人教版(2019)必修一 Unit 2 Travelling Around同步词汇句型学案(含答案)


名称 人教版(2019)必修一 Unit 2 Travelling Around同步词汇句型学案(含答案)
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文件大小 1.6MB
资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-08-23 16:08:25



人教版(2019)必修一 Unit 2 Travelling Around同步词汇句型(含答案)
课题内容 新人教版B1 Unit 2 Travelling Around
学习目标与核心素养 掌握本单元重点词汇和句型;掌握现在进行时表将来的用法;
学习重点 现在进行时表将来;
学习难点 重点词汇的灵活运用及词性转化
1. apply
①apply … to … “将……运用到……”。
In this way we can better apply theory to practice.
②apply to … “适用于……”,(不能用 for):
The rule doesn’t apply in all cases.
The book does not apply to beginners.
These methods apply to learning English.
①apply for 可 “申请得到……”
You may apply in person or by letter.
More than 30 people applied for the position.
②apply to do sth.表示“申请做某事”
He applied to stay there.
正:Last year he applied to join the Party.
正:Last year he applied for membership in the Party.
③apply to…for…表示“向……申请(得到)……”。
He applied to us for help.
They applied to the government for financial help.
(3)apply用于短语 apply oneself to (专心致力于,专心从事),其中的 to 是介词 ( http: / / www. / Article / 200810 / 542.html" \t "_blank ),其后接名词或动名词 ( http: / / www. / Article / 200711 / 12.html" \t "_blank ):
He applied himself to his work.
She applied herself to learning English.
有时用apply one’s mind to:
Apply your mind to your work.
①applicable adj. 适用于
②applicant n. 申请者(可数)
③application n.申请(不可数);申请书(可数);使用,应用,适用(可数或不可数)。
This rule is not applicable to foreigners.
There are three applicants for the job.
Application must be made this afternoon.
It’s of very wide application.
We received 60 applications for the job.
2. recognize
recognize sb./sth. (by/from sth.)认识,认出,辨别出
I recognized him as soon as he came in the room.
recognize A as/ to be B 承认,意识到;(正式)认可,接受,赞成
Drugs were not recognized as/to be a problem then.
It is recognized that 人们公认为
It is recognized that he is an honest man.
recognition n. 认出,认识
辨析:recognize, notice, realize, see
realize: “意识到”,往往指意识到某对象的意义、重要性等,其宾语多为抽象意义。
1) Lincoln __________ (recognize) as one of the greatest presidents in America.
2) My hometown has changed beyond __________ (recognize) since I was last here.
3) _____________________ he is a wise leader.
4) We ____________________ the task was not straight forward.
3. make up, make up for, make up of (be made up of),*be made of/from/up of
A be made up of B A由B构成
Our class is made up of 65 students.
A be made from B由B制作而成
A be made of B A由B制作而成
Wine is made from grapes.
What’s your shirt made of
make it 获得成功
At last, we made it.
make up化妆,捏造
He made up some excuse about his daughter being sick.
make up for弥补
Her enthusiasm made up for her lack of experience.
4. check in/out
Check in(在旅馆、机场等)登记,报到
Please check in at least an hour before departure.
We checked in our luggage and went through to the departure room.
Check out 结账离开(旅馆等);调查,查证,核实;观察(有趣或有吸引力的事物)
Guests should check out of their rooms by noon.
The police are checking out his alibi.
Check out the prices at our new store!
区别:check, exam, test
5. request
She requested that no one ______ (tell) of her decision until the next meeting.
6. *look through
look about/around 四处张望
look after 照料
look ahead(to sth) 向前看;展望未来
look at 看
look back (on sth) 回头看;回顾
look down 向下看
look down on/upon 蔑视
look for 寻找
look forward to prep. 期待着
look into 调查
look like 看起来像
look on 旁观
look on/upon …as 把…看作为
look out 向注意,警惕,当心;
look over 检查,审查
look through sth快速查看,浏览
look up 仰视;(从字典)查阅
1. I have ______ all my papers but I still can't find my notes.
A. looked through B. looked for C. looked after D. looked out
2. It is reported that the police will soon ______ the case of the two missing children.
A. look upon B. look after C. look into D. look out
3. I often ______ the words I don’t know in the dictionary or on the Internet.
A. look up B. look at C. look for D. look into
7. *be (well-)known/famous as/to/ for
be (well-)known/famous as 作为什么身份,著名/为人所知
He is well-known/famous as a scientist.
be (well-)known/famous for因为什么原因,著名/为人所知
he is well-known/famous for his scientific research.
be (well-)known/famous to对于谁来说,著名/为人所知
He is well-know/famous to us.
8. *hear from/of/about/that
hear from收到某人的来信
We haven’t heard from him for so long a time. √
We haven’t heard from his letter for so long a time. ×
We haven’t received his letter for so long a time. √
hear of/about 听说(某事)
I heard of/about you.
hear that …听说
I heard that he had failed the exam again.
9. *be different from
This book is different from the other.
10. 情绪动词amaze(amazing, amazed)
1. take control of 控制;接管
I’m sure that the newly-elected president can take control of the situation.
gain control of 赢得对……的控制
lose control of 失去对……的控制
keep control of 控制
out of control 不受控制
in control of 控制;掌管
beyond one’s control 难以约束
under/in the control of 在……的控制下
get/bring sth. under control 控制某事/某物
be under control 被控制住
1. Before the firefighters arrived, we ______________________(控制住了火势).
2. The driver __________________ (失去了对……的控制) his car and it knocked into a big tree.
3. With more effective measures put in place, the disease has been _______________ (被控制住)
2. other than 除……以外
例:The truth was known to no one other than herself.
more than 超过;不仅仅;非常
rather than 而不是
less than 不到;少于
more …than… 与其说……倒不如说……
no more than 只不过,仅仅
1. The letter can’t be read _____________ (除了) you and your family.
2. When it comes to serving others, a person should focus on someone ___________ (而不是) himself or herself.
3. She is ______________ (不仅仅) my friend and now I regard her as my family member.
4. There are _________________ (仅仅) five guests in this restaurant because it is too late.
3. make up 构成;形成;虚构;编造;和解;言归于好;补足;化妆,打扮
A make up B = B be made up of A A 构成/组成B
例: Five players make up a basketball team=A basketball team is made up of five players.
He made up a poem about the friendship between him and his confidant(知己).
Finally, the two boys made up with each other after a quarrel.
I’m trying to make up the time I lost while I was in hospital.
This beautiful girl spent about one hour making up before the evening party.
make up for 补偿
make out 辨认出;明白,理解
make it 及时到达;取得成功
make up one’s mind 下定决心
make one’s way 前进
一、写成下来句子中make up的汉语意思。
1. The company is forced to pay 6 million dollars to make up the difference. _______________
2. That musician made up a song called Glorious Day. ______________
3. Different qualities make up a person’s character._____________
4. She hopes to make up with her desk mate. _____________
5. We need two more people to make ________ a team.
6. This man is good at making ________ jokes, which make us laugh loud.
7. Actually, I can’t make _________ what the sign says.
8. The train goes at 9 o’clock. I think that we can make _________.
9. I have to make up __________ the lost time when I am absent because of leg injury.
4. check in/check out
check in (在旅馆、机场等) 登记
check out 结账离开(旅馆等)
check over/through 仔细检查;核对;核查
check on sb./sth. 检查,查看;核实,调查
1. We’ve ____________ (登记入住) at the hotel.
2. Guests should ____________ (结账离开) by noon.
3. ______________ your composition for spelling mistakes.
1. 强调句型
结构: it is/was+被强调部分+that+其他部分。
It was a famous film star that/who we came across in the park. (强调宾语
It is the children’s safety that matters a lot. (强调主语)
It was yesterday that a car accident happened. (强调时间状语)
去掉it is/was 和that/who, 剩下的部分能构成一个完整的句子,则为强调句型。
My sister met John in the library in the morning.
2. 强调宾语
3. 强调地点状语
4. 强调时间状语
5. It was when he waiting for the bus ____________ his wallet was stolen.
6. ___________ is my sister that is responsible for waking me up every day.
2. as引导时间状语从句
用法:as引导时间状语从句时, 意为“随着,当……时”。强调主从句的谓语动词所表示的动作同时进行。
例:As he grew older, he gained confidence.
We all cheered as we watched the national flag rising in the Olympic Games on TV.
as意为“随着”时, 意思同with. 但with是介词,as是连词,with后是不能接从句的。
如:As time goes by, her memory seems to get worse.
= With time going by, her memory seems to get worse.
With the price going up so fast, we can’t afford a house.
3. can’t wait to do sth. 迫不及待想要做某事
其他用法:can’t wait for sth.
例:Having stayed abroad for a long time, she can’t wait to return to her homeland.
The children can’t wait for the arrival of their father.
1. This little boy can’t wait _________ (show) his cool toy to his friend.
2. The excited man said that he couldn’t wait _______ the next get-together(聚会).
is recognized; recognition; It is recognized that; realized;
1. other than 2. rather than 3. more than 4. no more than
1. 补足,凑足 2. 创作 3. 构成 4. 和好5. up 6. up 7. out 8. it 9. for
1. checked in 2. checked out 3. Check over/through
句型:1. It was my sister that/who met John in the library in the morning.
2. It was John that/who my sister met in the library in the morning.
3. It was in the library that my sister met John in the morning.
4. It was in the morning that my sister met John in the library.
5. that 6. It
1. As the price goes up fast, we can’t afford a house.
2. As China develops fast, more and more people begin to learn Chinese./With the fast development of China, more and more people begin to learn Chinese.
1. to show; 2. for
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