Unit 3 Lesson 18 Lost in the city 表格式教案


名称 Unit 3 Lesson 18 Lost in the city 表格式教案
格式 zip
文件大小 22.4KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 冀教版(三年级起点)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-08-13 10:01:04



Lesson 18 Lost in the city
本课的内容选自冀教版小学英语第三册第三单元。这是一篇关于一只小猫进城看望她的姐姐的故事。故事中涉及本单元所学的单词city, street, traffic lights, go straight, turn right, turn left,及问路指路的基本表达。此外,故事在学生已有单词和用语的基础上进行了适当的拓展延伸。
知识与技能目标: 能在图片和老师的帮助下听懂、读懂故事,复习本单元的词汇和问路指路的基本表达。
能力与方法目标: 能根据图片、核心单词或句子,简单的表演故事。
情感态度价值观目标: 身边的人遇到困难时,应乐于提供帮助。自己遇到困难时,应主动寻求帮助。
四、教学重点: 通过故事学习,复习本单元所学的词汇以及问路指路的基本表达。
教学难点: 鼓励学生运用自己已有的知识,创造性地进行表演故事。
教学环节 教学互动 设计意图
一、 warming-up Class opening and greeting 简单的日常问候迅速拉近师生距离,为新授课做好准备
二、 Pre-reading 1. Look through all the pictures and answer two questions: How many animals can you see in the story What are they 2.the main character is a white cat(paste a picture of it on the blackboard) Look at the first picture and guess: What is the white cat thinking of Where does she want to go Who is that yellow cat Is her mother Or father Or sister 在图片的辅助下,学生根据已学知识,猜测故事的主人公并预测故事情节的发展。
三、 While-reading 1.Look at the flash(Picture 1) once Twice—repeat Three times---follow the emotion 2. Now this cat is in the city, look (Picture 2) What can you see in the city --There are many new streets in the city. But this cat has a question —Where is my sister’s home This is the first part of the story. There are some key words, please repeat this part. 3. What happen next Before reading, there are two questions, while reading, find the answer and underline them.(Picture 3 , 4) Who helps her (paste the dog) Which house does she get to (paste the MICE house) Look at the flash of this part 4.Read this part together Preset this part in pairs. Well, how does she go to the MICE house (draw the way on the blackboard) Is the MICE house her sister’s home ---No. What does she do Who help her Show Picture 5 (bird—Is it old or young ---This is an old bird.) (paste the old bird) 5.Read Picture 5 quickly and find the right way to her sister’s home(two sentences) (draw the right way on the blackboard) Look at the flash(twice) 6. show Picture 5 in pairs 7. Finally she finds her sister’s home. What’s the name of her sister’s home (paste the NICE house) Look at the flash Judge three sentences( right---touch your head; wrong---touch your shoulder) 通过快速阅读文本,获得自己所需要的信息,验证自己的猜测。 提出问题,让学生自己读故事,学生用铅笔画出问题的答案. 学生边读边做,既降低了语言输出的难度,又为接下来的表演故事打下基础。 通过展现寻找过程的艰难以及dog,bird的帮助,启发学生的情感思维进行情感教育---身边的人遇到困难时,应乐于提供帮助。自己遇到困难时,应主动寻求帮助。
四、 After-reading 1.Look at the flash of the whole story 2.Do the exercise 再次呈现故事,这一次呈现是为了使学生更好的输出语言
五、Homework Act out the story with your classmates 运用已有的知识,创造性的表演故事
white cat the dog NICE house her sister
MICE house white cat
the old bird