课题:Unit2 My family
教学目标 1、能够理解对话大意,并能够用正确的语音语调朗读对话 2、能够在语境中运用句型“—Who’s that man/woman —He’s/She’s my…”来交流各家庭成员的信息 3、通过创设“某人是谁”的情景,巩固操练句型“—Who’s that man/woman —He’s/She’s my…”
教学重点 能够掌握句型“—Who’s that man/woman —He’s/She’s my…”
教学难点 能够在情景中自然使用本课所学的内容进行对话,并做到发音准确 语调自然
教学准备 PPT课件
教学课时 第一课时 Part A Let’s talk & Point and say
教学过程 教学过程 Step 1 Warm up 1. Greetings. T: Boys and girls, nice to meet you! Ss: Nice to meet you, too. 2.播放第一单元歌曲Boy and girl。学生齐唱。 Step 2 Lead in 1.展示教材人物图片,通过问答的方式进行介绍,引出本课重点句式:Who is … Teacher: Look at this boy/girl. Who’s this He/She is our friend Wu Binbin/ Amy. Who’s this girl Who’s this boy Step 3 Presentation 首先问学生身边的同学“Who is he/she ”板书he 和she。 出示陈洁等小朋友的照片,询问学生“Who is he/she ”让学生用“He’s /She’s...”来回答。最后,自然地引出“—Who’s that man/woman —He’s/She’s…” 展示陈洁的爸爸的图片,让学生猜测他的身份,先使其理解新单词man的含义,再顺利引出问句:Who’s that man Teacher:Look, is this a boy No, he isn’t. He is a man. Read after me, please, man. Mr Jones is a man. Is Wu Binbin a man No. Is Zhang Peng a man No. They are boys. Who is this man Guess. 学生尝试猜测图片中男性的身份。 播放对话录音,学生找出答案。 Teacher:Now, let’s listen to the dialogue. Listen carefully. You can find out. 听完录音后,请学生说出自己的答案。 Teacher: Now, please tell me. Who is that man Step 4 Practice 1. 再次播放课文录音。学生跟读课文。 2. 学生分角色朗读课文。 3. Point and say. 4.小组活动。请根据Who is… 两个句型编一个小故事,并到前边表演,评选出表现最优的小组。 Teacher: Let’s do a group work. Please make a dialogue or story. You can use the sentence Who is… Then show it. Let’s find which group is best. Step 5 Summary 教师指向班里任意学生,由学生根据他们的姓名来完成韵句。 Who is this boy/girl Who is this boy/girl He/ She is … He/ She is … Step 6 Homework 练习对话。 完成练习册第十一页的习题。
板书设计 Unit 2 My family A. Let’s talk Who’s this man Who’s this woman He’s my… She’s my…
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课题:Unit2 My family
教学目标 1. 能够听懂、会说、认读单词:father(dad), mother(mum), man, woman。 2. 能够在真实或虚拟的情景中听懂、会说句式:Who’s that woman She’s my mother. 3. 能够了解复活节的相关知识。
教学重点 能够听懂、会说、认读单词:father(dad), mother(mum), man, woman。 能够在真实或虚拟的情景中听懂、会说句式:Who’s that woman She’s my mother.
教学难点 能够正确掌握并区分man, woman。
教学准备 PPT课件
教学课时 第二课时 Part A. Let’s learn; Let’s chant.
教学过程 教学过程 Step 1 Warm up 1. Greetings. T: Where are you from? Ss: I'm from 2.Play a game:sharp eyes Step 2 Lead in 1.出示主景图,提问学生图片上的人物是谁?他们在干什么? 2.讲解有关复活节的活动。 Step 3 Presentation 1.播放Family的视频,引出F和M所代表的单词是father、mother。 板书单词father(dad), mother(mum),学生跟读。 2.播放课文内容,练习句式:Who’s that woman She’s my… Teacher:We know this is a woman, and that is a man. Who are they Let’s listen and find out. 学生带问题认真倾听录音内容,然后尝试回答。 Teacher: Now show me you answer. Who’s that man Who’s that woman? 板书单词man, woman,学生跟读。 3.区分boy,girl和man,woman的区别 Step 4 Practice 1. 再次播放课文录音。学生跟读单词。 2. 游戏:猜单词。 (1)展示首字母,学生猜单词。 Teacher: Let’s play a game. I’ll show the first letter of the word. Please guess what it is. (2)出示字母卡片,请学生把卡片排列正确。分组PK,看看哪一组的同学更快更准确的排列出单词 Teacher:Now, I’ll show some letters. They are in wrong order. 播放Chant: They are a family, 学生跟唱。 教师带读,学生一边唱一边做动作。 Step 5 Summary 齐读单词 Step 6 Homework 1.抄写单词8+4。 2.朗读单词3次并签名。
板书设计 Unit 2 My family A. Let’s learn family man woman father mother dad boy mum son Who’s that woman She’s my mother.
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课题:Unit2 My family
教学目标 1、能够了解元音字母e在单词中的短音发音/e/ 2、能够通过描红单词初步掌握单词书写的要求
教学重点 能够听懂、会说、认读、书写单词:ten, pen, leg, red. 能够了解元音字母e在单词中发的短音/ e /。
教学难点 能够根据元音字母e的发音规律拼读含有本字母的单词。
教学准备 PPT课件
教学课时 第三课时 Part A. Let’s spell
教学过程 教学过程 Step 1 Warm up 1. Greetings. Greet with students. 2. Listen to a song—I love my family. (播放课件) Students enjoy the English song and follow it to sing. Step 2 Lead in 猜宝小游戏。教师带个小盒子到班里,让学生猜测里边是什么。 Step 3 Presentation 1. 教授 “pen, red, ten, leg”. (1)教授新单词“pen”. 课件出示: 大象用鼻子卷起了钢笔。 T: This is my new pen. T: P-E-N, pen. 板书pen (2)教授新单词 “red”.(大象用钢笔写下了一个单词red) T:The elephant’s name is red (教师板书学生书空) T:What colour is the pen (教师拿出一支红色的钢笔) Ss: Red. T: Good! R-E-D, red. 教授新单词 “ten”. (课件出示十张邀请卡,大象写下了十张邀请卡,请他的同学们来参加他的生日会) T: They are cards. How many Let’s count, OK Ss: OK! 全班一起数一数有多少支卡片。 Ss: One, two…ten. T: Yes, ten. T-E-N, ten. Ten cards. (4)教授新单词 “leg”. (课件出示:一只踩到油漆变红的蚂蚁) T: What’s this Ss: It’s ant. (Students can say in Chinese.) T: What colour is it Ss: It is red. T: And it has eight legs. Let’s count. One leg, two legs…L-E-G, leg. (课件出示:leg的相关内容) 2. Let’s spell. 课件出示:教材P16 Let’s spell的视频 3. Find the same pronunciation in these words. T: What do these four words have in common Can you find (出示课件) Ss: 每个单词中都含有字母e T: Yes, and the letter “e” sounds “/e/” in these words. Step 4 Practice 1. 看口型,猜单词。教师说出四个语音例词中的一个,但不出声,学生通过观察老师的口型,猜出单词,并大声读出来。 2. 快速抢读。展示四个单词图卡,学生快速反应,并以拼读的方式读出单词。 3. 单词PK赛。一分钟的时间,看哪位学生能默写出单词,又快有准确。 Step 5 Summary 展示语音例词图片,学生快速抢读单词,之后再齐唱韵句。 Step 6 Homework 1.抄写单词8+4。 2.朗读单词8+4。
板书设计 Unit 2 My family A. Let’s spell ten pen leg red Ten red pens, ten red pens. Eight pens, nine pens, ten red pens.
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课题:Unit2 My family
教学目标 1. 能够听懂、会说句式:Who’s that boy He’s my brother. Is she/ he your… Yes, he/she is. No, he/she isn’t. 2. 能够理解并能正确认读课文对话,发音准确,语调自然。 3. 能够在真实的语境中运用本课的句型来询问或回答家庭成员的身份。
教学重点 能够在情景中正确地运用句型“—Is he/she your… —Yes, he/she is./No, he/she isn’t.”
教学难点 能够在情景中用一般疑问句创编对话
教学准备 PPT课件
教学课时 第四课时 B Let’s talk & Let’s play
教学过程 教学过程 Step 1 Warm up Greetings. T:Where are you from? S1:I am from... T:Who's that boy/girl? He/She is ... 2. Let's chant 播放音频,学生跟唱They are a family. Step 2 Lead in 1. 出示教师家人照片,请学生猜一猜家庭成员。 Teacher: They are a family. I have a happy family, too. Look at the picture of my family. Guess, who are they 板书句子:Who’s this boy/man/woman Is he your… 引导学生使用句型来猜测家庭成员名称。 Step 3 Presentation 1.出示一张班里某个学生的家庭照,询问学生 T: Who is that woman S1: She is my mother. T: Is he your father S1: Yes/No. 2. 播放视频,一边思考课件上的问题一边观看视频 T: Amy and Sarah are at Sarah’s home now. They are talking. What are they talking about Do you want to know Ss: Yes. T: They are talking about some photos. Let’s see what the photos are about. 3.邀请几位学生上台来参加运动会(跳远比赛)看看哪组的代表跳得更远。其他组的学生问“Who's that boy?”让其所在的组的学生回答“He's my brother.” Step 4 Practice 1. 播放课文内容,学生跟读,注意发音、语调。 Teacher:Now read the dialogue with the tape. Please read it carefully and loudly. Pay attention to the pronunciation. 2. 出示课文中的图片,根据课文内容与学生进行交流。 Teacher: Who’s that boy Is he Sarah’s brother Is that woman Sarah’s mother Is that man Sarah’s father 3. 自由读对话内容,分角色表演课文。 Teacher:Read the dialogue freely. Then I will ask you to act it out. Let’s find the best pair. Step 5 Summary Let's chant Boy, boy, who’s that boy Who’s that boy Is he your brother Yes, he is. Yes, he is. Woman, woman, who’s that woman Who’s that woman Is she your mother No, she isn’t. She’s my teacher. Step 6 Homework 1、练习对话。 2、完成练习册第十六页的习题。
板书设计 Unit 2 My family B. Let’s talk Who’s that boy He is my brother. Is she your mother Is he your father Yes, she is. Yes, he is. No, she isn’t. No, he isn’t.
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课题:Unit2 My family
教学目标 1. 能够听懂、会说、认读单词sister, grandmother(grandma), grandfather (grandpa)。 2. 能够听懂、会说、认读句式:This is my… 3. 能够绘制自己的家庭树,并用英语介绍自己的家庭成员。
教学重点 1.能够掌握单词“sister, brother, grandmother/grandma, grandfather/grandpa” 2.能够运用句型“This is…”介绍他人或事物
教学难点 能够熟练地吟唱Let’s chant板块的歌谣
教学准备 PPT课件
教学课时 第五课时 Part B Let’s talk & Point and say
教学过程 教学过程 Step 1 Warm up 开始课程前,将学生分成四组,在黑板上给每组画一棵树。他们表现良好的话,就在每组树上画一个果子。课程结束时,哪组树上的果子多哪组获胜。 2. 头脑风暴,给出主题:family,给出首字母,由各组竞争,看哪组说出的单词多。每说出一个单词,给该组画一个苹果。 Step 2 Lead in 出示Mike的家庭照(出示课件) T: Who is he/she Ss: He is Mike’s father. / She is Mike’s mother. T: Great! T: This class, we will learn some more family members. Let’s begin! Step 3 Presentation 1.播放歌曲Peppa Pig 课件出示:小猪佩奇的家庭照 2.介绍小猪佩奇的家庭成员,教授新单词“brother, grandfather/grandpa, grandmother/grandma” 板书brother, grandfather/grandpa,grandmother/grandma并带读 3. Let’s learn. (1)观看视频“Let’s learn”. T: Mike is introducing his family members to us. Let’s listen and watch.(课件出示:教材P18 Let’s learn的视频) Step 4 Practice 1. Game 1: Say the words back to back. 2. 游戏:补全单词。出示一个单词中的几个字母,学生判断是哪个单词,并拼读完整。如sister给出ist,学生猜出sister,并拼出:s-i-s-t-e-r。 3. 3. 绘制自己的家庭树(提前准备好家庭树的框架,发给学生填写),然后向组内同学介绍自己的家人。 4.Let’s chant .播放音频Help each other。学生学唱。 Step 5 Summary 齐读单词 Step 6 Homework 1.抄写单词8+4。 2.完成练习册第十七页的习题。
板书设计 Unit 2 My family B. Let’s learn sister me brother mother father mum dad grandmother grandfather grandmother grandfather grandma grandpa grandma grandpa This is my family. This is my…
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课题:Unit2 My family
教学目标 1、能够通过图片及句子等读懂题意,并能完成连线练习 2、能够用句型“This is my…”介绍自己的家人 3、能根据图片信息预测听力考查点,并完成相关练习 4、能够唱出Let’s sing板块的歌曲
教学重点 1.能够掌握本单元的重点单词和句子 2.能够完成Start to read 和Let’s check板块的练习 3能够运用句型“This is…”介绍自己的家人
教学难点 1.能够区分“he”和“she”的用法 2.能够听懂并表演Story time部分的小故事
教学准备 PPT课件
教学课时 第六课时 Part B. Start to read; Let’s check; Let’s sing. C. Story time
教学过程 Step 1 Warm up 播放A部分的Chant:They are a family. Teacher:Let’s chant together. Step 2 Lead in 出示本单元的所有单词卡片,齐读单词。 Game 1: What’s missing Game 2: Shoot at the goal Step 3 Presentation 教师出示两张全家福,一张是老师的,一张是学生的。 T: Boys and girls, this is my family photo. You can ask me some questions. Which team asks more, the team will get more scores. S1: Who is that man T: He’s my… S2: Is she your mother T: Yes, she is. 请几位学生拿着自己的全家福,提问其他学生。 Start to read. Step 4 Practice 1. Let’s check. (1)Listen and number. (2)Look and tick.
教学过程 2. Let’s sing. 3. Story time. (1. )学生自由读故事. (2. )课件出示问题. Teacher: Read the story freely. Try to answer the questions: A. What does Zoom’s mother do ( She’s an actress.) B. Is Zoom’s mother beautiful C. Is Zoom beautiful in the dress D. What does Zoom feel (3. )播放故事视频,学生认真观察,并尝试回答问题 (4. )再次播放故事,学生跟读,提醒学生注意语音及语调。 (5. )小组合作,表演故事。 Step 5 Summary 播放歌曲I love my family,学生跟唱。然后练唱,展示歌曲。 Step 6 Homework 完成练习册第十一页的习题。 朗读Unit2的所有单词和句子3次并签名。
板书设计 Unit Two My family C. Story time Who’s that woman She’s my mother. She’ s beautiful. How beautiful!
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