人教版(2019) 选择性必修 第三册 Unit 2 Healthy Lifestyle单元主题训练(Word版含答案,无听力试题)


名称 人教版(2019) 选择性必修 第三册 Unit 2 Healthy Lifestyle单元主题训练(Word版含答案,无听力试题)
格式 zip
文件大小 110.5KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-08-25 11:56:32


UNIT 2 单元主题训练
When you think of boxing, you may picture greats like former world heavyweight boxing champions Rocky Marciano and Jersey Joe Walcott. But boxing isn't just a sport anymore. It's also a popular way to stay fit, through a version known as fitness boxing, which has adapted the movements of the sport into exercise routines.
Unlike traditional boxing that requires someone else for practice, fitness boxing involves throwing punches (重拳击打) at the air or at a punching bag, usually in a class. There are two main types of these exercise classes. In one, you follow a leader and do a series of boxing moves to music, similar to an aerobics (有氧运动) class. The moves include a combination of large, sweeping punches; smaller punches; and short, quick steps forward and back. The other type of exercise class involves strength training, stretching, and hitting a punching bag.
“This kind of boxing has many health benefits, because it constantly requires you to think and change your position,” says physical therapist Linda Arslanian. Though there's no proof that fitness boxing is superior to any other types of exercise, it does strengthen bones and muscles, burn more calories, improve balance and even lift your mood.
However, fitness_boxing_may_not_be_right_up_your_street. “I'd say you'd have to be very careful if you have hand problems. In that case, you should consider shadow boxing only, and make sure your hands don't make contact with a target,” says Arslanian. With any activity that is potentially aerobic, you should check with your physician before starting.
“If you're interested in trying this exercise to change up your routine, you'll likely find classes at health clubs or community centres. And if you do start a class, remember to take it slowly. Also, it's not about high intensity.It's about consistency,” she adds.
1.How is fitness boxing different from traditional boxing
A.It is not aerobic.
B.It has limitations on equipment.
C.It doesn't require partners.
D.It involves more complicated moves.
解析:选C 细节理解题。根据第二段第一句可知,与传统拳击不同的是,健身拳击不需要拳击伙伴。
2.What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 4 mean
A.Fitness boxing is not for everyone.
B.Great effort is needed for fitness boxing.
C.The requirement for fitness boxing varies.
D.Not all people find fitness boxing worthwhile.
解析:选A 句意理解题。根据倒数第二段中的“I'd say you'd have ...with a target”可知,健身拳击不适合手有问题的人,也就是说,健身拳击并不适合所有人。
3.What does Arslanian suggest to people trying fitness boxing
A.Signing up for a course.
B.Trying shadow boxing first.
C.Sticking to it once starting.
D.Protecting hands from injuries.
解析:选C 细节理解题。根据最后一段中的“if you do start ...about consistency”可知,Arslanian建议尝试健身拳击的人一旦开始,要坚持下去。
4.Which can be the best title for the text
A.Why should you give fitness boxing a try
B.Get yourself into shape with fitness boxing!
C.What are the health benefits of fitness boxing
D.Enrich your exercise routine with fitness boxing!
解析:选D 标题归纳题。综观全文,尤其是第一段最后一句可知,本文主要介绍了被用于日常锻炼的流行健身方式——健身拳击,以及它的类型、好处和注意事项,故D项作本文标题最佳。
Have you ever observed the streets in the morning You will see some people walking on the street or a few vehicles passing by.There might be some people in their gym clothes going to their gym and there might be some coming out for a normal morning walk.__5__ It is because many people choose to exercise in the morning.There are many advantages of a morning workout.A few of these advantages are discussed below.
One of the advantages of a morning workout is that you remain fresh all throughout the day.The workouts may be anything like a walk,gym,dance or yoga.You no longer feel tired or sleepy.__6__
People who exercise regularly in the morning are observed to have healthy diet habits.Also,it is observed that the diet options of people who work out in the morning are healthy.__7__ Morning workouts are beneficial if you are suffering from indigestion.
Once you start exercising in the morning you put a schedule to your day.__8__ Everybody has a busy schedule and it becomes hard to spare time for exercising.Morning time is the only best option available for exercising to a lot of people.
__9__ Exercising with light stomach is very good and has more effects than exercising after lunch or breakfast.The morning air is very fresh and has more oxygen compared to the rest of the day.
A.Morning workouts hardly take you a lot of time.
B.The workouts make you have less time to rest than before.
C.The food digestion is proper and the body functions better.
D.This particular scene is quite evident in the mornings.
E.The advantage is that you are more regular than before.
F.The morning workouts are usually before breakfast.
G.The morning workouts keep your skin and face fresh as well.
5.选D 根据前文“可能有些人穿着运动服去健身房,也可能有些人在早上出来散步。”和后文“这是因为很多人选择在早上锻炼。”可知,此处是讲因为有很多人选择在早上锻炼,所以这种(锻炼的)场景在早上很显而易见,所以选项D切合文意。
6.选G 根据前文“晨练的好处之一就是让你一整天都保持精神饱满。”可知,此处是讲晨练可以让人的皮肤和脸保持清新,所以选项G切合文意,fresh是关键词。
7.选C 根据后文“ 如果你患有消化不良,早上锻炼是有益的。”可知,此处是讲晨练有助于消化。所以选项C切合文意,选项中的digestion呼应下文的indigestion。
8.选A 根据后文“每个人都有一个繁忙的时间表,很难抽出时间来锻炼。对于很多人来说,早上锻炼是唯一的最佳选择。”可知,此处是指晨练并不会花费很多时间,适用于繁忙的人们,所以选项A切合文意,选项中的time呼应后文的schedule。
9.选F 根据后文“胃轻的时候运动很好,比午饭或早餐后运动效果更好。早晨的空气非常新鲜,比一天的其他时间有更多的氧气。”可知,此处是指早饭前锻炼是最好的。所以选项F切合文意。
36-year-old Andy decided to return to his favourite high school hobby — skateboarding. The only __10__ he expected to encounter was his own ability to get back into the sport after so long. __11__, the 340-pound skateboarder soon realized that was the least of his problems.
Andy's challenges began even __12__ he stepped on a skateboard. He couldn't find any resources, like the type of boards to try, for __13__ skaters. What Andy did find instead was a(n) __14__ belief that plus-sized people should not be skating.
Determined to change people's __15__ of plus-sized people in sports, Andy founded Chub Rollz — a skateboarding community for fat skaters. He knew not only did he need to get back into skating to prove people __16__, but he needed to __17__ a safe space where others can show themselves as well.
To inspire plus-sized people to __18__ the fun sport, Andy made a list of recommended products for them and also hosted skateboarding classes to __19__ beginners. The __20__ to Chub Rollz was incredibly positive.
Following an article about his initiative in the San Francisco Chronicle (纪事报), Andy, received numerous messages from __21__ expressing gratefulness for giving them the __22__ to stand up to critics.
For those __23__ to go after their desired activity due to their body size, Andy has this to say: “Never let others' opinions and self-doubt ruin the chance to __24__ something new.”
语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了36岁的Andy成立了一个专门为超重运动员开设的滑板社区——Chub Rollz。Andy认为永远不要让别人的观点和自我怀疑毁掉了尝试新事物的机会。
10.A.barrier B.task
C.adventure D.target
解析:选A 根据后文“he expected to encounter was his own ability to get back into the sport after so long”可知,Andy想重新拾起他高中时最喜欢的滑板爱好,所以此处指他重回这项爱好的障碍。
11.A.Therefore B.However
C.Undoubtedly D.Fortunately
解析:选B 上文提到Andy担心自己重回这项运动的能力,后文则说他很快意识到这个问题是最小的困难,前后为转折关系,应用However。
12.A.after B.before C.when D.until
解析:选B 根据后文可知,他找不到超重的人使用的资源,即在他踩上滑板之前他的挑战就开始了。
13.A.male B.ambitious
C.elderly D.overweight
解析:选D 根据上文的“the 340-pound skateboarder”以及后文的“fat skaters”可知,Andy有超重问题,他找不到任何可供超重滑板选手使用的滑板之类的资源。
14.A.easily-forgotten B.long-held
C.interesting D.convincing
解析:选B 根据后文的“belief that plus-sized people should not be skating”可知,超重的人不应该滑滑板是一个长期以来存在的观念。
15.A.expectation B.impression
C.description D.knowledge
解析:选B 根据后文的“of plus-sized people in sports”可知,此处指改变对体育运动中超重的人的印象,impression符合语境。
16.A.selfish B.dishonest
C.sensitive D.wrong
解析:选D 此处指改变人们认为超重的人不应该玩滑板的错误观念。
17.A.create B.imagine
C.enter D.occupy
解析:选A 根据后文的“a safe space where others can show themselves as well”可知,他需要创造一个安全的空间,让其他人也可以展示自己。
18.A.make sense of B.give way to
C.take up D.remark on
解析:选C 根据后文的“the fun sport”可知,此处表示从事这项有趣的运动,take up符合语境。
19.A.question B.persuade
C.sponsor D.teach
解析:选D 根据上文的“hosted skateboarding classes to”可知,举办滑板课程是为了教初学者。
20.A.approach B.solution
C.response D.entrance
解析:选C 根据后文的“to Chub Rollz was incredibly positive”可知,此处指人们对Chub Rollz的反应非常积极。
21.A.consumers B.skaters
C.strangers D.customers
解析:选C 根据上文的“Following an article about his initiative in the San Francisco Chronicle”可知Andy收到的是读了他文章的陌生人发来的信息。
22.A.patience B.need
C.courage D.curiosity
解析:选C 根据后文的“to stand up to critics”可知,Andy给了陌生人勇敢面对批评的勇气。
23.A.unlikely B.unsuitable
C.content D.hesitant
解析:选D 根据后文的“to go after their desired activity due to their body size”可知,此处指那些因为身材而犹豫不决的人,应用hesitant。
24.A.try B.discover C.introduce D.assess
解析:选A 根据后文的“something new”可知,此处指尝试新事物,应用try。
I sat in the breakfast corner with my four-year-old son, Matthew, trying to ignore the ache in my stomach.These days I could barely get out of bed.I was still recovering from my operation.I hoped for strength and happiness.But the future seemed so hopeless.I'd always wanted five or six kids.Three operations later, that dream would never come true.
Matthew jumped up from his spot on the kitchen floor.“Bird!” he shouted, rushing to the sliding glass door that opened onto our courtyard.Surely enough, there was a white dove perched on a rubber tree.It sat there a few moments, and then flew away.Strangely enough, I'd never seen one in our neighbourhood before.
When I dragged myself to the kitchen the next morning, the dove was back.This time with a mate carrying twigs.“Look, Matthew,” I said, pointing to the tree.“They're going to make a nest.” The doves flew in and out of the courtyard all week, building on top of the rubber tree.Matthew could hardly contain his excitement.Every morning, he'd run into the kitchen and take his spot by the sliding glass door, talking to the birds while they worked.His enthusiasm was contagious.As much as I was grieving, I couldn't help but look forward to the doves' visits too.We watched their progress as if it was a real soap opera unfolding before us.I'd do the cooking and for a moment, my pain disappeared, replaced by joy.
Then it all went wrong.The courtyard was a safe enough spot for a nest, but the rubber tree's broad, thin leaves were far from stable.One night, a strong wind blew through, throwing the doves' nest to the ground.I heard the twigs break.I surveyed the damage.Nothing good ever lasts.I wouldn't blame the doves if they never came back.But they returned.And they paid no attention to the pile of sticks that had once been their nest.They started again from scratch.Again, though, the wind destroyed all their hard work.The next day, and the next, they renewed their efforts, as if nothing had happened.
Paragraph 1:
I knew I had to do something. 
Paragraph 2:
“The birds were back!” Matthew announced. 
Paragraph 1:
I knew I had to do something.The doves had given me something to look forward to, even on my darkest days.Now I was going to help them in return.I woke up the following morning with a plan.There was only an hour before the time when the doves usually made their visit.I searched the garage for an old piece of shelving.I leaned a ladder by the sliding door, hammered the shelf to the wall next to the rubber tree and covered it with leaves so it looked like part of the tree.Then Matthew and I stood by the door, waiting and hoping.
Paragraph 2:
“The birds were back!” Matthew announced.There they were — sitting on top of the shelf, adding bits and pieces to the new nest.“It worked!” Two weeks later, we watched three chicks break free from their shells.Life was filled with wonder and surprises and we all should wait and hope.
1UNIT 2 单元主题训练
When you think of boxing, you may picture greats like former world heavyweight boxing champions Rocky Marciano and Jersey Joe Walcott. But boxing isn't just a sport anymore. It's also a popular way to stay fit, through a version known as fitness boxing, which has adapted the movements of the sport into exercise routines.
Unlike traditional boxing that requires someone else for practice, fitness boxing involves throwing punches (重拳击打) at the air or at a punching bag, usually in a class. There are two main types of these exercise classes. In one, you follow a leader and do a series of boxing moves to music, similar to an aerobics (有氧运动) class. The moves include a combination of large, sweeping punches; smaller punches; and short, quick steps forward and back. The other type of exercise class involves strength training, stretching, and hitting a punching bag.
“This kind of boxing has many health benefits, because it constantly requires you to think and change your position,” says physical therapist Linda Arslanian. Though there's no proof that fitness boxing is superior to any other types of exercise, it does strengthen bones and muscles, burn more calories, improve balance and even lift your mood.
However, fitness_boxing_may_not_be_right_up_your_street. “I'd say you'd have to be very careful if you have hand problems. In that case, you should consider shadow boxing only, and make sure your hands don't make contact with a target,” says Arslanian. With any activity that is potentially aerobic, you should check with your physician before starting.
“If you're interested in trying this exercise to change up your routine, you'll likely find classes at health clubs or community centres. And if you do start a class, remember to take it slowly. Also, it's not about high intensity.It's about consistency,” she adds.
1.How is fitness boxing different from traditional boxing
A.It is not aerobic.
B.It has limitations on equipment.
C.It doesn't require partners.
D.It involves more complicated moves.
2.What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 4 mean
A.Fitness boxing is not for everyone.
B.Great effort is needed for fitness boxing.
C.The requirement for fitness boxing varies.
D.Not all people find fitness boxing worthwhile.
3.What does Arslanian suggest to people trying fitness boxing
A.Signing up for a course.
B.Trying shadow boxing first.
C.Sticking to it once starting.
D.Protecting hands from injuries.
4.Which can be the best title for the text
A.Why should you give fitness boxing a try
B.Get yourself into shape with fitness boxing!
C.What are the health benefits of fitness boxing
D.Enrich your exercise routine with fitness boxing!
Have you ever observed the streets in the morning You will see some people walking on the street or a few vehicles passing by.There might be some people in their gym clothes going to their gym and there might be some coming out for a normal morning walk.__5__ It is because many people choose to exercise in the morning.There are many advantages of a morning workout.A few of these advantages are discussed below.
One of the advantages of a morning workout is that you remain fresh all throughout the day.The workouts may be anything like a walk,gym,dance or yoga.You no longer feel tired or sleepy.__6__
People who exercise regularly in the morning are observed to have healthy diet habits.Also,it is observed that the diet options of people who work out in the morning are healthy.__7__ Morning workouts are beneficial if you are suffering from indigestion.
Once you start exercising in the morning you put a schedule to your day.__8__ Everybody has a busy schedule and it becomes hard to spare time for exercising.Morning time is the only best option available for exercising to a lot of people.
__9__ Exercising with light stomach is very good and has more effects than exercising after lunch or breakfast.The morning air is very fresh and has more oxygen compared to the rest of the day.
A.Morning workouts hardly take you a lot of time.
B.The workouts make you have less time to rest than before.
C.The food digestion is proper and the body functions better.
D.This particular scene is quite evident in the mornings.
E.The advantage is that you are more regular than before.
F.The morning workouts are usually before breakfast.
G.The morning workouts keep your skin and face fresh as well.
36-year-old Andy decided to return to his favourite high school hobby — skateboarding. The only __10__ he expected to encounter was his own ability to get back into the sport after so long. __11__, the 340-pound skateboarder soon realized that was the least of his problems.
Andy's challenges began even __12__ he stepped on a skateboard. He couldn't find any resources, like the type of boards to try, for __13__ skaters. What Andy did find instead was a(n) __14__ belief that plus-sized people should not be skating.
Determined to change people's __15__ of plus-sized people in sports, Andy founded Chub Rollz — a skateboarding community for fat skaters. He knew not only did he need to get back into skating to prove people __16__, but he needed to __17__ a safe space where others can show themselves as well.
To inspire plus-sized people to __18__ the fun sport, Andy made a list of recommended products for them and also hosted skateboarding classes to __19__ beginners. The __20__ to Chub Rollz was incredibly positive.
Following an article about his initiative in the San Francisco Chronicle (纪事报), Andy, received numerous messages from __21__ expressing gratefulness for giving them the __22__ to stand up to critics.
For those __23__ to go after their desired activity due to their body size, Andy has this to say: “Never let others' opinions and self-doubt ruin the chance to __24__ something new.”
10.A.barrier B.task
C.adventure D.target
11.A.Therefore B.However
C.Undoubtedly D.Fortunately
12.A.after B.before C.when D.until
13.A.male B.ambitious
C.elderly D.overweight
14.A.easily-forgotten B.long-held
C.interesting D.convincing
15.A.expectation B.impression
C.description D.knowledge
16.A.selfish B.dishonest
C.sensitive D.wrong
17.A.create B.imagine
C.enter D.occupy
18.A.make sense of B.give way to
C.take up D.remark on
19.A.question B.persuade
C.sponsor D.teach
20.A.approach B.solution
C.response D.entrance
21.A.consumers B.skaters
C.strangers D.customers
22.A.patience B.need
C.courage D.curiosity
23.A.unlikely B.unsuitable
C.content D.hesitant
24.A.try B.discover C.introduce D.assess
I sat in the breakfast corner with my four-year-old son, Matthew, trying to ignore the ache in my stomach.These days I could barely get out of bed.I was still recovering from my operation.I hoped for strength and happiness.But the future seemed so hopeless.I'd always wanted five or six kids.Three operations later, that dream would never come true.
Matthew jumped up from his spot on the kitchen floor.“Bird!” he shouted, rushing to the sliding glass door that opened onto our courtyard.Surely enough, there was a white dove perched on a rubber tree.It sat there a few moments, and then flew away.Strangely enough, I'd never seen one in our neighbourhood before.
When I dragged myself to the kitchen the next morning, the dove was back.This time with a mate carrying twigs.“Look, Matthew,” I said, pointing to the tree.“They're going to make a nest.” The doves flew in and out of the courtyard all week, building on top of the rubber tree.Matthew could hardly contain his excitement.Every morning, he'd run into the kitchen and take his spot by the sliding glass door, talking to the birds while they worked.His enthusiasm was contagious.As much as I was grieving, I couldn't help but look forward to the doves' visits too.We watched their progress as if it was a real soap opera unfolding before us.I'd do the cooking and for a moment, my pain disappeared, replaced by joy.
Then it all went wrong.The courtyard was a safe enough spot for a nest, but the rubber tree's broad, thin leaves were far from stable.One night, a strong wind blew through, throwing the doves' nest to the ground.I heard the twigs break.I surveyed the damage.Nothing good ever lasts.I wouldn't blame the doves if they never came back.But they returned.And they paid no attention to the pile of sticks that had once been their nest.They started again from scratch.Again, though, the wind destroyed all their hard work.The next day, and the next, they renewed their efforts, as if nothing had happened.
Paragraph 1:
I knew I had to do something. 
Paragraph 2:
“The birds were back!” Matthew announced.