牛津译林版七年级上Unit 3 Welcome to our school! Reading 1 教案


名称 牛津译林版七年级上Unit 3 Welcome to our school! Reading 1 教案
格式 doc
文件大小 37.0KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 牛津译林版
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-07-08 09:52:53



7A. ic strip & welcome to the unit
(2)词组 show sb. around /in front of
(3) 句型 The ground is so big./My classroom is on the ground floor.
This way, mum.
1、 教学设计
2、导入课题school open day 3
5、Part A,写生词,再次复现生词,查漏补缺4
7、Part B :1)听,回答问题;2)模仿朗读;3)说:活动三,开放日通知,让生模仿B的对话进行对话交流7
8、Comic trip: 1)听回答问题;2)读对话;3)表演对话。7
2、 教案及反思 (详案)
Teaching aims:
1. To learn the names of some new subjects.
2. To be able to talk about school life concisely.
Teaching difficulty:
The names of the subjects.
Teaching aid:
Teaching procedures:
Step 1 warm up
T: let’s enjoy the photos . [ Play a photo album (FSB) to warm up the lesson.]
Step 2 presentation
T: Today, we will have a new lesson. Look ! it’s our school . do you think it is beautiful
S: yes.
T: It is small but beautiful.
T: next, let’s look at another picture. What can you see in the picture
S: I can see---.
T: yes, they are parents. They are having a parents’ meeting on School Open Day. Pay attention to s’. ( teach : meeting , School Open Day ) Look, where are they
S: They are ----. (不太会说)
T: ( help the Ss to answer ) they are at our school gate . (teach :gate , 注意音标教学,同时呈现已知单词:late)
T: Let’s go into our school and have a look at our teachers. Who is she ( 呈现语文老师的照片)
S: Miss Qu. Chinese teacher.
T: yes, she is our Chinese teacher. And next , who is she ( 再呈现音乐老师和美术老师的照片) 引导学生读:music / art.
T: who are they ( 呈现两位教师照片,引出并教授生词geography , biology ) 继续呈现两位教师照片,教授生词history, politics.其中,politics 是后续谈论课表的活动中需要用到的单词。
T: what’s the date today 引出生词date ,同时引出班级课表,引导学生看今天的课表。Now let’s have a look at today’s subjects. 再次让学生结合课表进行复习所学性词汇。
T: when does our first class begin 教授生词o’clock.
T: Now, you have learned the subjects. Can you write down their correct names . Page 31. Part A.
Ss: write.
T: I point to one of them , please tell me what subject it is. (指认单词)
T: who can point just like me. ( ask two Ss )
Step 3 read and talk
T: Millie’s school will have an Open Day. She wants her mum to come. Please listen and answer.
Ss: answer.
T: read the dialogue in pairs . ( 2 pairs )
T: now, our school will have an Open Day next week. Please work in pairs to have a new dialogue just like partB.
Ss: pair work to make up a new dialogue.
T: it’s time to meet our friends Eddie and Hobo. do you know what subject does Eddie like listen and answer.
Ss: Maths.
T: Does he really like Maths Why or why not
T: Read it in pairs., Then act it out. ( 2 pairs )
Step4 activity
Challenges to beat the wolffy. Try , go !
Step 5 hw.
Teaching reflections:
1、 一开始学生的反应有些沉闷。但在之后的一次次活动中开始展现,总体课堂气氛良好。
2、 教学设计中有基础小高潮。如:教师和学生分别指认单词;谈论课表;表演对话;最后的挑战游戏。
3、 课前预设与实际课堂基本一致。有生成性的内容:1)partB的对话的角色,付进两学生没有拘泥于学生和家长之间的交谈,而是将角色定位在两位家长谈论去参加学校开放日的活动中,而且谈论的还可以。2)挑战灰太狼的游戏中,唱英文歌,一开始挑战的男生不好意思,或者是没有反应过来唱什么歌时,全体同学说唱abc歌提醒他,还一起伴唱,气氛很是活跃,但最后几句我示意其他学生不唱留给挑战者了。3)与张校长的互动因其缺席而临时改成让学生询问黄校长,一下子就猜中了,虽然少了练习本课中所学较难的词汇的环节,但总体良好。学生和在场老师的活动还是很high。
4、 课后的后续花絮。A男生问我,老师你今天不太高兴吧? 我楞了一下,估摸着他是指上课他们一开始表现不像以往那样活跃,可能也是感觉出我的着急了吧。很敏感、情商很高的孩子。还好我反应也快,答道:没有啊,很高兴啊。那孩子笑着离开了。B男生告诉我说,老师我其实想闯第一关的,我会唱英文歌。这时旁边一胖妞立马回应:let it go ! ---当老师的,还真要两下子,否则你不知道学生在说什么。我立马回应:冰雪奇缘(其实我是从女儿处得知的)。---胖妞知道我也了解特别高兴。教师和学生的共鸣真的很重要啊。