外研版(三年级起点)Book 4B
Module1 Unit2 He’s cool. Help Friends
本节课是外研版小学英语四年级下册Module 1的第四课时。本课时的教学情境是妹妹打开生日会上收到的其中一份礼物:一本绘本,然后和哥哥Panpan一起共读绘本。绘本由丽声北极星分级绘本第二级上的Tortoise and His Friends改编而成,讲述了Tortoise和他的朋友如何相互帮助,克服困难,一起过河的故事。首先,他的朋友Elephant和Giraffe都可以渡过河,Monkey和Tiger可以跳过河,但Tortoise不能过河。然后,他的朋友就想到了一个办法,他们用树给Tortoise搭了一座桥,一座友谊之桥,让Tortoise爬过去。Panpan和妹妹看完绘本后,最后总结绘本中包含th字母组合的单词以及th的发音。
在本模块第一、二、三课时已经学习了描述人的外貌特征和性格特征的形容词,和简单的描述人的外貌、性格的句型。本课时是这一模块的第四课时,重点在课后的拓展学习,及根据实际情况运用句型He/She is…来描述人的外貌、性格特点,以及th字母组合的发音。
1. 语言能力目标
(1)能听说读写单词friend, kind, thin, helpful, friendly, scared, with, together。
(2)运用句型He/ She is …来描述人的外貌、性格特点。
2. 学习能力目标
3. 思维品质目标
4. 文化品格目标
(1)运用句型He/ She is …来描述人的外貌、性格特点。
Steps Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Purposes
Pre-reading(5 mins) 1. Greetings.How do you feel today Are you happy or sad … Say out their feelings. 为绘本的封面的阅读作情感铺垫。
2. Free talk.What do you look like Are you tall/short/thin/fat/... Describe their appearances. 在实际情境中复习人物外貌特征的形容词,让学生对单词有更深刻的理解,活跃课堂气氛。
While-reading(15 mins) Create a situation:妹妹打开生日会上收到的其中一份礼物:一本绘本,然后和哥哥一起共读绘本。妹妹在哥哥的问题引导下解读绘本。Cover-reading1.What can you see 2. Are they happy or sad Read the cover and find out the characters. 让学生从封面猜测绘本内容,利用图片理解文本信息,让学生充分发挥想象力,激发阅读兴趣。
Read and answer1.Why is Tortoise sad Guess why Tortoise is sad. 提出疑问,引起学生好奇心,培养学生的发散思维能力,引导学生整体感知绘本。
2. Where do they live Know about their living place. 为接下来Tortoise过不了河埋下伏笔。
3. Where are they going Find out where they are going. 培养学生读图理解能力。
4. (1) Can the friends cross the river (2) How do they cross the river Observe the pictures, and know the different ways of crossing the river. 培养学生细心观察的能力。
5.What is Elephant like Find out what Elephant looks like. 学会用外貌特征形容词描述外貌特征。
Read and chooseWhich word means “not fat” A. strong B. thin C. helpful Know the meaning of “thin”. 学习th的第一种发音。
Think and say1. What would Monkey say Find out what Monkey says. 启发学生,如果朋友遇到困难时,你应该怎么做。
2. How do you think of Tiger Understand the character. 通过自主思考、交流讨论,培养学生发散思维能力。
Read and answer1. How does Tortoise feel 2. Will you help him (1) Sense the emotion of Tortoise.(2) Learn to help friends. 树立热心助人的意识。
3.What do his friends do Guess what will the friends do. 预想朋友的计划是什么,发散思维。
Think and say1.Can you say the word “thick” Try to pronounce the word “thick”. 再次语音输入,为接下来的语音教学铺垫。
2. How does Tortoise feel Why Know the changes of emotion about Tortoise. 观察、思考情绪变化的原因。
3.What would Tortoise say Guess how Tortoise say “Thank you.” 学习得到别人的帮助时,应该如何道谢,懂得感恩。
4. Read the story. Read the story. 模仿语音、语调。
Post-reading(12 mins) 1.Retell the story. Retell the story. 以板书作为线索,帮助学生记忆、概括、总结故事。
2.Act out the story. Group work to act out the story. 培养学生小组合作的能力。
3. Emotional education. A friend in need is a friend indeed. 情感教育。
Extension(7 mins) 1.Circle the words with “th”. (1) Find out the words with “th”.(2) Learn the two different pronunciation of “th”. 引出字母组合th的学习。
2. (1) More words with “th”.(2) Say the chant. (1) Learn more words with “th”.(2) Say the chant. 拓展延伸,让学生见词能读,在歌谣中培养语感。
3.Sing the song “Where is thumbkin ” Sing the song. 在歌曲中巩固th的学习。
Homework(1 min) I must do(必做):Finish your reading log.I can do(选做):Read more picture books.Kind BirdBiscuit Finds a FriendBiscuit’s Big Friend Finish homework. 巩固复习所学绘本,选择话题相近的绘本扩展学生的阅读范围,培养用英语去阅读的习惯。
Blackboard Design
在绘本阅读的过程中,通过pre-reading, while-reading, post-reading三大板块,设计了不同层次的教学活动。学生在一个接一个循序渐进的活动的引导下,主动思考、积极参与。每个学生在阅读的过程中的关注点有所不同,对同一绘本有不同的理解。因此,设置多个开放性问题,让学生发散思维,尊重个体差异性,保护好学生的好奇心。
Where is thumbkin
Where is Thumbkin where is Thumbkin
Here I am here I am
How are you today sir
Very well I thank you
Run away run away
Where is Pointer where is Pointer
Here I am here I am
How are you today sir
Very well I thank you
Run away run away
Where is Thumbkin where is Thumbkin
Here I am here I am
How are you today sir
Very well I thank you
Run away run away
Where is Pointer where is Pointer
Here I am here I am
How are you today sir
Very well I thank you
Run away run away
Chant 2
brother brother He is my brother.
mother mother I love my mother.
father father My father is hugging me.
weather weather The weather is really nice.
feather feather These are peacock feathers.
Chant 1
t h th
t h th
th th th
th th th
Chant 3
think thank think and thank
three thing three things
birthday Thursday My birthday on Thursday Happy birthday
thick thing thin thing nothing
Thank you I think.
In the end, thank you. Thank you. No thank you for you.
Chant 4
this that this and that
mother father mother and father
This for mother. That for father. Their boxes.
these those these and those
These for brother. Those for sister.
In the end, these for brother. Those for sister.