Task 1: Read the passage and find out what Ryan did to help solve the problem of water shortage in Africa.
Task 2: Divide the passage into three parts and find the main idea of each part.
Part 1: (para. __): ______ did Ryan want to help
Part 2: (para. ___): ______ did Ryan help
Part 3: (para.___): ___________
Task 3:
1. Read Part 1 (para.1) again and answer the question.
Why did Ryan want to help
2. Read Part 2 (para.2-para.5) again and complete Ryan’s story with expressions from the passage. (P16 4)
Read Part 3 (para.6) again and answer the question.
What kind of person do you think Ryan is Which of his qualities do you admire most Why
Task 4: Choose the best explanation of the title and give your reasons. (P16 3)
1. The well built by Ryan solved the problem of worldwide water shortage.
2. The more wells you dig, the better the world will be.
3. The well built by Ryan encouraged more people to help make the world a better place.
Fill in the blanks to finish the summary of the passage The Well that Changed the World and then retell it.
Think and Share
As a senior high school student, what can you do to help people in need
1. Ryan cleaned windows and did gardening, and reached _________________________. But when he ________________________________, he was told it cost $2,000 to build a well.
2. Ryan persuaded his classmates and neighbours to _________________. His mother’s friend also helped him. After several months, he raised enough money and a well was built in Uganda.
3. Ryan visited Uganda. He saw __________________. He also saw ___________________________________ who had turned out to welcome him.
4. Later, Ryan’s experience led him to _________________ ______________to encourage more people to help.
5. Today, the life-changing gift of clean water __________________________________________________________