7A Unit 3 Welcome to our school ---Grammar
授课时采用任务教学法,即Task-based Teaching Method和情境教学法,即Situational Teaching Method。)
教案设计 设计意图
Teaching objectives:Knowledge objectives: Some new words and phrases and personal pronouns.Ability objectives: Students can apply new language points and personal pronouns properly and correctly.Emotion objectives: To understand the importance of friendship.Difficult points:Vocabulary: wall, pardon, phonePhrases: look at, let me see, after class, on the phoneSentence structure: I/ You/ He/ She/ It/ We/ You/ They + ...; ... me/ you/ him/ her/ it/ us/ you/ them ...Teaching methods:Task-based teaching methodSituation teaching methodTeaching aids: Multi-media & blackboardTeaching steps:Step1: Lead-in:T: Good morning boys and girls!S:Good morning, Miss Yang!(video)T: What is the video about S:Friends.T: Right. Do you have good friends S: YesT: I have many friends. They are my best friends.(展示朋友图片) Look at their pictures on the wall. They are Emily, Lucy and David.S: read their names.T: We are friends forever.(生活照片)She likes dancing after class. He is helpful. Lucy has a dog, it looks so lovely.Step 2: work out the rulesT: Now, boys and girls. Pay attention to the red words. What are they S: 人称代词/ 主格.T: Right, who can help me to fill in the table S: Finish.T: We use subject pronouns to talk about people and things. Here is an example, (呈现句子All the students here are having a lesson.)what are you doing here S: We are/ I am having a lesson.T: Yes, when we ask questions, remember to change you into I or we.(呈现句子Miss Yang has short hair.)Who has short hair S: You have short hair. T: And I will say, I have short hair. And we always write “I” like this.Can you work out the rule S: When a subject noun appears again, we should use a subject pronoun.Step 3: Practice (subject pronouns)T: I write a passage about my friends’ life, can you help me to make it better S: Finish task 1.T: But we should use subject pronouns in the right place. Can you finish Task 2 S: Finish Task 2.T: Pay attention here, he/ she/ it refers to only one person, so we use likes here. And “I” is special because we put “am” after it. T: Emily and Lucy are talking about what they like. Can you help me the complete the sentences S: Finish Task 3.T: You have known my friends very well. Can you introduce your group members to me in a funny way (video)S: Funny introduction.Step 4: Presentation (object pronouns)T: I also like staying with them. Let me tell you about it. David buys breakfast for us. Lucy sits between me and him. Emily is giving milk to her.S: read the sentences together.Step 5: work out the rulesT: Pay attention to the red words. What are they S: Personal pronouns/ object forms.T: Can you help me to fill in the rest of the table T: And what kind of word are these S: 动词 verbs / 介词 prepositions.T: Where should we put them Before or after object pronouns S: before.T: read them together after me. (主格宾格一起带读)S: read. T: You and you are the same, can you find other two pairs S: it and you. T: Great.Step 6: practice (object pronouns)T:Do you remember them Let us play a game to check if you have a good memory. I will say subject forms, and you should tell me object forms, got it S: Yes, we are ready.T: play the game.T: In our free time, we do different things for fun. Here are some sentences about our hobbies, can you read them and complete them S: Finish Task 4.T: And we also share happiness and problems. Lucy is talking to me on Wechat, but I can’t hear her well. Can you help me to find the missing words S: Finish Task 5.T: Do you want to make friends with us Who do you want to talk to Why S: David. Because he is friendly.T:What can you do with him S: I can play basketball with him.T:Can you discuss with your partner S: pair work.Step 7: Group workT: Do you want to introduce your best friends to me S: Yes.T: Ok, you can write a letter to introduce them to me. Try to use all the personal pronouns in it.S: write.T: Who can show it to us (教师展示学生的信,并予以点评。)T: There is an old saying, “A friend in need is a friend indeed.” And I think friendship in school is the best!Homework:T: Here is your homework:1. Finish some related exercises.2. Talk with your parents about your friends.T: Plan a day out with your friends. 用一段微课视频介绍我和我的朋友们。吸引学生的兴趣,增强课前趣味性,营造一种轻松的氛围。总结规则,填出人称代词主格。教师带读。根据具体例句和学生回答,总结规则一:当主语名词第二次时,要用人称代词主格代替。并利用我朋友的生活进行操练。总结规则二:he/ she/ it 要关注动词第三人称单数的变化;I 要与am 连用。总结规则三:关注多个人称代词的顺序---单数顺序:二、三、一;复数顺序:一、二、三。通过趣味介绍活动,采用小组合作的方式,让学生在轻松活泼的氛围中,合理运用人称代词主格,将所学融入生活情境中,也活跃了课堂气氛。通过一张我与朋友的生活照片,展示日常生活,并导出人称代词宾格。学生完成人称代词宾格的表格,并跟读。呈现例句,让学生总结规则:人称代词宾格放在动词或介词之后。通过比较人称代词主格和宾格的拼写,提醒学生关注you, it 和you不变。根据以往的经验,当人称代词主格与宾格混合在一起时,学生经常会出错。因此设计快速反应环节,以游戏的形式,帮助学生巩固记忆,加强理解。快速反应之后,学生基本记住了人称代词所对应的主格和宾格。此处以我的朋友们的兴趣爱好为话题,帮助学生在具体的情境中进行主格宾格的互换,再巩固一下所学知识。培养学生的英语的综合素质,还要关注听力的训练。故在此处设计听力练习,融合本单元和本课时的四会短语以及人称代词宾格,进行提高训练。基于学生对于我和我朋友们的了解,让学生完成pair work,通过对话的方式,再次操练人称代词宾格,同时也加强学生对于人称代词宾格的口头运用能力。此处环节旨在训练学生写的能力。在了解了我朋友们的外貌、性格和兴趣爱好以后,结合所学的人称代词主格和宾格的用法,引导学生写一封信来介绍自己的朋友,将本节课的所学全部汇总到此。
Blackboard layout:
7A Unit3 Welcome to our school
s.p p. p o.p
I 我 me
You 你 you
He 他 him
She 她 her
It 它 it
We 我们 us
You 你们 you
they 他们 them
_________ likes running.
_________ like playing games.
_________ am clever