版 本 外研版 学 科 英语
册 数 二年级(上册) 单 元 Module 4 Unit1
课 题 Sam likes T-shirts.
课 时教学目标 1.能听、说、认读衣服类单词:dress T-shirt 及其复数形式dresses T-shirts 2. 理解并运用like的第三人称单数形式来表达他人的喜好:He/She/Amy/Sam likes…….
教学重点 衣物类单词及其复数形式:dress --dresses T-shirt---T-shirts
教学难点 如何利用第三人称来讨论他人的喜好: He/She/Amy/Sam likes……
教学过程 Sing a song.课前3分钟(运用I like句型,学生介绍自己的家人,房间,喜好等)Step1: Warm up Greetings.Say a chant. T: I like this chant, Do you like this chant Let’s chant it together. OK Step2: Presentation 1. T: We will have a football team, Let’s choose some clothes, I have something for boys, Look, what’s this 实物展示,引入新单词T-shirt, dress. (把单词写在黑板上)领读。T:Do you like this T-shirt/dress 2.单词拓展,Do you know other words about clothes 通过火眼金睛游戏及时巩固。3.T: You have know so many words about clothes, what’s your favourite clothes Who want to share with your partners 小组合作并展示。4.T:I like your coat, can I try it S1:YesT: Oh, It’s too small. Do you like my coat You can try it.S: It’s too big.T:衣服或大或小都不合适,要为自己选择合适的衣服。Sam和Amy也要来参加我们的Football team,他们现在正在商店里选衣服,Let’s see together.6. See the cartoon, answer my two questions: Q1: What does Sam like Q2: What does Amy like Ss:Sam likes T-shirts. Amy likes dresses (Sam和Amy头像贴在黑板上,把这两句话在黑板上补充完整) 7. Repeat and imitate the textbook.8.小老师考你读课文。9.T:What can you find in part 2 引导孩子总结第三人称单数用法,并通过填空练习完成巩固任务。Step 3:Consolidation and Practice.Let‘s share and retell. 谈论自己和他人的喜爱。小组合作展示。Fashion Show. T: 用likes来告诉大家,我们的明星小模特喜欢什么。Let’s have a fashion e on and join us.Design a set of clothes for your mother, draw and introduce it to your friends.为你的妈妈设计一套衣服,并用英语向朋友介绍.
板书设计 Module4 Unit1 Sam likes T-shirts.Sam likes T-shirts.Amy likes dresses.