高中英语人教版(2019)必修第一册 Unit 3 Sports and Fitness 语法课课件(32张ppt)


名称 高中英语人教版(2019)必修第一册 Unit 3 Sports and Fitness 语法课课件(32张ppt)
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版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-07-13 22:23:52



Unit 3 Sports and Fitness
Discover Useful Structures
Period II Discovering Useful Structures
1.语言知识:compete,pretend,cheat,audience, make sense, even if/even though 引导让步状语从句,附加疑问句等。
1.An athlete should think about honour and his/her fans if he/she is competing for his/her country.一名运动员如果为他/她的祖国而竞争,那就应该考虑荣誉和他/她的崇拜者。
compete vi.竞争;对抗;参加比赛
It is difficult for a small grocery store to compete with a supermarket.
Several companies are competing against/with each other for the contract.
How many countries competed in the ancient Olympic Games
compete with/against... (for...)(为得到……)与……竞争
compete for sth 为某事物而竞争
compete in...参加……
① competition.竞争者;对手
② competition.比赛;竞赛
The prize for the winner of the competition is a two-week holiday in Paris.
③ competitive adj.竞争的;有竞争力的
Competitive sports encourage children to work together as a team.
①He came first in the poetry_____________(compete).
②Our firm is no longer____________ (compete) in the world market.
③The firm has better products than its_________(compete).
④Several countries are competing _________the chance to host the game.
⑤We are competing _________several companies for the project.
2.That doesn't make any sense!那个没有任何意义! 教材 P41
make sense
① have a clear meaning有意义;讲得通;有道理;
make sth easy to understand表述清楚
Add these phrases to the rhyme so that it makes sense.
No matter how I tried to read it, the message did not make sense to me.
②make something reasonable是明智的;合乎情理
It would make sense to leave early.
① make no sense 无意义;讲不通(主语是物)
These words are put together but make no sense.这些词被堆砌在一起,但是毫无意义。
②make (no) sense to sb对某人来说讲得(不)通;对某人来说有(无)意义
Towels that hang there just to look pretty make no sense to me.
③make sense of sth理解某事;弄懂某事(主语是人)
You can ask the teacher to speak slowly so that you can make sense of what he says.
① It makes sense to take good care of yourself.
② Can you make sense of the poem
③ Your words don't make sense to me.
3.A soccer player should not pretend to fall down even if it helps his/ her team.
pretend vi.& vt.假装;装扮
Miss Harper closed her eyes and pretended to be asleep.
He pretended not to know the facts.他佯装不知实情。
She pretended to be doing her homework when the teacher came in.
When asked about the content of the book, he pretended to have read it.
She pretended (that) she was not at home when we rang the bell.
pretend (not) to do sth 假装(没)做某事 pretend to be doing sth假装正在做某事
pretend to have done sth假装做了某事 pretend +that从句 假装······
①She pretended_____________(sleep)when her mother came in.
②He pretended____________ (forget)the conversation after that night.
③He pretended to his family________ everything was fine.
④I passed by Joan quickly without greeting her, pretending not ________(see) her.
to be sleeping
to forget
to see
4.You should never cheat.你绝对不应该作弊。 教材 P41
①vi.作弊;舞弊 vt.欺骗;蒙骗
I hope you wouldn't lower yourself to cheat in the examination.
A cheat cheated him out of his money.
be caught cheating作弊被抓住
cheat sb (out) of sth从某人那里骗得某物;(用不正当手段)阻止某人得到某物
His addiction has turned him into a cheat and a liar.
①He was cheated out ______ all his possessions.
②Peter was caught _________(cheat)in the exam.
③In another culture,he would be considered ________cheat and may be subject to death.
5.I see what you mean,but the audience wants fair play.我明白你的意思,但是观众想要的是公平竞争。
audience n.观众;听众;读者
The audience began clapping and cheering.
A radio announcer may have an audience of millions.
Say's writings reached a wide audience during his lifetime.
The audience was/were enthusiastic on the opening night of the play.那出戏的首次公演之夜,观众非常热情。
There was a large audience of young people at the pop concert.
Her lecture had a crowded audience.
①________audience applauded loudly at the end of the concert.
②The game show attracts________ audience of 12 million.
③The audience_____________ (shock) by the scene of violence.
was shocked
I agree with the idea that a soccer player should never pretend to fall down even if it helps his or her team.
知识拓展even if/even though引导让步状语从句
even if/even though引导让步状语从句,一般译为“即使;虽然”,从句往往是假设性的,通常用一般现在时代替一般将来时。
I felt that it would be a victory for us even if we lost the game.(2018天津)
Even if we achieve great success in our work, we should not be proud.
①_________________________(即使明天下雨),we won't change our plan.
②He went out, _________________________(尽管在下雨).
③_______________________________(尽管这次聚会上我谁也不认识),I had a nice time.
④ They'll stand by you _________________________(即使你不成功).
Even if/ though it rains tomorrow
even if / though it was raining
Even if/ though I didn’t know anyoen/anybody at the party
even if /though you don’t succeed
语法精讲 附加疑问句
She was ill yesterday, wasn't she 她昨天病了,不是吗?
语法精讲 附加疑问句
Tom dislikes the book, doesn't he
①There’s hardly any milk in the bottle, __________
②He has never ridden a horse before, __________
③He seldom came here, __________
④He disagrees with his parents, __________
⑤These tools are useless now, __________
⑥You've never visited the Great Wall, __________
is there
has he
did he
doesn’t he
aren’t they
have you
He can't ride a bike, can he 他不会骑自行车,是吗?
陈述部分含有no,nothing, nobody, never, few, seldom, hardly, rarely, little 等否定或半否定含义的词时,疑问部分用肯定形式。
He can hardly write his name, can he
—He likes playing football, doesn't he 他喜欢踢足球,不是吗?
—Yes, he does./No, he doesn't.是的,他喜欢。/不是,他不喜欢。
—His sister didn't attend the meeting,did she
—Yes, she did., she didn't.
① —You've never seen dinosaur eggs,have you
—__________ . How I wish to visit the Dinosaur World.
②—They don't work hard,do they
—_________. They are The most hard-working students in our class.
No, I haven’t
Yes, they do
陈述部分主语 附加疑问句主语 例句
one(泛指人) one/he/you One can't be too careful,can one/he/you 一个人要再三小心,对吗?
This,that, 非谓语形式 it That isn't correct, is it 那不对,是吗?Seeing is believing,isn't it 眼见为实,不是吗?
These,those they These are your friends, aren't they 这些是你的朋友,不是吗?
Everything,Anything,Something,nothing it Nothing happened to him, did it 他没出什么事,是吗?Everything seems all right now,doesn't it 现在一切似乎都很好,不是吗?
Everyone(body)Anyone(body)Someone(body)No one (nobody) He/they Nobody likes to be laughed at, does he/do they 没有人喜欢被嘲笑,是吗?
There be there There's no help for it,is there 没有办法了,是吗?
主语由neither---nor---或both---and---连接 根据实际逻辑意义而定 Both you and he are doctors, aren't you 你和他都是医生,不是吗?Neither you nor I am wrong, are we 你我都没错,是吗?
①There was a loud scream from the backstage immediately after the concert ended,____________
②No one failed in the last examination, ___________?
③Everything is ready,________?
④Everyone knows the answer,__________________ ?
⑤Somebody phoned you while I was out, ______________ ?
wasn’t there
did they/he
isn’t it
doesn’t they/doesn’t he
didn’t they/he
⑥Something has been done to stop pollution, ___________
⑦This is very important for students, _________?
⑧Those are your books, ___________?
⑨Collecting stamps is his hobby, ________?
⑩To become a great writer is his dream, ________?
Neither you nor he is good at maths, ________?
isn’t it
aren’t they
isn’t it
isn’t it
isn’t it
are you
4 谓语的选择
They have a house in town,haven't they/don't they 他们在城里有房子,不是吗?
He has lunch at school,doesn't he 他在学校吃午饭,不是吗?
(2)陈述部分谓语含有情态动词have/has/had to时,疑问部分用do的相应形式。
We have to get there at eight, don't we 我们必须八点到那里,不是吗?
(3)陈述部分谓语含有情态动词used to时,附加疑问句谓语用didn't或usedn't。
The old man used to smoke, didn't/usedn't he 那个老人以前抽烟,不是吗?
I must answer the call, mustn't/needn't I 我必须接电话,不是吗?
We need not do it again, need we 我们不需要再做了,是吗?
She doesn't need to finish all this work tonight, does she 她不必今晚就完成所有工作,是吗?
①You must work hard next term, ___________________
② We need not go to school,_________
③They have no time to visit the museum, ________________?
④He used to get up at 6:30, ________________
⑤They need our help badly at the moment, _________
⑥ Her daughter had the carpets and curtains cleaned, _________
⑦Her daughter had to clean the carpets and curtains, _________?
⑧The teacher had a talk with you,_____________
mustn’t /needn’t you
need we
do/have they
didn’t /usedn’t you
don’t they
didn’t she
didn’t she
didn’t he/she
5 特殊句式的附加疑问句
We must study hard or we can't pass the exam, can we
① 主句主语是第一人称,且含有think, believe, suppose, guess, expect,imagine 等动词时,疑问部分的主语和动词形式和从句一致。
We believe she can do it better, can't she
I don't think he is bright,is he (否定前移,疑问部分用肯定)
He said that he would like to visit the Great Wall, didn't he
① 肯定祈使句,附加疑问句通常用will/won't you;否定祈使句,用 will you。
Take a rest, will/won't you 休息一下,好吗?
Don't open the door, will you 别开门,好吗?
②Let's引导的祈使句,附加疑问句用shall we。
Let's go to the park,shall we 我们去公园,好吗?
③Let us引导的祈使句,附加疑问句用will you。
Let us have a look,will you 让我们看看,好吗?
④Let me引导的祈使句,附加疑问句用will you或may I。
Let me have a rest, may I/will you 让我休息一下,好吗?
What a lucky day, isn't it 多幸运的一天啊,不是吗?
①She says that I did it,__________
②I guess she taught herself Japanese, _____________
③It's my son's wedding next week,and I have to do my best for that,__________?
④Tom has been writing letters all afternoon, but he should have finished them by now, ___________
⑤Let's have a basketball match this afternoon, __________?
⑥Let us go out for a rest, __________
⑦Don't forget to give Polly some food and change her water, __________ ?
⑧Tell me how to operate the electronic computer, ____________________ ?
⑨What beautiful flowers,__________ ·
doesn’t she
didn’t she
don’t I
shouldn’t he
shall he
shall we
will you
will /won’t you
aren’t they