Unit 5 Whose dog is it?C 表格式教案


名称 Unit 5 Whose dog is it?C 表格式教案
格式 docx
文件大小 58.4KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(PEP)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-06-26 23:00:47



教师 姓名 单 位 上课年级 课题名称
鲍凌彬 五年级 PEP Book 6 Unit 5 Part C Story Time (In the Animal Park)
教学 材料 分析 课文Story time选自PEP五年级下册第五单元”Whose dog is it ” Part C。本单元的重难点为名词所有格和现在进行时。Part C Story time是对Part A, Part B词汇学习和语法学习的延续与拓展,注重学习趣味和故事情节,是很好的阅读材料。
教学 设计 说明 本课是PEP英语五年级下册第五单元Part C Story Time。本课主要是对本单元知识的整合,用Zoom & Zip在动物园的经历将现在进行时态和名词所有格巧妙地结合在一起,达到复习巩固的作用。本节课教师根据学生实际情况,增加了一些旁白,同时也增加了一点学习难度。因此,教师借助生动的多媒体将歌曲表演、问题设置带入故事,通过真实情景的设置和真实情感的表达使学生全身心地投入其中。利用已学知识链接新知,突破难点,提高解决问题能力和综合语言运用能力,从而很好地完成教学任务。
教学 内容 确定 学习现在进行时表达方式: He / She / It is ... (doing). They’re ... (doing). (be) taking pictures / running so fast / walking on / climbing the tree / looking at us / copying us; 语音学习与情感表达的结合。 演绎文本,体验真实情境。
教学 目标 定位 学会现在分词短语:taking pictures / running so fast / walking on / climbing the tree / looking at us / copying us; 用正确优美的语音语调朗读文本材料;正确运用语音技巧,注重连读的运用和速度的配合。 会模仿人物特征,理解情境,表演文本。 提高学习兴趣,保持学习热情。
教学 重点 难点 重点: 现在进行时 “be +现在分词” 的表达; 语音语调及连读的运用; 情境表演。 难点: 分词短语的表达; ② 精准的情境表演。
板书 设计
教学 步骤 教师活动 学生活动 建议说明
Step 1 Warming up Play the video and dance with Ss. Show the word cards “running”, “climbing”. Show the PPT and introduce the characters of “Zoom” and “Zip”. Lead to the “Animal Park”. Sing and dance “I’m a superhero” Try to act out the actions and say: “I can .... I’m ...(doing).” Learn the phrases: “run-running”, “climb-climbing”, “swim-swimming”... Get to know the characters “Zoom” and “Zip”. Try to guess the place. PPT.
Step 2 Presentation and acting Story: Part 1 Lead to the first part of the story step by step. Show the picture of “Zoom” to Ss. Ask: What is he doing Can you guess Show the picture of “Zip” to Ss. Ask: What is Zip doing Stick the phrase “taking pictures” for teaching: take -- taking. Ask: Guess, what animal is she taking Show the dialogues in the screen. Ask Ss to read with emotions (pay attention to the pronunciations and intonations). Ask Ss to read and act it out. Set up the group work. Learn part 1. Answer T’s questions, try to say the pattern: “He is ...(doing).” Learn to say the phrase “taking pictures” correctly. Try to say: “She is taking ... (animals).” Learn to say the dialogues correctly and beautifully. Role-play Learn to say the sentences of the narrator. “Zoom and Zip are in the animal park.” “Zip is taking pictures.” Boys act like “Zoom” and girls act like “Zip”. Group work (work in three), try to act it out. Handwriting: She’s taking pictures. Handwriting: It’s running so fast. Pay attention to Ss’ positions, actions and intonations. Correct the mistakes.
Step 3 Presentation and acting Story: Part 2 Lead to the second part of the story step by step. Stick the phrase “walking on” for teaching: walk -- walking. Put up some questions: What other animals can they see in the park Look! What can they see How many monkeys What are they doing Show the dialogues in the screen. Stick the phrase “climbing the tree”, “looking at us”, “ copying us” on the blackboard. Link to the story “Monkeys and hats” to help Ss get to know the meaning of “copy”. Arrange the role-play. Learn part 2 Learn to say the phrase “walking on” correctly. Try to guess: “Maybe, they can see ...(animals)” Answer T’s questions, try to say “They are climbing the tree.” Learn to read following the radio. Try to say it with emotions. Learn to read the phrases “looking at us”,“ copying us”. Go over the story “Monkeys and hats” and do the actions. Get to know the meaning of “copy”. Role-play Learn to say the sentences for the narrator. “Zoom and Zip are walking on.” Boys act like “Zoom” and girls act like “Zip”. (All the Ss stand up and try to say and act) Handwriting: They’re walking on. Handwriting: They’re climbing the tree. looking at us copying us Learn the new word “copy” by linking to the story that we have learned. Pay attention to Ss’ positions, actions and intonations. Correct the mistakes.
Step 4 Reading and writing Guide Ss to read the whole story. Set up the group work, ask Ss to discuss and think of the title of the story in group. Check, correct and choose the best title of the story. Guide Ss to read the story again. Try to read the whole story correctly, fluently and beautifully. (Pay attention to the pronunciations, intonations and emotions) Work in groups, discuss and try to write down the title of the story correctly and beautifully. Read the titles together and try to express preferences: “I think NO. ___ is the best.” Read the whole story again with the title, fluently and beautifully. Show the Ss’ work on the projector, check and correct with Ss.