人教版(2019)英语选择性必修第四册Unit1Science Fiction Words and expressions 2课件(78张ppt)


名称 人教版(2019)英语选择性必修第四册Unit1Science Fiction Words and expressions 2课件(78张ppt)
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版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-07-09 22:43:07



B7U1 Science Fiction
words and expressions 2
presumption cn.假设/定
presume vt. & vi. 假设/假定; 认为
①presume A to be B 假定A是B
②it is presumed that从句 人们认为
presuming conj.假设
assume v.
suppose v.
1.We must presume them to be innocent until we have proof of guilt.
2.Little is known of the youngest son; it is presumed that he died young.
3.Presuming/Supposing/Assuming/Provided/Providing he is absent, what shall we do
fare cn.车费;船费;飞机票价 (for tansporation)
fee cn. 上学/求医/找律师等付的费用,还可指会费expense cn.& un. 费用;代价
cost cn.费用;代价
price cn.价格;代价
daily adj.& adv.每日的/日常的; n.日报
weekly adj.& adv.每周的; n.周刊
monthly adj. & adv.每月的,每月一次的;
yearly adj. & adv.一年一次的,每年的;n.年刊
on a ... basis
on a basis of
1.The students can only get scholarships on a competitive basis.
2.The workers get paid on a daily/weekly basis.
Your opinion should be on a basis of fact.
=on the basis of
be based on
basis n. (pl.bases) 底部;基础;主要成分;基本原则或原理
base vt. 以...为基础 n.根基;底部;基础;基地
basic adj.基础的;基本的
a calculator
1.It _________(calculate) that at least 47,000 jobs were lost so far.
2.You can't always calculate on my help.
3.Northbridge is a cool, _______(calculate), and clever criminal who could strike again.
calculating adj.精于计算的
calculate vt.计算;核算;预测
calculation cn. & un.计算;算计
calculator cn. 计算器;计算者
has been calculated
①It is calculated that从句 据估算...
②calculate on 指望着;期待
chairwoman cn. 女主席; 女董事长; 女委员长
chairman cn. 男主席; 男董事长; 男委员长
president cn. 主席;总统; 校长; 院长; 董事长; 行长
gramme/ɡram n. 克(重量单位)
kilogram/kilo n. 千克; 公斤
ton n. 吨
pound n. 磅
①by the gram/kilogram/ton 以克/千克/吨为单位
grammar n.语法
1.A football weighs about 400 ______(gram).
2.Sorry, but we sell the roast Beijing duck _____ the gram.
flour un. 面粉; (谷物磨成的)粉
flower n. 花
a wedding venue which can hold 520 people
venue cn. 活动场地(如音乐厅/会场等)
avenue cn. (城镇的)大街; 林荫道
Hello, Earth!Here I come.
alien cn. 外星人(生物); 外国人
adj. 外星的; 外国的;陌生的;
foreign adj. 外国的; 外来的; 陌生的
foreigner cn. 外国人
an alien culture
pros and cons 事物的利与弊;支持与反对
advantages and disadvantages 利与弊; 优点和缺点
strengths and weaknesses 优点和缺点
We have to weighed up the pros and cons. Neither option is perfect.
the world I, a myope, see
blurred adj. 模糊不清的; 难以区分的
blur v. (使)看不清楚,记不清 cn. 模糊不清的事物
blurred vision
blurred memories
Tears blurred her eyes.
blur--blurred--blurred; blurring
superior adj. 更好的; 占优势的; (在级别/重要性上)更高的
inferior adj.下级/等的;差的;
①A be superior/inferior to B (in sth. ) A(在某事上)比B更好/级别更高;
②A be senior/junior to sb. B A比B年长/职位高;年幼/级别底
older/elder than ;
younger than
The new generation of smartphones is greatly superior to the older version in function.
He is arrogant, always thinking he is superior to others.
1)She decided that I was the ideal person to take over the job.
2)Try not to let negative thoughts take over.
3)Machines will change the way we work, but they won't fully take over from humans.
1)They took up arms and fought for their faith and liberty.
2)I'm sorry I've already taken up so much of your valuable time.
3)He took up writing after graduation.
take up 拿起;占据;开始从事
take over 接管/手(及物&不及物);
取代(不及物)take over from sb./sth.
1)The campus has taken on a new look.
2)The supermarket is taking on a few temporary assistants for the Christmas season.
3)Every citizen should take on the responsibility to keep public clean.
1)He took off my wet boots and made me sit by the fire
2)Three planes were standing on the runway, waiting to take off.
3)When he saw me coming he took off in the opposite direction.
4)Her singing career took off after her TV appearance..
take off 脱下;起飞;匆匆离开;突然成功
take on 呈现;雇用;承担;
①Shortly after suffering from a massive earthquake and being reduced to ruins, the city _______a new look.
②Briggs will _____________from Mitchell as general manager when he retires.
③To keep healthy, Professor Johnson ____________ cycling after he retired from school.
takes on
took up
take over
inactive adj.不活动的;不活跃的;惰性的
inaction un. 无行动; 不采取措施
action n. 行动[U]; 活为[C]
take action(s) to do sth.
They have a conflict.
conflict v. 冲突,抵触 cn.&un.争执,争论,分歧
Their dreams conflict with their harsh reality.
I am in conflict with my parents on/about/over which major to choose.
①A conflict with B
②A be in conflict with B
③A come into conflict with B
(on/about/over sth.)
labour/labor n. 劳动(者)[C]; 体力劳动 (U.)
vi. 奋斗; 努力工作
labour force
美国的劳工节 on the fist Monday in September
International Workers’Day
a leather jacket
feather cn. 羽毛
leather n. 皮革[U];
leathers 皮衣/皮外套
the hand-brake lever
Give me a place to stand on, and I can move the Earth.
Lever Principle
lever cn. 操纵杆; 杠杆
level cn. 水平; 水准
liver cn. 肝脏; 肝
an instrument panel
a control panel
panel cn. 控制板; 仪表盘;专家咨询组
1.a judging panel
2.a panel of experts/judges
inch n. 英寸 (=2.54厘米) (复数inches)
1.Give him an inch, he will take a mile.
2.She crawled forward inch by inch.
3.The policemen searched the murder site inch by inch.
foot n. 英尺 (=12 inches )(复数feet)
mile n.英里
backwards/backward adv. 向后; 倒着; 往回
forwards/forward adv. 向前
upwards/upward adv. 向上 downwards/downward adv. 向下
eastwards/eastward adv. 向东
westwards/westward adv.向西
Losing my balance, I fell backwards.
grip vt. & vi. 紧握; 抓紧
grasp/grab /seize
hazy adj. 模糊的;朦胧的; 困惑的
1.My vision has grown so hazy.
2.I have only a hazy memory of what my grandfather was really like.
3.We are a little hazy about what to do next.
hazily adv.模糊地;朦胧地
niece cn. 侄女; 外甥女
nephew cn. 侄子; 外甥
bring v. 带来
take v. 带走
1.Run and fetch the doctor.
=send for
fetch vt. (去)拿来; (去)请来
handkerchief cn. 手帕 (复数:chiefs/-chieves)
chief cn. 首领; 上司;长官 (复数: chiefs)
He took out a handkerchief and ______(blow) his nose.
lamp cn. 灯; 台灯
switch/turn on 开灯
switch/turn off/out a lamp 关灯
The room was softly ______(light) by a lamp.
Strawberry Cream Puffs
Puffs of white smoke came from the chimney.
puff n. (烟、气等的)一缕/少量[C]; 泡芙[C];喘息[U];
1.一缕烟; 一股风; 一阵微风
a puff of smoke/wind/breeze
The hill was very steep and I soon ran out of puff.
1)The job turned out to be harder than we thought.
2)It turned out that he failed the examination. No wonder he looked sorrowful.
3)Remember to turn out the lights when you go to bed.
4)The boss decided to turn Jack out of his job.
5)Thousands of people turned out to welcome the world champion.
2.What he said turned me on to politics.
turn out 原来/证明/结果是; 关掉/熄灭;
赶/撵走; 出席/在场;
turn off 关掉;截断(电流、煤气、水等);使厌烦
turn on 打开;接通(电流、煤气、水等);使感兴趣
1)If you turn over you might find it easier to get to sleep.
2)I would have to turn the evidence over to the police.
turn up 调大;出现/露面
turn down 调小;拒绝
turn into 变成
turn over 翻转/翻身;移交
The person (who/that/whom) I spoke to rudely turned out to be our new headmaster.
random adj. 随机的; 不可思议的
randomly adv. 随机; 随意; 未加计划地
1.It is better to read a few books carefully than to read many at random.
at random 随意; 随机; 胡乱
maximum adj. 最大极限的 n. 最大量; 最大限度
minimum adj. 最小的; 最低的; 最低限度的 n. 最低限度; 最小值;
the maximum speed/temperature
a minimum charge
explode vi. & vt. 爆炸/爆破;情感的迸发
explosion n. 爆炸;爆发;激增
explosive adj.爆炸的;爆发性的 cn.&un.炸药;爆炸物
1.The bomb exploded/went off.
2.Do you fear that you'll burst into tears or explode with anger in front of her
jolt n[常单]. 震动/摇晃/颠簸; 一阵强烈的情感
vt. & vi. (使)震动/摇晃;唤醒
1.The plane landed with a jolt.
2.His grandmother's death gave him a severe jolt.
3.His remark jolted her into action.
He flipped a coin to decide who would get the ticket.
back flips
flip v. (使)快速翻转; (用手指)轻抛;快速按动开关
cn.快速翻转; (用手指)轻抛;
flip on/off the switch
The plane flipped and crashed,killing 200 people.
(flipped-flipped; flipping)
He is totally stunned.
stun vt. 使震惊; 使昏迷/把...打晕
stunned adj. 震惊的; 惊愕的
stunning adj. 令人震惊的/惊愕的;极好的
(stunned-stunned; stunning )
mudslide cn.泥石流
mud un. 泥; 泥浆
muddy adj.泥泞的;模糊的;混乱的
The car wheels got stuck in the mud.
understatement n.轻描淡写
overstatement n. 夸大; 夸张
overstate v.夸大
state v. 陈述; 说明; 声明
statement cn.说法; 声明; 陈述
1.It is no overstatement to say that learning to cooperate with others is the key factor in one's career.
pace n[单]. 速度; 步伐/节奏 vt. & vi. 确定速度/调整节奏;
①at a ... pace 以...的速度
②keep pace with 保持同步;并驾齐驱;跟上;
③set the pace 定步调;树立榜样/起带头作用
1.They set off at a steady/slow/rapid/leisurely pace.
2.Those who are unwilling to challenge themselves fail to keep pace with times.
3.The company is no longer setting the pace in the home computer market.
4.I paced back and forth across the room.
=at a speed of...
= at a pace of...
=at a pace of steadiness/slowness/rapidness/leisure
1.If you take this medicine, all your pains and aches will fall away.
2.Ron fell over, still struggle with monsters.
3.I rushed for the door and fell over my own feet in the hallway.
4.Babies often fall down when they learn to walk.
5.The house looked as if it was about to fall down.
6.Look out! You would fall off the ladder.
fall away (逐渐)减少; 消失
disappear v.消失
fade away 逐渐消失
fall over 摔倒;被...绊倒
fall down 摔倒;倒塌
fall off 从...摔下
7.Modesty helps one go forward while pride makes one fall behind.
fall behind 落后
Cell Division Process
division n. 分开; 分隔; 差异; 除(法)
divided adj.分裂的;有分歧的
divide v.分开; 分割; 除以
①divide A into B, C and D 把A分成B, C and D
③divide A by B 用B来分A/把A除以B
Household waste can be roughly divided into food waste, non- recyclable waste and recyclable waste.
If you divide thirty by five, you can get six.
separate B, C and D from A 把B,C and D从A中分离
urge n. 强烈的欲望; 冲动 vt. 催促; 力劝; 大力推荐urgent adj.紧急的;紧迫的
urgently adv.迫切地;紧急地;急切地
urgency n.紧急/催促;紧急的事
urge cn. 强烈的欲望; 冲动 vt. 催促; 力劝; 大力推荐
①urge sb. to do... 敦促/催促/力劝某人做什么
②urge that sb. (should) do sth. 强烈要求
③It is ueged that sb. (should) do sth. ...是强烈要求
④have an urge to do 有做某事的强烈欲望
1.If you get the chance to visit this place, I strongly urge you _____(have) a try personally.
2.The report urged that all children ________(teach)to swim.
3._____ is strongly urged that new technology should be transferred from the rich to the poor.
4.I had a sudden urge to hit him.
(should) be taught
to have