人教版(2019)选择性必修第二册Unit 2 Bridging Cultures Words and expressions 3 课件 (20张ppt)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修第二册Unit 2 Bridging Cultures Words and expressions 3 课件 (20张ppt)
格式 pptx
文件大小 941.4KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-07-06 10:47:23



B5U2 Bridging Cultures
Words and expressions 3
an overwhelming victory
Anxiety overwhelmed me.
I was overwhelmed by/with anxiety.
overwhelming adj.无法抗拒的;巨大的;压倒性的
overwhelm v.使受不了; 压倒; 淹没
overwhelmed adj.被压倒的; 被淹没的
①be overwhelmed by/with 为……所压倒/制服
= be overcome by/with
1)无论何时他想家了, 他都会抬起头盯着月亮看。
Whenever he felt homesick, he would look up and stare at the moon.
homesickness n.思乡病; 乡愁
homesick adj.思乡的; 想家的
What really __________ the new teacher is that all his students are ___________ when attending his class, and their ___________ for learning keeps the teacher devoted to teaching the lovely kids.
motivated adj.积极的;主动的
motivate vt.成为...的动机; 激发; 激励
motivation n.[C]动机;[U]动力/积极性
2)Our teachers always motivate us __________(seek) knowledge by ourselves.
3)Students’ inner motivation _______ study is essential to their development.
motivated adj.积极的;主动的
motivate vt.成为...的动机; 激发; 激励
①motivate sb. to do sth. 激励某人做某事
②motivation for (doing) sth. (做某事的动机)
motivation n.[C]动机;[U]动力/积极性
to seek
1)投资顾问 ;
an investment advisor
advisor n.顾问;提供意见者
advise v.劝告;忠告;建议;出主意;
advice n.[U]劝告;忠告;建议
a reasonable decision/price/explanation
2)I think it is reasonable to pay them back.
reasonable adj.有道理/合情合理的;公平/公道的
①it is reasonable to do sth. 做某事是合理的
reason n.理由/原因;理性/智
expectation n.[C,常用复数]期望;[C&U]希/盼望
①in (the) expectation of 预计会有...;预料...
②be contrary to expectations 与预期相反
expect v.希望; 期望;认为;期待
expected adj.预想的; 预期的
unexpected adj.意料之外的
unexpectedly adv.出乎意料地,意料之外地
In the _________ of more than 4000 people showing up, the organizer rented a big stadium, but the __________ heavy snow upset their plan. The number of people present was only a third of what they had expected. The result is totally contrary ______ their expectations.
expectation n.[C,常用复数]期望;[C&U]希/盼望
①in (the) expectation of 预计会有...;预料...
②be contrary to expectations 与预期相反
③be beyond expectations 出乎预料(好于预期)
④live up to (one’s) expectations 符合/不辜负(某人)的期望
2)My English scores doubled, which was beyond my expectations.
3)这支球队在这次比赛中被击败了, 这辜负了我们的期望。(非限制性定从)
The footbal team was defeated in the match, which didn’t live up to our expectations.
Lily graduated from Harvard University a month ago. She applied ______ a big company ______ a post last week. The interviewer said her _________ was the best among all the _________ and that she was hired. Lily was very happy and determined to work hard and apply her professional knowledge _______ her job.
applicant n.[C]申请人
apply v.申请;涂/敷 & vt. 应用
①apply (to A) for B (向A)申请B
②apply A to B 将A应用到B上
application n.[C&U]应用/运用;申请/表
Owing to the lack of relevant experience, the job applicant was not qualified for the job.
applicant n.[C]申请人
apply v.申请;涂/敷 & vt. 应用
①apply (to A) for B (向A)申请B
②apply A to B 将A应用到B上
application n.[C&U]应用/运用;申请/表
firm beliefs
He held my hand firmly, saying gently, "What you need is a good rest."
firm n.[C]公司;商行;事务所 &adj.结实的/牢固;坚定的
firmly adv.坚定地,坚固地
2)We hope to expose the kids ____ as much art and culture as possible.
=We hope that the kids ________(expose) to as much art and culture as possible.
3)If _______(expose) to the sun for too much time, you will get sunburnt.
exposure n.[U]接触,体验;暴露;揭露;
expose vt.暴露,显露
①expose A to B 使A暴露于B;使A接触到B
②A be exposed to B A被暴露于B;A接触到B
are exposed
4)_______(expose) to loud music too much has caused hearing problems in some teenagers.
Life is interesting to people who expose themselves to new ideas.
Life is interesting to people who are exposed to new ideas.
exposure n.[U]接触,体验;暴露;揭露;
expose vt.暴露,显露
①expose A to B 使A暴露于B;使A接触到B
②A be exposed to B A被暴露于B;A接触到B
1)These texts give the reader an insight into the Chinese mind.
2)The novelist has a subtle insight into human nature.
insight n.[C]洞察力; 眼光
①give sb. an insight into 使某人了解/洞察...
②sb. have/get/gain an insight into... 某人了解/洞察...
departure n.离开; 启程; 出发
depart v.离开; 出发
setting n.[C]环境; (小说等的)情节背景;设置
set v.以…为…设置背景,使处于
set-set-set; setting
1)The novel was set in the Second World War.
①be set in 以…为背景
1)Grasp all, lose all.
2)流着泪,他紧紧地抓住她的手臂,乞求着, “别再丢下我了!”
With tears rolling down, he grasped her firmly by the arm and begged, “Don’t leave me agian !”
grasp vt.理解;领会;抓紧
①grasp sb. by the hand/arm 抓住某人的手/手臂
Fiona is such an ambitious person that she never fails to grasp any chance of promotion.
Thanks to her determination and perseverance to learn maths, Ann has a good grasp of the subject.
grasp vt.理解;领会;抓紧
①grasp sb. by the hand/arm 抓住某人的手/手臂
②grasp a/any chance 抓住/任何机会
③have a good grasp of … 对…掌握得好
=have a good command of…
a dramatic increase
dramatic adj.巨大而突然的;急剧的; 戏剧(般)的
drama n.戏剧,激动,刺激
dramatic performance