人教版(2019)选择性必修第一册Unit 4Body Language Words and expressions 1 课件(101张ppt)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修第一册Unit 4Body Language Words and expressions 1 课件(101张ppt)
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版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-07-06 10:50:20



B4U4 Body Language
Words and expressions 1
interaction n.交流,相互影响
interact v.互动,交流,交往,相互作用,相互影响
interactive adj. 相互交流/合作/影响的;互动的
Chinese Traditional Cultural Interaction Club
1)He is studying the way in which children interact with each other at different ages.
2)This course emphasizes the interaction between teachers and students.
Ding Talk is an app where teachers can give lectures and interact with students.
interaction n.交流,相互影响
interact v.互动,交流,交往,相互作用,相互影响
③interact with... 与...相互交流/影响
①interaction with... 与...相互交流/影响
②interaction between A and B A和B之间的互动
vary vi.变化,改变
variety n.不同种类/多式多样;变化
④a variety of = varieties of = various 各种各样的…
various adj.各种各样的
(varies, varied-varied, varying)
diverse adj.
1)The new park, where there are ________ kinds of fresh flowers, offers________of things to play with. (vary)
2)The land varies in height from 700 metres above sea level to over 2,000 meters, which is home to a variety of plants and animals.
3)Generally speaking, prices of fruit and vegetables vary with the season.
vary vi.变化,改变
①vary from A to B 由A到B情况不等
②vary in... 在……方面不同
③vary with... 随着……而变化
variety n.不同种类/多式多样;变化
④a variety of = varieties of = various 各种各样的…
various adj.各种各样的
(varies, varied-varied, varying)
4)Tastes and preferences vary _____ individual to individual.
5)The flowers vary _____ color and size, most of which are beautiful.
Opinions on this rare matter vary from person to person.
vary vi.变化,改变
①vary from A to B 由A到B情况不等
②vary in... 在……方面不同
③vary with... 随着……而变化
variety n.不同种类/多式多样;变化
④a variety of = varieties of = various 各种各样的…
various adj.各种各样的
(varies, varied-varied, varying)
inappropriate adj. 不合适的,不恰当的
appropriate adj. 合适的,恰当的
appropriately adv. 合适地,恰当地
fit adj.
suitable adj.
2)Jeans are _________________________ (不适合这样正式的场合)
3)It is not appropriate _______ (leave) your friend who is in trouble at this point.
=It is not appropriate that you (should) leave your friend who is in trouble at this point.
inappropriate adj. 不合适的,不恰当的
appropriate adj. 合适的,恰当的
①be appropriate for/to 适合...
②It is appropriate for sb. to do sth. 对某人来说做某事是合适的
③It is appropriate that sb. (should) do sth. 某人做某事是合适的
to leave
= be suitable for = be fit for
behave appropriately
not appropriate to/for such a
formal occasion
appropriately adv. 合适地,恰当地
4)Before you turn up in any social occasions, you ought to make sure you are ________ (apprppriate) dressed.
If appropriate, just contact me without hesitation
inappropriate adj. 不合适的,不恰当的
appropriate adj. 合适的,恰当的
①be appropriate for/to 适合...
②It is appropriate for sb. to do sth. 对某人来说做某事是合适的
③It is appropriate that sb. (should) do sth. 某人做某事是合适的
appropriately adv. 合适地,恰当地
1)She almost failed the exam, but her brother, by contrast, did more than well.
2)In contrast to last year's profits, the company is not doing very well this year.
As for the quality, no products can be in contrast with ours.
by contrast 相比之下
in contrast to/with 和…形成对比

1)examine and approve
disapproval n. 不赞成
disapprove vi.不赞成&vt. 不批准
approval n. 赞成,批准,通过
approve vi.赞成/同意 & vt.批准/通过
2)The local government ________ (approve) the new annual financial plan up to now.
3)I don’t approve of wasting time to do such a matter.
4)I would appreciate it if you could give your _______ (approve) to my application.
5)We have made adjustments to our plan so that it can meet with your approval.
approve vi.赞成,同意 & vt.批准,通过
①approve sth 批准某事
②approve of (sb/sb's doing) sth 批准(某人做)某事
has approved
③give one’s approval to sth. 某人同意/批准某事
approval n. 赞成,批准,通过
④meet with/earn/win/obtain one's approval 得到某人的批准
Even though the professor made no response to the request, we knew he approved it.
approve vi.赞成,同意 & vt.批准,通过
①approve sth 批准某事
②approve of (sb/sb's doing) sth 批准(某人做)某事
approval n. 赞成,批准,通过
③give one’s approval to sth. 某人同意/批准某事
④meet with/earn/win/obtain one's approval 得到某人的同意
demonstrate vt. 表现/表达;说明;证明 & vi. 示威
demonstration n. 证明,示范
gesture n.[C]手势;姿势;姿态
1) Our city witnesses four different seasons, plenty of sunshine and good rainfall, but in winter you may feel a little cold.
2)He witnessed to having seen the man near the scene of the crime.
3)His whole life was a witness ____ his honesty.
The police appealed to witnesses to come forward and give witness to the poor beggar.
witness n.[C]目击者; 证人& vt.当场看到; 目击; 见证
①witness sth. 见证某事;目击某事
②witness to doing sth 作证做某事
③a witness to... ...的证人/证明
④give/bear witness to... 为...作证
The witness
The past three decades have witnessed the development and innovation of the computer.
witness n.[C]目击者; 证人& vt.当场看到; 目击; 见证
①witness sth. 见证某事;目击某事
②witness to doing sth 作证做某事
③a witness to... ...的证人/证明
④give/bear witness to... 为...作证
unemployed adj. 失业的;
employed adj. 被雇用的
employ vt.使用,应用,雇用
employer n.雇主
employee n.雇员
employment n.工作,雇用,就业
unemployment n. 失业
1)For the past three years, he has been employed ____ a firefighter.
2)The employer employed Tom ______(work) for her.
3)She was employed in writing, so she noticed nothing.
employ vt.使用,应用,雇用
①employ sb. as... 雇用某人担任...职位
②employ sb. to do sth. 雇用某人做某事
③be employed in (doing) sh. 受雇于;忙于...
to work
There are no two identical leaves in the world.
identify v.识别,鉴定
identity n.身份;个性;同一性
identical adj. 相同的
identically adv. 相同地
interpret vt.把…理解为 vi./vt. 口译
interpreter n. [C]口译工作者,口译员
translate v.翻译
translator n.翻译家
1)It's hard to tell the __________ between them in appearance. However, they are _________ from each other in their habits and they also________ from each other in many other ways. But that make no___________ and they get on very well. (differ)
differ vi. 相异,不同于
①differ in = be different in 在…方面不同
②differ from= be different from 和…不同
different adj. 不同的
differently adv. 不同地
difference n. [C&U]不同
④make a/no difference to sth. 对…有/无影响;
(differs, differed-differed, differing)
2)Parents should realize that their children would gradually differ with them on many things
differ vi. 相异,不同于
①differ in = be different in 在…方面不同
②differ from= be different from 和…不同
③differ with sb. on/about/over sth. 与某人(在某事上)意见不同
differently adv. 不同地
difference n. [C&U]不同
④make a difference to sth. 对…有影响;起作用
different adj. 不同的
3)Opinions on table manners in China differ greatly_______that in America.
4)The two animals come from the same family but differ______body shape and breeding habits.
differ vi. 相异,不同于
①differ in = be different in 在…方面不同
②differ from= be different from 和…不同
③differ with sb. on/about/over sth. 与某人(在某事上)意见不同different adj. 不同的
differently adv. 不同地
difference n. 不同
④make a difference to sth. 对…有影响;起作用
cheek n. [C]面颊; 脸颊
bow from the waist
1)cheek bone
kiss sb. on the cheek
1)The president bowed to the people after finishing his lecture.
bow [ba ] vi. 鞠躬; 点头 vt. 低(头)
[b ] n.[C] 弓; 蝴蝶结
①bow to… 向…鞠躬;屈服
bow from the waist
bow and arrow
bow from the waist
1)Most students favour the plan, while their teachers are not ____ favour of it.
2)Would you do me _____ favour of shutting the window
3)Well, he does owe me a favour after I washed the car last week.
4)This final decision will be in his favour, which makes him relieved.
favourite adj. 最喜欢的 n. 心爱的人/物
favour vt. 较喜欢;选择;有利于n. [C]帮助/恩惠;[U]赞同/喜爱/支持
①favour (doing) sth. 更喜欢某物
②in favour of 支持/赞同
③do sb. a favour 帮帮忙
④owe sb a favour 欠某人一个人情
⑤in one's favour 对某人有利
favourable adj. 赞同的;有利的;优惠的
Some people are in favour of the draft/proposal, while others oppose it.
I'm writing to ask you to do me a favour.
favourite adj. 最喜欢的 n. 心爱的人/物
favour vt. 较喜欢;选择;有利于n. [C]帮助/恩惠;[U]赞同/喜爱/支持
①favour (doing) sth. 更喜欢某物
②in favour of 支持/赞同
③do sb. a favour 帮帮忙
④owe sb a favour 欠某人一个人情
⑤in one's favour 对某人有利
favourable adj. 赞同的;有利的;优惠的
What can you infer from the passage
The detective found the witness on the scene of the crime by making inferences.
make inferences 推理; 推断
infer v. 推断; 推论; 推理; 暗示
inference n. [C]结论; 推断; 推理; 推论
(inferred-inferred, inferring)
the age/language barrier
trade barriers
barrier n. [C]隔阂/障碍;关卡/障碍物
(机器、车辆等) 出故障
1)Their car broke down so that they had to go back home on foot.
2)Talks with business leaders broke down last night.
3)Sugar can be broken down in the stomach.
4)Because he was so kind and concerned about me, I broke down and burst into tears.
break down
①(机器/车辆等) 出故障/抛锚
②(讨论/障碍) 失败/打破/消除
(机器、车辆等) 出故障
5)The authorities have advocated stocking up on fuel in case the war _________ .
6)There was no one nearby who saw him trying to _________the house.
7)The two countries are going to meet to _________ some barriers to trade between them.
8)My girlfriend intends to ________ with me, which makes me anxious.
break into 闯入
break out (战争/疾病/灾害的)爆发
break up (关系)破裂;分解;(学校)放假;(会议)解散
break down
①(机器/车辆等) 出故障
②(讨论/障碍) 失败/打破/消除
breaks out
break into
break down
break up
The interaction can break down the invisible barrier between people.
fake adj. 假的/冒充的 n. [C]假货;骗子,
false adj.假的
artificial adj. 人造的;仿造的;虚伪的;
a fake smile
genuine adj.真实的
ture adj.真实的
natural adj.自然的/天然
be filled with anger
2)There is no need being angry with others about the mistakes they make.
To my anger, the employer disapproved my plan.
anger n. 愤怒,怒气 vt.使生气,激怒
①to one’s anger 使某人气愤的是
angry adj. 愤怒的,生气的
angrily adv. 愤怒地
②be angry with/at sb. 对某人生气
③be angry at/about/over sth. 对某事生气
annoy v.使生气; 惹恼
annoyed adj.生气的
annoying adj.令人生气的
1)It would be better to rely _____ ourselves than on others.
2)I rely on you ______(set) a good example, but you really hurt my heart.
3)You may rely on ____ that I shall help you.
rely vi.信赖,可靠
①rely on/upon 依赖,依靠,指望
②rely on sb. to do/doing sth. 依靠某人做某事
③rely on it + that从句 相信/指望…
reliable adj.可靠的,可信赖的
unreliable adj.不可靠的
(relys, relied-relied, relying)
to set/
Nowadays we rely on, to a large extent, science and technology to carry out our work.
1)It's a quite ordinary incident of daily life.
They witnessed the whole shooting incident
accident n. [C]事故/意外
incident n. [C]发生的事情;严重事件;冲突
Marco Polo Bridge Incident
1)He was on trial for theft.
try v.&n.v. 试图/努力;试做/试验;
trial n.&v. 审讯;试验;试用
①be on trial 在试验中;在受审
1)Doctors say the slight person has made a slight improvement.
He frowned slightly and said, “I disapprove.”
slight adj.轻微的/少量;(人)纤细/瘦小
slightly adv.稍微/略微
twin adj.&n.[C]双胞胎之一的
The twin towers
nonverbal communication
nonverbal adj.不涉及语言的/非言语的
verbal adj. 口头的,非书面的;动词的
assessment n. [C&U]评价,评定
assess vt.评估,评价
access n. [C]通道, 入口
make assessments
internal relations
external environment
internal adj. 内部的,里面的
external adj.外部的,外面的
import n. & v.进口
export n. & v.出口
His lack of eye contact when talking with people shows that he lacks confidence.
2)The project was postponed _____ lack of funds.
3)All of these outcomes are linked to a lack _____ physical exercise.
lack v.缺乏;没有
①lack sth 缺少某物
②a lack of 缺乏...
③for lack of 因缺乏...
lacking adj. 短缺的
4)In the past, people considered women who appear in public to be _______(lack) in virtue.
As far as I'm concerned, most of the conflicts result from misunderstanding and a lack of communication.
lack v.缺乏;没有
①lack sth 缺少某物
②for lack of 因缺乏...
③a lack of 缺乏...
lacking adj. 短缺的
④be lacking in 缺乏...
1)Please straighten up and imagine that your head is touching the sky. 2)We'd better straighten up the house before they get back.
3)Never give up. Dry your tears ans straighten up.
straighten up
straighten vt. & vi. (使)变直;整理;
straight adj. 直接的
slump vi.垂头弯腰地走或坐;耷拉着/瘫坐着; 猛跌
Slump Ahead
1)He slumped, exhausted, onto the sofa.
2)全球经济萧条/不景气/衰退 ;
the global economic slump
He slumped in the street, worrying that he wasn't able to finish the work on time.
1)Please call on me when it is convenient for you.
2)we should figure out some ways to stop people from polluting the river and call on them to fight against pollution.
call on
1)Your plan will __________ a lot of money.
2)Rescuers had to __________ the search due to worsening weather.
3)If we're not around, she'll take a message and we'll ___________.
4)I simply can not ___________ where I have seen her.
call on (短暂)访问; 公开请求/号召;
call for 需要;要求;去接某人
call off 取消
call back 回电话;
call up 打电话给;使...想起
call for
call off
call back
call up
Robots may pose a threat to humans.
pose n. (故作的)姿势;
vi. 摆好姿势; vt.造成(威胁、问题等)
1) 低头
bend/lower one's head
bend v 弯曲;倾斜;偏向
(bent-bent )
reveal the truth
reveal vt. 显示;露出;揭示
clarify one's stand/position
clarify misunderstandings
clear adj.清晰的
clarify vt.使更清晰易懂;阐明;澄清
clarification n.阐明;澄清
clarifies, clarified-clarified, clarifying)
1)Joe always keeps his word; in other words, he never breaks his word. When free, he'd like to have a word with people face to face, and never has words with others. In a word, all of his friends like him as he can get on well with everyone around him.
in other words 换句话说; 也就是说
=That is (to say) 也就是说; 即
keep one’s word 守信
break one’s word 失信,食言
have a word with sb. 与某人交谈
have words with sb. 与某人吵架
in a word 总言之
B4U4 Body Language
Sentences structure
If we are feeling down or lonely, there is nothing better than seeing the smiling face of a good friend.
If we are feeling down or lonely, seeing the smiling face of a good friend is the best thing.
1.There is no uglier face like that.
2.Nothing is more difficult than learning English.
3.I have never drunk better beer than this.
4. I couldn’t find a better girlfriend than you.
5.Nobody can do the work better than he did.
总结:____________,如no, not, never, nothing, nobody, hardly等+比较级,表示__________________________,等同于__________.
1.There is no __________(great) love than that of a man who lays down life for his friends.
2.I can’t have a _________(bad) day because I failed in the exam today.
As for you, nothing is more important than studying at present.
I have never seen a more splendid building than this tower.
B4U4 Body Language
Sentences structure Ⅱ
educator n. 教师; 教育工作者; 教育家
educate v. 教育; 培养; 训练
education n. 教育
educational adj.教育的;有关教育的;有教育意义的
the famous educator--Confucius
tick vt. 给(试卷、问题等)打钩号vi. (钟表)发出嘀嗒声
n. 钩号
cross v.打叉
the development tendency
2)The drug is effective but has a _________(tend) to cause headaches.
3)We tend ________(get) cold winters and, dry summers in this part of country.
4)It's a fact that there is a tendency _________ regional cooperation.
5)Several nurses carefully tended to the sick man.
tendency n.[C]趋势,倾向
① have a tendency to do sth. 有做某事的倾向
tend v.往往会,趋向;照料
② tend to do sth 往往会/倾向做某事
③ tend to/towards... 趋向....
④ tend (to) sb. 照顾/照料某人
to get
Lowering his head, he felt ashamed.
lower vt. 把…放低; 降低; 减少 & adj.较低的,低等的
low adj. 低的,浅的;粗俗的;卑贱的;消沉的
adv. 谦卑地,低下地;低声地
reply v. & n. 回答;答复
imply vt. 意味着,暗示
implication n.暗示,言外之意
1)What does the author imply according to para.3
chin n. [C]下巴
He holds his chin in his hands, wondering who he is.
1)It’s obvious that mobile phones
distract us when driving.
without distractions
distract vt.分散,使分心
distracted adj. 注意力分散的;心烦意乱的
distraction n.[C&U]分心,分散
perceive vt. 察觉; 看待; 理解
receive v.接受;收到
cross your arms in front of your chest
have your arms crossed in front of your chest
chest n. [C]胸部; 胸
a broad chest
1) 不要为难我了/别让我尴尬/难堪
Don't embarrass me.
2)As a result, some old Chinese ladies dancing in the park found themselves caught in an ________ situation , which made them ______ (embarrass).
3)Her questions about my private life ______(embarrass) me.
embarrassed adj. 难堪的,尴尬的
embarrass vt. 使尴尬
embarrassing adj. 令人尴尬的,令人难堪的
embarrassment n. 尴尬
4)I was embarrassed ________ his unexpected question.
5)She was embarrassed _________ (ask) her age by other little girl.
6)Much to her __________ (embarrass), she realized that everybody had been listening to her singing.
embarrassed adj. 难堪的,尴尬的
①be/feel embarrassed about... 对……感到尴尬
②be/feel embarrassed to do sth. 对于做某事感到窘迫
embarrass vt. 使尴尬
embarrassing adj. 令人尴尬的,令人难堪的
embarrassment n. 尴尬
③to one’s embarrassment 令某人尴尬的是
to be asked
You are merely a friend of mine.
merely adv. 只是,仅仅,只不过
mere adj. 仅仅的,只不过
Weeping, I wave goodbye to them.
sweep v. 打扫; 清除
weep v. & n. 哭泣; 流泪
burst into tears 放声大哭,突然哭起来
burst out crying
1)We will be demanding equal rights at work.
2)However, if a student does not bother to brush her hair and her eyes are red from weeping, then I can infer that there are deeper issues at work.
at work
1)inquiry learning
inquire what was going on/happened
inquire vi./vt. 询问/打听;调查 =enquire
inquiry n.[C&U]调查/探究;询问/打听
an ultimate goal
ultimately adv. 最终,最后
ultimate adj. [目标等] 最终的
1)Adjust your language to the age of your audience.
2)It took her a while to adjust to ______(live) alone.
3)We have made an __________ (adjust) to our price and give you a special discount of 50 percent.
adjust vt.调整;调节 vi./vt. 适应,[使]习惯
①adjust A to B   调整A以适应B
②adjust to (doing) sth. 适应于(做)某事
③adjust oneself to (doing) sth. 使自己适应于(做)某事
④make an adjustment to 对……做出调整
adjustable adj.可调整的,可调节的
adjustment n.[C]调整,调节
To our delight, the students quickly adjusted themselves to the college life.
adjust vt.调整;调节 vi./vt. 适应,[使]习惯
①adjust A to B   调整A以适应B
②adjust to (doing) sth. 适应于(做)某事
③adjust oneself to 使自己适应于……
adjustment n.[C]调整,调节
④make an adjustment to 对……做出调整
adjustable adj.可调整的,可调节的
illegally intervene
2)市场/政府干预 ;
market/government intervention
intervene vi. 干预,介入;调解
intervention n. 干预,介入
1)Only when we react _____ emergencies in life calmly, can we solve problems in a better way.
2)Iron reacts ________ water and air to produce rust.
3)People will not endure oppression forever; sooner or later they will react _______ it.
react vi. [对…]起反应,回应,[对食物]有不良反应
①react to... 对…做出反应,回应
②react with... 与…起化学反应
③react against... 反对,反抗...
reaction n. 反应
key/important components
electronic components
component n. [C]组成部分; 零件
1)He said, “Get out!” , in an angry tone.
tone n. 语气; 腔调; 口吻
①in a ... tone 用一种...的语气
Every boy is not interested in sports.
It means that some boys are interested in sports while other boys are not interested in sports.
In other words, not every boy is interested in sports.
But we can’t say that none of the boys is interested in sports.
Every boy is not interested in sports.
Not every boy is interested in sports.
None of the boys is interested in sports.
every... not=not every...
all...not =not all...
All birds can not fly.
Not all birds can fly.
None of the birds can fly.
1.All hope was not lost.
2.Not everything went smoothly.
3.Both of the two math problems are not very difficult.
4.Each of us don’t have our own principles
5.Everyone has a desire for success, but not everyone has the courage and determination to pursue it.
all, both, each, every(everyone/everybody/everything)
no(nobody/no one/nothing), none, neither
________ can _______ be done according to the old ways.
2.Not each of us can be a great man.
Not everyone approves of the festival.
Everyone does not approve of the festival.
Not all of the problems are worth watching.
All of the problems are not worth watching.
Neither of them are interested in English.
have +sth.+done
I had my radio fixed yesterday.
②have+sb.+do sth.
The rich lady had the singer eat with her servants.
③have +sb.+doing sth.
The two cheats had the lights burning all night long.
⑤have+sth. to be done 有某事要去做
A:Do you have anything more to be typed, Sir
B:No, you can have a rest.
④have+sth.+to do 有某事要去做
I have a few letters to write.
(to write 由 I 完成)
(to be typed由A完成)
Tom said he had had his TV set __________(repaire).
Mom has the children ________(help) her with housework.
Jack has lots of dreams _________(pursue).
Don’t worry. I can help ypu. I’m going to Beijing next week. Do you have anything _______(take) to your son
to pursue
to be taken
stop and stare
stare vi. 盯着看;凝视& n. 凝视
stare at... 盯着看; 凝视
glare at... 怒视; 瞪眼
glance at… 看一眼
look at... 看
occupy vt. 占据,占用
occupy oneself with sth. 忙于某事
occupied adj. 已占用的,忙于…的
be occupied [in] doing sth. 忙于做某事
be occupied with sth. 忙于某事
occupation n. 工作,职业,占领
be under occupation 在占领下
be busy doing/with sth
be engaged in sth.
occupation n. 职业; 占领
occupy v. 占领; 占据; 担任
①occupy sb./oneself with/in doing sth. 使某人忙于(做)某事
②be occupied with /in doing sth. 忙于做某事
1)She occupied herself ______routine office tasks.
2)Einstein_________(occupy) with physical study all his life.
3)Fully _________(occupy)in looking after 3 children at home, she no longer has time to enjoy any activities in the club.
was occupied
occupation n. 职业; 占领
occupy v. 占领; 占据; 担任
①occupy sb./oneself with/in doing sth. 使某人忙于(做)某事
②be occupied with /in doing sth. 忙于做某事
①Occupying himself with his work, he insists that the marriage cerenomy should be postponed until next month.
②Occupied with his work, he insists that the marriage cerenomy should be postponed until next month.
同义词组 be busy (in) doing sth./with sth. 忙于……
be engaged in doing/with sth.  忙于……
national costumes
ashamed adj.羞愧,惭愧
shame n.羞愧,耻辱,惭愧,让人遗憾的事
shameful adj. 可耻的,丢脸的
shameless adj. 无耻的,不知羞耻的
national costumes
conflict [ k nfl kt]: n. 矛盾; 冲突
a conflict of interest: 利益冲突
come into conflict with…:
conflict with...: 与... 冲突/抵触
national costumes
bother [ b (r)]: vi./vt. 费心;
麻烦; 因…操心
n. 麻烦; 不便
brother [ br ]: n. 兄弟
trouble[ tr bl]:
n. 问题; 忧虑; 困难; 苦恼; 疾病
v. 使忧虑; 使烦恼; 使苦恼
be bothered about.... : 关心; 担心
1)distinguish right from wrong 明辨是非 ;
distinguish vi./vt. 区分,辨别
distinguished adj. 卓越的,著名的
be distinguished for 因…而著称
be distinguished as 作为…而著名
1)test anxiety 考试焦虑;
社交恐惧症 ;
anxiety n.焦虑,担心,害怕
anxious adj. 忧虑的,担心的,[非正式]渴望的
anxiously adv.焦虑地,急切地
I'm barely breathing
barely adv. 勉强才能;光秃秃地几乎不=hardly
bare adj. 赤裸的,刚刚够的,勉强的 v. 使暴露,漏出
1)ceiling lamp [电] 吊灯 ; 吸顶灯 ; 天花灯
ceiling fan 吊风扇 ; 天花电扇
ceiling n.[C] 天花板; 上限