Unit4 Revision教学课件


名称 Unit4 Revision教学课件
格式 zip
文件大小 21.1MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 深港版
科目 英语
更新时间 2013-06-07 17:19:43



课件29张PPT。Unit 4 RevisionA and B and Cwavearrivemeanhelperreasonalarmliftheateradultnotebookdictionarycolourfulput oute-dictionaryturn offmini-computertake a messagehug peoplemake a mistakePardon me?find outshake handsforeign languangebe usefulWhen you wait for a bus, you should line up. When I left the room, I didn’t take my things. When the bus comes, we don’t push and we don’t run, either. What do you do when there are no fires? daughter, athlete, sleeveequipment, raw, diary, easilyI like this blue one but it’s too small.last daysoMineMine is very thin and small.It’s big but it isn’t expensive.butYou’ll see it when I come home.I bought something for you.最后一天所以但是我的(指代上面提到的物品)我的(日记本)又薄又小。它很大但是不贵。我给你买了样东西。(礼物)我到家你就(将)能看到You’ll get it when I come home.Think about these questions 1. Who went out for her holidays?2. When did she write the letter?3. How are the presents Pat buy for Dad and Mum?4. What did Pat buy for Bob and Kim?5. Did Pat buy Tim a book or a watch?Pat went out for holidays.It was the last day for holidays.Pat bought an expensive watch for Dad and a colourful diary for Mum.Pat bought Bob a calendar and a book and some candy for Kim.It’s not a book. It’s not a watch, either.will be hereTake them to Room 6.When you get(=arrive) there, don’t run or shout.There will beWhen they have questions, please answer them.到达这里将会有带他们去6号房。到那里后,别乱跑别大叫。他们提问的时候, 请一一答复。不要说话,当你嘴里有食物。别把你的刀叉放进桌上装食物的碟子里。别把手伸到桌子的另一边拿取食物。想要某种食物时,说:“请递给我….”吃完你碟子里所有食物才是对的(有礼貌的)。北美洲德国手别放到桌子下面别把碟子里的食物扒拉到嘴里当每个人碟子里还有食物时,继续吃。咀嚼东西时不要太大声。可以伸出筷子去菜碟里夹菜。不要举起菜碟传到桌子另一头。可以夹每一菜碟里的一点菜。大约砰一声响武器Fireworks 烟花烟花汇演伴随音乐一起放项目太靠近