人教版(2019)必修第三册 Unit 5 The Value of Money 单元主题训练(Word版含答案解析,无听力试题)


名称 人教版(2019)必修第三册 Unit 5 The Value of Money 单元主题训练(Word版含答案解析,无听力试题)
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文件大小 122.5KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-08-25 16:52:40


UNIT 5 单元主题训练
Saahil Mehta, a 40-year-old Indian living in the United Arab Emirates, believes in gifting his two children, Yuvraj, 8 and Alisha, 6, experiences rather than material possessions to celebrate special occasions. This could be in the form of a visit to a theme park or a staycation in a new hotel.
“As a result, their desire to buy things has gone down. This is our way of addressing their basic needs,”said Mehta.
In December 2019, Mehta took the family to visit the Indian city of Dharamshala where they spent time with poor children in a school. This was an eye-opener for Alisha and Yuvraj, as they realized that what was normal for them was a treat for those kids.“For those kids, it is a blessing to be able to attend school. This experience taught my kids to count their blessings,”said Mehta.
During the holiday, the Mehta family gave away pens and pencils to 250 children. This helped Alisha and Yuvraj understand the cost difference in schooling.“They notice how much we spend on their education. The difference in costs helped them make a comparison,”explained Mehta.
Back home, the kids are encouraged to do basic housework like making their beds,opening curtains, etc. But Mehta never gives them money for doing those things. This way, they are taught that everyone has to chip in to keep the household running. When they do other tasks beyond the essentials, like massaging the mother's shoulders, etc., Mehta pays them a small amount.
Pointing out a weakness in the education system, Mehta said children don't get any experience in financial literacy (知识) until they attend university. The father is planning to introduce the concept of a family bank to his children. He also wants his children to pay attention to financial pitfalls such as spending beyond their means, too much use of credit cards, etc.He has set a plan on how money will be spent on some needs. It's up to his children to use the money carefully.
1.What do we know about Mehta's way of gifting his children
A.It isn't really to their liking.
B.It changes the way they buy things.
C.It allows him to connect with them.
D.It teaches them about spending money wisely.
解析:选D 细节理解题。由第一、二段可知,Mehta在庆祝一些特殊的日子时,不会送孩子们物质的东西。他可能会带孩子们去主题公园游玩或者在家附近新开的酒店度假。他的这种做法让孩子们没那么看重物质的东西。
2.What did Mehta's children learn during the visit to Dharamshala
A.They should appreciate what they have.
B.They should make friends with the poor.
C.They should cut the cost of their education.
D.They should treat different people differently.
解析:选A 推理判断题。由第三段中的“they realized that what was normal for them was a treat for those kids”及 Mehta所说的话可知,这次旅行让Mehta的孩子们意识到他们拥有很多东西,他们应该感恩。
3.Why did Mehta refuse to pay his children for doing housework
A.To warn that they must work hard to make money.
B.To show that it's what they're supposed to do.
C.To encourage them to be selfless and careful.
D.To force them to develop a good habit.
解析:选B 细节理解题。由倒数第二段中的“This way, they are taught that everyone has to chip in to keep the household running”可知,他这样做的目的是让孩子们意识到自己是家庭的一员,有义务去做家务。
4.What is the problem with the education system according to Mehta
A.It doesn't prepare children for money management.
B.It doesn't suggest the importance of saving money.
C.It doesn't encourage children to pay with cash.
D.It doesn't teach children ways to make money.
解析:选A 细节理解题。由最后一段第一句可知,在当前的教育体制下,孩子们从小理财知识匮乏。
Joan Fournier and her daughter stopped at a fast food restaurant in Cornwall for some lunch.__5__However, when her phone rang and she took it out to answer the call, without her knowing it, the money fell out of her pocket.
Later in the evening when they went shopping, Fournier realized the money wasn't there.__6__Thinking someone must have picked up the bill and simply pocketed it, Fournier didn't hold out much hope for getting back the cash. However, she called the restaurant, just in case. Fournier was surprised to discover the D|S100 had been found just where it had fallen.
__7__Bridget Patterson, a 17-year-old employee of the restaurant, was cleaning up shortly before closing time when she discovered the bill on the floor. Patterson put the money in an envelope, and took a photo of the area where she'd found it and put it under her manager's door with a note of explanation.
Fournier returned to get the money. __8__She was surprised, honestly,that Patterson would go to all that trouble.
For Patterson's part, doing anything but returning the money never crossed her mind. __9__“If it had been the other way around, I'd want someone to do the same thing,”she said.
A.Her first thought was to put it in her pocket.
B.Fournier thought she would be getting it back.
C.Moreover,she never expected anything in return.
D.In her pocket, Fournier had her cellphone and a D|S100 bill.
E.She also brought along a card and a cash gift to express her thanks.
F.After searching everywhere, she decided that maybe it fell out at the restaurant.
G.When Fournier called, she heard the story of how Patterson had turned in the cash she'd found.
语篇解读:本文是记叙文。文章讲述了青少年Bridget Patterson拾金不昧的故事。
5.选D 由本空后的“However”可知,空后的内容是对上文的转折。结合空后可推断,本空所讲内容与“her phone”及“money”有关。D项符合语境。
6.选F 本空前提到Fournier发现自己口袋里的钱不见了。结合下文中的“However, she called the restaurant, just in case”可知,她猜测钱可能是在快餐店丢的,故选F项。
7.选G 本空后描述的是快餐店一个名叫Bridget Patterson的员工捡到钱且设法归还的经过。结合上文中的“However, she called the restaurant, just in case”可知,G项符合语境。本空内容起承上启下的作用。
8.选E 由上下句可知,Fournier本以为她的钱不会失而复得,没想到,Patterson拾金不昧。由此可推断,她肯定对Patterson心存感激,故E项符合语境。
9.选C 本空前提到Patterson一心只想把钱归还给失主。结合空后她所说的话可推断,她这样做不图任何回报,C项符合语境。
What are the foods that you can only taste in memories Your mother's biscuits The pies you made as a child And what are the recipes that help you __10__ your memories
This morning, for the first time in over a year, I made Dutch Babies, a kind of pancake.I'm a poor cook who's always __11__ to pull anything out of the oven that isn't burnt.But __12__, I get lucky.
Making Dutch Babies brings to my mind some of the __13__ memories of my life.I've made Dutch Babies many times for sleepovers and __14__.They were always a hit, __15__ I burned them.
After my kids grew up, I didn't cook much for years, except for holidays or other __16__ occasions.When we had a family __17__, I'd make Dutch Babies for breakfast.
I can't recall the last time I made Dutch Babies, before today.I know it was __18__ a year, before life was __19__ for COVID-19, and we stopped having guests.
So why did I make them this __20__ for only my husband and me It's been a(n) __21__ year for all of us, filled with things we couldn't do.I was __22__ to celebrate being alive.
Good food can feed a hungry crowd.But if it's made with love and __23__, it can fill a(n) __24__ with the hope of better days to come.So, add your own memories.
10.A.shape B.refresh
C.expand D.share
解析:选B 根据前文可以推知,该句意为哪些食谱能引起回忆呢?
11.A.amazed B.disturbed
C.embarrassed D.disappointed
解析:选A 根据前文“I'm a poor cook”可知,当作者发现食物没烧焦时,应该觉得惊讶(amazed)。
12.A.rarely B.occasionally
C.generally D.frequently
解析:选B 根据But可知,此句与前文形成转折,故空处意为偶尔地(occasionally)。
13.A.fantastic B.regretful
C.sorrowful D.vague
解析:选A 根据下文“I've made Dutch Babies many times for sleepovers and________.”可知,作者之前为朋友做过很多次松饼,可以推知,作者制作这个食物应该将作者带回到美好的过去的记忆。
14.A.acquaintances B.colleagues
C.guests D.students
解析:选C 根据句意,结合前文的“sleepovers”可以推测作者是接待客人。
15.A.as if B.in case
C.in that D.even if
解析:选D 根据前文“They were always a hit”可知,后文与前文形成转折关系。
16.A.various B.special
C.informal D.casual
解析:选B 根据前文“I didn't cook much for years”可知,作者很多年不做饭,应该是只在假日或特殊场合做饭。
17.A.reunion B.problem
C.quarrel D.discussion
解析:选A 根据前文“other ________ occasions.”特殊的场合,可以推断是家庭重聚。
18.A.less than B.rather than
C.more than D.other than
解析:选C 由常识及上文“I can't recall the last time”可知,作者无法记起,只记得是一年多前。
19.A.broken down B.put down
C.pulled down D.shut down
解析:选D 根据COVID-19可知,由于新冠疫情,生活被“停工”,作者也接待不到客人了。break down“临时出故障”; put down“记下”; pull down“摧毁”; shut down“停工,关闭”。
20.A.evening B.morning
C.afternoon D.moment
解析:选B 根据第二段“This morning, for the first time in over a year, I made Dutch Babies, a kind of pancake.”中的关键词morning可知,选B项。
21.A.hard B.easy
C.busy D.normal
解析:选A 根据下文“filled with things we couldn't do”可以推知,新冠流行的这年对大家都很艰难。
22.A.persuaded B.likely
C.eager D.encouraged
解析:选C 由于前文说到这一年很艰难,故作者热切地想要庆祝全家还活着这件事情。
23.A.freedom B.gifts
C.desire D.memories
解析:选D 全文都围绕着回忆展开,且memories多次在文中出现。
24.A.belly B.soul
C.stomach D.brain
解析:选B 由上文可知,美味的食物可以填饱肚子,与肉体相对的是灵魂,可以推知后文为包含回忆和爱的食物可以让灵魂充实,充满希望。
Carlos and Maya dreamed of becoming space explorers.
On their way home, Carlos and Maya saw a spaceship in the window of a toy store.They went inside the store to see how much it cost.They saw the price and it was too expensive.They tried to pool their money together but it still wasn't enough.
They left the store sad and disappointed.Carlos suddenly realized that his birthday was coming up.Maybe he could ask their parents to buy the spaceship as a gift for his birthday.
When they got home, Carlos ran straight to their mother and told her what he wanted for his birthday.
Their family didn't have much when it came to money.So, when their dad stopped by the store to see the toy that Carlos wanted, he found it was too expensive.They couldn't afford it.
On the day of his birthday, Carlos got up early, excited to see his gift.But when he got to the living room, he saw a spaceship that was made out of a cardboard box.His dad had made it for him.It had wings on each side and had enough space to ride in.It was a spaceship but it wasn't what he wanted.
Tears flowed (流) from Carlos' eyes and he ran back to his room.Maya had just woken up and saw their mum knocking on the door and asking Carlos to come out.But he didn't want to.
Maya got to the living room but couldn't see the spaceship they had seen, only the cardboard box.She saw their dad beside it, bent down (弯着腰) on one knee with his head down.
Maya didn't want her brother to be sad on his birthday.So she tried to think of a way to cheer her brother up.She looked at the cardboard spaceship and got an idea.
Carlos didn't have breakfast and now he was hungry.He was about to get out of bed when he heard a knock on the door.It was Maya.She said that they had a surprise for him.
Paragraph 1:
Carlos opened the door and just saw Maya was sitting in the cardboard spaceship. 
Paragraph 2:
A moment later, they stopped at the dinner table where there was a card that said “Best Restaurant in Space”. 
Paragraph 1:
Carlos opened the door and just saw Maya was sitting in the cardboard spaceship.Maya invited Carlos to sit in front of her and drive the spaceship.He could see the excitement on Maya's face so he got in the spaceship.Then he heard their dad's voice.Their dad stood behind the spaceship and then started making the sound of a spaceship during lift-off and pushed the cardboard spaceship slowly.When they came into the living room, there were stars shining around the walls.He felt like he was in outer space.
Paragraph 2:
A moment later, they stopped at the dinner table where there was a card that said “Best Restaurant in Space”.Carlos and Maya got out of the spaceship.As they were walking towards the table, they walked just like those spacemen shown on TV.After they ate, they got back in their spaceship.They spent all day in the spaceship.When it was time for bed, Carlos called out to his dad and said with a smile, “That was the best birthday gift ever.I love you, Dad!”
UNIT 5 单元主题训练
Saahil Mehta, a 40-year-old Indian living in the United Arab Emirates, believes in gifting his two children, Yuvraj, 8 and Alisha, 6, experiences rather than material possessions to celebrate special occasions. This could be in the form of a visit to a theme park or a staycation in a new hotel.
“As a result, their desire to buy things has gone down. This is our way of addressing their basic needs,”said Mehta.
In December 2019, Mehta took the family to visit the Indian city of Dharamshala where they spent time with poor children in a school. This was an eye-opener for Alisha and Yuvraj, as they realized that what was normal for them was a treat for those kids.“For those kids, it is a blessing to be able to attend school. This experience taught my kids to count their blessings,”said Mehta.
During the holiday, the Mehta family gave away pens and pencils to 250 children. This helped Alisha and Yuvraj understand the cost difference in schooling.“They notice how much we spend on their education. The difference in costs helped them make a comparison,”explained Mehta.
Back home, the kids are encouraged to do basic housework like making their beds,opening curtains, etc. But Mehta never gives them money for doing those things. This way, they are taught that everyone has to chip in to keep the household running. When they do other tasks beyond the essentials, like massaging the mother's shoulders, etc., Mehta pays them a small amount.
Pointing out a weakness in the education system, Mehta said children don't get any experience in financial literacy (知识) until they attend university. The father is planning to introduce the concept of a family bank to his children. He also wants his children to pay attention to financial pitfalls such as spending beyond their means, too much use of credit cards, etc.He has set a plan on how money will be spent on some needs. It's up to his children to use the money carefully.
1.What do we know about Mehta's way of gifting his children
A.It isn't really to their liking.
B.It changes the way they buy things.
C.It allows him to connect with them.
D.It teaches them about spending money wisely.
2.What did Mehta's children learn during the visit to Dharamshala
A.They should appreciate what they have.
B.They should make friends with the poor.
C.They should cut the cost of their education.
D.They should treat different people differently.
3.Why did Mehta refuse to pay his children for doing housework
A.To warn that they must work hard to make money.
B.To show that it's what they're supposed to do.
C.To encourage them to be selfless and careful.
D.To force them to develop a good habit.
4.What is the problem with the education system according to Mehta
A.It doesn't prepare children for money management.
B.It doesn't suggest the importance of saving money.
C.It doesn't encourage children to pay with cash.
D.It doesn't teach children ways to make money.
Joan Fournier and her daughter stopped at a fast food restaurant in Cornwall for some lunch.__5__However, when her phone rang and she took it out to answer the call, without her knowing it, the money fell out of her pocket.
Later in the evening when they went shopping, Fournier realized the money wasn't there.__6__Thinking someone must have picked up the bill and simply pocketed it, Fournier didn't hold out much hope for getting back the cash. However, she called the restaurant, just in case. Fournier was surprised to discover the D|S100 had been found just where it had fallen.
__7__Bridget Patterson, a 17-year-old employee of the restaurant, was cleaning up shortly before closing time when she discovered the bill on the floor. Patterson put the money in an envelope, and took a photo of the area where she'd found it and put it under her manager's door with a note of explanation.
Fournier returned to get the money. __8__She was surprised, honestly,that Patterson would go to all that trouble.
For Patterson's part, doing anything but returning the money never crossed her mind. __9__“If it had been the other way around, I'd want someone to do the same thing,”she said.
A.Her first thought was to put it in her pocket.
B.Fournier thought she would be getting it back.
C.Moreover,she never expected anything in return.
D.In her pocket, Fournier had her cellphone and a D|S100 bill.
E.She also brought along a card and a cash gift to express her thanks.
F.After searching everywhere, she decided that maybe it fell out at the restaurant.
G.When Fournier called, she heard the story of how Patterson had turned in the cash she'd found.
What are the foods that you can only taste in memories Your mother's biscuits The pies you made as a child And what are the recipes that help you __10__ your memories
This morning, for the first time in over a year, I made Dutch Babies, a kind of pancake.I'm a poor cook who's always __11__ to pull anything out of the oven that isn't burnt.But __12__, I get lucky.
Making Dutch Babies brings to my mind some of the __13__ memories of my life.I've made Dutch Babies many times for sleepovers and __14__.They were always a hit, __15__ I burned them.
After my kids grew up, I didn't cook much for years, except for holidays or other __16__ occasions.When we had a family __17__, I'd make Dutch Babies for breakfast.
I can't recall the last time I made Dutch Babies, before today.I know it was __18__ a year, before life was __19__ for COVID-19, and we stopped having guests.
So why did I make them this __20__ for only my husband and me It's been a(n) __21__ year for all of us, filled with things we couldn't do.I was __22__ to celebrate being alive.
Good food can feed a hungry crowd.But if it's made with love and __23__, it can fill a(n) __24__ with the hope of better days to come.So, add your own memories.
10.A.shape B.refresh
C.expand D.share
11.A.amazed B.disturbed
C.embarrassed D.disappointed
12.A.rarely B.occasionally
C.generally D.frequently
13.A.fantastic B.regretful
C.sorrowful D.vague
14.A.acquaintances B.colleagues
C.guests D.students
15.A.as if B.in case
C.in that D.even if
16.A.various B.special
C.informal D.casual
17.A.reunion B.problem
C.quarrel D.discussion
18.A.less than B.rather than
C.more than D.other than
19.A.broken down B.put down
C.pulled down D.shut down
20.A.evening B.morning
C.afternoon D.moment
21.A.hard B.easy
C.busy D.normal
22.A.persuaded B.likely
C.eager D.encouraged
23.A.freedom B.gifts
C.desire D.memories
24.A.belly B.soul
C.stomach D.brain
Carlos and Maya dreamed of becoming space explorers.
On their way home, Carlos and Maya saw a spaceship in the window of a toy store.They went inside the store to see how much it cost.They saw the price and it was too expensive.They tried to pool their money together but it still wasn't enough.
They left the store sad and disappointed.Carlos suddenly realized that his birthday was coming up.Maybe he could ask their parents to buy the spaceship as a gift for his birthday.
When they got home, Carlos ran straight to their mother and told her what he wanted for his birthday.
Their family didn't have much when it came to money.So, when their dad stopped by the store to see the toy that Carlos wanted, he found it was too expensive.They couldn't afford it.
On the day of his birthday, Carlos got up early, excited to see his gift.But when he got to the living room, he saw a spaceship that was made out of a cardboard box.His dad had made it for him.It had wings on each side and had enough space to ride in.It was a spaceship but it wasn't what he wanted.
Tears flowed (流) from Carlos' eyes and he ran back to his room.Maya had just woken up and saw their mum knocking on the door and asking Carlos to come out.But he didn't want to.
Maya got to the living room but couldn't see the spaceship they had seen, only the cardboard box.She saw their dad beside it, bent down (弯着腰) on one knee with his head down.
Maya didn't want her brother to be sad on his birthday.So she tried to think of a way to cheer her brother up.She looked at the cardboard spaceship and got an idea.
Carlos didn't have breakfast and now he was hungry.He was about to get out of bed when he heard a knock on the door.It was Maya.She said that they had a surprise for him.
Paragraph 1:
Carlos opened the door and just saw Maya was sitting in the cardboard spaceship. 
Paragraph 2:
A moment later, they stopped at the dinner table where there was a card that said “Best Restaurant in Space”.