The Gifts
School Teacher
Students Students in Grade 9 Lesson Duration 20 minutes
Type of the lesson Reading (Online lesson) Content the story of The Gifts in Oxford textbook 9A U8
Guiding Principles 指导思想 The New Curriculum Standards (2017, 2020) issued by the Ministry of Education prescribe that English education should cultivate students’ core competences including linguistic ability, thinking ability, cultural awareness and learning strategy. According to the guidance of the standards, teachers should shift their focus from reading comprehension to students’ overall language ability when teaching reading. The standards also emphasize the importance of activating students’ reflective and critical thinking. Moreover, it is necessary to encourage students to learn English through participation in meaningful tasks.
Theories for the teaching design 理论依据 The main theoretical support for this lesson design is the theory of English Learning Activity. The theory which is structured around the four core English learning competencies stresses the importance of using various activities to integrate the language learning, cultural cultivation and thinking processes. The three phases of English leaning activity begin with learning and understanding activity, then moves to applying and practising activity, and, at the highest level, improves to transferring and creating activity. In the first phase, students mainly notice, acquire, sort and summarize what they learn. In the second phase, students need to elaborate on, analyse, make judgements of, internalize and then apply what they learn. In the third phase, students criticize and evaluate what they learn and then make creations.
Analysis of the teaching material 文本分析 The teaching material is taken from the 9A Unit 8 reading section of Oxford Press & Shanghai Education Press textbook. Genre and content: The genre of the text is a fiction (short story). The thematic context is about Man and the society. The two characters of the story led a poor and hard life, but they cherished a deep love for each other and were willing to make sacrifice for each other. Language: The story is presented in simple past tense, which is usual for this genre. It includes the narration which tells the development of the story and the dialogues between the two characters. Theme The major theme of the text is about love and sacrifice. It shows readers that people are willing to make sacrifice for their family despite the hardship of life. Structure The story plot reveals a clear development from the beginning, the middle and the ending, which is also the climax of the story. On the other hand, the story leaves a lot of space for readers to imagine what would happen afterwards.
Analysis of the students 学情分析 Language ability and learning skills: Already know: The students are in the third year of junior high school. They have already accumulated certain amount of linguistic knowledge for understanding the English text in this lesson. They have read a lot of stories in their reading lessons, so they know the basic elements of a story and have acquired the skill of reading a story efficiently such as summarizing the storyline and analysing the main characters. Don’t Know: However, the students haven’t read much about the topic which involves love and sacrifice. Besides, many students may not have read Henry’s stories in English before, so they are not familiar about the writer’s writing style and the common themes of his stories. Psychological status: Students at Grade 9 are already in their adolescence. They are very curious about the topic of love, and they have previously read about romantic stories in Chinese. However, they may not know the other side of love is about commitment, devotion and sacrifice.
Key points 教学重点 1. Students understand the story. 2. Students understand the main elements of the genre of a short story. 3. Students think about what they can learn from the characters and the story.
Challenges 教学难点 1. Students analyse the qualities of the characters. 2. Students analyse the theme of the story and connect it with their own daily life. Solutions: 1. Students learn to do role-play so that they can understand the characters better by imaging the characters’ mental activities. 2. Students learn to understand the theme of the story by reflecting on similar experience of their own life.
Teaching Objectives 教学目标 Learning and understanding: Students understand and get the key information of the story, including the setting, the main characters and the plot. Applying and practising: Students can develop their reading skills such as predicting, skimming, scanning and summarizing the story. Transferring and creating: Students can develop their analytical and critical thinking by evaluating the characters of the story and by continuing the story. Students can connect the story with themselves and reflect whether they have the spirit of making sacrifice.
Teaching approach 教学方法 brainstorm scaffolding role-play
Teaching aids 教学用具 multimedia PPT
Teaching Procedures 教学流程 (See the following table)
Step Purpose Students’ Activity Teacher’s Activity
Lead-in Students get to know the topic is about gifts. 1. Students watch pictures which show that there are a lot of occasions in which people give gifts. 2. Students talk about what gifts people usually give others on these occasions. 3. Ss brainstorm about why people give gifts to others. 1. The teacher presents some special occasions in which people usually give gifts. 2. The teacher asks Ss what gifts people usually give on these occasions. 3. Th teacher asks students the reasons for giving gifts to others.
Pre-reading Students obtain the information of the basic genre elements of a short story. Students watch a mind map which presents the basic elements of a short story and get prepared for finding out these elements in the story they are going to read. The teacher presents students the mind map and explains the basic genre elements of a short story in detail, including the setting, the characters, the plot and the theme.
While-reading Students understand the story and find out the main genre elements of this story. 1. Students read the beginning and find out the setting and the main characters of the story. 2. Students read the whole story and summarize its plot: beginning, middle, and ending. 3. Students put the events taken from the story in order. 1. The teacher leads the students to find out the setting and the main characters of the story. 2. The teacher guide the students to summarize the story plot. 3. The teacher gives feedback to students’ answer to the task of putting the events in order.
Post-reading Students analyse the characters and the theme of the story 1. Students role-play the characters or imagine their mental activities. 2. Students brainstorm to think of some words or sentences to describe the characters. 3. Students reflect on the theme of the story and make connections with their own experience. 1. The teacher guides students to appreciate the qualities of the characters. 2. The teacher presents some descriptive words that can show the qualities of the characters and explain these descriptions. 3. The teacher encourages students to make reflections based on the theme of the story.
Self-assessment Students assess their learning performance. Students go over the self-assessment form and reflect whether they achieved the learning goals. The teacher facilitates students to reflect and assess their learning performance.