Module6 Unit1优质课教案
课题 Animals in danger
学科 英语 学时:第一学时 年级初二
教学内容分析:第六模块是有关动物的。本模块由三个部分构成,listening and vocabulary,ading and vocabulary和 language practice。本课时为第一课时,侧重听说和词汇在讨论保护动物时,考虑到学生所了解的动物主要是身边的宠物或是动物园里的动物,对于大自然中的野生动物不够熟悉,补充的视频和图片能够反应野生动物的生存现状,能引发学生的思考学生情况分析学生为初二(6)班,共26人。我校是外语特色校,学生思维活跃,英语学习兴趣较浓,听说能力较强。本课以视频导入,从而活跃气氛,提高学生的学习兴趣。考虑到学生有一定的英语基础,而且本节课涉及到的动物词汇比较简单,所以在动物词汇方面进行了一些补充,便于后面的扩展。教学方式1.在词汇教学的过程中,引导学生在游戏中或语境中猜测词或词组的意义,引导学生自己去发现知识,而不是直截了当地把知识告诉学生2.通过 pair work和 group work实现课堂活动以学生为主体,教师充当的是」促进者、指导者、组织者、帮助者、参与者和合作者的角色。在大部分课堂时间里,是教师与学生之间、学生与学生之间的互动过程3.通过在最后的小组活动中,让学生介绍想要保护的动物的现状及做法引导学生运用所学英语语言知识去做一些有意义和具体的事情教学手段:1.教材、学案黑板、粉笔3.教学课件、多媒体设备技术准备视频、音频、多媒体设备
话题:Animals in danger重点词汇protect,interested,wild,grow,enough,raise,allow,in danger,in peace,take away,look after重要句型allow sb to do I'm interested to We all need to help animals(to)Let's find out what else we can do to难点to talk about animal protection with the key words and structures知识与技能目标:The students will be able to name the animals find out the real living condition of animals in danger pr discuss how to protect animals情感态度与价值观目标The students will be able to be involved in various classroom activitiescooperate with other group memberslearn about and protect animalsexpress their own opinions properly
Procedures Teacher's activities Students’activities Purposes Time
Leading-in Ask students somequestions according tothe video which isplaved before class Answer teacher 'squestions To lead students into thetopic of this lesson fromthings they 've seen 1’
Pre-listening Show description ofanimals Guess the animals To get to know how to describe animals 1’
Ask students to play a guessing game. Guess the animals 1. To revise names of animals the following steps2 To describe animals 7’
ask students to talkabout their favouriteanimals and why Introducetheanimal they likeand the reason To arouse studentsfeelings for animals 2’
Whilelistening Play the recording of the first conversation Answer questions To listen for keyintormation
Play the recording of the secondconversationask students to find present situations andsolutions Completethe table 1. To help students learn about the sentence structures2. To get ready for the following task 7’
Postlistening Ask students to practice the conversation in pairs Practice reading the conversation To help improvestudents' fluency inspoken English 3’
Play the video. Ask students to watch and answer some questions Watch the video To learn about the realliving condition of someanimals in danger 4’
ask students to do something for the next World Animal Day Introduce theanimal they'd like to protect most to the whole class bmaking a poster To finish the task withthe help of the sentencestructuresTo arouse students passion Ior animals 10’
Conclusion Draw students' attention to the teacher's slogan about protectinganimals Appreciate theslogan and themusic Encourage students to goon caring about animals in danger after class 1’
Homework 1. Revise the names of the animals and sentence structures2. Improve the poster of the animal you want to protect most and tell people the reason 1’
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