“ The Sleeping Prince ” 教学设计
授课年级:五年级 课型:故事阅读课
1. 知识与技能目标(1) 能理解并听读如下词汇:castle , path, key, lock, dust, prince和pond .并感知词汇hurry up, quickly和right now的意思。(2)能理解故事内容,并能模仿故事中的人物进行朗读表演。(3)能根据已学的故事内容,并运用已有的知识创编或创编故事。2. 情感态度目标(1)通过学习故事,能懂得礼貌待人,学会尊重他人。(2)通过学习故事,能初步形成合作学习的意识。
教学重难点:认识故事中出现的新词新句,并能简单运用。 教学难点:理解故事大意,模仿表演故事片段。
教学环节 教学活动 设计意图
Step 1:Warm-up and Lead-in 导入课堂教学师生首先互致问候,然后正式开始上课。教师对学生说:Today’s class begins with a song. Everybody can sing it. Here we go! 师生一起演唱英文歌曲Let It Go。 教师用好莱坞卡通大片《冰雪奇缘》的主题曲作为上课的热身歌曲,既缓解了学生的紧张情绪,又为学习cartoon film、princess、prince等词语作铺垫。
2. 背景知识铺垫借助《冰雪奇缘》的主题曲,教师与学生围绕这部电影展开了如下对话:T: What a lovely song. Which film is it from Ss: Frozen.T: Is it a detective film Ss: No.T: Is it a romantic film Ss: No.T: What is it S1: It’s a cartoon film.T: Whom does it talk about S2: It talks about two sisters.T: Are they teachers Ss: No.T: Are they doctors Ss: No.T: Who are they S3: Elsa and Anna.T: What’s on Elsa’s head S6: It’s a crown. 在热身和导入环节选择学生喜闻乐见的生活素材,能够迅速拉近师生距离,并快速进入新课情境。以上师生对话是对《冰雪奇缘》这部电影的回顾,既让学生复习了已经学过的一些词语,如teacher、doctor和crown等,又为引出新课The Sleeping Prince做好了铺垫。
Step 2: Pre-reading. 1. 学习本节课的核心词汇prince和princess。(1)呈现与操练教师先出示一张自己小时候与妈妈的照片,并对学生说:When I was a kid, my mum often kissed me awake in the morning. I am a sweet princess in my mum’s eyes. 然后呈现一张一个小男孩和爸爸在一起的照片,并对学生说:This boy is a lovely prince in his father’s eyes. 由此引出prince和princess两个单词。 (2)拓展与运用教师继续向学生提问:What about you 学生在教师所给例句的引导下,理解了prince和princess两个单词,并尝试用这两个单词作如下表述:S1: I am a lovely princess in my mum’s eyes.S2: I am a beautiful princess in my mum’s eyes.S3: I am a handsome prince in my parents’ eyes.S4: I am a naughty prince in my dad’s eyes.T: We’re loved by our family! We are the princess or prince in our family. 从上一环节的卡通电影回顾,,到听老师讲述童年,再到讲述自己的童年,真实的生活情境让学生从情感上对老师产生了亲近感,更有利学生于模仿和学习语言。
2. 读前探究,故事标题引发阅读欲望在让学生正式阅读故事前,教师询问学生想从故事中读到什么内容。师生对话如下:T: Today we are going to talk about another prince. Here he is!(用课件呈现故事的标题The Sleeping Prince)What do you want to know about the sleeping prince S1: Where is the sleeping prince S2: Who is the sleeping prince S3: Why is the prince sleeping ……T: Let’s get into the story. Maybe you can find out the answers. 让学生看故事的标题,说一说想从故事里知道些什么,这样的活动能充分激发学生的想象力。同时,教师将学生的问题归纳为“Where ”“Who ”和“Why ”,并将其写在黑板右侧,但暂时不作回答,而是鼓励学生带着这些问题去读故事、找答案。为了揭开故事的谜底,学生就会积极主动地去阅读故事,产生学习故事的欲望和动力。
Step 3: While-reading. 1. 引领学生初读故事教师用讲故事的口吻引导学生开始阅读故事。师生间的教学对话如下:T: Look, here come two girls.(呈现故事插图)Their names are Jenny and Claudia. Can you tell me:Who is Jenny?And who is Claudia S1: Jenny is in green and Claudia is in red.T: One day Jenny and Claudia are flying in a plane in the sky. Suddenly Jenny says, “What’s that down there ” “Let me have a look.” Claudia says, “It looks like a castle.” Can they get to the castle Why S2: Look. There's a path over there.T: Cool, there’s a path to the castle. So they walk through the path and come to the castle. Can they go into the castle S3: Yes, they can. The key is in the lock.T: Ok, let's go in. 教师借助图片让学生认识Jenny和Claudia两位故事人物主角,了解故事发生的地点——castle,因为有通道(path)和钥匙(key)的帮助,Jenny和Claudia能够进入城堡。此环节重在让学生初步了解故事背景,促使他们带着强烈的好奇心开展阅读活动。同时引导学生观察图片,并把握图片中的主要信息,即:两个女孩子开飞机从空中发现城堡,然后决定去城堡里探险。在读图的过程中,指导学生理解down there和look like这两个短语的含义,并能借助图片理解句子“There’s a path over there.”的意思。
2. 设置悬念,引深故事学习此时教师在故事的关键转折点抛出开放性问题:What happens next 引领学生开始了城堡探秘。学生顺着老师的提问,给出了各种各样的猜测:S1: There is a prince in the castle. He is sleeping.S2: A beautiful girl is sleeping in the castle. She is a princess.S3: There is a lot of gold and jewelry in the castle. S4: A witch let the prince eat a poisoned apple.S5: There is a monster in the castle.…… 教师在故事的第一部分结束后提出一个开放性的问题,旨在鼓励学生调动已学的知识进行想象和表达。学生丰富的想象力让课堂气氛渐渐活跃,平时不太发言的孩子都想说点自己的想法。对于想象合理的表达教师及时给予鼓励。当个别学生的思路离题太远,想象出vampire, witch和monster等话题时,教师就及时提醒学生:Don’t forget the prince. / What happened between the monster & prince
揭晓故事谜底,检验学生的读前预测故事第二部分前半段训练的重点在于观察图片,并思考以下问题What castle is it Who is in the castle Why is he/she in the castle 师生间的教学对话如下:T: Now let’s go into the castle! Wow, is the castle clean and beautiful Ss: No.T: What’s on the door, on the wall S1: Spider webs!T: So Jenny says Ss: Dust, dust, dust everywhere.T: When they go inside the castle, what could they see everywhere Ss: Dust, dust, dust everywhere. 教师指导学生读图,并让学生带着感情朗读句子“Dust, dust, dust everywhere.”,体会Jenny说这句话时的心情和感受。之后教师继续引导学生:T: Is there anybody in the castle S2: Yes, there's a man in the bed.T: Who is the man S3: Oh, it’s a prince.T: How do they know?S4: Because there’s a crown on the bed.T: Is the prince dead Ss: No.T: What’s he doing Ss: He’s fast asleep.通过看图、听音、观视频,学生了解到一位王子在一座荒凉的城堡孤身熟睡,并通过有感情地朗读加深对故事的理解。 在图文故事阅读中,解读图片是训练学生观察能力的有效途径。教师引导学生揣摩图片传递的信息,学习dust, everywhere, fast asleep等生词。同时为后续故事情节提供支持。通过小组及同桌的对话朗读练习,学生边朗读边思考,边思考边体会,既加深了对所学词汇的理解,又为继续学习故事埋下伏笔。这样的活动设计是对学生的语言和思维进行的同步训练。
4. 再次设置悬念,引发小组交流。教师在故事的第二个关键转折点抛出第二个开放性的问题:What’s wrong with the prince Why is he sleeping alone in the castle 并让学生分组谈论和交流这个问题。 小组讨论这个话题意在充分激活学生的思维,唤醒学生对童话的记忆。小组活动的优势在于能让每个学生都有表达的机会。对于学生的预测老师不作评判,而以话语“I don’t know. Maybe you are right.”留下悬念。
5. 朗读对话,进一步学习故事内容教师与学生讨论如何唤醒王子。师生对话如下:T: So how to wake up a prince S5: Kiss him.T: Are they both willing to kiss the prince Ss: No.T: Ok, read in pairs now.(学生两人一组,通过阅读、朗读和表演,充分体会两个女孩的心情和感受。)T: Who kisses the prince at last Ss: Jenny. 第二部分后半段的重点在于角色朗读训练及人物性格揣摩。Jenny的大度和友善、Claudia的好奇和害羞,都要通过语气腔调的变化来体现。学生通过师生、生生、小组,同伴多种互动形式体味人物的性格特征。
6. 第三次设置悬念教师在故事的第三个关键转折点抛出第三个问题:What would happen next Does the prince wake up Do they get along together 并请学生进行小组交流。学生顺着老师的启发,给出了各种各样的猜测,如:S1: The prince wakes up and has a big dinner with Jenny and Claudia.S2: The prince gives them a lot of gold for waking him up.S3: The prince kills Jenny and Claudia because they saw the jewelry in the castle.S4: The prince married Jenny.S5: The girls kill the prince and live in the castle.S6: They have a big party and live a happy life.S7: The prince is very angry because of the noise.S8: A monster is fighting with the prince. 这个问题又一次鼓励学生大胆预测故事情节,拓展学生的想象力。在学生没头绪时,教师稍作提示。现代资讯的便捷为学生提供了充分的资源:《哈利波特》《冰雪奇缘》《灰姑娘》的故事情节等都成为学生想象的翅膀。尽管学生的语言还很稚嫩,英语表达虽不太地道,但思维未受到禁锢且能畅所欲言,由此课堂教学也渐入佳境。
7 朗读练习,帮助学生深入学习故事内容教师通过读的练习引导学生充分体会Prince Rupert的人物特点。T: The prince wakes up after Jenny kisses him. Look at his face. Is he happy now Why isn’t he happy Let’s listen to this unhappy and angry guy!(学生听王子与两位女孩的对话录音) T: What’s his name S1: Prince Rupert.T: What does he want S2: A sandwich and some orange juice.S3: His shoes and socks.S4: His white shirt, his red tie and his blue blazer.T: Who can play Prince Rupert 教师通过读的练习引导学生充分体会Prince Rupert的人物特点。
8. 引导学生思考,分析故事结局教师启发学生联系生活实际,讨论Prince Rupert 有哪些不当的语言、行为和动作。师生对话如下:T: Does he say hello to Jenny and Claudia Ss: No.T: Does he say please Ss: No.T: Does he say thank you Ss: No. 通过观察王子的面部表情,并品读他的语言,可以感受到王子的娇横和无礼。评价王子言行的过程可以让学生思考在生活中怎样做才能成为一个受欢迎的人。学生在教师的提示和帮助下,了解并学习使用礼貌用语,反省自己的言行,同时提高分析问题和解决问题的能力。
9. 教师小结,揭示故事的寓意教师引导学生将思考的视角转向自己,并向学生提问:What are you going to say when you want a sandwich and some orange juice 由此引发学生对生活的思考。教师拿出课前准备的皇冠头饰,给一位学生(S1)戴上,让这位学生扮演王子,并与这位学生有如下问答:T: What kind of prince do you want to be S1:I want to be a happy and polite prince.T: When Prince Rupert wanted to have food and clothes, what did he say S1:Get me a sandwich and some orange juice. Hurry up! And now get me my shoes and socks. Quickly! And I need my white shirt, my red tie and my blue blazer.(学生边说边辅以动作、表情和眼神,灵活再现王子的言行举止。)T: When you want to have food and clothes, what will you say S1: Get me a sandwich and some orange juice, please! Could you get me my shoes and socks . Thank you! Sorry, I also need my white shirt, my red tie and my blue blazer. Thank you!学生用自己的方式演绎这段对话。然后教师让全班同学参与讨论,对话如下:T: Which prince do you prefer S: I like Prince Yang(指S1).T: What’s the difference between Rupert and Prince Yang S2: Prince Rupert is angry and not polite.S3: Prince Yang said “please”, “thank you”, and “sorry“. 此环节旨在引导学生总结Prince Rupert和学生扮演的王子之间言行的不同,使学生学会用礼貌的方式表达自己的请求。以此向学生渗透礼貌修养,从而体现英语学习的人文性。
10. 结束故事教学,点拨学生思维学生展开小组讨论,预测Prince Rupert的命运和故事的结局。教师提问:T: Will the girls help Prince Rupert at the end 多数学生认为Prince Rupert不会获得帮助。此时教师继续引导学生深入理解故事的细节。师生有如下教学对话:T: What do the girls do at last S1: They throw the key in the pond and then they wave goodbye. T: What about Prince Rupert S2: Nobody hears him.T: How does he feel now S3: Sad.T: All right. The story ends here. Two girls fly away and Prince Rupert is alone in the castle again. Do you like the prince What do you think of him 课本中的故事结束了,教师让学生评价Prince Rupert,学生结合之前的听读活动说出了not polite,、impolite、 rude等词。这一评价活动是对学生价值观维度的正确引导,使学生的语言学习与情感体验同时得到升华。
Step 4: Post-reading. 1. 设计读后练习,帮助学生理解故事内容,掌握并运用故事中的语言(1)选词填空并排序Complete the sentences and then put them in the right order.1. So they open the door, and go into the castle.2. One day, Jenny and Claudia find a _______ to an old _______.3. The door is closed, but the ______ is in the ________.4. Jenny _______ the prince and he wakes up.5. The castle is not clean, there's _______ everywhere.6. And there's a ________ in the bed, he's ______asleep.7. So they throw the key in the _______ and leave the castle.8. He says he is Prince Rupert. But he is a very ______ prince.9. Jenny and Claudia don't want to help him because of his rudeness.(The right order is : _2__---___---___---___---___---___---___---___---__7_)答案:(The right order is : _2__---_3__---__1_---_5__---_6__---_4__---_8__---_9__---__7_)(2)复述故事教师给学生布置学习任务:Try to retell the whole story in groups, with the help of the clue on theboard. 为了完成这项任务,学生可依赖以下三个脚手架:一可借助板书(图片+关键词);二可借助刚才完成的填词排序练习;三可以借助小组同伴的帮助。 此练习的设计意在帮助学生梳理并理解全文,为下面的课文复述奠定基础。依据教学进程,教师用小便贴、手绘图片的方式,根据故事线索将信息点一一在黑板上排列。学生可以根据图片回顾故事全文,而排序填词练习可以帮助学生有效输出语言。开展小组活动时同学间可以分工协作,相互补充。这样的活动设计降低了复述的难度,也让学生体验到了合作学习的快乐。
2. 回顾读前环节,让课堂教学能首尾呼应教师回顾故事教学前的几个环节,帮助学生总结本节课所学内容,使课堂教学能首尾呼应。教师让学生回忆在探究故事标题时罗列在黑板上的那些问题,以回顾本节课的学习内容。比如,针对故事教学引入环节的回顾,师生间有如下对话:T: Do you still remember those questions at the beginning Who raised this question Why is the prince sleeping in the castle S1: It’s me.T: Did you find out the answer S1: Not yet.T: Try to guess what happened to the prince. Why is the prince sleeping in the castle 以人物、情节和悬念为主线,每个小组在三项任务(前言创编、故事续写、结局改写)中选择一项完成。这三个任务的取舍完全根据课堂生成随机而定。比如,有学生在看到故事标题之初提出的问题并未从故事中获取答案。于是,教师引导学生思考故事之前究竟发生了什么,鼓励学生创编故事前言,创设一个合理的故事发生的背景。而针对故事的结局,喜欢故事结局的学生,可以完成续写故事的任务;不喜欢故事结局的学生,可以完成改编故事结局的任务。
总结故事全文,关注情感教育填写表格教师先启发学生思考:今天学习的故事中你喜欢哪个情节?你喜欢哪个人物?并要求学生说出喜欢的理由。帮助学生巩固本节课所学到的内容。The storyI like …Why?Part Role 情感升华教师再次引领学生总结学习故事后的体会和感悟,使故事教学的情感目标顺利达成。师生对话如下: T: What have you learned from today’s story S1: We should be friendly to our friends. They will not leave us when we’re in trouble.S2: We should be polite to our friends. We’ll be happy together.S3: Don’t judge a person by his clothes.S4: We should clean our house every day. Don’t make it dusty everywhere.S5: We should do our things by ourselves. 从实际的教学效果看,这个活动充分激活了学生的想象力和创造性思维能力,也激发了学生用英语表达的兴趣和欲望。比如,喜欢故事开头的学生说:I want to know what will happen next. 喜欢故事中间部分的学生说:I think the story is very interesting.喜欢结尾的的学生认为:The prince should learn a lesson from his rudeness.喜欢Jenny的学生认为:She likes to help others.喜欢Claudia的学生给出的理由是:She can fly a plane.由此可见学生从图片中获取信息的能力很强。有个女生说喜欢王子,理由是He is lonely, I want to save him.教师先肯定她的爱心:You are so kind.然后告诉她:Save isn’t love.学生的回答为本节课画上圆满的句号。从学生的回答可以看出,他们不仅从故事中学到了词汇和表达方式,而且领悟了故事传递的情感态度,如礼貌待人、尊重他人以及保持清洁等。教师引导学生借助板书和图片等展开小组讨论,一方面丰富了学生的词汇,促进了知识的横向联系;另一方面推动了核心价值观的形成,促进了情感的升华和共鸣。
castle pond key dust lock
kisses path prince fast rude