Unit 5 Poems Period 4 Talk about attending a poetry contest 课件+教案


名称 Unit 5 Poems Period 4 Talk about attending a poetry contest 课件+教案
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版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-07-05 14:46:34


Unit 5 Poems
Period 4 Talk about attending a poetry contest教学设计
课题 Period 4 Talk about attending a poetry contest 单元 Unit 5 学科 English 年级 Grade 2
教材 分析 In the listening and speaking part, five activities are designed, which are divided into three parts: preparation before listening (Activity 1), listening comprehension (Activity 2 to 4) and oral expression (Activity 5). Activity 1 Ask the students to review their experience of writing poetry. Activity 2 ask the students to listen to the conversation in section 1 and get the details effectively. In Activity 3, students listen to the dialogue in section 2 and write down some important information. Activity 4 guide students to listen to the expressions of praise and encouragement in two dialogues. Activity 5 sets up several questions for group discussion.
教学目标与核心素养 Knowledge objectives: To train students' listening skills and oral expression ability. Skill objectives: To activate students' existing background knowledge and prepare for the following listening. Emotional objectives: To provide reference ideas and methods for poetry creation. Thinking quality objectives:Guide students to write English poetry and participate in English poetry competition.
重点 How to train students' listening skills and oral expression ability; How to activate students' existing background knowledge.
难点 How to guide students to write English poetry and participate in English poetry competition.
教学环节 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图
导入新课 Lead –in (PPT1-4) 1.Look at the video and discuss the questions with your partner. 1).Have you ever written a poem before If so, what did you write about 2).What might inspire you to write poems Answers:1.Yes,I have.Like the person in the video, I have written small poems expressing happy or sad feelings. going for a hike listening to favourite music watching a movie going to the sea inspired by a particular event Students have a discussion about the questions. Help students find out the answers.
讲授新课 Task 1 (PPT5) 1.Listening skills. 2.You are going to listen to a conversation between a teacher and her students about a poetry contest. Listen to Part 1 and answer the questions. 1.When is the deadline for the poetry contest 2.What does Nora mean by saying that she needs time to polish her writing 3. Why doesn’t Pitt want to enter a poem contest 4. What does George plan to do Answers:1.The deadline for the poetry contest is 24 June. 2.Nora means it's not finished, and she needs some time to change it and make it better. 3.Pitt doesn't want to enter a poem contest because he can't think of anything to write about. 4.George plans to write his poem on the weekend but only if he feels inspired. Task 3 Listen to Part 2 and find out how the students will inspire themselves to write poetry. (PPT9) Task 4 Listen again and tick the items mentioned.(PPT10) Praising and encouraging ○ That's a good idea. ○like that idea. ○That's a good effort. ○You are doing well. ○What a great idea! ○Do your best. ○Your ideas sound very encouraging to me. ○Keep up the good work. ○I think that's a fantastic idea . ○You know what That's a good idea. ○Come on,you can do it.○ Give it your best shot. Answers:That's a good idea. What a great idea! Keep up the good work. Give it your best shot. Task 5 (PPT 11-13) Listen again and fill in the blanks. LISTENING PART 1 Teacher: I just want to remind you all___________
_________ is 24 June.Nora,are going to enter Nora: I've already written a poem, but I need more time ____________________. Teacher: Good.______________________,Nora.Now what about your poem,Pitt Pitt: I can't think of anything to write about. Maybe I should skip it this year. Teacher: Oh,no,Pitt. __________ What about you, George George: I haven't begun mine yet. I plan to do it this weekend but only if I _______________! LISTENING PART 2 Teacher: OK,everybody,let's talk about __________. George,how will you find inspiration this weekend George:Well,I plan to ___________ and sit quietly somewhere by myself. Teacher:That's a good idea.What do you expect to see George: I think I’ll notice a lot more -maybe an insect carrying something,_______of the flowers,how the wind sounds, or the different smells in the air. As I look around me ,all sorts of interesting thoughts and words may _________________. Teacher: That sounds great. Would anyone else like to tell us ______________________ Yes,Nora Nora: I usually write best when __________, like in my own house. But now that I've listened to George, I think I'll __________________ some time, too. Teacher: And you,Pitt Pitt: Actually,I work best on my homework when I'm listening to ________________. I've never tried it with poetry before but I'm going to try it tonight. Teacer: What a great idea, Pitt! Well, we've had some good ideas about how to find inspiration .I’m really looking forward to _____________. Answers: that the deadline for the poetry contest; to polish my writing;Keep up the good work;Give it your best shot; feel inspired;how to become inspired to write poetry;go for a hike in the countryside;the shapes and colors; come into my mind; how you find inspiration;I am surrounded by familiar things; try out his method;my favourite music;reading all of your poems Task6 (PPT14-16) Work in groups. Discuss entering a poem contest like the one in the listening section. The expressions in Activity 4 and the following questions may help you. 1. What kind of poem are you going to write 2. What are the topics you would love to write about 3. How will you inspire yourself to write the poem 4. Will you use rhyming words in your poem Why Dialogue: A: Hey, Joy! Are you going to take part in the poem contest to be held next month B: Of course! A: What kind of poem are you going to write B: I am going to write haiku, since it is short but can give readers a clear picture. A: I like the idea. So what topic would you like to write about B: I’d like to write about nature and wildlife. A: Well, how will you inspire yourself to write the poem B: I think I will inspire myself by visiting an ancient temple and forest in the countryside. A: That’s a fantastic idea. You know many poets use rhymes in their poems to give a strong rhythm, so will you use rhyming words in your poem B: No, I won’t, because haiku doesn’t usually have rhyming words. A: I e on, give it your best shot. Good luck! B: Thank you! Task 7 (PPT17) Learning to read poetry aloud. Task 8 (PPT 18-22) 1.Enjoy a video about the poem and read it aloud . 2. Listen and practise reading the following poems aloud. Pay attention to the rhyming words and the rhythm of the poems. THE ARROW AND THE SONG I shot an arrow into the air, It fell to earth, I knew not where; For, so swiftly it flew, the sight Could not follow it in its flight. I breathed a song into the air, It fell to earth, I knew no where; For who has sight so keen and strong, That it can follow the flight of song Long, long afterwards, in an oak I found the arrow, still unbroke; And the song, from beginning to end, I found again in the heart of a friend. 箭与歌 且放一箭射入空,落入尘世无所踪。 逃离视线风一阵,无处寻觅轨迹同。 奏歌一曲为天颂,飘入尘世无所踪。 何人眼锐光如束,寻得歌声航向重。 久之偶遇橡树上,铮箭锋锐利如初。 歌声婉转始至终,如得旧友是梦中。 H.W.朗费罗 NIGHT The sun descending in the west, The evening star does shine; The birds are silent in their nest, And I must seek for mine. The moon, like a flower, In heaven’s high bower, With silent delight, Sits and smiles on the night. Farewell, green fields and happy groves, Where flocks have took delight. Where lambs have nibbled, silent moves The feet of angels bright; Unseen, they pour blessing, And joy without ceasing, On each bud and blossom, And each sleeping bosom. 夜 太阳沉落在西方, 晚星的光芒四射; 鸟儿在巢里无声响, 我也要寻觅我的巢。 月亮像一朵花, 在天庭中高挂, 沉默的愉快逍遥, 坐着对夜晚微笑。 再见,绿色的田野, 欢腾的小树林, 在那里羊群多么开心。 在那里小羊把青草啃 天使的脚步如此轻盈; 他们暗中洒下祝福, 不停地给予欢欣鼓舞, 给每一朵花每一颗蓓蕾, 每一颗心正在安睡. ---威廉·布莱克 Language points:(PPT 23-32) 1.contest 考查热度★★★ 【热点品味】 n. 比赛;竞赛;竞争vt. 争取赢得;争辩 【教材原句】 When is the deadline for the poetry contest 诗歌比赛的截止日期是什么时候 【实例品读】 She won a gold medal for her fine performance in the contest.她在竞赛中成绩优异获金牌。 This football match is an unequal contest. 这场足球赛是一场实力悬殊的比赛。 【热点归纳】 contest against… 与……竞争;与……对抗 contest for… 为获得……而竞争 contest with… 与……作斗争 contestant n. 竞争者;争辩者 【考点精练】 单句语法填空 ①They contested __________ unreasonable regulations. ②They contested ______ the position of minister of foreign affairs. ③Please welcome our next _____________ (contest). Answers:against;for;contestant  2.polish 考查热度★★★ 【热点品味】 vt. 修改;润色;抛光 n. 上光剂;抛光;擦亮 【教材原句】 What does Nora mean by saying that she needs time to polish her writing 诺拉说她需要时间来润色她的写作是什么意思 【实例品读】 Silver polishes easily with this special cloth. 用这块特殊的布能很容易把银擦亮。 Polish shoes regularly to protect the leather. 要经常擦鞋,以保护皮革。 【热点归纳】 polish up擦亮;磨光;改善;润色 polish off很快做完;迅速吃光 【考点精练】 单句语法填空 ①The company needs to polish _____ its image to make a bigger profit. ②Finally, my thanks go to my tutor, who has offered a lot of suggestions and comments on my paper and ___________(polish) every page of my draft. Answers:up;polished come across 考查热度★★★ 【热点品味】偶然遇见;讲得清楚明白;被理解;给人……印象 【教材原句】 In these poems the poet Tagore shows a sympathetic understanding of children's feelings.在这些诗中,诗人泰戈尔对儿童的感情表现出同情的理解。 【实例品读】 When walking down the street,I came across David. 当我走在大街上的时候我偶然遇见了大卫。 Should you come across waste paper thrown out of a passing car,pick it up. 万一你遇见从过往车里扔出的废纸,把它捡起来。 【热点归纳】 come about发生 come on加油;到来 come out长出来;出版;结果是 come to达到;谈到 when it comes to… 当谈及……时 come up(太阳)升起;发生;被提及 come up with sth. 找到/提出某事(物) 【考点精练】 单句语法填空 ① (江苏卷)We are so fond of our high intelligence that we assume that when it comes _____ brain power, more must be better. ②Is this your necklace,Mary?I came _________ it when I was cleaning the bathroom this morning. ③It’s already 10 o’clock. I wonder how it came ________ that she was two hours late on such a short trip. Answers:to;across;about be/get familiar with 考查热度★★★★ 【热点品味】 熟悉;与……熟悉起来 【教材原句】 In these poems the poet Tagore shows a sympathetic understanding of children's feelings.在这些诗中,诗人泰戈尔对儿童的感情表现出同情的理解。 【实例品读】 They were so popular that their fans formed clubs in order to get more familiar with them.他们非常受欢迎以至于他们的歌迷们为了更加熟悉他们而成立了俱乐部。 Small color choices are the ones we’re most familiar with.小的颜色选择是我们很熟悉的。 【易混辨析】 be/get familiar with意为“熟悉……”,其主语只能是人,而宾语是所熟悉的内容或物be/get familiar to意为“为……所熟悉”,其主语可以是人,也可以是物,宾语通常是人
【考点精练】 单句语法填空 ①—Are you familiar _______ the music —Yes. The music is very familiar _____ me,but I can’t remember when and where I heard it. Answers:with;to If so 句式 考查热度★★★★ 【热点品味】 If so 如果是这样的话 【教材原句】 Have you ever written a poem before If so, what did you write about 你以前写过诗吗?如果写过,你写了什么? 【实例品读】 Do you want to join in the summer camp?If so, please sign your name here.你想参加夏令营吗?如果想的话,请在这里签名吧。 Can we attend your lecture If not,please let us know. 我们能参加你的演讲吗?如果不可以的话,请让我们知道。 【句式分析】此句用了省略结构。If so为If it is so省略句式,if为连词,so指代上文的内容。意为:如果是这样的话。If not为If so的否定形式。 【热点归纳】 if构成的其他省略形式:if any如果有的话 if possible如果可能的话if necessary如果必要的话 if ever如果曾经发生过的话 【考点精练】完成句子 Have you ever travelled to Shanghai?_______,what impressed you most there?________, when will you want to admire it Answers:If so;If not (PPT33)Exercises:重点单词和短语 1.___________ n. 最后期限;截止日期 2.__________ n. 比赛;竞赛;竞争vt. 争取赢;争辩 →_____________ n. 竞争者;争辩者 3._________ vt. 修改;润色;抛光 n. 上光剂;抛光;擦亮 4.come _________偶遇;无意中发现;被理解;被弄懂 5.be/get familiar _______熟悉;与……熟悉起来 6.as far _____直到,远到;就……而言 Answers: deadline, contest, contestant;polish; across;with;as Homework: Do Exercises on Page 91 of the workbook. Guide the students to learn the skills. Let students discuss the questions . Listening again and get more information . Find out the expressions of praise and encouragement in the dialogue. Listen to the tapes and fill in useful information. Students themselves give the answers. Guide students to answer the questions. Making up the dialogue by students. Practice the useful expressions. Guide the students to learn the details. Let the students to read the poems one by one . Let the students to translate it into Chinese. Let the students to read the poems one by one . Let the students to translate it into Chinese. Let the students to learn about the important words. Let the students to complete the exercises . Learn more phrases related to the key pare the similar phrases. Learn the important sentences. Let the students do it one by one. To prepare for part listening. To get the main idea of part listening. To guide students to take notes . Train students to write down some details. To further understand the listening materials. In order to have a better understanding to the listening materials. Check them by giving the useful expressions. To use target expressions. To know the importance of reading aloud. To practice reading the poems aloud. To practice reading the poems aloud. To understand the poem better. To learn more useful expressions. To use the words correctly. To learn more useful expressions. To tell the differences between the words. To let students master good sentence patterns. To check their basic knowledge.
课堂小结 Summary: 1.Listen to a conversation and answer the questions. 2.Listen to Part 2 and find out how the students will inspire themselves to write poetry. 3.Listen again and tick the items mentioned. 4.Listen again and fill in the blanks. 5.Learning to read poetry aloud. 6.Language points. 7.Practice. Listening tasks. Fill in the key information. Learning language points. Practice. To learn some listening skills.
板书 1.Listening skills: 2.Learning: 3.Language points: contest ; polish; come across; be/get familiar with; If so 句式
21世纪教育网 www.21cnjy.com 精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
Period 4 Talk about attending
a poetry contest
Unit 5 Poems
Look at the vedio and discuss the questions with your partner.
1.Have you ever written a poem before If so, what did you write about
2.What might inspire you to write poems
Discuss the questions.
1.Have you ever written a poem before
If so, what did you write about
Yes,I have.Like the person in the video, I have written small poems expressing happy or sad feelings.
Discuss the questions.
2.What might inspire you to write poems
going for a hike
listening to favourite music
watching a movie
going to the sea
inspired by a
particular event
to give sb the idea for sth, especially sth artistic or that shows imagination.
Task 1
Listening skills.
a familiar topic
reduce your anxiety
to predict what you will hear
think about what you already know about it
help you better understand the conversation
Task 2
You are going to listen to a conversation between a teacher and her students about a poetry contest. Listen to Part 1 and answer the questions.
1.When is the deadline for the poetry contest
2.What does Nora mean by saying that she needs time to polish her writing
3. Why doesn’t Pitt want to enter a poem contest
4. What does George plan to do
n. 最后期限;截止日期
vt. 修改;润色
Task 1
1.When is the deadline for the poetry contest
2.What does Nora mean by saying that she needs time to polish her writing
The deadline for the poetry contest is 24 June.
You are going to listen to a conversation between a teacher and her students about a poetry contest. Listen to Part 1 and answer the questions.
Nora means it's not finished, and she needs some time to change it and make it better.
Task 1
3. Why doesn’t Pitt want to enter a poem contest
4. What does George plan to do
Pitt doesn't want to enter a poem contest because he can't think of anything to write about.
You are going to listen to a conversation between a teacher and her students about a poetry contest. Listen to Part 1 and answer the questions.
George plans to write his poem on the weekend but only if he feels inspired.
Task 3
Listen to Part 2 and find out how the students will inspire themselves to write poetry.
2. Nora: _________________________________
3. Pitt:___________________________________
He plans to go for a hike in the countryside
and sit quietly somewhere so he will notice a lot more to inspire interesting thoughts and words.
She writes best when surrounded by familiar things and will try George's method.
She listens to music while working and writing poetry.
Listen to information mainly with verbs or phrasal verbs
Praising and encouraging
○ That's a good idea. ○like that idea.
○That's a good effort. ○You are doing well.
○What a great idea! ○Do your best.
○Your ideas sound very encouraging to me.
○Keep up the good work.
○I think that's a fantastic idea .
○You know what That's a good idea.
○Come on,you can do it.○ Give it your best shot.
Listen again and tick the items mentioned.
Task 4

Teacher: I just want to remind you all________________________
__________________ is 24 June.Nora,are going to enter
Nora: I've already written a poem, but I need more time ____________________.
Teacher: Good.______________________,Nora.Now what about your poem,Pitt
Pitt: I can't think of anything to write about. Maybe I should skip it this year.
Teacher: Oh,no,Pitt. ____________________ What about you, George
George: I haven't begun mine yet. I plan to do it this weekend but
only if I _______________!
Listen again and fill in the blanks.
Task 5
that the deadline for
Keep up the good work
to polish my writing
the poetry contest
Give it your best shot!
feel inspired
Teacher: OK,everybody,let's talk about _________________
____________________. George,how will you find inspiration this weekend
George:Well,I plan to __________________________________ and sit quietly somewhere by myself.
Teacher:That's a good idea.What do you expect to see
George: I think I’ll notice a lot more -maybe an insect carrying something,________________________of the flowers,how the wind sounds, or the different smells in the air. As I look around me ,all sorts of interesting thoughts and words may _________________.
Listen again and fill in the blanks.
Task 5
how to become
inspired to write poetry
the shapes and colours
go for a hike in the countryside
come into my mind
Teacher: That sounds great. Would anyone else like to tell us ______________________ Yes,Nora
Nora: I usually write best when __________________________
______________, like in my own house. But now that I've listened to George, I think I'll __________________ some time, too.
Teacher: And you,Pitt
Pitt: Actually,I work best on my homework when I'm listening to ________________. I've never tried it with poetry before but I'm going to try it tonight.
Teacer: What a great idea, Pitt! Well, we've had some good ideas about how to find inspiration .I’m really looking forward to _________________________.
Listen again and fill in the blanks.
Task 5
how you find inspiration
familiar things
try out his method
I am surrounded by
my favourite music
reading all of your poems
Work in groups. Discuss entering a poem contest like the one in the listening section. The expressions in Activity 4 and the following questions may help you.
Task 6
1. What kind of poem are you going to write
2. What are the topics you would love to write about
3. How will you inspire yourself to write the poem
4. Will you use rhyming words in your poem Why
Work in groups. Discuss entering a poem contest like the one in the listening section. The expressions in Activity 4 and the following questions may help you.
Task 6
A: Hey, Joy! Are you going to take part in the poem contest to be held next month
B: Of course!
A: What kind of poem are you going to write
B: I am going to write haiku, since it is short but can give readers a clear picture.
A: I like the idea. So what topic would you like to write about
B: I’d like to write about nature and wildlife.
A: Well, how will you inspire yourself to write the poem
Work in groups. Discuss entering a poem contest like the one in the listening section. The expressions in Activity 4 and the following questions may help you.
Task 6
B: I think I will inspire myself by visiting an ancient temple and forest in the countryside.
A: That’s a fantastic idea. You know many poets use rhymes in their poems to give a strong rhythm, so will you use rhyming words in your poem
B: No, I won’t, because haiku doesn’t usually have rhyming words.
A: I e on, give it your best shot. Good luck!
B: Thank you!
Learning to read poetry aloud.
Task 7
read poetry
Start slowly.
Find and emphasise the rhythm of the words
Begin to think about how the poem makes you feel.
Read the poem with emotion.
Enjoy a video about the poem and read it aloud .
Task 8
Task 8
Listen and practise reading the following poems aloud. Pay attention to the rhyming words and the rhythm of the poems.
I shot an arrow into the air,
It fell to earth, I knew not where;
For, so swiftly it flew, the sight
Could not follow it in its flight.
I breathed a song into the air,
It fell to earth, I knew no where;
For who has sight so keen and strong,
That it can follow the flight of song
Long, long afterwards, in an oak
I found the arrow, still unbroke;
And the song, from beginning to end,
I found again in the heart of a friend.
H. W. Longfellow
Task 8
Read the Chinese meaning of the poem.
Task 8
Listen and practise reading the following poems aloud. Pay attention to the rhyming words and the rhythm of the poems.
The sun descending in the west,
The evening star does shine;
The birds are silent in their nest,
And I must seek for mine.
The moon, like a flower,
In heaven’s high bower,
With silent delight,
Sits and smiles on the night.
Farewell, green fields and happy groves,
Where flocks have took delight.
Where lambs have nibbled, silent moves
The feet of angels bright;
Unseen, they pour blessing,
And joy without ceasing,
On each bud and blossom,
And each sleeping bosom.
William Blake
Task 8
Read the Chinese meaning of the poem.

Language points
1. contest 考查热度★★★
【热点品味】 n. 比赛;竞赛;竞争vt. 争取赢得;争辩
【教材原句】 When is the deadline for the poetry contest
She won a gold medal for her fine performance in the contest.
This football match is an unequal contest.
contest against… 与……竞争;与……对抗
contest for… 为获得……而竞争
contest with… 与……作斗争
contestant n. 竞争者;争辩者
Language points
【考点精练】 单句语法填空
①They contested __________ unreasonable regulations.
②They contested ______ the position of minister of foreign affairs.
③Please welcome our next _____________ (contest).
Language points
2. polish 考查热度★★★
【热点品味】 vt. 修改;润色;抛光 n. 上光剂;抛光;擦亮
【教材原句】 What does Nora mean by saying that she needs time to polish her writing
Silver polishes easily with this special cloth.
Polish shoes regularly to protect the leather.
polish up擦亮;磨光;改善;润色
polish off很快做完;迅速吃光
Language points
【考点精练】 单句语法填空
①The company needs to polish _____ its image to make a bigger profit.
②Finally, my thanks go to my tutor, who has offered a lot of suggestions and comments on my paper and ___________(polish) every page of my draft.
Language points
3. come across 考查热度★★★
【教材原句】 In these poems the poet Tagore shows a sympathetic understanding of children's feelings.在这些诗中,诗人泰戈尔对儿童的感情表现出同情的理解。
When walking down the street,I came across David.
Should you come across waste paper thrown out of
a passing car,pick it up.
【热点归纳】come about发生 come on加油;到来
come out长出来;出版;结果是 come to达到;谈到
when it comes to… 当谈及……时
come up(太阳)升起;发生;被提及
come up with sth. 找到/提出某事(物)
Language points
【考点精练】 单句语法填空
① (江苏卷)We are so fond of our high intelligence that we assume that when it comes _____ brain power, more must be better.
②Is this your necklace,Mary?I came _________ it when I was cleaning the bathroom this morning.
③It’s already 10 o’clock. I wonder how it came ________ that she was two hours late on such a short trip.
Language points
4. be/get familiar with 考查热度★★★★
【热点品味】 熟悉;与……熟悉起来
【教材原句】 In these poems the poet Tagore shows a sympathetic understanding of children's feelings.在这些诗中,诗人泰戈尔对儿童的感情表现出同情的理解。
They were so popular that their fans formed clubs in order to get more familiar with them.他们非常受欢迎以至于他们的歌迷们为了更加熟悉他们而成立了俱乐部。
Small color choices are the ones we’re most familiar with.
Language points
【考点精练】 单句语法填空
①—Are you familiar _______ the music
—Yes. The music is very familiar _____ me,but I can’t remember when and where I heard it.
be/get familiar with 意为“熟悉……”,其主语只能是人,而宾语是所熟悉的内容或物
be/get familiar to 意为“为……所熟悉”,其主语可以是人,也可以是物,宾语通常是人
Language points
5. If so 句式 考查热度★★★★
【热点品味】 If so 如果是这样的话
【教材原句】 Have you ever written a poem before If so, what did you write about 你以前写过诗吗?如果写过,你写了什么?
Do you want to join in the summer camp?If so,
please sign your name here.
Can we attend your lecture If not,
please let us know.
【句式分析】此句用了省略结构。If so为If it is so省略句式,if为连词,so指代上文的内容。意为:如果是这样的话。If not为If so的否定形式。
if构成的其他省略形式:if any如果有的话
if possible如果可能的话if necessary如果必要的话
if ever如果曾经发生过的话
Language points
Have you ever travelled to Shanghai?_______,what impressed you most there?________, when will you want to admire it
If so  
If not  
1.___________ n. 最后期限;截止日期
2.__________ n. 比赛;竞赛;竞争vt. 争取赢;争辩
→_____________ n. 竞争者;争辩者
3._________ vt. 修改;润色;抛光
n. 上光剂;抛光;擦亮
4.come _________偶遇;无意中发现;被理解;被弄懂
5.be/get familiar _______熟悉;与……熟悉起来
6.as far _____直到,远到;就……而言
Do Exercises on Page 91
of the workbook.