lesson theme Unit3. Part c. Story time.
Textbook PEP edition grade4
learner description Rural primary school, 30 students at elementary level, The students have learned English for more than two term, so they have basic understanding of simple English.They are quite active, curious and competitive. But they are afraid to speak English.
Timetable fit 15minutes
Teaching aims 1.Knowledge aims: Students can learn and master the key sentence patterns: “big,strong,pull,work together.” understand the main idea and detailed information of the material. 2.Ability aims: Students can improve their integrated language skills(including reading,listening and writing skills) and cultivate learning strategies. 3.Emotion aims: Students can learn to cooperate with others to finish the difficult task together and grow from the community.
Key points and difficult points Students can master the new expression in this class,and talk about the topic. Students can know how to use the new expressions and structures correctly in different situations.And learn to cooperate with others.
Teaching methods Situational teaching method, task-based teaching method,communicative teaching method, game teaching method.
Teaching aids Video, PPT, picture.
Lesson procedure description
Timing Procedure Stage aims Aids Interaction pattern
Warm-up/Lead in 2minutes Greeting T: Hello,/Good morning,/Good afternoon, boys and girls.Class begin. How are you today S: Hello,/Good morning,/Good afternoon,I’m fine, Miss Li. 2.Guessing animal riddles: It has a very long ears. It has red eyes. And it has a short tail. It can run very fast. Its favorite food is turnip. Teacher introduce the main character of this lesson by guessing riddles. T:can you guess it S:I know, it is a rabbit. T:It is a rabbit?You are so clever.It’s right. Catch student‘s attention and introduce the topic Video Teachers interact with the students
Pre -reading 3minutes Teacher show a picture about rabbit and carrot on the blackboard and ask some question about this picture. T: Look at this picture, please tell me what could you see about this picture S:Yeah, teacher,I can see a rabbit and turnip. T: Yeah,You can see a rabbit,Excellent!anything else That tall boy. you, please. Oh,You see a big turnip and you like it.You’re so great. Eating vegetables is really a good habit, keep it up.so let’s guess what is the rabbit want to do Any volunteer Mary, You,please. T:Oh,you think the rabbit want to pull turnip carrot.Because she love eating carrot.Very good. To introduce new vocabulary and sentence patterns. Photo Teachers interact with the students
While-reading 4minutes Fasting reading:Students read the text briefly ,Then answer some questions. T:Now let’s read the story for the first time and find the main idea.You don’t have to read it carefully.You can focus on some key words,such as:big,help strong,pull.OK,I will give you three minutes.Let’s start.(停顿两秒)OK,stop here. Who wants to share your answer with us Mary, please.yeah, this story is mainly about the rabbit and her friends pull up turnips.Excellent,sit down,please. 2.Intensive reading After reading,then ask students some question. T:Now Let’s read the story for the second time.This time, you should read it carefully and answer my questions.Five minutes would be given to you.Let’s begin.Times up,stop here. So the first question, Can you tell me whether the rabbit got the turnip the first time why Peter, please.Yes,The rabbit didn’t get the turnip,because the turnip is too big, she can’t pull it up. The second question,Did the little rabbit’s friends help her Harry,please.yes,the rabbit got her friend’s help. They are so lovely.and can you tell me who are they Clever boy. You see a monkey, dog, cat,and zip.Sit down,please. The third question,Who is the strongest friend Yes,zoom is the strongest.Finally,with the efforts of the rabbit and her friends monkey,dog,cat, zip and zoom.They successfully got the turnip and friendship.So when we get in to trouble,What should we do Yeah,Fantastic,we should ask our friend’s help. Let the students know how the material learned in class can be used in the situational dialogue
Post-reading 4minutes Ask students to work in groups of four,and try to retell the short story in their own works according to the clues on the blackboard.Five minutes will be given, and four students will be invited to share their ideas.At the same time,the teacher will give proper evaluations. T:I believe you guys have mastered the information of this story.Now it’s your time, you need to retell the story according to the blackboard. And I will give you 5 minutes to practice.Let’s start.OK, Time is up.Lily,You,、please.Wow,you have a good memory. Photos+ video Teachers interact with the students
Closure/summary and homework 2minutes 1.Teachers and students summarize what they have learned in this lesson, and conduct emotional education 2.After class, students use their imagination and continue to write follow-up stories about the rabbit pulling the turnip.and share these stories in the next class. To show what we have learned in this lesson,Students can learn and master the key sentence patterns in the real situation. Nothing Teacher’s explanation
Reflection: In the teaching process ,Whether the Students can listen carefully ,use the key sentences in the real situation.whether the students can understand the meaning of teamwork, as well as participate in the role play.