Unit 4 Adversity and Courage Period 6 Assessing your progress 课件+教案


名称 Unit 4 Adversity and Courage Period 6 Assessing your progress 课件+教案
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资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-07-15 16:18:14


Unit 4 Adversity and Courage
课题 Unit 4 Period 6 Assessing your progress 单元 Unit 4 学科 English 年级 Grade 2
教材 分析 This section consists of three parts, including language knowledge testing activities and self reflection activities. Activity 1 provides a short article about the historical background of people's exploration of Antarctica 100 years ago. Activity 2 is mainly to test students' mastery of verb tenses. Some of the eight sentences listed need to use the target structure of this unit - now complete continuous tense, and some need to use other tenses. Several questions are designed in the part of self reflection.
教学目标与核心素养 Knowledge objectives: To test students' understanding and application of key vocabulary in this unit.. Skill objectives: To train students' ability to comprehensively use language and cultivate students' awareness of context and pragmatics. Emotional objectives: To increases the input of culture and broaden students' horizons. Thinking quality objectives: To summarize the content, theme and language knowledge.
重点 How to train the students' ability to comprehensively use language.
难点 How to summarize the content, theme and language knowledge .
Period 6 Assessing your progress教学设计
教学环节 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图
导 入 新 课 Revision (PPT1-3) 1.Watch a video. 2.What is the video mainly about This video is about ______________exploration and ecological___________,whose__________ is to enhance people's understanding of Antarctica and realize the tough ___________where scientists do research . Answers: Antarctic;protection;purpose;environment Before we read another passage about the Antarctic,let’s review some words related to exploration. Ask the students to fill in the blanks according to the video. To prepare for Exercise 1 .
讲 授 新 课 Activity 1 (PPT4-7) 1.Give the words/phrase according to the meaning. 1. c___________ the hard work and loyalty that someone gives to an organization, activity etc 2.c____________ someone who is being considered for a job or is competing in an election 3.d____________ slightly wet, often in an unpleasant way 4.w____________ money you earn that is paid according to the number of hours, days, or weeks that you work 5.r_________strong belief and determination 6.c____________ making someone suffer or feel unhappy 7.m____________ a reason for doing something Answers:commitment;candidate;damp;wage; resolution;cruel ; motive 2.Complete the passage with the proper forms of the words in the box. candidate;commitment;cruel;damp;motive; resolution;wage One hundred years ago, exploring the Antarctic was a dangerous business. Because of the ______ weather and very little knowledge of how to survive in the Antarctic, the chances of success were quite slim and many explorers died. The people who signed up for such voyages were paid low ________ and had to tolerate poor working conditions and rough seas, along with the cold and _________ weather. They also had to have a strong ________ to finish what they had started no matter how hard it was, great personal discipline, and a firm ___________ to the other members of the team. Yet, many _________ still applied to join such explorations. Some might have wanted to become famous. Others were looking for rewards. However, the ________ for many was to experience a great adventure. Answers:cruel, wages, damp, resolution, commitment, candidates, motive Activity 2 (PPT8-10) Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets. 1. The philosophy of Confucius, also known as Confucianism, _________ deeply __________ (influence) Chinese culture. 2. Henry _________(join) the navy when he was 20 and he ____________(retire) now. 3. The girl _________________(want) to meet the pianist ever since she _________(attend) his concert. 4. _________ you _________(hear) of the saying “Curiosity killed the cat” 5. Your fridge ____________(give off) a terrible smell. When _________ you last _________(clean) it 6. As the children are older now, we __________ (think) of moving to a bigger house. 7. My friend Maggie _____________(ask) me to visit her for ages, but I ________ not really ________ (have) the time. 8. I ________________(expect) the movie to end happily, but actually it has a sad ending. Answers: 1.has ... influenced 2.joined, has retired 3.has/had wanted, attended 4.Have ... heard 5.is giving off, did ... clean 6.are thinking 7.has been asking, do ... have 8.expected/was expecting Activity 3 (PPT11) Reflecting What have you learnt from Earnest Shackleton and the Endurance expedition What adjectives would you use to describe Shackleton and his crew Give your reasons. What do you think are good ways to overcome adversity Which part of the unit did you find the most difficult How did you cope with it Overall,I thought this unit was interesting useful so-so difficult Activity 4 (PPT18-19) Writing Read the following information. Then introduce Tu Youyou to your partner based on what you have written. Basic information Date of birth: 30 December, 1930 Birthplace: Zhejiang Province, China Education:Studying medicine at Peking University 1. 2. 3. 4.Writing time 5.Show time On 7 December, 2015, Tu Youyou was awarded a Nobel Prize for her discovery of artemisinin, a life-saving drug for malaria. Tu Youyou majored in medicine in university and later studied Chinese medicine with experts in the field. In 1969, Tu Youyou was given the mission to set up a team to find a cure for malaria.When worldwide scientists failed to find a cure using modern chemicals, Tu Youyou turned to Chinese herbs for help. Despite their limited resources and hundreds of failed experiments, they found a possible chemical. In order to test the medicine, Tu Youyou and her team tested the medicine on their own bodies. They finally discovered the most effective drug to cure the disease. Although Tu Youyou has won the Nobel Prize and become well-known, she is uninterested in fame and prefers to continue her research. Language points(PPT20-23) commitment 【词义】 n. 承诺;保证;奉献 【教材原句】
...a firm commitment to the other members of the team. ......对团队其他成员的坚定承诺。 【热点归纳】 committed adj.坚定的;承担义务的 commit v 犯罪;把...交托给;使…承担义务 make a commitment to do sth.承诺做某事 commit oneself/sb.向...... 承诺 commit sth 犯…罪 commit…to 交付给;做出承诺;致力于 【例句】 You've been drifting from job to job without any real commitment. 你一直在无目的地更换工作,从未真正投入进去。 Will the president be able to hold to this commitment 总统能恪守这一承诺吗? 【语法填空】 (1)This is a man _______ has committed murder. (2)We made a commitment _______(keep) working together. 答案(1)who (2)to keep 2.give off 放出(光,热,气味) 【教材原句】
Your fridge is giving off a terrible smell.你的冰箱发出一股难闻的气味。 【例句】 The apples give off a very sweet smell. 这些苹果散发出非常香甜的味儿。 The moon, for example, does not give off any light of its own. 举月亮为例, 它自身并不发光。 【热点归纳】 give away泄露;赠送;分发;分送 give back归还;送还;送回;恢复 give up 放弃 give way让路;让步;快车先行;屈服 give out分发;发出;放出 give in to屈服 【语法填空】 (1)Many household products give _______ noxious fumes(有害气体). (2)Military advantages should not be given _________. 答案(1)off (2)away Practice (PPT24-27) 应用文写作: Have you ever met or heard of someone who persevered and overcame adversity in his/her life Write a story about this person.Your story should include the following: An introduction which tells us the name of the person,what work he/she does,and how you got to know him/her Some details about the problem he/she faced The different ways he/she tried to overcome the problem. How he/she felt after overcoming the difficulties Any lessons that you learnt from this person's story 参考范文: Joanne Rowling is an author who I came to know after reading her famous Harry Potter books. She always loved reading and wrote her first book when she was just six. She later got married and had a baby, but her marriage broke up and she was left to look after her daughter with no money. She felt like a failure, but this gave her the chance to keep writing. She received many rejections for her work, and it was also hard to be accepted as a woman. She changed her name to J. K. Rowling, to make her gender ambiguous, and, although she often felt too depressed to continue, she kept going. One publisher eventually gave her a book deal, after giving the first chapter to his daughter to read. She immediately asked for the next one, and the rest is history. She went on to become the world's first billionaire author. Her books have now sold more than 500 million copies worldwide and have been made into successful films. She has given a lot of her wealth away and supports many charities. I have learnt a lot from her “rags to riches”story: if you believe in yourself and keep trying, one day you will succeed against all odds. Homework (PPT28): Review the words and phrases of this unit. Ask the students to give the answers. Do the exercise by students. Ask the students to read the passage . Let students do the exercises and discuss their answers in pairs. Guide the students to review the grammar items. Reflect their progress by themselves or in pairs. Do some writing under the teacher’s guidance. Guide students to organize the writing structure . Let students show their essays and read the good ones. Learn the language points carefully by the explanation and examples. Let students do the exercises carefully. Students read and discuss their competitions. To review the important words. To check up the students' ability to use the words correctly. To further understand the passage . To review the knowledge of grammar . To better understand the details of this grammar. To reflect learning effect. To guide students to write something . To have an organized outline for writing. To present their ideas about the writing. To train their writing ability. To learn more words and useful expressions. To use the language points correctly. To improve the writing skills.
课堂小结 Summary: To give the words/phrase according to the meaning. To complete the passage with the proper forms of the words in the box. To complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets. 3.To assess your progress by reflecting. 4.To do some plete the two exercises by themselves. Guide them to check up their answers. Guide them to do some writing. 1. To check their vocabulary . 2. To train their writing ability.
板 书 1.Review words: commitment;candidate;damp;wage; resolution;cruel ; motive Grammar: 3.Language points: commitment;give off 4.Part Writing: 4.
21世纪教育网 www.21cnjy.com 精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
Period 6 Assessing your progress
Unit 4 Adversity and Courage
Watch a video.
This video is about ______________
exploration and ecological___________,
whose__________ is to enhance people's understanding of Antarctica and realize
the tough ___________where scientists do research .
What is the video mainly about
Before we read another passage about the Antarctic,let’s review some words related to exploration.
1. c___________ the hard work and loyalty that someone gives
to an organization, activity etc
2.c____________ someone who is being considered for a job or is
competing in an election
3.d____________ slightly wet, often in an unpleasant way
4.w____________ money you earn that is paid according to the
number of hours, days, or weeks that you work
5.r____________ strong belief and determination
6.c____________ making someone suffer or feel unhappy
7.m____________ a reason for doing something
Give the words/phrase according to the meaning.
Activity 1
One hundred years ago, exploring the Antarctic was a dangerous business. Because of the ______ weather and very little knowledge of how to survive in the Antarctic, the chances of success were quite slim and many explorers died. The people
who signed up for such voyages were paid
Activity 1
Complete the passage with the proper forms of the words in the box.
candidate ; commitment ;cruel damp; motive ; resolution; wage
low ________ and had to tolerate poor working conditions and rough seas, along with the cold and _________ weather. They also had to have a strong ________ to finish what they had started no matter how hard it was, great personal discipline, and a firm ___________ to the other members of the team.
Activity 1
Complete the passage with the correct forms of the words in the box.
candidate ; commitment ;cruel damp; motive ; resolution; wage
Yet, many _________ still applied to join such explorations. Some might have wanted to become famous. Others were looking for rewards. However, the ________ for many was to experience a great adventure.
Activity 1
Complete the passage with the correct forms of the words in the box.
candidate ; commitment ;cruel damp; motive ; resolution; wage
Activity 2
Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.
1. The philosophy of Confucius, also known as Confucianism, _________ deeply __________ (influence) Chinese culture.
2. Henry _________(join) the navy when he was 20 and he ____________(retire) now.
3. The girl _________________(want) to meet the pianist ever since she _________(attend) his concert.
has retired
has / had wanted
n. 孔子学说;儒家(学说)
4. _________ you _________(hear) of the saying “Curiosity killed the cat”
5. Your fridge ____________(give off) a terrible smell. When _________ you last _________(clean) it
6. As the children are older now, we __________ (think) of moving to a bigger house.
Activity 2
Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.
Have heard
is giving off
are thinking
7. My friend Maggie _______________
(ask) me to visit her for ages, but I ________ not really ________ (have) the time.
8. I _____________________(expect) the movie to end happily, but actually it has a sad ending.
Activity 2
Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.
has been asking
expected/ was expecting
现在完成进行时:have / has been + v.-ing
What have you learnt from Earnest Shackleton and the Endurance expedition
What adjectives would you use to describe Shackleton and his crew Give your reasons.
What do you think are good ways to overcome adversity
Which part of the unit did you find the most difficult How did you cope with it
Overall, I thought this unit
interesting useful
so-so difficult.
Activity 3
Read the following information. Then introduce Tu Youyou to your partner based on what you have written.
Basic information
Date of birth: 30 December, 1930
Birthplace: Zhejiang Province, China
Education:Studying medicine at Peking University
Activity 4
Activity 4
which parts should be the main body
giving examples
What can make your report more attractive
make your report more believable
from the different aspects of information
quotation, photos, pictures
Activity 4
Scientific work
Task and
to find a cure for malaria.
limited resources, not enough staff and poor working conditions
tested over 240,000 chemicals
researched hundreds of traditional recipes
tested herself
Activity 4
Not interested
in fame
Towards the honour
Towards future research
a recognition
a motivation
Show time
Writing time
On 7 December, 2015, Tu Youyou was awarded a Nobel Prize for her discovery of artemisinin, a life-saving drug for malaria. Tu Youyou majored in medicine in university and later studied Chinese medicine with experts in the field.
In 1969, Tu Youyou was given the mission to set up a team to find a cure for malaria.
Activity 4
Show time
When worldwide scientists failed to find a cure using modern chemicals,
Tu Youyou turned to Chinese herbs for help. Despite their limited resources and hundreds of failed experiments, they found a possible chemical. In order to test the medicine, Tu Youyou and her team tested the medicine on
Activity 4
Show time
their own bodies. They finally discovered the most effective drug to cure the disease.
Although Tu Youyou has won the Nobel Prize and become well-known, she is uninterested in fame and prefers to continue her research.
Activity 4
Show time
【词义】 n. 承诺;保证;奉献
...a firm commitment to the other members of the team. ......对团队其他成员的坚定承诺。
committed adj.坚定的;承担义务的
commit v 犯罪;把...交托给;使…承担义务
make a commitment to do sth.承诺做某事
commit oneself/sb.向...... 承诺
commit sth 犯…罪
commit…to 交付给;做出承诺;致力于
[k m tm nt]
language points
You've been drifting from job to job without any real commitment. 你一直在无目的地更换工作,从未真正投入进去。
Will the president be able to hold to this
commitment 总统能恪守这一承诺吗?
(1)This is a man _______ has committed murder.
(2)We made a commitment _______(keep) working together.
答案(1)who (2)to keep
language points
[k m tm nt]
Your fridge is giving off a terrible smell.你的冰箱发出一股难闻的气味。
The apples give off a very sweet smell.
The moon, for example, does not give off any light of its own. 举月亮为例, 它自身并不发光。
give away泄露;赠送;分发;分送
give back归还;送还;送回;恢复
give off
language points
give up 放弃
give way让路;让步;快车先行;屈服
give out分发;发出;放出
give in to屈服
(1)Many household products give _______ noxious fumes(有害气体).
(2)Military advantages should not be given _________.
答案(1)off (2)away
language points
give off
Have you ever met or heard of someone who persevered and overcame adversity in his/her life Write a story about this person.Your story should include the following:
An introduction which tells us the name of the person,what work he/she does,and how you got to know him/her
Some details about the problem he/she faced
The different ways he/she tried to overcome
the problem.
How he/she felt after overcoming the
Any lessons that you learnt from this
person's story.
Joanne Rowling is an author who I came to know after reading her famous Harry Potter books. She always loved reading and wrote her first book when she was just six. She later got married and had a baby, but her marriage broke up and she was left to look after her daughter with no money. She felt like a failure, but this gave
her the chance to keep writing. She
received many rejections for her work, and it was also hard to be accepted as a woman. She changed her name to J. K. Rowling, to make her gender ambiguous, and, although she often felt too depressed to continue, she kept going. One publisher eventually gave her a book deal, after giving the first chapter to his daughter to read. She immediately asked for the next one, and the rest is history.
She went on to become the world's first billionaire author. Her books have now sold more than 500 million copies worldwide and have been made into successful films. She has given a lot of her wealth away and supports many charities. I have learnt a lot from her “rags to riches”story: if you believe in yourself and keep trying, one day you will succeed against all odds.
Review the important words and phrases of this unit.