人教版(2019)高中英语必修第二册 Unit 1 Cultural heritage 复习试卷


名称 人教版(2019)高中英语必修第二册 Unit 1 Cultural heritage 复习试卷
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更新时间 2022-08-25 12:00:19


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人教版(2019)高中英语必修第二册 Unit 1 Cultural heritage 复习试卷
(1)   n. 遗产(指国家或社会长期形成的历史、传统和特色)
(2)    adv. 创造性地
(3)   adj. 创造性的
(4)   adj. 以前的;(两者中)前者的
(5)   vt. 保存;保护;维持n. 保护区
(6)   n. 抗议 vi. & vt(公开)反对;抗议
(7)   n. 委员会
(8)   vt. 建立;创立
(9)   n. 丧失;损失
(10)   prep. & adv. 在(某段时间、距离或范围)之内
(1)   n.& vt. 企图;试图;尝试
(2)   adj. 值得做的;值得花时间的
(3)   vt. 下载n. 下载;已下载的数据资料
(4)   n. 过程;进程;步骤vt. 处理;加工
(5)   adj. 海外的adv. 在海外
(6)   vt. & vi. 原谅;宽恕vt. 对不起;请原谅
(7)   adj. 数码的;数字显示的
(8)   n. 形象;印象
(9)   prep. 各处;遍及;自始至终
(10)   n. 质量;品质;素质;特征adj. 优质的;高质量的
(1)   n. 意见;想法;看法
(2)    n. /v. 对比;对照
(3)    vt. 确认;认出
(4)   adv. 永远;长久地
4.They export their products to markets    (遍及) the world.
5.By    (传统), children play tricks on 1 April.
6.Police have already    (确认)around 10 murder suspects.
7.Everyone can greatly improve the    (质量) of life.
8.What do you think we have to lose if we fail to preserve our cultural     (遗产)
9.He is well     (保护) so he looks younger.
10.(2021高一下·汪清月考)He often thinks of his     (以前的) English teacher who helped him a lot in senior high school.
11.Her     (提升) to sales manager made us happy.
12.This bridge is a     (遗迹) of ancient times.
13.It was amazing that she solved the problem    (创造性地) last night.
14.Wait and play are both necessary to health. The    (前者) gives us energy and the latter gives us rest.
15.I'll help as much as I can, but there is a    (限制) to what I can do.
16.Only in this way can we keep   (平衡) between study and pleasure.
17.We should    (捐赠) some money to those who are in trouble.
18.We must do our best to prevent these historic site from    (消失) .
19.The committee met several times to discuss these important    (问题).
20.The kind sister has     (原谅) her younger brother.
21.Police are    (调查) possible links between the murders.
22.Most of the food we buy is    (加工) in some way.
23.The smile on her face made it all     (值得的).
way to, prevent…from…, donate…to…, introduce…to, more than just, take
part in, be familiar with, do research on, all kinds of, make a proposal
24.In order to find a better job, more and more people are working hard to learn     skills now.
25.She     at least five foreign languages.
26.Lee is     a teacher; he is a scholar. We all respect him.
27.She often invites my classmates and me to     different activities out of school.
28.Traveling is a great chance to     your kids     the world.
29.On April 25, an activity to     money     the disaster area in Tibet was held by the Students' Union in our school.
30.Sports can make us strong,     us     getting too fat and keep us fit.
31.It has become a habit for the researcher to     lung cancer.
32.We     for a visit to the museum the next day.
33.He should     a younger, more decisive leader.
34.She has three sons. All of her sons are abroad now. (用定语从句合并句子)
→She has three sons,    are abroad now.
35.There are sixty students in our class. Thirty of the students in our class are girls. (用定语从句合并句子)
→There are sixty students in our class,     are girls.
36.The man is kind. The headmaster introduced him to us yesterday.(用定语从句合并句子)
→The man     to us yesterday is kind.
37.Do you know the man The man spoke to the headmaster just now. (用定语从句合并句子)
→Do you know the man    
38.I have seen the film. They're talking about the film.(用定语从句合并句子)
→I have seen the film    .
39.The day came at last. We have been looking forward to the day.(用定语从句合并句子)
→The day     came at last.
40.My grandparents live in the biggest house. It is more than 100 years old.(用定语从句合并句子)
→My grandparents live in the biggest house    .
41.We settled down in a small village. In front of the village ran a winding river. (用定语从句合并句子)
→We settled down in a small village,     ran a winding river.
42.    almost everyone wants to be famous.
43.   , he's a generous, devoted, active and warm hearted man.
44.Some valuable cultural relics have been damaged while    .
45.The English language     (continue) to change since Chaucer's day.
46.Anyway, social media has    human life.
47.    rather than individuals.
48.At this time yesterday, the people     the snow in the street.
The Taj Mahal (泰姬陵) is 49. to be one of the most beautiful buildings in the world and the 50. example of the late style of Indian architecture (建筑). It is at Agra in northern India. It lies beside the River Jumma in the middle of gardens 51. quiet pools.
The Taj Mahal was built by the Mogul emperor Shah Jehan, who 52. India in the seventeenth century. It is in 53. of his favorite wife, Arjumand Banu Bagam, known as Mumtaz Mahal, 54. died in 1631. The building, which was completed between 1632 and 1638, was 55. by a local Muslim architect (建筑师), Ustad Ahmad Lahori. The whole building, with gardens and gateway structures, was completed in 1643. The Taj Mahal 56. at one end of the garden tomb with marble (大理石) path. The room is 57. lighted by the light that passes through double screens of carved marble 58. high in the walls. The building now is kept in good 59. .
It 60. 22 years to build the Taj Mahal. Shah Jehan planned a similar building, but in black 61. of white, to lie on the other side of the river. But 62. it could be built, Shah Jehan was imprisoned (监禁) by his son and 63. next to his wife in the Taj Mahal.
49.A.considered B.established C.known D.conducted
50.A.worst B.finest C.earliest D.easiest
51.A.without B.of C.with D.have
52.A.managed B.ruled C.conquered D.identified
53.A.front B.document C.image D.memory
54.A.that B.why C.whom D.who
55.A.processed B.designed C.investigated D.possessed
56.A.stands B.situates C.locates D.builds
57.A.brightly B.likely C.softly D.professionally
58.A.taken B.brought C.set D.carried
59.A.condition B.balance C.shape D.size
60.A.spent B.took C.cost D.paid
61.A.inside B.made C.rather D.instead
62.A.after B.when C.before D.until
63.A.preserved B.buried C.put D.died
the cathedral (大教堂) that serves as one of Paris' most beloved
monuments, is on fire. According to The New York Times the fire began around 6:
30 p. m. local time when tourists urgently rushed out of the building. Andre Finot,
a spokesman for the cathedral, told The Times that the cause of the fire was still
unknown and that no one had been hurt while damage to the building appeared catastrophic(灾难性的).
reports that over 400 firefighters have been sent to fight the fire, but that they
may be unable to save the cathedral. Built in the 12th century, Notre-Dame houses
several relics important to Catholics (天主教徒). NBC News reports
that relics from Saint Genevieve and Saint Denis may be lost, together with a relic
believed to be from Jesus Christ's crown of thorns, but it states that the authorities
now believe that the cathedral has been saved from "total destruction".
is visited by a reported 30,000 people a day and 13 million people per year. Its
destruction represents a global cultural loss. "This is just horrible,"
Mohamed Megdoul, 33, a film producer and witness to the fire told The Times, speaking
in tears. "A thousand years of history is being wiped away. This belonged to
the whole world, and now it's disappearing. "
President Emmanuel Macron expressed his sadness on Twitter. Other politicians, including
Melania Trump, London Mayor Sadiq Khan, U. K. Prime Minister Theresa May, also shared
their sadness on Twitter.
64.Which of the following statement is true
A.It has been completely destroyed by the fire.
B.It's a huge political loss to the world.
C.The reason of the fire remained to be found out.
D.It's only meaningful to Catholics.
65.When was Notre-Dame built
A.in the 14th century B.in the 12th century
C.in the 14th century D.in the 15th century
66.What does the underlined sentence in the third paragraph imply
A.The history of France is destroyed because of the fire.
B.The loss the fire caused is huge.
C.The damage to Notre-Dame is being wiped off.
D.The cathedral has been saved from "total destruction".
67.What's the purpose of the last paragraph
A.To arouse people's attention
B.To show people's sadness about the destruction of Notre-Dame.
C.To introduce the president of different countries.
D.To make people aware of bad effects of the fire in Notre-Dame
68.What's the best title of this passage
A.A disaster about Notre-Dame.
B.People's sadness about the destruction.
C.The value of Notre-Dame.
D.The worldwide concern.
Here are a few things to watch out for when you move somewhere new or are returning home after a long time away.
The first thing that I did when I got out of the airport was to cross the road,but I looked the wrong way!In the UK the cars drive on the left hand side of the road whereas in Spain they drive on the right.  70.  You have to be very careful.
 71.  . In Mallorca, most of the time, pedestrians can cross the road by walking on the road without stopping and the car will stop for them. In the UK, however, you have to be careful to wait for the cars to stop or else you might end up in the hospital very quickly!
Drink water.
In Spain,most people buy large bottles of water to drink. In the UK the filtering(过滤) of the water means that you can drink straight from the tap. On my first night back I forgot that I could drink water from the taps and spent the night wishing I had a bottle of water.  72.  
In Spain there is a small break during the day to have a nap for the rest of the day. You also might only think about going out for a drink with friends in Spain at 11 p.m. In the UK that is already past the bedtime!
A. Time is different. B. I almost got run over because I was still thinking I was in Spain. C. Time is important D. You should pay attention to another thing. E. There's another strange one from travelling on the road. F. Be careful on the road! G. When I woke up, I realized how silly I had been.
 74.  (know)as China's national opera, Beijing opera, also called (call) Peking Opera, which originated in the late 18th century, is a  75.   (combine) of music, dance, art and acrobatics (杂技). It is the most  76.   (influence) and representative of all operas in China. It is called Beijing opera  77.   it is formed in Beijing. Beijing opera has  78.   history of 200 years and its origin can date back to old local operas, especially Anhui opera, was very popular in northern China in the 18th century. In 1790, the first Anhui opera performance  79.   (hold) in Beijing to celebrate the Emperor's birthday.
Later, some other Anhui opera troupes (班子) continued performing in Beijing. Anhui opera was easy to move and good at  80.   (absorb) the acting styles of other types of operas. Beijing accumulated many local operas, making Anhui opera improve  81.   (quick).
 82.   the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, after the marriage for 10 years, Beijing opera finally formed, and became the  83.   (big) of all operas in China.
【解析】【分析】(1)、 遗产(指国家或社会长期形成的历史、传统和特色) 名词,译为:heritage,故答案为;heritage。
(2)、 创造性地 副词,译为:creatively,故答案为:creatively。
(3)、创造性的 形容词,译为:creative,故答案为:creative。
(4)、 以前的;(两者中)前者的 形容词,译为:former ,故答案为::former 。
(5)、 保存;保护;维持n. 保护区 动词,译为:preserve,故答案为:preserve。
(6)、抗议 vi. & vt(公开)反对;抗议 名词,译为:protest,故答案为:protest。
(7)、委员会 名词,译为:committee ,故答案为:committee。
(8)、 建立;创立 动词, 译为:establish,故答案为:establish。
(9)、 丧失;损失 名词,译为:loss,故答案为:loss。
(10)、 在(某段时间、距离或范围)之内 介词&副词 ,译为:within,故答案为:within。
【解析】【分析】(1)、企图;试图;尝试 名词&动词,译为:attempt,故答案为:attempt。
(2)、值得做的;值得花时间的 形容词,译为:worthwhile,故答案为:worthwhile。
(3)、下载;已下载的数据资料 动词&名词 ,译为:download,故答案为:download。
(4)、过程;进程;步骤;处理;加工 名词&动词 ,译为:process,故答案为:process。
(5)、海外的;在海外 形容词&副词 ,译为:overseas,故答案为:overseas。
(6)、原谅;宽恕; 对不起;请原谅 动词,译为:forgive,故答案为:forgive。
(7)、 数码的;数字显示的 形容词,译为:digital,故答案为:digital。
(8)、 形象;印象 名词,译为:image,故答案为:image。
(9)、各处;遍及;自始至终 介词,译为:throughout ,故答案为:throughout。
(10)、质量;品质;素质;特征; 优质的;高质量的 名词&形容词,译为:quality,故答案为:quality。
【解析】【分析】(1)、意见;想法;看法 名词,译为:opinion,故答案为:opinion。
(2)、对比;对照 名词&动词 ,译为:contrast,故答案为:contrast。
(3)、 确认;认出 动词,译为:identify,故答案为:identify。
(4)、 永远;长久地 副词,译为:forever,故答案为:forever。
【点评】 考查汉译英,要求考生准确识记所给单词。
【解析】【分析】句意:他们将产品出口到世界各地的市场。“ 遍及 ”应用 throughout ,介词,此处介词短语作定语,故填 throughout 。
【解析】【分析】句意:按照传统,孩子们会在 4 月 1 日玩耍。 “传统” 应用 tradition ,名词,by tradition固定短语,“按照传统”,故填 tradition。
【点评】考查名词,以及固定短语by tradition。
【解析】【分析】句意:警方已经确定了大约10名谋杀嫌疑人。“ 确认 ”应用 identify,此处是谓语动词,根据句意和空前的助动词have,应用现在完成时,故填identified 。
【解析】【分析】句意:每个人都可以大大提高生活质量。“ 质量 ”应用 quality ,不可数名词,此处作宾语,故填 quality 。
【解析】【分析】句意:如果我们不能保护我们的文化遗产,您认为我们会失去什么?“ 遗产 ”应用 heritage,不可数名词,此处作宾语,故填 heritage 。
【解析】【分析】句意:他保养得很好,所以他看起来更年轻。此处是谓语动词,“ 保护 ”应用 preserve ,结合句意和空前的助动词is,可知应用一般现在时的被动语态,故填 preserved 。
【解析】【分析】句意:他经常想起他以前的英语老师,他在高中时帮了他很多忙。此处形容词修饰名词English teacher ,故填former。
【解析】【分析】句意:她晋升为销售经理让我们很高兴。“ 提升 ”应用 promotion ,不可数名词,此处作主语,故填 promotion 。
【解析】【分析】句意:这座桥是古代的遗迹。“ 遗迹 ”应用 relic ,可数名词,此处作表语,不定冠词后接单数名词,故填 relic 。
【解析】【分析】句意:昨晚她创造性地解决了这个问题,真是太神奇了。“ 创造性地 ”应用 creatively ,此处修饰动词 solved ,作状语,故填 creatively 。
【解析】【分析】句意:等待和玩耍都是健康所必需的。 前者给我们能量,后者给我们休息。“ 前者 ”应用 former ,作主语,根据谓语动词 gives ,应用单数名词,故填 former 。
【解析】【分析】句意:我会尽我所能提供帮助,但我能做的有限。“ 限制 ”应用 limit ,此处名词作主语,不定冠词后接单数名词,故填 limit 。
【解析】【分析】句意:只有这样,我们才能在学习和快乐之间保持平衡。“ 平衡 ”应用 balance ,不可数名词,此处作宾语,故填 balance 。
【解析】【分析】句意:我们应该为那些陷入困境的人捐款。“ 捐赠 ”应用 contribute/donate ,与should构成谓语动词,故填 contribute/donate 。
【点评】考查动词,掌握 contribute/donate 的应用。
【解析】【分析】句意:我们必须尽最大努力防止这些历史遗迹消失。“ 消失 ”应用 disappear ,不及物动词,此处动名词作介词宾语,故填 disappearing 。
【解析】【分析】句意:委员会多次开会讨论这些重要问题。“ 问题 ”应用 issue ,此处名词作宾语,these后接复数形式,故填 issues。
【解析】【分析】句意:好心的姐姐原谅了弟弟。“ 原谅 ”应用 forgive ,此处是谓语动词,与空前的助动词has,构成现在完成时,故填 forgiven 。
【解析】【分析】句意:警方正在调查这起谋杀案之间可能存在的联系。“调查”应用 investigate,此处是谓语动词,与空前的助动词are,构成现在进行时,故填investigating 。
【解析】【分析】句意:我们购买的大部分食物都经过某种方式加工。“ 加工 ”应用 process ,是谓语动词,与空前的助动词is构成一般现在时的被动语态,故填 processed 。
【解析】【分析】句意:她脸上的笑容使这一切都值得。 worthwhile “值得的”,此处形容词作宾语补足语,故填 worthwhile 。
【答案】24.all kinds of
25.is familiar with
26.more than just
27.take part in
31.do research on
32.made a proposal
33.give way to
【解析】【分析】give way to动词短语,“给.....让路”; prevent…from…动词短语,“保护.....免受......的伤害”; donate…to…动词短语,“把......捐赠给......”; introduce…to...动词短语,“把.....介绍给......”; more than just固定短语,“不仅仅”;take part in动词短语,“参加”; be familiar with动词短语,“熟悉”; do research on动词短语,“做关于......的研究”; all kinds of固定短语,“各种各样的”; make a proposal动词短语,“提建议”。
24.句意:为了找到更好的工作,现在越来越多的人都在努力学习各种技能。 all kinds of固定短语,“各种各样的”,此处作定语,修饰 skills ,故填 all kinds of 。
25.句意:她至少熟悉五种外语。 be familiar with动词短语,“熟悉”,此处是谓语动词,陈述的是一般事实,应用一般现在时,故填is familiar with 。
26.句意: Lee 不仅仅是一位老师; 他是个学者。 我们都尊重他。more than just固定短语,“不仅仅”,修饰谓语动词,作状语,故填more than just。
27.句意:她经常邀请我和我的同学在校外参加不同的活动。take part in动词短语,“参加”,此处不定式作宾补,故填take part in 。
29.句意:4月25日,学生会在我校举办了向西藏灾区捐款的活动。 donate…to…动词短语,“把......捐赠给......”,此处不定式作定语,故填donate;to。
30.句意:运动可以让我们变得强壮,防止我们变得太胖,让我们保持健康。prevent…from…动词短语,“保护……免受……的伤害”,此处是谓语动词,与make us strong 和 keep us fit 并列,can 后接动词原形,故填prevent;from。
31.句意:研究肺癌已经成为研究者的一种习惯。do research on动词短语,“做关于......的研究”,此处不定式作主语,故填do research on。
32.句意:我们提出了第二天参观博物馆的建议。make a proposal动词短语,“提建议”,此处是谓语动词,结合语境应用一般过去时,故填made a proposal 。
33.句意:他应该让位给一个更年轻、更果断的领导人。give way to,动词短语,“给.....让路”,此处是谓语动词,should后接动词原形,故填give way to。
34.【答案】all of whom
【解析】【分析】句意:她有三个儿子。 现在她所有的儿子都在国外。 are abroad now. 是非限制性定语从句,先行词是 three sons ,应用 all of whom 引导,故填 all of whom 。
【点评】考查句型转换,本题涉及of whom引导的非限制性定语从句。
35.【答案】thirty of whom
【解析】【分析】句意:我们班有六十个学生。 我们班的 30 名学生是女生。 are girls 是非限制性定语从句,先行词是 sixty students ,应用 thirty of whom 引导,故填 thirty of whom 。
【点评】考查句型转换,本题涉及of whom引导的非限制性定语从句。
36.【答案】the headmaster introduced
【解析】【分析】句意:男人很善良。 昨天校长把他介绍给我们。 to us yesterday 是限制性定语从句,先行词是 the man ,定语从句的主语是 the headmaster,谓语动词是 introduced ,先行词在从句中作宾语,应用关系代词that/who引导,也可省略,故答案为: the headmaster introduced 。
37.【答案】who/that spoke to the headmaster just now
【解析】【分析】句意:你认识那个人吗? 刚才那人跟校长说话了。根据题目要求, 用定语从句合并句子 ,先行词是the man,指人,在从句中作主语,应用关系代词 who/that 引导,故填 who/that spoke to the headmaster just now 。
【点评】考查句型转换,本题涉及who/that 引导的限制性定语从句。
38.【答案】that/which they're talking about
【解析】【分析】句意:我看过这部电影。 他们在谈论这部电影。根据题目要求,应用限制性定语从句,先行词是 the film ,在定语从句中作宾语,应用 that/which 引导,也可省略,故答案为: that/which they're talking about .
39.【答案】that we have been looking forward to
【解析】【分析】句意:我们一直期待的那一天终于到来了。“We have been looking forward to”可转换成一个定语从句,修饰“The day”,关系词在从句中作宾语,可使用关系代词that引导,故填that we have been looking forward to。
40.【答案】that is more than 100 years old
【解析】【分析】句意:我的祖父母住在有100多年历史的最大的房子里。分析句子可知,“It is more than 100 years old.”是对house的描述,可译作一个定语从句修饰house,house前有形容词最高级修饰,关系词在从句中作主语,应用that引导,其他成分不变,故填that is more than 100 years old。
41.【答案】in front of which
【解析】【分析】句意:我们在一个小村子里安顿下来,村子前面有一条蜿蜒的小河。____________ ran a winding river.是一个非限制性定语从句,修饰前面的先行词a small village,in front of“在……前面”,介词+ 关系代词引导的定语从句,指物,只能用which,故填in front of which。
【点评】考查句型转换,本题涉及in front of which引导的非限制性定语从句。
42.【答案】This is a time when
【解析】【分析】根据中英文对照,可知缺少成分“ 这是一个......的时代 ” , 应用固定句式 This is a time when ...,when 引导限制性定语从句,结合 almost everyone wants to be famous 的时态,可知应用一般现在时,故答案为: This is a time when 。
【点评】考查汉译英,本题涉及一般现在时以及固定句式 This is a time when ...。
43.【答案】As we all know
【解析】【分析】根据中英文对照,可知缺少成分“ 众所周知 ” ,应用as引导的非限制性定语从句,结合he's a generous, devoted, active and warm hearted man的时态,应用一般现在时,故答案为: As we all know 。
44.【答案】only a few survive
【解析】【分析】根据中英文对照,可知缺少成分“ 只有少数幸免于难 ” , 应用固定短语 only a few “仅仅几个”作主语,“幸免于难”应用动词 survive 表达,是谓语动词,结合语境应用一般现在时,故答案为: only a few survive 。
【点评】考查汉译英,本题涉及一般现在时,以及固定短语only a few 。
45.【答案】has continued
【解析】【分析】根据中英文对照,可知缺少成分“ 持续 ”, continue ,根据时间状语 since Chaucer's day ,应用现在完成时,故答案为: has continued 。
46.【答案】become a part of
【解析】【分析】根据中英文对照,可知缺少成分“ 为.....的一部分 ” , 译为: become a part of ,此处是谓语动词,结合空前的助动词has,应用现在完成时,故答案为: become a part of 。
47.【答案】Cultural relics belong to the human beings
【解析】【分析】根据中英文对照,可知缺少成分“ 文化遗产属于全人类 ” ,主语“ 文化遗产 ”用 cultural relics 表达,谓语动词“属于”应用动词短语 belong to ,应用一般现在时,宾语“人类”用 the human beings 表达,故答案为: Cultural relics belong to the human beings。
【点评】考查汉译英,本题涉及一般现在时以及固定短语 belong to和 the human beings 。
48.【答案】were working together to clean
【解析】【分析】根据中英文对照,可知缺少成分“ 正一起清扫 ” ,应用动词短语 work together to clean,此处是谓语动词,根据时间状语at this time yesterday ,可知应用过去进行时,故答案为: were working together to clean 。
【解析】【分析】本文是一篇说明文,介绍印度的泰姬陵始建于1632年,是印度国王Shah Jehan为了纪念他的妻子而修建的,最后Shah Jehan也葬于此处。现在泰姬陵已经成为了一处名胜古迹。
50.句意:泰姬陵被认为是世界上最美丽的建筑之一,也是印度晚期建筑风格的最佳典范。A:worst“最坏的”;B:finest“最好的”;C:earliest“最早的”;D:easiest“最容易的”。根据空前“ The Taj Mahal (泰姬陵) is 1 to be one of the most beautiful buildings in the world ”泰姬陵被认为是世界上最美丽的建筑之一,可推知泰姬陵印度晚期建筑风格的最佳典范,故选B。
51.句意:它位于带有安静游泳池的花园中间的 Jumma 河旁边。A:without“没有”;B:of“......的”;C:with“带有”;D:have“拥有”,动词。根据常识可知,此处指带有游泳池的花园,介词短语作定语,故选C。
52.句意:泰姬陵由十七世纪统治印度的莫卧儿皇帝 Shah Jehan 建造。A:managed“管理”;B:ruled“统治”;C:conquered“征服”;D:identified“确认”。根据空前“ the Mogul emperor Shah Jehan ”,可知 Shah Jehan是皇帝,统治当时的印度,故选B。
53.句意:它是为了纪念他最喜欢的妻子 Arjumand Banu Bagam,被称为 Mumtaz Mahal,于 1631 年去世。A:front“前面”;B:document“文档”;C:image“形象”;D:memory“记忆,纪念”。 in memory of 固定短语,“纪念”,故选D。
54.句意:它是为了纪念他最喜欢的妻子 Arjumand Banu Bagam,被称为 Mumtaz Mahal,于 1631 年去世。 died in 1631 是非限制性定语从句,先行词是 Mumtaz Mahal ,指人,在从句中作主语,应用关系代词who,故选D。
55.句意:这座建筑于 1632 年至 1638 年间完工,由当地穆斯林建筑师 Ustad Ahmad Lahori 设计。A:processed“加工,处理”;B:designed“设计”;C:investigated“调查”;D:possessed“拥有”。根据空后“a local Muslim architect (建筑师)”,可推知此处是指泰姬陵是当地穆斯林建筑师设计的,故选B。
59.句意:该建筑现在保存完好。A:condition“条件”;B:balance“平衡”;C:shape“形状”;D:size“尺寸,大小”。 in good condition固定短语,“状况良好”,故选A。
60.句意:建造泰姬陵耗时 22 年。此句是固定句式It takes sometime to do,“花多长时间做......”,故选B。
61.句意:Shah Jehan 计划在河的另一边建造一座类似的建筑,但用黑色而不是白色。A:inside“在.....里面”;B:made“制造”;C:rather“相当地”;D:instead“代替”。instead of固定短语,“而不是”,故选D。
62.句意:但还没来得及建造, Shah Jehan 就被儿子囚禁,埋葬在泰姬陵的妻子身边。A:after“在.....之后”;B:when“当......的时候”;C:before“在.....之前”;D:until“直到”。根据语境可知此处是before引导的时间状语从句,故选C。
63.句意:但还没来得及建造, Shah Jehan 就被儿子囚禁,埋葬在泰姬陵的妻子身边。A:preserved“维持,保持”;B:buried“掩埋,埋头”;C:put“放置”;D:died“死”。根据语境可知,此处指Shah Jehan 就被儿子囚禁,埋葬在泰姬陵的妻子身边,故选B。
64.考查细节理解。根据第一段中的“Andre Finot, a spokesman for the cathedral, told The Times that the cause of the fire was still unknown and that no one had been hurt while damage to the building appeared catastrophic(灾难性的). ”大教堂的发言人Andre Finot告诉《泰晤士报》,火灾的原因仍然不明,没有人受伤,建筑物的损坏看起来是灾难性的。可知,这起火灾的原因还不得而知,故选C。
65.考查细节理解。根据第二段中的“ Built in the 12th century, Notre-Dame houses several relics important to Catholics (天主教徒).”。建于 12 世纪的圣母院收藏了几件对天主教徒来说很重要的文物。故选B。
66.考查句义猜测。根据第三段中的“Its destruction represents a global cultural loss. ” 它的毁灭代表了全球文化的损失。以及整段内容可知, 火灾造成的损失是巨大的,划线句子的意思是一致的,即“火灾造成了巨大损失”。故选B。
67.考查推理判断。根据最后一段“French President Emmanuel Macron expressed his sadness on Twitter. Other politicians, including Melania Trump, London Mayor Sadiq Khan, U. K. Prime Minister Theresa May, also shared their sadness on Twitter.”法国总统马克龙在推特上表达了他的悲伤。其他政界人士,包括梅拉尼娅·特朗普、伦敦市长萨迪克·汗、英国首相特蕾莎·梅,也在推特上分享了他们的悲伤。可推知最后一段表达人们对巴黎圣母院被毁的悲伤。故选B。
69.根据空后“ The first thing that I did when I got out of the airport was to cross the road,but I looked the wrong way!In the UK the cars drive on the left hand side of the road whereas in Spain they drive on the right ”出机场第一件事就是过马路,但我看错了方向!在英国,汽车靠左行驶,而在西班牙,汽车靠右行驶。可知此段介绍了两国的交通, F. Be careful on the road! “路上小心!”能概括本段,故选F。
70.根据空前“ In the UK the cars drive on the left hand side of the road whereas in Spain they drive on the right. ”在英国,汽车靠左行驶,而在西班牙,汽车靠右行驶;以及空后“ You have to be very careful. ”你必须非常小心。 B. I almost got run over because I was still thinking I was in Spain. “我差点被撞倒,因为我还以为我在西班牙。”承上启下,符合语境,故选B。
71.根据空后“ In Mallorca, most of the time, pedestrians can cross the road by walking on the road without stopping and the car will stop for them. In the UK, however, you have to be careful to wait for the cars to stop or else you might end up in the hospital very quickly!”在马略卡岛,大多数时候,行人可以通过在马路上行走而无需停下来过马路,汽车会为他们停下来。 但是,在英国,您必须小心等待汽车停下,否则您可能很快就会住进医院!可知此段说明在路上行走的不同, E. There's another strange one from travelling on the road. “在路上旅行还有另一个奇怪的地方。”符合语境,故选E。
72.根据空前“ In Spain,most people buy large bottles of water to drink. In the UK the filtering(过滤) of the water means that you can drink straight from the tap. On my first night back I forgot that I could drink water from the taps and spent the night wishing I had a bottle of water. ”在西班牙,大多数人买大瓶水喝。 在英国,水的过滤意味着您可以直接从水龙头饮用。 在我回来的第一个晚上,我忘记了我可以从水龙头喝水,整晚都希望我有一瓶水。可知作者后悔自己的所作,G. When I woke up, I realized how silly I had been.“当我醒来时,我意识到自己是多么愚蠢。”符合语境,故选G。
73.根据空后“ In Spain there is a small break during the day to have a nap for the rest of the day. You also might only think about going out for a drink with friends in Spain at 11 p.m. In the UK that is already past the bedtime! ”在西班牙,白天有一小段休息时间,以便在一天的其余时间小睡。 您也可能只想在晚上 11 点与西班牙的朋友出去喝一杯。 在英国,已经过了就寝时间!可知此段指两国时间安排方面的不同, A. Time is different. “时间不同”符合语境,故选A。
【答案】74.Known;75.combination;76.influential;77.as/because;78.a;79.was held;80.absorbing;81.quickly;82.at;83.biggest
74.句意:被誉为中国国剧的京剧,起源于18世纪后期,是音乐、舞蹈、艺术和杂技的结合体。此处名词作表语,不定冠词后接单数名词,故填 combination 。
75.句意:被誉为中国国剧的京剧,起源于18世纪后期,是音乐、舞蹈、艺术和杂技的结合体。此处名词作表语,不定冠词后接单数名词,故填 combination 。
77.句意:京剧已有200年的历史,其起源可以追溯到古老的地方戏曲,尤其是18世纪在中国北方非常流行的徽剧。 a history of...,固定短语,“.......的历史”,故填a。
78.句意:京剧已有200年的历史,其起源可以追溯到古老的地方戏曲,尤其是18世纪在中国北方非常流行的徽剧。 a history of...,固定短语,“.......的历史”,故填a。
79.句意:1790年,第一次皖剧演出在北京举行,庆祝皇帝的诞辰。此处是谓语动词,与主语 the first Anhui opera performance 是被动关系,应用被动语态,结合时间状语 in 1790,应用一般过去时,故填was held 。
80.句意:徽剧动作灵活,善于吸收其他剧种的表演风格。此处动名词作介词宾语,故填 absorbing 。
81.句意:北京积淀了许多地方戏曲,使徽剧进步迅速。此处副词修饰动词 improve 作状语,故填 quickly 。
82.句意:19世纪末20世纪初,经过10年的联姻,京剧终于形成,成为中国最大的剧种。at the end of固定短语,“在.....末端”,故选At。
83.句意:19世纪末20世纪初,经过10年的联姻,京剧终于形成,成为中国最大的剧种。此处形容词最高级作表语,故填 biggest 。
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人教版(2019)高中英语必修第二册 Unit 1 Cultural heritage 复习试卷
(1)   n. 遗产(指国家或社会长期形成的历史、传统和特色)
(2)    adv. 创造性地
(3)   adj. 创造性的
(4)   adj. 以前的;(两者中)前者的
(5)   vt. 保存;保护;维持n. 保护区
(6)   n. 抗议 vi. & vt(公开)反对;抗议
(7)   n. 委员会
(8)   vt. 建立;创立
(9)   n. 丧失;损失
(10)   prep. & adv. 在(某段时间、距离或范围)之内
【解析】【分析】(1)、 遗产(指国家或社会长期形成的历史、传统和特色) 名词,译为:heritage,故答案为;heritage。
(2)、 创造性地 副词,译为:creatively,故答案为:creatively。
(3)、创造性的 形容词,译为:creative,故答案为:creative。
(4)、 以前的;(两者中)前者的 形容词,译为:former ,故答案为::former 。
(5)、 保存;保护;维持n. 保护区 动词,译为:preserve,故答案为:preserve。
(6)、抗议 vi. & vt(公开)反对;抗议 名词,译为:protest,故答案为:protest。
(7)、委员会 名词,译为:committee ,故答案为:committee。
(8)、 建立;创立 动词, 译为:establish,故答案为:establish。
(9)、 丧失;损失 名词,译为:loss,故答案为:loss。
(10)、 在(某段时间、距离或范围)之内 介词&副词 ,译为:within,故答案为:within。
(1)   n.& vt. 企图;试图;尝试
(2)   adj. 值得做的;值得花时间的
(3)   vt. 下载n. 下载;已下载的数据资料
(4)   n. 过程;进程;步骤vt. 处理;加工
(5)   adj. 海外的adv. 在海外
(6)   vt. & vi. 原谅;宽恕vt. 对不起;请原谅
(7)   adj. 数码的;数字显示的
(8)   n. 形象;印象
(9)   prep. 各处;遍及;自始至终
(10)   n. 质量;品质;素质;特征adj. 优质的;高质量的
【解析】【分析】(1)、企图;试图;尝试 名词&动词,译为:attempt,故答案为:attempt。
(2)、值得做的;值得花时间的 形容词,译为:worthwhile,故答案为:worthwhile。
(3)、下载;已下载的数据资料 动词&名词 ,译为:download,故答案为:download。
(4)、过程;进程;步骤;处理;加工 名词&动词 ,译为:process,故答案为:process。
(5)、海外的;在海外 形容词&副词 ,译为:overseas,故答案为:overseas。
(6)、原谅;宽恕; 对不起;请原谅 动词,译为:forgive,故答案为:forgive。
(7)、 数码的;数字显示的 形容词,译为:digital,故答案为:digital。
(8)、 形象;印象 名词,译为:image,故答案为:image。
(9)、各处;遍及;自始至终 介词,译为:throughout ,故答案为:throughout。
(10)、质量;品质;素质;特征; 优质的;高质量的 名词&形容词,译为:quality,故答案为:quality。
(1)   n. 意见;想法;看法
(2)    n. /v. 对比;对照
(3)    vt. 确认;认出
(4)   adv. 永远;长久地
【解析】【分析】(1)、意见;想法;看法 名词,译为:opinion,故答案为:opinion。
(2)、对比;对照 名词&动词 ,译为:contrast,故答案为:contrast。
(3)、 确认;认出 动词,译为:identify,故答案为:identify。
(4)、 永远;长久地 副词,译为:forever,故答案为:forever。
【点评】 考查汉译英,要求考生准确识记所给单词。
4.They export their products to markets    (遍及) the world.
【解析】【分析】句意:他们将产品出口到世界各地的市场。“ 遍及 ”应用 throughout ,介词,此处介词短语作定语,故填 throughout 。
5.By    (传统), children play tricks on 1 April.
【解析】【分析】句意:按照传统,孩子们会在 4 月 1 日玩耍。 “传统” 应用 tradition ,名词,by tradition固定短语,“按照传统”,故填 tradition。
【点评】考查名词,以及固定短语by tradition。
6.Police have already    (确认)around 10 murder suspects.
【解析】【分析】句意:警方已经确定了大约10名谋杀嫌疑人。“ 确认 ”应用 identify,此处是谓语动词,根据句意和空前的助动词have,应用现在完成时,故填identified 。
7.Everyone can greatly improve the    (质量) of life.
【解析】【分析】句意:每个人都可以大大提高生活质量。“ 质量 ”应用 quality ,不可数名词,此处作宾语,故填 quality 。
8.What do you think we have to lose if we fail to preserve our cultural     (遗产)
【解析】【分析】句意:如果我们不能保护我们的文化遗产,您认为我们会失去什么?“ 遗产 ”应用 heritage,不可数名词,此处作宾语,故填 heritage 。
9.He is well     (保护) so he looks younger.
【解析】【分析】句意:他保养得很好,所以他看起来更年轻。此处是谓语动词,“ 保护 ”应用 preserve ,结合句意和空前的助动词is,可知应用一般现在时的被动语态,故填 preserved 。
10.(2021高一下·汪清月考)He often thinks of his     (以前的) English teacher who helped him a lot in senior high school.
【解析】【分析】句意:他经常想起他以前的英语老师,他在高中时帮了他很多忙。此处形容词修饰名词English teacher ,故填former。
11.Her     (提升) to sales manager made us happy.
【解析】【分析】句意:她晋升为销售经理让我们很高兴。“ 提升 ”应用 promotion ,不可数名词,此处作主语,故填 promotion 。
12.This bridge is a     (遗迹) of ancient times.
【解析】【分析】句意:这座桥是古代的遗迹。“ 遗迹 ”应用 relic ,可数名词,此处作表语,不定冠词后接单数名词,故填 relic 。
13.It was amazing that she solved the problem    (创造性地) last night.
【解析】【分析】句意:昨晚她创造性地解决了这个问题,真是太神奇了。“ 创造性地 ”应用 creatively ,此处修饰动词 solved ,作状语,故填 creatively 。
14.Wait and play are both necessary to health. The    (前者) gives us energy and the latter gives us rest.
【解析】【分析】句意:等待和玩耍都是健康所必需的。 前者给我们能量,后者给我们休息。“ 前者 ”应用 former ,作主语,根据谓语动词 gives ,应用单数名词,故填 former 。
15.I'll help as much as I can, but there is a    (限制) to what I can do.
【解析】【分析】句意:我会尽我所能提供帮助,但我能做的有限。“ 限制 ”应用 limit ,此处名词作主语,不定冠词后接单数名词,故填 limit 。
16.Only in this way can we keep   (平衡) between study and pleasure.
【解析】【分析】句意:只有这样,我们才能在学习和快乐之间保持平衡。“ 平衡 ”应用 balance ,不可数名词,此处作宾语,故填 balance 。
17.We should    (捐赠) some money to those who are in trouble.
【解析】【分析】句意:我们应该为那些陷入困境的人捐款。“ 捐赠 ”应用 contribute/donate ,与should构成谓语动词,故填 contribute/donate 。
【点评】考查动词,掌握 contribute/donate 的应用。
18.We must do our best to prevent these historic site from    (消失) .
【解析】【分析】句意:我们必须尽最大努力防止这些历史遗迹消失。“ 消失 ”应用 disappear ,不及物动词,此处动名词作介词宾语,故填 disappearing 。
19.The committee met several times to discuss these important    (问题).
【解析】【分析】句意:委员会多次开会讨论这些重要问题。“ 问题 ”应用 issue ,此处名词作宾语,these后接复数形式,故填 issues。
20.The kind sister has     (原谅) her younger brother.
【解析】【分析】句意:好心的姐姐原谅了弟弟。“ 原谅 ”应用 forgive ,此处是谓语动词,与空前的助动词has,构成现在完成时,故填 forgiven 。
21.Police are    (调查) possible links between the murders.
【解析】【分析】句意:警方正在调查这起谋杀案之间可能存在的联系。“调查”应用 investigate,此处是谓语动词,与空前的助动词are,构成现在进行时,故填investigating 。
22.Most of the food we buy is    (加工) in some way.
【解析】【分析】句意:我们购买的大部分食物都经过某种方式加工。“ 加工 ”应用 process ,是谓语动词,与空前的助动词is构成一般现在时的被动语态,故填 processed 。
23.The smile on her face made it all     (值得的).
【解析】【分析】句意:她脸上的笑容使这一切都值得。 worthwhile “值得的”,此处形容词作宾语补足语,故填 worthwhile 。
way to, prevent…from…, donate…to…, introduce…to, more than just, take
part in, be familiar with, do research on, all kinds of, make a proposal
24.In order to find a better job, more and more people are working hard to learn     skills now.
25.She     at least five foreign languages.
26.Lee is     a teacher; he is a scholar. We all respect him.
27.She often invites my classmates and me to     different activities out of school.
28.Traveling is a great chance to     your kids     the world.
29.On April 25, an activity to     money     the disaster area in Tibet was held by the Students' Union in our school.
30.Sports can make us strong,     us     getting too fat and keep us fit.
31.It has become a habit for the researcher to     lung cancer.
32.We     for a visit to the museum the next day.
33.He should     a younger, more decisive leader.
【答案】24.all kinds of
25.is familiar with
26.more than just
27.take part in
31.do research on
32.made a proposal
33.give way to
【解析】【分析】give way to动词短语,“给.....让路”; prevent…from…动词短语,“保护.....免受......的伤害”; donate…to…动词短语,“把......捐赠给......”; introduce…to...动词短语,“把.....介绍给......”; more than just固定短语,“不仅仅”;take part in动词短语,“参加”; be familiar with动词短语,“熟悉”; do research on动词短语,“做关于......的研究”; all kinds of固定短语,“各种各样的”; make a proposal动词短语,“提建议”。
24.句意:为了找到更好的工作,现在越来越多的人都在努力学习各种技能。 all kinds of固定短语,“各种各样的”,此处作定语,修饰 skills ,故填 all kinds of 。
25.句意:她至少熟悉五种外语。 be familiar with动词短语,“熟悉”,此处是谓语动词,陈述的是一般事实,应用一般现在时,故填is familiar with 。
26.句意: Lee 不仅仅是一位老师; 他是个学者。 我们都尊重他。more than just固定短语,“不仅仅”,修饰谓语动词,作状语,故填more than just。
27.句意:她经常邀请我和我的同学在校外参加不同的活动。take part in动词短语,“参加”,此处不定式作宾补,故填take part in 。
29.句意:4月25日,学生会在我校举办了向西藏灾区捐款的活动。 donate…to…动词短语,“把......捐赠给......”,此处不定式作定语,故填donate;to。
30.句意:运动可以让我们变得强壮,防止我们变得太胖,让我们保持健康。prevent…from…动词短语,“保护……免受……的伤害”,此处是谓语动词,与make us strong 和 keep us fit 并列,can 后接动词原形,故填prevent;from。
31.句意:研究肺癌已经成为研究者的一种习惯。do research on动词短语,“做关于......的研究”,此处不定式作主语,故填do research on。
32.句意:我们提出了第二天参观博物馆的建议。make a proposal动词短语,“提建议”,此处是谓语动词,结合语境应用一般过去时,故填made a proposal 。
33.句意:他应该让位给一个更年轻、更果断的领导人。give way to,动词短语,“给.....让路”,此处是谓语动词,should后接动词原形,故填give way to。
34.She has three sons. All of her sons are abroad now. (用定语从句合并句子)
→She has three sons,    are abroad now.
【答案】all of whom
【解析】【分析】句意:她有三个儿子。 现在她所有的儿子都在国外。 are abroad now. 是非限制性定语从句,先行词是 three sons ,应用 all of whom 引导,故填 all of whom 。
【点评】考查句型转换,本题涉及of whom引导的非限制性定语从句。
35.There are sixty students in our class. Thirty of the students in our class are girls. (用定语从句合并句子)
→There are sixty students in our class,     are girls.
【答案】thirty of whom
【解析】【分析】句意:我们班有六十个学生。 我们班的 30 名学生是女生。 are girls 是非限制性定语从句,先行词是 sixty students ,应用 thirty of whom 引导,故填 thirty of whom 。
【点评】考查句型转换,本题涉及of whom引导的非限制性定语从句。
36.The man is kind. The headmaster introduced him to us yesterday.(用定语从句合并句子)
→The man     to us yesterday is kind.
【答案】the headmaster introduced
【解析】【分析】句意:男人很善良。 昨天校长把他介绍给我们。 to us yesterday 是限制性定语从句,先行词是 the man ,定语从句的主语是 the headmaster,谓语动词是 introduced ,先行词在从句中作宾语,应用关系代词that/who引导,也可省略,故答案为: the headmaster introduced 。
37.Do you know the man The man spoke to the headmaster just now. (用定语从句合并句子)
→Do you know the man    
【答案】who/that spoke to the headmaster just now
【解析】【分析】句意:你认识那个人吗? 刚才那人跟校长说话了。根据题目要求, 用定语从句合并句子 ,先行词是the man,指人,在从句中作主语,应用关系代词 who/that 引导,故填 who/that spoke to the headmaster just now 。
【点评】考查句型转换,本题涉及who/that 引导的限制性定语从句。
38.I have seen the film. They're talking about the film.(用定语从句合并句子)
→I have seen the film    .
【答案】that/which they're talking about
【解析】【分析】句意:我看过这部电影。 他们在谈论这部电影。根据题目要求,应用限制性定语从句,先行词是 the film ,在定语从句中作宾语,应用 that/which 引导,也可省略,故答案为: that/which they're talking about .
39.The day came at last. We have been looking forward to the day.(用定语从句合并句子)
→The day     came at last.
【答案】that we have been looking forward to
【解析】【分析】句意:我们一直期待的那一天终于到来了。“We have been looking forward to”可转换成一个定语从句,修饰“The day”,关系词在从句中作宾语,可使用关系代词that引导,故填that we have been looking forward to。
40.My grandparents live in the biggest house. It is more than 100 years old.(用定语从句合并句子)
→My grandparents live in the biggest house    .
【答案】that is more than 100 years old
【解析】【分析】句意:我的祖父母住在有100多年历史的最大的房子里。分析句子可知,“It is more than 100 years old.”是对house的描述,可译作一个定语从句修饰house,house前有形容词最高级修饰,关系词在从句中作主语,应用that引导,其他成分不变,故填that is more than 100 years old。
41.We settled down in a small village. In front of the village ran a winding river. (用定语从句合并句子)
→We settled down in a small village,     ran a winding river.
【答案】in front of which
【解析】【分析】句意:我们在一个小村子里安顿下来,村子前面有一条蜿蜒的小河。____________ ran a winding river.是一个非限制性定语从句,修饰前面的先行词a small village,in front of“在……前面”,介词+ 关系代词引导的定语从句,指物,只能用which,故填in front of which。
【点评】考查句型转换,本题涉及in front of which引导的非限制性定语从句。
42.    almost everyone wants to be famous.
【答案】This is a time when
【解析】【分析】根据中英文对照,可知缺少成分“ 这是一个......的时代 ” , 应用固定句式 This is a time when ...,when 引导限制性定语从句,结合 almost everyone wants to be famous 的时态,可知应用一般现在时,故答案为: This is a time when 。
【点评】考查汉译英,本题涉及一般现在时以及固定句式 This is a time when ...。
43.   , he's a generous, devoted, active and warm hearted man.
【答案】As we all know
【解析】【分析】根据中英文对照,可知缺少成分“ 众所周知 ” ,应用as引导的非限制性定语从句,结合he's a generous, devoted, active and warm hearted man的时态,应用一般现在时,故答案为: As we all know 。
44.Some valuable cultural relics have been damaged while    .
【答案】only a few survive
【解析】【分析】根据中英文对照,可知缺少成分“ 只有少数幸免于难 ” , 应用固定短语 only a few “仅仅几个”作主语,“幸免于难”应用动词 survive 表达,是谓语动词,结合语境应用一般现在时,故答案为: only a few survive 。
【点评】考查汉译英,本题涉及一般现在时,以及固定短语only a few 。
45.The English language     (continue) to change since Chaucer's day.
【答案】has continued
【解析】【分析】根据中英文对照,可知缺少成分“ 持续 ”, continue ,根据时间状语 since Chaucer's day ,应用现在完成时,故答案为: has continued 。
46.Anyway, social media has    human life.
【答案】become a part of
【解析】【分析】根据中英文对照,可知缺少成分“ 为.....的一部分 ” , 译为: become a part of ,此处是谓语动词,结合空前的助动词has,应用现在完成时,故答案为: become a part of 。
47.    rather than individuals.
【答案】Cultural relics belong to the human beings
【解析】【分析】根据中英文对照,可知缺少成分“ 文化遗产属于全人类 ” ,主语“ 文化遗产 ”用 cultural relics 表达,谓语动词“属于”应用动词短语 belong to ,应用一般现在时,宾语“人类”用 the human beings 表达,故答案为: Cultural relics belong to the human beings。
【点评】考查汉译英,本题涉及一般现在时以及固定短语 belong to和 the human beings 。
48.At this time yesterday, the people     the snow in the street.
【答案】were working together to clean
【解析】【分析】根据中英文对照,可知缺少成分“ 正一起清扫 ” ,应用动词短语 work together to clean,此处是谓语动词,根据时间状语at this time yesterday ,可知应用过去进行时,故答案为: were working together to clean 。
The Taj Mahal (泰姬陵) is 49. to be one of the most beautiful buildings in the world and the 50. example of the late style of Indian architecture (建筑). It is at Agra in northern India. It lies beside the River Jumma in the middle of gardens 51. quiet pools.
The Taj Mahal was built by the Mogul emperor Shah Jehan, who 52. India in the seventeenth century. It is in 53. of his favorite wife, Arjumand Banu Bagam, known as Mumtaz Mahal, 54. died in 1631. The building, which was completed between 1632 and 1638, was 55. by a local Muslim architect (建筑师), Ustad Ahmad Lahori. The whole building, with gardens and gateway structures, was completed in 1643. The Taj Mahal 56. at one end of the garden tomb with marble (大理石) path. The room is 57. lighted by the light that passes through double screens of carved marble 58. high in the walls. The building now is kept in good 59. .
It 60. 22 years to build the Taj Mahal. Shah Jehan planned a similar building, but in black 61. of white, to lie on the other side of the river. But 62. it could be built, Shah Jehan was imprisoned (监禁) by his son and 63. next to his wife in the Taj Mahal.
49.A.considered B.established C.known D.conducted
50.A.worst B.finest C.earliest D.easiest
51.A.without B.of C.with D.have
52.A.managed B.ruled C.conquered D.identified
53.A.front B.document C.image D.memory
54.A.that B.why C.whom D.who
55.A.processed B.designed C.investigated D.possessed
56.A.stands B.situates C.locates D.builds
57.A.brightly B.likely C.softly D.professionally
58.A.taken B.brought C.set D.carried
59.A.condition B.balance C.shape D.size
60.A.spent B.took C.cost D.paid
61.A.inside B.made C.rather D.instead
62.A.after B.when C.before D.until
63.A.preserved B.buried C.put D.died
【解析】【分析】本文是一篇说明文,介绍印度的泰姬陵始建于1632年,是印度国王Shah Jehan为了纪念他的妻子而修建的,最后Shah Jehan也葬于此处。现在泰姬陵已经成为了一处名胜古迹。
50.句意:泰姬陵被认为是世界上最美丽的建筑之一,也是印度晚期建筑风格的最佳典范。A:worst“最坏的”;B:finest“最好的”;C:earliest“最早的”;D:easiest“最容易的”。根据空前“ The Taj Mahal (泰姬陵) is 1 to be one of the most beautiful buildings in the world ”泰姬陵被认为是世界上最美丽的建筑之一,可推知泰姬陵印度晚期建筑风格的最佳典范,故选B。
51.句意:它位于带有安静游泳池的花园中间的 Jumma 河旁边。A:without“没有”;B:of“......的”;C:with“带有”;D:have“拥有”,动词。根据常识可知,此处指带有游泳池的花园,介词短语作定语,故选C。
52.句意:泰姬陵由十七世纪统治印度的莫卧儿皇帝 Shah Jehan 建造。A:managed“管理”;B:ruled“统治”;C:conquered“征服”;D:identified“确认”。根据空前“ the Mogul emperor Shah Jehan ”,可知 Shah Jehan是皇帝,统治当时的印度,故选B。
53.句意:它是为了纪念他最喜欢的妻子 Arjumand Banu Bagam,被称为 Mumtaz Mahal,于 1631 年去世。A:front“前面”;B:document“文档”;C:image“形象”;D:memory“记忆,纪念”。 in memory of 固定短语,“纪念”,故选D。
54.句意:它是为了纪念他最喜欢的妻子 Arjumand Banu Bagam,被称为 Mumtaz Mahal,于 1631 年去世。 died in 1631 是非限制性定语从句,先行词是 Mumtaz Mahal ,指人,在从句中作主语,应用关系代词who,故选D。
55.句意:这座建筑于 1632 年至 1638 年间完工,由当地穆斯林建筑师 Ustad Ahmad Lahori 设计。A:processed“加工,处理”;B:designed“设计”;C:investigated“调查”;D:possessed“拥有”。根据空后“a local Muslim architect (建筑师)”,可推知此处是指泰姬陵是当地穆斯林建筑师设计的,故选B。
59.句意:该建筑现在保存完好。A:condition“条件”;B:balance“平衡”;C:shape“形状”;D:size“尺寸,大小”。 in good condition固定短语,“状况良好”,故选A。
60.句意:建造泰姬陵耗时 22 年。此句是固定句式It takes sometime to do,“花多长时间做......”,故选B。
61.句意:Shah Jehan 计划在河的另一边建造一座类似的建筑,但用黑色而不是白色。A:inside“在.....里面”;B:made“制造”;C:rather“相当地”;D:instead“代替”。instead of固定短语,“而不是”,故选D。
62.句意:但还没来得及建造, Shah Jehan 就被儿子囚禁,埋葬在泰姬陵的妻子身边。A:after“在.....之后”;B:when“当......的时候”;C:before“在.....之前”;D:until“直到”。根据语境可知此处是before引导的时间状语从句,故选C。
63.句意:但还没来得及建造, Shah Jehan 就被儿子囚禁,埋葬在泰姬陵的妻子身边。A:preserved“维持,保持”;B:buried“掩埋,埋头”;C:put“放置”;D:died“死”。根据语境可知,此处指Shah Jehan 就被儿子囚禁,埋葬在泰姬陵的妻子身边,故选B。
the cathedral (大教堂) that serves as one of Paris' most beloved
monuments, is on fire. According to The New York Times the fire began around 6:
30 p. m. local time when tourists urgently rushed out of the building. Andre Finot,
a spokesman for the cathedral, told The Times that the cause of the fire was still
unknown and that no one had been hurt while damage to the building appeared catastrophic(灾难性的).
reports that over 400 firefighters have been sent to fight the fire, but that they
may be unable to save the cathedral. Built in the 12th century, Notre-Dame houses
several relics important to Catholics (天主教徒). NBC News reports
that relics from Saint Genevieve and Saint Denis may be lost, together with a relic
believed to be from Jesus Christ's crown of thorns, but it states that the authorities
now believe that the cathedral has been saved from "total destruction".
is visited by a reported 30,000 people a day and 13 million people per year. Its
destruction represents a global cultural loss. "This is just horrible,"
Mohamed Megdoul, 33, a film producer and witness to the fire told The Times, speaking
in tears. "A thousand years of history is being wiped away. This belonged to
the whole world, and now it's disappearing. "
President Emmanuel Macron expressed his sadness on Twitter. Other politicians, including
Melania Trump, London Mayor Sadiq Khan, U. K. Prime Minister Theresa May, also shared
their sadness on Twitter.
64.Which of the following statement is true
A.It has been completely destroyed by the fire.
B.It's a huge political loss to the world.
C.The reason of the fire remained to be found out.
D.It's only meaningful to Catholics.
65.When was Notre-Dame built
A.in the 14th century B.in the 12th century
C.in the 14th century D.in the 15th century
66.What does the underlined sentence in the third paragraph imply
A.The history of France is destroyed because of the fire.
B.The loss the fire caused is huge.
C.The damage to Notre-Dame is being wiped off.
D.The cathedral has been saved from "total destruction".
67.What's the purpose of the last paragraph
A.To arouse people's attention
B.To show people's sadness about the destruction of Notre-Dame.
C.To introduce the president of different countries.
D.To make people aware of bad effects of the fire in Notre-Dame
68.What's the best title of this passage
A.A disaster about Notre-Dame.
B.People's sadness about the destruction.
C.The value of Notre-Dame.
D.The worldwide concern.
64.考查细节理解。根据第一段中的“Andre Finot, a spokesman for the cathedral, told The Times that the cause of the fire was still unknown and that no one had been hurt while damage to the building appeared catastrophic(灾难性的). ”大教堂的发言人Andre Finot告诉《泰晤士报》,火灾的原因仍然不明,没有人受伤,建筑物的损坏看起来是灾难性的。可知,这起火灾的原因还不得而知,故选C。
65.考查细节理解。根据第二段中的“ Built in the 12th century, Notre-Dame houses several relics important to Catholics (天主教徒).”。建于 12 世纪的圣母院收藏了几件对天主教徒来说很重要的文物。故选B。
66.考查句义猜测。根据第三段中的“Its destruction represents a global cultural loss. ” 它的毁灭代表了全球文化的损失。以及整段内容可知, 火灾造成的损失是巨大的,划线句子的意思是一致的,即“火灾造成了巨大损失”。故选B。
67.考查推理判断。根据最后一段“French President Emmanuel Macron expressed his sadness on Twitter. Other politicians, including Melania Trump, London Mayor Sadiq Khan, U. K. Prime Minister Theresa May, also shared their sadness on Twitter.”法国总统马克龙在推特上表达了他的悲伤。其他政界人士,包括梅拉尼娅·特朗普、伦敦市长萨迪克·汗、英国首相特蕾莎·梅,也在推特上分享了他们的悲伤。可推知最后一段表达人们对巴黎圣母院被毁的悲伤。故选B。
Here are a few things to watch out for when you move somewhere new or are returning home after a long time away.
The first thing that I did when I got out of the airport was to cross the road,but I looked the wrong way!In the UK the cars drive on the left hand side of the road whereas in Spain they drive on the right.  70.  You have to be very careful.
 71.  . In Mallorca, most of the time, pedestrians can cross the road by walking on the road without stopping and the car will stop for them. In the UK, however, you have to be careful to wait for the cars to stop or else you might end up in the hospital very quickly!
Drink water.
In Spain,most people buy large bottles of water to drink. In the UK the filtering(过滤) of the water means that you can drink straight from the tap. On my first night back I forgot that I could drink water from the taps and spent the night wishing I had a bottle of water.  72.  
In Spain there is a small break during the day to have a nap for the rest of the day. You also might only think about going out for a drink with friends in Spain at 11 p.m. In the UK that is already past the bedtime!
A. Time is different. B. I almost got run over because I was still thinking I was in Spain. C. Time is important D. You should pay attention to another thing. E. There's another strange one from travelling on the road. F. Be careful on the road! G. When I woke up, I realized how silly I had been.
69.根据空后“ The first thing that I did when I got out of the airport was to cross the road,but I looked the wrong way!In the UK the cars drive on the left hand side of the road whereas in Spain they drive on the right ”出机场第一件事就是过马路,但我看错了方向!在英国,汽车靠左行驶,而在西班牙,汽车靠右行驶。可知此段介绍了两国的交通, F. Be careful on the road! “路上小心!”能概括本段,故选F。
70.根据空前“ In the UK the cars drive on the left hand side of the road whereas in Spain they drive on the right. ”在英国,汽车靠左行驶,而在西班牙,汽车靠右行驶;以及空后“ You have to be very careful. ”你必须非常小心。 B. I almost got run over because I was still thinking I was in Spain. “我差点被撞倒,因为我还以为我在西班牙。”承上启下,符合语境,故选B。
71.根据空后“ In Mallorca, most of the time, pedestrians can cross the road by walking on the road without stopping and the car will stop for them. In the UK, however, you have to be careful to wait for the cars to stop or else you might end up in the hospital very quickly!”在马略卡岛,大多数时候,行人可以通过在马路上行走而无需停下来过马路,汽车会为他们停下来。 但是,在英国,您必须小心等待汽车停下,否则您可能很快就会住进医院!可知此段说明在路上行走的不同, E. There's another strange one from travelling on the road. “在路上旅行还有另一个奇怪的地方。”符合语境,故选E。
72.根据空前“ In Spain,most people buy large bottles of water to drink. In the UK the filtering(过滤) of the water means that you can drink straight from the tap. On my first night back I forgot that I could drink water from the taps and spent the night wishing I had a bottle of water. ”在西班牙,大多数人买大瓶水喝。 在英国,水的过滤意味着您可以直接从水龙头饮用。 在我回来的第一个晚上,我忘记了我可以从水龙头喝水,整晚都希望我有一瓶水。可知作者后悔自己的所作,G. When I woke up, I realized how silly I had been.“当我醒来时,我意识到自己是多么愚蠢。”符合语境,故选G。
73.根据空后“ In Spain there is a small break during the day to have a nap for the rest of the day. You also might only think about going out for a drink with friends in Spain at 11 p.m. In the UK that is already past the bedtime! ”在西班牙,白天有一小段休息时间,以便在一天的其余时间小睡。 您也可能只想在晚上 11 点与西班牙的朋友出去喝一杯。 在英国,已经过了就寝时间!可知此段指两国时间安排方面的不同, A. Time is different. “时间不同”符合语境,故选A。
 74.  (know)as China's national opera, Beijing opera, also called (call) Peking Opera, which originated in the late 18th century, is a  75.   (combine) of music, dance, art and acrobatics (杂技). It is the most  76.   (influence) and representative of all operas in China. It is called Beijing opera  77.   it is formed in Beijing. Beijing opera has  78.   history of 200 years and its origin can date back to old local operas, especially Anhui opera, was very popular in northern China in the 18th century. In 1790, the first Anhui opera performance  79.   (hold) in Beijing to celebrate the Emperor's birthday.
Later, some other Anhui opera troupes (班子) continued performing in Beijing. Anhui opera was easy to move and good at  80.   (absorb) the acting styles of other types of operas. Beijing accumulated many local operas, making Anhui opera improve  81.   (quick).
 82.   the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, after the marriage for 10 years, Beijing opera finally formed, and became the  83.   (big) of all operas in China.
【答案】74.Known;75.combination;76.influential;77.as/because;78.a;79.was held;80.absorbing;81.quickly;82.at;83.biggest
74.句意:被誉为中国国剧的京剧,起源于18世纪后期,是音乐、舞蹈、艺术和杂技的结合体。此处名词作表语,不定冠词后接单数名词,故填 combination 。
75.句意:被誉为中国国剧的京剧,起源于18世纪后期,是音乐、舞蹈、艺术和杂技的结合体。此处名词作表语,不定冠词后接单数名词,故填 combination 。
77.句意:京剧已有200年的历史,其起源可以追溯到古老的地方戏曲,尤其是18世纪在中国北方非常流行的徽剧。 a history of...,固定短语,“.......的历史”,故填a。
78.句意:京剧已有200年的历史,其起源可以追溯到古老的地方戏曲,尤其是18世纪在中国北方非常流行的徽剧。 a history of...,固定短语,“.......的历史”,故填a。
79.句意:1790年,第一次皖剧演出在北京举行,庆祝皇帝的诞辰。此处是谓语动词,与主语 the first Anhui opera performance 是被动关系,应用被动语态,结合时间状语 in 1790,应用一般过去时,故填was held 。
80.句意:徽剧动作灵活,善于吸收其他剧种的表演风格。此处动名词作介词宾语,故填 absorbing 。
81.句意:北京积淀了许多地方戏曲,使徽剧进步迅速。此处副词修饰动词 improve 作状语,故填 quickly 。
82.句意:19世纪末20世纪初,经过10年的联姻,京剧终于形成,成为中国最大的剧种。at the end of固定短语,“在.....末端”,故选At。
83.句意:19世纪末20世纪初,经过10年的联姻,京剧终于形成,成为中国最大的剧种。此处形容词最高级作表语,故填 biggest 。
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