket is attached to the spacecraft and is designed________(push) it toward Mars.
11.They were disappointed _______ (find) their limited resources were running out.
12. Scientists have figured out ways_________ (recycle) and reuse these resources.
13. Through analysis, he argued that lack of high-end technology was sure _________ (result) in the current fatal problem.
14. As a result, his muscles tensed as he got ready______(run).
15.__________ (explore) the universe, you must first understand the solar system and our globe. Besides,you have to know about rockets, satellites,spacecrafts, gravity and so on.
1. He is thought_______ foolishly. Now he has no one but himself to blame for losing the job. (to act; to have acted )
2. There are still many problems___________before we are ready for a long stay on the Moon. (solved;to be solved)
3.The students are looking forward to having an opportunity __________ society for real-life experience. (exploring;
to explore)
He is hungry Please give him something_________.(eat)
I would rather________ by bus, or I will be late.(go)
6. He call at every door __________ people the exciting news. (tell)
7. Would you please_______ me an English-Chinese dictionary when you come (bring)
8. John stopped _______ a rest because he had worked for eight hours. (have)
9. It's a great shame for me ____________ in front of so many people. (laugh at)
10. Little Jenny liked to ___________ to the zoo on Sundays. (take)
11. You had better get a doctor ______ your bad tooth out. (pull)
12.I haven't got a chair ______ on. Will you make room for me (sit)
13. I' m afraid your suggestion can't help_________ the service of their shop. (improve)
14. This instrument is used___________ machines. (check)
15._______ you the truth, she knows nothing about___________it. (tell)
16. Will you be able to attend the lecture _________ by Professor Li next week (give)
17. I felt it an honor _______ to speak here. (invite)
18._______a foreign language,one must have a lot of practice. (master)
19._______to the left and you'll see the post office.(turn)
20.I feel it is your husband who is_______for the spoiled child. (blame)
1. John stopped _________ a rest because he had worked for eight hours. (have)
2. It's a great shame for me _______ in front of so many people. (laugh at)
3. Little Jenny liked to __________ to the zoo on Sundays. (take)
4. You had better get a doctor ________ your bad tooth out. (pull)
5.I haven't got a chair _______on. Will you make room for me (sit)
6. I' m afraid your suggestion can't help ________ the service of their shop. (improve)
7. This instrument is used __________ machines. (check)
8.__________ you the truth, she knows nothing about it. (tell)
9. Will you be able to attend the lecture________ by Professor Li next week (give)
10. I felt it an honor ________ to speak here. (invite)
Zhang:I 1. (很高兴得知)you are interested in the space exploration.
Li: Indeed, I'd like to be an astronaut in the future.
Zhang: Sounds good. 2. (要想成为一名宇航员), you need to satisfy the requirements of a qualified astronaut.
Li Yes. First of all, I should study hard 3. (为了得到一个相关的大学学位). Besides, I must take exercise every day 4. (来保持健康)
Zhang: Exactly. Have you heard Yang Liwei, who is the first man in China 5. (进入太空), went through lots of mental and physical training.
Li: Of course. He is really a hero. He realized our dream 6. (探索太空)
1. 定语2.定语 3.状语 4.定语 5.状语 6.状语 7.定语 8.状语
答案:1.to learn 2.have been invented 3.of you to make 4.to type 5.To find out
as adverbial A. C. D. E.H.
as attribute Action/State + to do
单词:Words and expressions.
答案:1. recycle 2. lack 3. otherwise 4. beyond 5. current 6. figure out 7. sufficient 8. be sufficient for
Language points.
①答案:so that/in order that③In order that③be recycled④to be recycled
答案:①otherwise②would/could visited
答案:①beyond repair ②beyond the reach of
答案:①to bring②for③currently④currency
答案:①figure out②for③to afford
1. to carry out
2. to transmit
3. to keep
4. to figure
5. exploring
6. to provide
7. to warn
8. to stop
9. to float
10. to push
11. to find
12. to recycle
13. to result
14. to run
15. To explore
1. to have acted
2. to be solved
3. to explore
4. to have gone
5. to be completed
6. to be made
7. to watch
8. to stay
9. to be done
10. to operate
1.to have
2.to be laughed at
3. be taken
4. to pull
5. to sit
6. to improve
7. to check
8. To tell
9. to be given
10. to be invited
考查短语和时态。句意:我很高兴知道你对太空探索感兴趣。表示高兴做某事短语为be delighted to do sth,结合后文are可知应用一般现在时,主语为I, be动词应用am。故填am delighted to know。
考查短语和非谓语动词。句意:要成为一名宇航员,你需要满足合格宇航员的要求。表示“成为-名宇航员短语为become an :astronaut,分析句子结构可知,此处作目的状语,应用不定式。句首单词首字母要大写。故填To become an astronaut.
考查短语和非谓语动词。句意:首先,我应该努力学习,获得一个相关的大学学位。结合汉语意思“得到一个相关的大学学位"可知短语为get a related college degree,分析句子结构可知,此处作目的状语,应用不定式。故填to get a related college degree。
考查短语和非谓语动词。句意:此外,我必须每天锻炼来保持健康。表示“保持健康短语为keep healthy,分析句子结构可知,此处keep应用非谓语动词形式,作目的状语应用不定式。故填lo keep healthy.
考查短语和非谓语动词。句意:杨利伟是中国第一个进入太空的人, 他进行了大量的心理和身体训练。表示“进入太空短语为go into space,分析句子结构可知,此处go应用非谓语动词形式,且名词man由序数词the first修饰,后跟不定式作后置定语。故填to go into space。
考查短语和非谓语动词。句意:他实现了我们探索太空的梦想。表示"探索太空短语为explore space,分析句子结构可知,此处explore应用不定式作后置定语,修饰名词dream。 故填to explore space。