人教版(2019) 必修 第三册 Unit 3 Diverse Cultures 单元主题训练(Word版含答案,无听力试题)


名称 人教版(2019) 必修 第三册 Unit 3 Diverse Cultures 单元主题训练(Word版含答案,无听力试题)
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文件大小 26.2KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-08-25 16:50:34


UNIT 3 单元主题训练
(2022·汕头高三检测)If you stop a random person on the street in China, there's a pretty good chance that their surname would be either Wang, Li, Zhang, Liu or Chen.That's because those are the five most common surnames in China — shared by 30% of the population.And the vast majority of the population share just 100 of those surnames.In comparison, the United States reported 6.3 million surnames in its 2010 census.
There are a few reasons for this: China is less racially diverse than countries such as the US, where a wealth of minority groups increase surname diversity (多样性).It also has to do with language; you can't just add a random stroke (音节) to a Chinese character and create a new surname.
But there's also another factor at play: technology.With China roaring into the digital age, nearly everything has moved online — from making appointments to buying train tickets.
The main problem is that not all Chinese characters have been coded into computer systems.That meant a world of trouble if you happened to have a rare character in your name.As of 2017, up to 60 million Chinese citizens faced this problem, according to Xinhua.
People with rare characters in their names, which aren't compatible(兼容的) with existing computer systems, can get left behind — pushing many to change their names for the sake of convenience, even if it means abandoning centuries of heritage and languages.
To try to address this, experts have increased the database from 32,000 characters to 70,000 characters, according to the government.They're still working to expand it to include more than 90,000 characters, said Chen Jiawei, an associate professor at Beijing Normal University.
1.What can be learned from the comparison according to Paragraph 1
A.There are fewer common surnames in China.
B.Chinese people like sharing the same surname.
C.The United States owns the most surnames in the world.
D.6.3 million surnames in China have been shared until now.
解析:选A 推理判断题。根据第一段第二、三句可推知,在中国普通姓氏较少。
2.Which one describes surname diversity properly
A.New Chinese surnames are easy to create.
B.Surname diversity totally depends on technology.
C.Minority groups can increase surname diversity.
D.Surnames in computer systems are regularly changed.
解析:选C 细节理解题。根据第二段第一句可知,少数民族可以增加姓氏的多样性。
3.What may happen to people with rare characters in their names
A.They will lose their heritage.
B.They have to change their names.
C.They should expand the database.
D.They may upgrade computer systems.
解析:选B 细节理解题。根据第五段内容可知,名字里有罕见字符的人可能不得不改名字。
4.Why have experts increased the character database
A.To save heritage and languages.
B.To keep Chinese traditional culture.
C.To give people more choices when naming.
D.To let us know more Chinese characters.
解析:选C 推理判断题。根据最后一段第一句可知,此处this“这个问题”,应是倒数第二段中提到的“名字里有罕见字符”。由此推知,专家增加了字符数据库是为了人们在取名的时候有更多的选择,而不至于被迫改名。
Learning the word for fish in Chinese can be a highly useful skill.Knowing how to say “fish” in Chinese is both practical and helpful in understanding cultural values.
The Chinese Character for Fish
The Chinese character for “fish”, written in the traditional form, is 魚.__5__ No matter what form it is written in, the word for fish in Chinese is pronounced like “you”.
Cultural Importance of Fish in China
The pronunciation of fish in Chinese, “yú” is a homophone (同音字) for “abundance”.__6__ As such, fish are a common symbol in Chinese art and literature, and they are very important in Chinese mythology.
__7__ The characters for this fish are 鲤鱼, pronounced “lǐ yú”.Pictures of this fish are also a common decoration for the Chinese New Year.
Fish in Chinese Mythology
One of the most interesting Chinese myths about fish is the idea that a carp (鲤鱼) that climbed the waterfall on the Yellow River (known as the Dragon Gate) changed into a dragon.__8__ In reality, each spring, carp come together in great numbers in the pool at the base of the waterfall.__9__ It has become a common saying in China that a student facing examinations is like a carp trying to jump the Dragon Gate.
A.The simplified form is 鱼.
B.But very few make the climb.
C.Surprisingly, a lot of them are not related to fish at all.
D.This addition suggests that fish is most useful to humans.
E.The dragon is another important symbol in Chinese culture.
F.For example, Asian carp are the subject of many Chinese stories.
G.This similarity has led to fish becoming a symbol of abundance in Chinese culture.
语篇解读: 本文是说明文。文章介绍了“鱼”这一元素在中国文化中的意义。
5.选A A项与上句并列,说明了“鱼”这一汉字的不同字形。
6.选G G项与上句存在语义上的顺承关系,同时该项中的This similarity指代上句中的“yú” is a homophone (同音字) for “abundance”。
7.选F 下句中的this fish指代F项中的Asian carp。本段以鲤鱼为例,说明了鱼在中国文化中的重要性,F项为本段的中心句。
8.选E E项中的dragon与上句中的dragon为原词复现关系,说明了龙在中国传统文化中的重要性。
9.选B B项与上句为转折关系,指出鲤鱼翻越瀑布的不易,为下句作了铺垫。
(2022·惠州模拟)One day, I stood at the roadside waiting for a bus.Everything was going as __10__ when suddenly I heard a __11__ beside me;it was a boy in __12__ clothes, with a face that seemed like it had never been washed at all.I felt so disgusted at that moment that I tried to __13__ myself away from that little boy.
The boy kept __14__ me, shouting, “Bhaiya! Bhaiya!” (Big brother! Big brother!), but I didn't answer him at all.My __15__ self was cursing the country for its poor __16__.Always begging for money — it all kept annoying me, making me feel more __17__ to answer that dirty little boy who kept calling to me.“Bhaiya! Bhaiya!” I heard him call out again.This made me very angry and I shouted at him that I had no money to give him.And the boy, without even bothering to hear my words of __18__, said to me, “Bhaiya, could you please help me __19__ the road?”
The next moment, I felt __20__.I couldn't feel my legs.The sudden feeling of __21__ had engulfed (吞没) me from within.Was this what I had become Had prejudice engulfed me so to such a level that I decided that they begged for money and food every time somebody passed by
I held the boy's hand __22__ and for the first time, without a feeling of disgust that he might not have __23__ for days or weeks.I helped him cross the road, and that successful act of assistance __24__ a new hope inside me.I realized that our being judgmental will surely have a very bad effect unless we overcome it.
10.A.normal B.imagined
C.discussed D.possible
解析:选A 根据常识可知,等公交车是日常行为。as normal“照常,像往常一样”。
11.A.sigh B.weep
C.voice D.scream
解析:选C 根据下文“The boy kept ________ me, shouting, ‘Bhaiya! Bhaiya! ’”可知,一个男孩在旁边叫我,因此我是听到一个声音。
12.A.small B.shabby
C.lovely D.ugly
解析:选B 根据下文“...with a face that seemed like it had never been washed at all.I felt so disgusted at that moment ...”可判断小男孩应该是衣着不整且脏兮兮的,我才会感到disgusted。
13.A.pull B.drive
C.throw D.force
解析:选A 根据上文我感到disgusted可知,我想远离他。pull away“离开;脱身”。
14.A.touching B.looking at
C.interrupting D.following
解析:选D 根据下文“‘Bhaiya! Bhaiya!’ I heard him call out again.”可知,尽管我想要离开,但小男孩仍然没有放弃,跟着我叫我帮忙。
15.A.curious B.better
C.noble D.inner
解析:选D 根据上文“I felt so disgusted at that moment”可知,这里应该是我暗自诅咒。
16.A.political systems B.conditions
C.regulations D.services
解析:选B 根据下文“Always begging for money — it all kept annoying me ...”可知,我对这个国家的环境条件不满。
17.A.nervous B.thirsty
C.reluctant D.frustrated
解析:选C 上文“ I felt so disgusted at that moment”和“Always begging for money — it all kept annoying me”说明我对男孩很反感,空格前的more说明我反感的情绪加剧了,更不愿意搭理他。reluctant“不情愿的”。
18.A.determination B.despair
C.embarrassment D.dishonesty
解析:选B 根据上文“This made me very angry and I shouted at him”可知,我忍无可忍,直接崩溃且失态,体现出我的无奈与绝望。
19.A.cross B.find
C.lead D.reach
解析:选A 根据下文“I helped him cross the road”可知,小男孩是想让我帮忙过马路,不是向我乞讨。
20.A.calm B.still
C.numb D.disappointed
解析:选C 根据下文“I couldn't feel my legs”可知我的腿没了知觉,麻木了。
21.A.sadness B.sympathy
C.shyness D.shame
解析:选D 根据上文可知,我误解了小男孩,所以感到羞愧。
22.A.firmly B.naturally
C.unwillingly D.hesitantly
解析:选A 根据常识可知,我带小孩过马路时紧紧地握着男孩的手。
23.A.got a penny B.had a meal
C.taken a bath D.enjoyed himself
解析:选C 根据上文“with a face that seemed like it had never been washed at all”可知,我认为小男孩很久没洗脸、洗澡了。
24.A.boosted B.expressed
C.realized D.created
解析:选D 根据上文中“successful act of assistance”一词可知,我认为帮助小男孩过马路是有意义的,结合全文可知这一事件对我产生了影响,带来了希望。
Grandparents often have interesting names.My sister-in-law was known as Mimi.Her husband goes by Peeka.Why Their firstborn grandchild decided on those names.
My firstborn grandchild named me as well.I will never forget the day Joshua hugged me and, in front of a roomful of people, called me “Doll.My Doll Baby!” From that point on, I was known as Doll or Doll Baby.Even my sons-in-law call me Doll.Friends of my children and grandchildren call me Doll.It's a given.
For the most part, it's fine, even endearing, to hear my grandchildren call me Doll.But there was one time ...My daughter and her husband were going out of town, so the plan was for me to pick up five-year-old Spencer from kindergarten, take him to their house to wait for Joshua's school bus, and bring both boys home to spend the night with us.Spencer and I arrived long before the school bus.While we waited for Joshua, Spencer wanted to show me a new trick he learned on his skateboard.
Spencer was pretty good.He had learned how to step on the back of the skateboard so that the front tips up (一边翘起), and then put his front foot down on the board and take off.Cool!
Then it was my turn.I had played around with skateboards in my day.Of course, they weren't the high-tech kind of toys my grandchildren enjoyed.Ours were made by mounting the wheels of our old sidewalk roller skates to the bottom of a plank of wood.Still, I had this.I put my right foot on the back of the board and tipped up the front.So far, so good.I brought my left foot down with every intention of rolling forward.
Good intentions.Bad form.I fell hard on my elbow as the skateboard flew across the concrete driveway.My injury was minor, but Spencer raced into the house and got Boo-Boo Bunny from the freezer to bring me comfort.It helped my arm, but not my pride.
Paragraph 1:
When I made my way home safely with the boys, my husband blamed me. 
Paragraph 2:
My husband helped Spencer practise calling 911 emergency call, pretending I hurt my head seriously.
Paragraph 1:
When I made my way home safely with the boys, my husband blamed me.“Do you realize how bad that could have been?” my husband shouted.“I mean, what if you hit your head and were unconscious?” He was right.That evening, Spencer crawled up between us in our bed.Tom commended him for getting the Boo-Boo Bunny and taking care of me.“What if Doll had been badly hurt, Spencer Do you know what to do in an emergency?” Tom asked.“Yes! Call 911!” Spencer was proud he remembered what to do.
Paragraph 2:
My husband helped Spencer practise calling 911 emergency call, pretending I hurt my head seriously.He put up his hand as if it were the phone, his thumb the earphone and his little finger the mouthpiece.“9-1-1.What's your emergency?” Spencer brought up his pretend hand phone and spoke clearly into his fingers.“Help! My Doll fell off the skateboard and hurt her head!” Tom and I smiled at each other.It was hard to keep from laughing.“Uh, Spencer,” Tom said.“There are probably times you need to call her Grandma.”UNIT 3 单元主题训练
(2022·汕头高三检测)If you stop a random person on the street in China, there's a pretty good chance that their surname would be either Wang, Li, Zhang, Liu or Chen.That's because those are the five most common surnames in China — shared by 30% of the population.And the vast majority of the population share just 100 of those surnames.In comparison, the United States reported 6.3 million surnames in its 2010 census.
There are a few reasons for this: China is less racially diverse than countries such as the US, where a wealth of minority groups increase surname diversity (多样性).It also has to do with language; you can't just add a random stroke (音节) to a Chinese character and create a new surname.
But there's also another factor at play: technology.With China roaring into the digital age, nearly everything has moved online — from making appointments to buying train tickets.
The main problem is that not all Chinese characters have been coded into computer systems.That meant a world of trouble if you happened to have a rare character in your name.As of 2017, up to 60 million Chinese citizens faced this problem, according to Xinhua.
People with rare characters in their names, which aren't compatible(兼容的) with existing computer systems, can get left behind — pushing many to change their names for the sake of convenience, even if it means abandoning centuries of heritage and languages.
To try to address this, experts have increased the database from 32,000 characters to 70,000 characters, according to the government.They're still working to expand it to include more than 90,000 characters, said Chen Jiawei, an associate professor at Beijing Normal University.
1.What can be learned from the comparison according to Paragraph 1
A.There are fewer common surnames in China.
B.Chinese people like sharing the same surname.
C.The United States owns the most surnames in the world.
D.6.3 million surnames in China have been shared until now.
2.Which one describes surname diversity properly
A.New Chinese surnames are easy to create.
B.Surname diversity totally depends on technology.
C.Minority groups can increase surname diversity.
D.Surnames in computer systems are regularly changed.
3.What may happen to people with rare characters in their names
A.They will lose their heritage.
B.They have to change their names.
C.They should expand the database.
D.They may upgrade computer systems.
4.Why have experts increased the character database
A.To save heritage and languages.
B.To keep Chinese traditional culture.
C.To give people more choices when naming.
D.To let us know more Chinese characters.
Learning the word for fish in Chinese can be a highly useful skill.Knowing how to say “fish” in Chinese is both practical and helpful in understanding cultural values.
The Chinese Character for Fish
The Chinese character for “fish”, written in the traditional form, is 魚.__5__ No matter what form it is written in, the word for fish in Chinese is pronounced like “you”.
Cultural Importance of Fish in China
The pronunciation of fish in Chinese, “yú” is a homophone (同音字) for “abundance”.__6__ As such, fish are a common symbol in Chinese art and literature, and they are very important in Chinese mythology.
__7__ The characters for this fish are 鲤鱼, pronounced “lǐ yú”.Pictures of this fish are also a common decoration for the Chinese New Year.
Fish in Chinese Mythology
One of the most interesting Chinese myths about fish is the idea that a carp (鲤鱼) that climbed the waterfall on the Yellow River (known as the Dragon Gate) changed into a dragon.__8__ In reality, each spring, carp come together in great numbers in the pool at the base of the waterfall.__9__ It has become a common saying in China that a student facing examinations is like a carp trying to jump the Dragon Gate.
A.The simplified form is 鱼.
B.But very few make the climb.
C.Surprisingly, a lot of them are not related to fish at all.
D.This addition suggests that fish is most useful to humans.
E.The dragon is another important symbol in Chinese culture.
F.For example, Asian carp are the subject of many Chinese stories.
G.This similarity has led to fish becoming a symbol of abundance in Chinese culture.
(2022·惠州模拟)One day, I stood at the roadside waiting for a bus.Everything was going as __10__ when suddenly I heard a __11__ beside me;it was a boy in __12__ clothes, with a face that seemed like it had never been washed at all.I felt so disgusted at that moment that I tried to __13__ myself away from that little boy.
The boy kept __14__ me, shouting, “Bhaiya! Bhaiya!” (Big brother! Big brother!), but I didn't answer him at all.My __15__ self was cursing the country for its poor __16__.Always begging for money — it all kept annoying me, making me feel more __17__ to answer that dirty little boy who kept calling to me.“Bhaiya! Bhaiya!” I heard him call out again.This made me very angry and I shouted at him that I had no money to give him.And the boy, without even bothering to hear my words of __18__, said to me, “Bhaiya, could you please help me __19__ the road?”
The next moment, I felt __20__.I couldn't feel my legs.The sudden feeling of __21__ had engulfed (吞没) me from within.Was this what I had become Had prejudice engulfed me so to such a level that I decided that they begged for money and food every time somebody passed by
I held the boy's hand __22__ and for the first time, without a feeling of disgust that he might not have __23__ for days or weeks.I helped him cross the road, and that successful act of assistance __24__ a new hope inside me.I realized that our being judgmental will surely have a very bad effect unless we overcome it.
10.A.normal B.imagined
C.discussed D.possible
11.A.sigh B.weep
C.voice D.scream
12.A.small B.shabby
C.lovely D.ugly
13.A.pull B.drive
C.throw D.force
14.A.touching B.looking at
C.interrupting D.following
15.A.curious B.better
C.noble D.inner
16.A.political systems B.conditions
C.regulations D.services
17.A.nervous B.thirsty
C.reluctant D.frustrated
18.A.determination B.despair
C.embarrassment D.dishonesty
19.A.cross B.find
C.lead D.reach
20.A.calm B.still
C.numb D.disappointed
21.A.sadness B.sympathy
C.shyness D.shame
22.A.firmly B.naturally
C.unwillingly D.hesitantly
23.A.got a penny B.had a meal
C.taken a bath D.enjoyed himself
24.A.boosted B.expressed
C.realized D.created
Grandparents often have interesting names.My sister-in-law was known as Mimi.Her husband goes by Peeka.Why Their firstborn grandchild decided on those names.
My firstborn grandchild named me as well.I will never forget the day Joshua hugged me and, in front of a roomful of people, called me “Doll.My Doll Baby!” From that point on, I was known as Doll or Doll Baby.Even my sons-in-law call me Doll.Friends of my children and grandchildren call me Doll.It's a given.
For the most part, it's fine, even endearing, to hear my grandchildren call me Doll.But there was one time ...My daughter and her husband were going out of town, so the plan was for me to pick up five-year-old Spencer from kindergarten, take him to their house to wait for Joshua's school bus, and bring both boys home to spend the night with us.Spencer and I arrived long before the school bus.While we waited for Joshua, Spencer wanted to show me a new trick he learned on his skateboard.
Spencer was pretty good.He had learned how to step on the back of the skateboard so that the front tips up (一边翘起), and then put his front foot down on the board and take off.Cool!
Then it was my turn.I had played around with skateboards in my day.Of course, they weren't the high-tech kind of toys my grandchildren enjoyed.Ours were made by mounting the wheels of our old sidewalk roller skates to the bottom of a plank of wood.Still, I had this.I put my right foot on the back of the board and tipped up the front.So far, so good.I brought my left foot down with every intention of rolling forward.
Good intentions.Bad form.I fell hard on my elbow as the skateboard flew across the concrete driveway.My injury was minor, but Spencer raced into the house and got Boo-Boo Bunny from the freezer to bring me comfort.It helped my arm, but not my pride.
Paragraph 1:
When I made my way home safely with the boys, my husband blamed me. 
Paragraph 2:
My husband helped Spencer practise calling 911 emergency call, pretending I hurt my head seriously.