高二英语人教版(2019)选择性必修第一册单元达标测试卷 Unit 4 Body Language B卷


名称 高二英语人教版(2019)选择性必修第一册单元达标测试卷 Unit 4 Body Language B卷
格式 docx
文件大小 33.9KB
资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-08-19 13:27:02



Unit 4 Body Language
第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
Fathers, in most families, are our special unsung heroes. They hardly get their fair share of praise. They always sit in the corner and wait in the wings. However, even when you think they don't, your dad will always be looking out for you. On Father's Day, say "Thank you" to your daddy and celebrate it with him in Durban.
Father's Day at the Club
Durban Country Club will be hosting a delicious brunch for all the family to enjoy. It will reduce Mom's task in the kitchen and will make your dad feel very special. Who wouldn't love the idea of being treated for brunch at a country club
Where: Durban Country Club
Cost: Adults — $ 120, Kids under 12 — $ 60
For more information call: 031 3131 777 or visit: www. fatherdayattheclub. org
Football Day for Father's Day
Do something a little different this year with your dad. Have fun as a family while helping to collect money for those less fortunate than yourself. The Street Child World Cup will be taking place in March in Durban. Imagine these young children being recognized for their football talents. So, why not host a football day for Father's Day
For more information call: 031 3244 621 or visit: www. streetchildworldcup. org
A Man with Rhythm
Does your dad know how to enjoy music We may have something that can help him. From May 27 to July 18, uShaka Marine World will hold a new concert on Saturday nights. It would be so amusing to see your parents enjoy songs such as It's My Party. These songs will be performed by Lauren Laing.
Time : 8 pm (the dinner starts at 7 pm)
Where: uShaka Marine World
Cost: $ 150 per person
To book the ticket call: 031 3288 068
Spoil Dad at Suncoast
Suncoast is the biggest pleasure ground in Durban. Since it was opened in 2001, it has become a prime tourist destination (目的地) in South Africa. Suncoast plans on celebrating the joys of fatherhood(父亲的身份), so let your dad have some fun.
For more information call: 031 3131 888
1.Which can replace the underlined word in Paragraph 2
A.game B.meal C.concert D.competition
2.Where can young children show their football talents on Father's Day
A.Suncoast. B.uShaka Marine World.
C.Durban Country Club. D.The Street Child World Cup.
3.Who will perform songs at uShaka Marine World
A.Lauren Laing. B.Fathers. C.Mothers. D.Children.
A large male emperor penguin waddles(蹒跚行走) slowly across the ice to the water. He dives deep into the cold salt water and then springs back onto the ice. Nearby a female penguin sleeps as her baby rests on the top of her feet. The penguins are enjoying another beautiful day of sunshine and freezing temperatures in the Penguin Encounter, a special home built for them in sunny California.
The Penguin Encounter is located at SeaWorld in San Diego. It was built to help study the emperor penguin, the largest of all penguins. The emperor penguins' natural home is in the Antarctic, near the South Pole. Increases in Earth's temperatures could cause large amounts of ice to break up. Scientists feared that this drastic (剧烈的) change in the environment could destroy the emperor penguins' nesting areas. This would cause the number of emperor penguins to greatly decrease. A new home for them seemed to be the perfect solution.
Scientists wanted to make the Penguin Encounter a comfortable home for the black-and-white feathered birds. A team of scientists was sent to the Antarctic to learn more about the emperor penguins. Scientist Frank Todd led the team. Todd is an expert on penguins. He has spent more than 25 years studying them.
Getting close to the emperor penguins in the Antarctic wasn't difficult for the group of scientists. Sometimes they would waddle close to Todd and his team. The scientists concluded that this behavior could be the result of poor eyesight. Penguins are nearsighted, which allows them to see better in the water than on land. Another possible reason for their behavior was that they had little to fear on the ice. Their enemies, such as leopard seals and killer whales, hunt mainly in the water.
Todd and his team spent many months studying the diet and social habits of the emperor penguins. It was easy to get close to the penguins, but it wasn't easy to study them.
In the Antarctic, the temperature rarely rises above zero degree, which is perfect for penguins, but not for scientists. Once Todd and his team had finally gathered enough information, they made plans for a new home in California for a number of emperor penguins. Scientists hoped to study the birds in conditions that were more scientist-friendly. When the "new Antarctic" was completed, Todd and his team brought several hundred emperor penguins to California from the Antarctic.
1.Which of the following words can replace the underlined word in the first paragraph
A.Moves. B.Jumps. C.Holds. D.Flies.
2.Why did scientists need to study penguins in the Antarctic before building the Penguin Encounter
A.They were afraid that the emperor penguins, homes would be destroyed.
B.They wanted the Penguin Encounter just to be like the emperor penguins' natural home.
C.They wanted to see how the emperor penguins reacted to the rising temperatures.
D.They knew it would take long to gather enough emperor penguins for the Penguin Encounter.
3.Why do emperor penguins have little to fear on the ice
A.It is easy to see their enemies on the white ice.
B.Their enemies usually hunt in the water.
C.They can easily escape on the smooth ice.
D.It is too cold for other animals to survive on the ice.
4.The passage mainly emphasizes ________.
A.scientists working as a team in the Antarctic
B.a science team finding a way to stop global warming
C.how to protect the emperor penguins at SeaWorld
D.scientists building a special home to learn more about the emperor penguins
Cats communicate a variety of messages using cats' body language. Examples include arching (弓起) their backs as a signal of fear or attack, and slowly blinking (眨) their eyes to signal relaxation. Mouth open and no teeth showed suggests a feeling of playfulness. A cat which chooses to lie on its back shows happiness, trust and comfort. Cats show dissatisfaction by moving their ears back, equal to a human frown.
As is the case with dogs, a twitching (抽动) tail can mean a little anger while a tail held high suggests confidence. Cats will twitch their tails when hunting or angry, while larger twitching suggests displeasure. They may also twitch their tails when playing. A tail held high is a sign of happiness, or can be used as a greeting towards humans or other cats (usually close relatives) while half-raised shows less pleasure, and unhappiness is expressed with a tail held low.
Some characteristic signals, however, are often misunderstood. It is important to keep in mind that each cat may show its feelings with different body language. For instance, a cat rubbing its body along an arm or a leg of its owner is not only a way in which to attract attention and, perhaps, a way to ask for food; it is also a way of "marking" its owner as its own. Usually a cat with its tail held high and twitching shows excitement, but this is often mistaken for anger.
Many people fail or are too slow to understand the silent body language of cats. And they may have the false impression that cats are cold-hearted, unfaithful or not clever. To understand cats, people must observe a cat closely and learn what its body signals tell them.
1.Which cats' body language shows that a cat is relaxed
A.Lying on its stomach.
B.Blinking its eyes slowly.
C.Holding its tail high.
D.Moving its ears back.
2.According to the passage, a cat will twitch its tail EXCEPT ___.
A.when it feels sleepy
B.when it is hunting
C.when it feels angry
D.when it is playing
3.How many meanings does a cat's rubbing its body along its owner have
A.2. B.3. C.4. D.5.
4.The last paragraph intends to tell us ___.
A.many people often have wrong opinions on cats
B.it is not easy to understand cats' body language
C.every cat has its own special body language
D.we should learn more about cats' body language
For centuries, mankind and dogs have suffered from a communication failure. We can tell dogs what we want them to do and sometimes they comply (服从), but we've always struggled when it comes to understanding the true meaning of their barks and whimpers. There is exciting news now—a dog translator has been invented to help you communicate with your furry friend.
Researchers at North Carolina State University have fashioned some kind of miracle dog translator body harness (束腰带). What's special about it is that it doesn't just rely on the dog's vocalizations to interpret what they are banging on about.
Oh no—this miracle harness reads and interprets the ordinary dogs' body language as well, giving us a full two-way dog communication experience.
Researcher David Roberts says: "Dogs communicate primarily through body language, and one of our challenges is to develop sensors that tell us about their behavior by observing their posture remotely."
Sensors on the harness monitor the dog's heart rate and body temperature and software builds up a vocabulary, letting the human know what the dog is feeling.
What would dogs say if they could talk to us The human can even communicate back through the harness thanks to vibration motors, supposedly by tapping into the dog's senses so that it can understand what you're trying to say to it.
The dog harness is designed for dogs involved in search and rescue and other front-line work, but it's got us dreaming of a beautiful future, one where humans and dogs can coexist as equals, with the dog able to fully express itself at all times.
1.Why can't people communicate with dogs
A.They have difficulty understanding dogs' barks and whimpers.
B.They have no idea about dogs' behavior in relation to their posture.
C.They don't know how to tell dogs what they want them to do.
D.They don't have a machine to translate the dogs, language.
2.What does the underlined word most probably mean in paragraph two
A. Bought. B. Researched. C. Influenced. D. Made.
3.For what purpose is the dog harness designed
A.It is designed for dogs to understand what people are trying to say to them.
B.It is designed for dogs to communicate with people through body language.
C.It is designed to monitor the dog's heart rate and body temperature.
D.It is designed for dogs doing search and rescue and other front-line work.
4.What is the author's attitude towards the possible human-dog communication
A. Shocked. B. Excited. C. Embarrassed. D. Annoyed.
第二节 (共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
When you're meeting someone for the first time, you're eager to make a good impression. Your body language can make a great difference.
★ Shake hands firmly
Weak handshakes can make you seem shy and anything but confident. ①__________, You won't impress anyone by giving them a painful hand.
★ ②__________
Stand up straight, but don't tighten up, or you may look nervous. Make sure to check your posture and straighten up as needed.
★ Keep a suitable amount of eye contact
③__________. Not only are you paying attention, but you're interested as well. Whenever there is a natural pause in the conversation, feel free to casually glance at something else. Eye contact is good, but nonstop staring can be a little unsettling!
★ Nod and smile when appropriate
Try nodding three times to show that you're really absorbing what he is saying. When it comes to smiling, ④__________! If you turn up the comers of your mouth but your eyes remain neutral (无感情的), you could leave a bad impression.
★ Laugh genuinely
Even if you're in a formal setting, if he has clearly said something that was intended to encourage a laugh, laugh! Show him that you have a sense of humor, and you're listening to what he is saying. ⑤__________, laughter is a great way to help you look cheerful.
A. Keep your posture relaxed
B. make sure it reaches your eyes
C. keep your feet close together
D. This applies to both sitting and standing
E. If you're in a worrying or nervous situation
F. Your handshake should be firm but not too tight
G. It is important to keep eye contact in a conversation
第二部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分30分)
第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
I lost my sight when I was four years old by falling off a box car in a freight (货物) yard in Atlantic City and landing on my head. Now I am thirty-two. I can still remember the brightness of sunshine. It would be 1 to see again, but a 2 can do strange things to people. I don't mean that I would prefer to go without my eyes. I simply mean that the 3 of them made me appreciate more what I had. Life, I believe, asks a continuous series of adjustments to reality. The more quickly a person is able to make these adjustments, the more 4 his own private world becomes. The adjustment is never easy. I was totally confused and afraid. But I was lucky. My parents and my teachers saw something in me—the 5 to live—which I didn't see, and they made me want to 6 against blindness. The hardest lesson I had to learn was to believe in myself. I am not talking about simply the kind of 7 that helps me down an unfamiliar staircase alone. That is part of it. But I mean something bigger than that : an assurance (确信) that I am, despite being imperfect, a real, 8 person; that there is a special place where I can make myself fit. It took me years to discover and 9 this confidence. It had to start with the simplest things. Once a man gave me an indoor baseball. I thought he was making fun of me and I was hurt. "I can't use this." I said. "Take it with you," he urged me, "and roll it around." The words 10 in my head. "Roll it around!" By rolling the ball I could hear where it went. This gave me an idea how to achieve a goal I had thought 11 : playing baseball. At Philadelphia's Overbrook School for the Blind I 12 a successful variation of baseball and I called it ground ball. All my life I have set ahead of me a series of goals and then tried to reach them, one at a time. I had to be clear about my 13 . It was no good trying for something that I knew at the start was wildly out of reach 14 that only invited the bitterness of failure. I would 15 sometimes anyway but on the average I made progress.
1.A. possible B. wonderful C. hopeful D. reasonable
2.A. question B. mistake C. disaster D. situation
3.A. importance B. value C. loss D. attention
4.A. natural B. modern C. meaningful D. challenging
5.A. right B.plan C. place D. potential
6.A. guard B.hit C. argue D.fight
7.A. self-control B. self-confidence C. self-defense D. self-improvement
8.A. modest B. energetic C. generous D. positive
9.A. strengthen B. express C. share D. destroy
10.A. held B. stuck C. bothered D. knocked
11.A. important B. specific C. common D. impossible
12.A. invented B. confirmed C. checked D. noticed
13.A. interest B. limitation C. experience D. responsibility
14.A.once B. unless C. because D. though
15.A.fail B. try C. act D. continue
第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
On arriving in the United States, I felt everything was different. There were many new things I had to adapt to. One thing that really ①_____(take) me a long time to adapt to was speaking English.
I remember ②_____(clear) that I had to struggle to learn English because I couldn't even write a short paragraph to introduce myself on the first day of my English class. The teacher asked me ③_____ it was difficult for me. If it was, I could change to level one!
However, I was stubborn and swore that I was going to succeed. I started to spend many ④_____(hour) per day, even though it was stressful, because I wanted to take advantage ⑤_____ this special chance to study English in the USA.
I felt depressed because I couldn't understand ⑥_____ people were saying even though I made great efforts. However, I still kept ⑦_____(try) and never gave up.
Now, I can tell you that I have improved a lot, but sometimes it is still easy for me to get ⑧_____(confuse) if I don't know what topic people ⑨_____(talk) about. To adapt to this new language, I had to tell ⑩_____( I) that I could do it. I really believe I can!
第三部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
第一节 (满分15分)
假定你是李华,在外教Ms. Hill的帮助下,你的 英语口语进步很大,请你根据以下要点用英文写封信向她表示感谢。
1. 写信的目的;
2. 受到的帮助及感受;
3. 再次表示感谢。
第二节 (满分25分)
One day when I was 12, my mother gave me an order: I was to walk to the public library, and borrow at least one book for the summer. This was one more weapon for her to defeat my strange problem, my inability to read.
In the library, I found my way into the "Children's Room". I sat down on the floor and pulled a few books off the shelf at random. The cover of a book caught my eye. It presented a picture of a beagle. I had recently had a beagle, the first and only animal companion I ever had as a child. He was my secret sharer, but one morning, he was gone, given away to someone who had the space and the money to care for him. I never forgot my beagle.
There on the book's cover was a beagle which looked identical to my dog. I ran my fingers over the picture of the dog on the cover. My eyes ran across the title, Amos, the Beagle with a Plan. Unknowingly, I had read the title. Without opening the book, I borrowed it from the library for the summer.
Under the shade of a bush, I started to read about Amos. I read very, very slowly with difficulty. Though pages were turned slowly, I got the main idea of the story about a dog who, like mine, had been separated from his family and who finally found his way back home. That dog was my dog, and I was the little boy in the book. At the end of the story, my mind continued to the final scene of reunion, on and on, until my own lost dog and I were, in my mind, running together.
Paragraph 1:
My mother's call returned me to the real world. I suddenly realized something. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Paragraph 2:
And years later, she was proud that her son had read thousands of books, and was awarded a PhD in literature.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
解析:1.考查词义猜测。根据Father's Day at the Club部分中的"a delicious brunch"以及"reduce Mom's task in the kitchen"可推知,brunch应指一顿饭,故选B项。
2.考查细节理解。根据文章中Football Day for Father's Day部分的内容可知,父亲节这天孩子们可以在The Street Child World Cup中展现自己的足球天赋。
3.考查细节理解。根据文章中A Man with Rhythm部分的内容可知,人们可以在uShaka Marine World听Lauren Laing唱歌。
2.考查细节理解。由文章第三段可知,科学家想让Penguin Encounter成为适合皇企鹅居住的舒适家园,而为了达到这个目的,他们要先去南极地区了解皇企鹅的生活习性,这样才能使Penguin Encounter的环境更加适合皇企鹅。
3.答案:1-4 BABD
解析:1.细节理解题.根据第一段中的 "...slowly blinking their eyes to signal relaxation." 可知缓慢地眨眼睛表明猫很放松.文中提到猫在躺着时表明它很开心和舒服,但未提到它趴着时表明什么,故排除A项;根据第二段中的 "A tail held high is a sign of happiness, or can be used as a greeting..." 可知C项错误;根据第一段中的 "Cats show dissatisfaction by moving their ears back, equal to a human frown." 可知D项不正确.
2.细节理解题.根据第二段中的 "Cats will twitch their tails when hunting or angry, while larger twitching suggests displeasure. They may also twitch their tails when playing." 可知,猫在捕食,感到生气或在玩耍时会抽动尾巴.而A项在文中没有提到.
3.细节理解题.根据第三段中的"For instance, a cat rubbing its body along an arm or a leg of its owner is not only a way in which to attract attention and, perhaps, a way to ask for food; it is also a way of "marking" its owner as its own." 可知,猫在主人身上蹭来蹭去可能是要引起主人的注意,还可能是想要吃的东西,或者是想表明它的主人是属于它的.
4.段落大意题.根据最后一段中的 "To understand cats, people must observe a cat closely and learn what its body signals tell them," 可知,本段主要想告诉人们要多多观察猫,研究猫的身体语言.
4.答案:1-4 ADDB
解析:1.细节理解题.根据文章第一段中的 "but we've always struggled when it comes to understanding the true meaning of their barks and whimpers" 可知人类与狗交流的困难在于人类很难真正理解狗的叫声和呜咽声.故选A.
2.词义猜测题.根据文章第二段中的 "Researchers at North Carolina State University have fashioned some kind of miracle dog translator body harness (束腰带)." 并结合后文对束腰带特别之处的描述可知北卡罗来纳州立大学的研究人员已经制造了一种神奇的狗翻译束腰带,因此 fashioned 就是 made 的意思.故选D.
3.细节理解题.根据文章最后一段中的 "The dog harness is designed for dogs involved in search and rescue and other front-line work" 可知 The dog harness 是专为参与搜索、救援和其他一线工作的狗设计的.故选D.
4.推理判断题.根据文章最后一段中的 "but it's got us dreaming of a beautiful future, one where humans and dogs can coexist as equals, with the dog able to fully express itself at all times" 但它让我们梦想着一个美丽的未来,一个人类和狗可以平等共存,狗能够充分表达自己的未来;可知作者对于可能可以与狗交流是十分兴奋的.故选B.
①根据上文Weak handshakes can make you seem shy and anything but confident.可知,其中的handshakes对应F选项中的handshake,将F项代入文中符合语境。故选F。
③根据本段小标题Keep a suitable amount of eye contact可知,其中的eye contact可对应到G选项中的eye contact, G项意为“在谈话中保持眼神交流是很重要的”符合语境。故选G。
④根据下文If you turn up the corners of your mouth but your eyes remain neutral, you could leave a bad impression.可知,微笑要直达眼睛中,故B选项“确保它到达你的眼睛”符合语境。故选B。
⑤根据下文laughter is a great way to help you look cheerful可知如果你正处于焦虑或紧张的状态,笑是让你看起来快乐的好方法。故选E。
6.答案:1-5BCCCD 6-10DBDAB 11-15DABCA
解析:1.possible 可能的; wonderful 精彩的,极好的; hopeful 有希望的; reasonable 合理的.能够再看见东西自然是非常好的,故选B.
2.question 问题; mistake 错误; disaster 灾难; situation 情形.双目失明对人来说是一场灾难,故选C.
3.importance 重要性; value 价值; loss 失去,损失; attention 注意力.作者的意思是失去双目使他更加感激自己所拥有的东西,故选C.
4.natural 自然的; modern 现代的; meaningful 有意义的; challenging 挑战性的.一个人能越快地做出调整,他自己的私人世界就会变得更有意义,故选C.
5.right 权利; plan 计划; place 地点; potential 潜力.父母和老师们看到了作者身上生存的潜力,故选D.
6.fight against 与....作斗争.父母和老师们都想让作者同失明作斗争.
7.self-control 自我控制; self-confidence 自信; self-defense 自我保护; self-improvement 自我提高.作者并不是说仅靠自信就可以独自从不熟悉的楼梯上下来.
8.modest 谦虚的; energetic 精力充沛的; generous 慷慨的; positive 积极乐观的.作者虽然不完美,但还是一个实实在在的、乐观积极的人,故选D.
9.strengthen 加强; express 表达; share 分享; destroy 破坏.我花了好几年才发现和加强了这种自信,故选A.
10.那个人的话语 令作者难以忘怀. stick in one's mind 经久不忘;铭记在心,故选B.
11.important 重要的; specific 具体的; common 普遍的; impossible 不可能的.玩室内棒球是作者以前认为不可能的事情,故选D.
12.invent 发明; confirm 证实; check 检查; notice 注意到.这里指作者发明了一种棒球的变体,叫做地滚球,故答案为A.
13.interest 兴趣,利益; limitation 局限; experience 经验,经历; responsibility 责任. "我" 必须得清楚自己本身的局限性,故选B.
14.去试图获得一开始就知道极其超出自己能力的事情没有任何好处,因为这只能招致失败的痛苦.此处表示原因,所以用 because.
15.fail 失败; try努力,尝试; act 行动; continue 继续.作者有时会失败,但平均来说他还是取得了进步,根据 but 可知此空与 progress 相对,故选 fail
7.答案:①took ②clearly ③whether/if ④hours ⑤of ⑥what ⑦trying ⑧confused ⑨are talking ⑩myself
解析:①句意为: 有一件事着实让我花了很长时间去适应, 那就是说英语。take在此是定语从句的谓语动词, 且讲述的是过去的事情, 应该用一般过去时, 故填took。
②句意为: 我清楚地记得我不得不努力学英语...... 此处修饰动词remember应用副词。clearly作副词讲意为"清楚地", clear作副词讲意为"远离", 故填clearly。
③句意为: 老师问我对我来说它是否太难了。根据句意可知, 此处引导宾语从句, 表示"是否", 句中缺少连接词, 故填whether/if。
④句意为: 我开始每天花费好几个小时的时间...... many修饰可数名词复数, 故填hours。
⑤句意为: ......因为我想利用这个特殊的机会在美国学习英语。take advantage of为固定搭配, 意为"利用", 故填of。
⑥句意为: 我感到沮丧, 因为即使很努力, 我也不能明白人们在说什么。设空处引导宾语从句, 从句中的saying缺少宾语, 故填what。
⑦句意为: 然而, 我仍然继续努力, 从未放弃。keep doing sth表示"继续做某事", 故填trying。
⑧句意为: ......但有时如果我不知道人们在谈论什么话题, 我仍然会很容易感到困惑。形容人的感受用-ed形式的形容词, 表示"感到......的", 故填confused。
⑨句意见上一题解析。此处表示正在进行的动作, 应用现在进行时, 且talk的主语people为复数, 故填are talking。
⑩句意为: ......我不得不告诉自己我能做到。此处作宾语, 与主语I指同一对象, 表示"我自己", 故填myself。
Dear Ms. Hill,
I'm Li Hua. I am writing to express my sincere thanks for your help with my spoken English.
First, it was your teaching method that helped to improve my spoken English. For example, you encouraged me to talk freely about everything around me in English. Second, it's really kind of you to be always patient with me. Moreover, you have a great sense of humor which added plenty of fun to the class. Every time at the end of the class, I began to expect the next class.
My true gratitude is beyond words.
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua
Paragraph 1:
My mother's call returned me to the real world. I suddenly realized something. The trick of reading is to put yourself into the story experiencing what the author goes through and appreciating its meaning in your heart. As long as I clung to this process, not only was my inability to read defeated, but also an inner aspiration to read was stimulated, which changed my life for the better. During the summer, I incredibly developed special companionship with books, ranging from vivid storybooks to academic articles. My mother was more than delighted to see my change.
Paragraph 2:
And years later, she was proud that her son had read thousands of books, and was awarded a PhD in literature. She proposed that my experience should be of use to others. So I set up a team to provide those who had difficulty reading with space to turn to, through which I myself also gained a better understanding of reading as well as my life. My first adventure of reading turned out to be a permanent treasure.
解析: 本篇书面表达是读后续写。通过阅读文章可知,作者是阅读有障碍的人,在他12岁的时候,妈妈命令他去图书馆去借一本书,作者在图书馆中读了一本关于一只小狗和他的主人之间故事的书,联想自己的经历,沉浸在故事之中。