人教版(2019)必修二 Unit 2 Wildlife protection Words 课件(22张PPT)


名称 人教版(2019)必修二 Unit 2 Wildlife protection Words 课件(22张PPT)
格式 pptx
文件大小 107.2KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-07-10 19:22:34



Unit 2 Words
die out
die off
die away
die down
die of/from
1.Soon the sound of the UFO died ______, and his excitement died ______.
2. As she grew older, her relatives died _____.
3. Effective measures should be taken to preserve the endangered species from _________.
4. The poor man died _______ cold and hunger.
5. Many old customs are gradually dying _____.
6. She is dying ___ a well-paid job after graduation.
dying out
= being extinct / extinction
alarm vt.使警觉;惊动 n.警报;惊恐
→ alarmed adj.担心的 alarming adj. 惊人的
“What on earth are you up to ” Ellie cried in alarm.
The wind sighing through the valley, Jane felt a mounting sense of alarm in the darkness.
As was taught at school, she sounded / raised the alarm when the house caught fire.
Every morning, I am awakened by the sound of the ______________ and drag myself out of bed.
They blocked the news so as not to alarm the public.
__________ by serial bombings, Sri Lankans are now _____________ their prospect (前景).
The number of reported crimes is increasing at an _________ rate.
alarm (clock)
alarmed at/by
aware adj.
The drinking antelope is not aware / conscious of the hidden tiger waiting for a chance to attack.
be / become (well) aware of sth / that 从句
As a matter of fact, many people lack the awareness of environment preservation, as a result ________ it is urgent that measures be adopted to promote/develop/raise the public's awareness of protecting animals' habitats.
= is unaware / unconscious of
of which
an average age / cost
the average man
above/ below average
400 people die of this disease per year on (the) average.
a wildlife reserve
reserve a table / room 预订
These seats are reserved for guests.
watch over sb./ sth.
= guard and protect sb./sth.; take care of sb./sth.
watch out = be careful
The authorities expressed their concern about illegal hunting, which, in their opinion, would badly endanger / threaten biodiversity.
_____________________, educators should __________ _______ the problems that _________________ the healthy growth of children and ____________________ the work of education.
On no account will we give in to their demands, for this matter concerns the interests of people.
a concerned look
the people concerned
As far as I'm concerned
be concerned
are concerned with
concern themselves with/in
In the meeting, all the works agreed to ________ a new idea to reform the factory.
The factory ________ up-to-date techniques to increase its production and make profits.
3) Many new couples are eager to________ the children losing their parents in the earthquake.
4) The film ___________ from the popular novel for children.
5) It took him a while to _________________ the new surroundings.
was adapted
adapt (himself) to
adapt v. adopt v. adept adj.
The little boy disabled in the earthquake found it rather tough to ______________________ the new life.
The quick adaptation to the new environment gave him an edge on his career.
_____________ Mo Yan's novel, the film is a big hit.
= As a screen adaptation of Mo Yan's novel, the film is a big hit.
As we are entering a new era of artificial intelligence, everyone should ________ a new attitude towards AI.
Abandoned by its birth parents, the baby was lucky enough to be ________ by a kind couple.
= get (himself) accustomed to
adapt / adjust (himself) to
Adapted from
( )
authority n.
We have the authority to search this building.
She is an authority on criminal law.
He spoke with authority on the topic.
The health authorities are investigating the issue.
vt. 测量,衡量
It is a device that measures the level of pollution in the atmosphere.
Education shouldn’t be measured purely by examination results.
vi. “长/宽/高是…”
The classroom measures 8 metres by 10 metres.
I shall certainly weigh less!
The tree ___________ 8 metres high is over 100 years old.
n. 衡量,衡量单位
A meter is a measure of length and a kilogram is a measure of weight.
Wealth is not always the measure of happiness.
The tailor took my measure and make a suit to my measure.
n. 措施
We should take immediate measures to settle the problem.

Immediate measures should be taken to settle the problem.
pressure n.
I felt the pressure of his hand on my shoulder.
Is he suffering from pressure of work
They put / brought pressure on me to sell my precious land.
I sold my precious land under pressure.
* put / bring pressure on sb.
* be under pressure
= be under stress
observe v. __________ n.
(1) to notice/watch carefully 观察;专注地看
The scientist spent most of his time _________ the behaviour of whales day and night.
His neighbour observed a stranger _________ ______ into his house.
I observed how the bird fed its young.
(2) vt. 遵守;保持
Every student shall observe silence in class.
observe the traffic rules
(3) 举行(仪式);庆祝(节日等)
Though having lived abroad for years, many Chinese still ________ the traditional customs.
+ n. + do / doing…
+ n.
+ that…/名从
The photo reminded me of the happy days when I had great fun playing with my neighboring kids.
2. 她提醒我蛋糕一好就从烤箱里拿出来。
She reminded me to remove the cake from the oven, as soon as it was done.
= She reminded me that immediately the cake was done, I should remove it from the oven.
3. He still went his own way despite repeated reminders.
The hunter shot at / took a shot at the deer in the distance but didn’t shoot it.
He shot out his hand to grab her.
Flames were shooting up through the roof.
Over years, the tree was shooting towards the heaven.
She shot him an angry glance.
shoot a movie / photograph
After the rainy season, the new green shoots spring up.
--shot –shot
(16) attack vt. 进攻;攻击
n. 疾病等的(侵害)
We chose to attack the laws.
The man attacked him with a knife.
Once again we came under attack from the enemies.
* be/come under attack 遭到攻击
* a heart attack 心脏病
intend v. __________ n.
I intend to finish / finishing reading this book .
The old man intended his son to study abroad.
The dictionary _____________children.
is intended for
= is designed / meant for
Many problems ___________ agriculture.
=_____________ many problems in agriculture.
The old man finds it difficult to ___________ his pension alone.
The custom ________________ two decades ago.
The plant is the oldest of its kind ____________.
Among the _________ Buddhist art treasures, Mogao Caves are regarded as the largest and longest preserved ones.
exist in
There exist
exist on
in existence
came into existence
reduce vt.
reduction n.
reduce sth by … 把…减少了…
reduce sth to … 把…减少到 / 降到…
reduce sb to despair / terror / silence / tears
= be reduced to despair / terror / silence / tears
使某人陷入绝望/ 恐惧/沉默/流泪
reduce vt. ____________ n.
1. He persuaded them to reduce the price ______ $1,000.
2. Production costs have been reduced ______ one third.
3. 大火把森林烧得仅剩下几棵树了。
The fire reduced the forest to a few trees.
4. Because of the war, the beautiful city has been reduced to ruins.
5. Their negative comments reduced her to tears.
= She __________________ by their nagative comments.
was reduced to tears
reduce ... to despair / terror / silence / tears
because of
as a result of
on account of
thanks to
due to
owing to
1. 我因为堵车迟到了。
I was late due to / because of the heavy traffic.
= I was late because I was held up in traffic.
due adj.
Her baby is due to be born next month.
Rose is due to start school in September.
My essay is due next Friday.
Have they paid the money that is due to them
+ n. / doing
now that
+ 句子
search v. / n.
search A = 搜…
search A for B
search for B = 寻找…
Firefighters searched the building for survivors.
=They searched for survivors in the building.
Police searched the city for the murderer.
He searched himself for the coin she gave him.
She went into the kitchen ____________ a drink.
=She went into the kitchen ___________ a drink.
=She went into the kitchen searching for a drink.
= look for
to search for
in search of