人教版(2019) 必修 第一册 Unit 3 Sports and fitness 单元主题训练(Word版含答案,无听力试题)


名称 人教版(2019) 必修 第一册 Unit 3 Sports and fitness 单元主题训练(Word版含答案,无听力试题)
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文件大小 129.5KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-08-25 16:52:35


UNIT 3 单元主题训练
Singapore is a city state in Southeast Asia.Thanks to a program, we got a chance to explore the Garden City for one day.
First, we headed to the Gardens by the bay.We were attracted by the Supertrees at once.They are high rise gardens, which produce electricity using energy from the sun, collect rainwater, and more.From there, we headed to the Cloud Forest, which I found most amazing in this Garden City.In hot and wet Singapore, this is a great place to cool off. Inside, a large waterfall comes down the side of the “cloud mountain”.This intricate structure (错综复杂的建筑) is divided into three levels and contains plants from different places.Visitors are free to walk around and learn more about all of the plants.Our journey then led us to a theater inside the Cloud Forest where we watched a ten minute film.I was totally taken aback by what I saw.I had never realized that our planet would change so greatly when the temperature increased by just five degrees.
Then we headed back outside and continued on our walk.Between two of the larger Supertrees, you'll find the Skyway.Visitors can head to the top to enjoy a fantastic bird's eye view of the city.
Next, we made our way to the Singapore River, where we saw a boat going by.In search of food, we headed into the Marina Bay Sands.It has what has to be the best food court I've ever eaten in, with delicious food from all over the world.We ordered different kinds of dishes, which were all tasty.
Needing to walk off that huge lunch, we walked from one side of the river to the other.On the other side, we found Merlion, the symbol of Singapore.Water flows out of the mouth of this amazing creation all day long.While walking along the riverside and enjoying the beautiful view,I couldn't help but wish we had more time to explore this Garden City.
1.Which of the following did the author most enjoy
A.The Skyway. B.The Supertrees.
C.The Cloud Forest. D.The Marina Bay Sands.
解析:选C 细节理解题。由第二段中的“...we headed to the Cloud Forest,which I found most amazing”可知,在此次游览的景点中,作者最欣赏的是Cloud Forest。
2.How did the author feel when he watched the film
A.Pleased. B.Relaxed.
C.Satisfied. D.Surprised.
解析:选D 推理判断题。由第二段最后两句可知,作者对影片内容感到很吃惊,他之前一直没有意识到温度升高5度会对地球造成如此大的影响。take sb.aback意为“使某人震惊或惊讶”。
3.What did the author's group do after lunch
A.They climbed a cloud mountain.
B.They took a boat trip on the river.
C.They went for a walk near the river.
D.They had a rest in the Marina Bay Sands.
解析:选C 细节理解题。由最后一段第一句可知,饭后为了帮助消化,作者一行在河附近散步。
The hike to the lost Incan city of Choquequirao is one of the most difficult in Peru.From the town of Cachora, which is 161 km west of Cusco, it's an 18 km walk to Capuliyoc Mountain, then down to Playa Rosalina, where travellers camp for the night. Waking early, travellers then have to cross the Apurimac River and walk uphill to camp close to the ruins.Then, the next morning, it's another 2 km walk up to the ruins, 3,100 m above sea level.To get back?Well, it's the same way you came.
“I've had people in their 60 s and 70 s do it,” said Juan Barrios, a guide from the Adventure Life company.“But some people come out thinking that because it's only 28 km from the drop off they can do it in a day.Six or seven days for the hike is best.”
It makes sense, then, that Choquequirao draws only about 30 people a day during the high season (June through August).Compare that to the 2,500 people who arrive each day at the famous Incan city of Machu Picchu.
But for those who make the journey, the rewards are great: beautiful mountain views at every turn, and the chance to explore the wonderful ruins nearly alone.
Believed to be created around the same time as Machu Picchu, in 1445, Choquequirao is actually larger than better known Machu Picchu.But very little has been written about Peru's other lost city and researchers are still uncovering new parts of the ruins, leaving life on the mountain relatively untouched.
But officials say that the building of the first cable car (缆车) to Choquequirao will shorten the several day walk to a 15 minute cable car ride.As a result, the number of travellers that now make the journey each week could turn into 3,000 visitors per day.
Choquequirao is beautiful now because of how untouched it is.Even though the lost city was discovered by Spanish explorer Juan Arias Diaz in 1710, the ruins still make you feel as though you're the first to find them.Will it be the same when more travellers flood in (大量涌入)
4.What does the first paragraph centre on
A.How tall Choquequirao is.
B.How to get to Choquequirao easily.
C.What great views Choquequirao has.
D.How hard the trip to Choquequirao is.
解析:选D 段落大意题。首段第一句是本段主题句,该段详细描述进入乔昆丘拉城的过程就是为了说明参观该景点的路程非常艰辛。
5.In what way is Choquequirao different from Machu Picchu
A.Choquequirao is older.
B.Choquequirao is quieter.
C.Choquequirao is smaller.
D.Choquequirao is better known.
解析:选B 推理判断题。由第三段中对比乔昆丘拉城每日游客量和马丘比丘的每日游客量可知,参观乔昆丘拉城的游客很少,因此也更安静一些。
6.How are the ruins of Choquequirao
A.They're still being dug out.
B.They're in a generally poor condition.
C.They're being renewed at the moment.
D.They've been researched internationally.
解析:选A 细节理解题。由第五段最后一句可知,研究人员对乔昆丘拉城古迹的发掘工作仍然在进行中。
7.What does the author think of Choquequirao in the future
A.It will be more attractive.
B.It will develop at a slow speed.
C.It won't necessarily take a turn for the better.
D.It won't be more popular than Machu Picchu.
解析:选C 推理判断题。由最后一段最后一句可知,他不确定更多游客的到来是否会让乔昆丘拉城古迹朝着更好的方向发展。
(2022·武汉质检)Diversity comes in many forms: gender, race, age, culture, etc. All of these contribute to an individual's unique experience of the world. Here are some reasons why it is significant in all aspects of our lives.
Bringing together people of various backgrounds leads to new ideas. 8  When tackling an issue, wouldn't it be better to have more than one understanding approach, rather than everyone contributing the same thoughts and conclusions
·Becoming a World Citizen
If you experience diversity in your everyday life, you will be regularly exposed to people, cultures, traditions, and practices that are unlike your own. Not only will you improve your social development, but you will also increase your understanding of the world.  9 
·Growing Acceptance
Promoting diversity is the first step towards true acceptance. Through growing contact with, and communication between new people, individuals may see that they may have more in common than they thought.  10  And that is okay, too! Increasing familiarity with these differences can facilitate acceptance.
·Richer Life Experience
Diversity is colourful! What if everyone who surrounded you was exactly like you, in every way? 11  We need new ideas, views, and practices to stimulate and inspire us, and to show us the way others eat, celebrate, and love!
We must not forget to spread the word about the importance of diversity and to face the world with a love and a celebration of our differences. 12 
A.Where is the fun in that
B.Or, they may still be remarkably different.
C.Everyone has their own way of viewing a problem.
D.This will prepare you to be a part of a global society.
E.Is diversity something we should fight for in all aspects of our lives
F.Hearing about another's experience can provide you with a different idea.
G.Together, our differences make a strong and beautiful world community.
8.选C 根据此空后一句可知,显然,每个人都有自己看待问题的方式。
9.选D 此段的标题是Becoming a World Citizen,意思是“成为世界公民”,而根据空前的内容可知,如果你在日常生活中体验到多样性,你就会经常接触到与你不同的人、文化、传统和习俗,你不仅可以提高你的社交能力,还可以增加对世界的了解。显然,这都是为成为“世界公民”做准备,故D项符合语境。
10.选B 根据此空后的“Increasing familiarity with these differences can facilitate acceptance.”可知,对这些差异越熟悉就越容易提高包容度。显然此处的differences与选项B中的different一致,故B项符合语境。
11.选A 根据此空前一句可知,选项A与上文保持一致,说明如果没有多样性,生活就会失去色彩。
12.选G 空前讲到我们决不能忘记宣传多样性的重要性,同时,要以爱和赞美差异来面对我们的世界。显然作者在这里表明差异的作用,选项G使文章前后保持一致,说明差异性的重要性。
Senior Zach Snow flew to Germany in July.With __13__ of only staying for a week, his then stationed dad presented him with a __14__ opportunity to discover the world.
“My dad was staying in Stuttgart,Germany working for the army, and __15__ me to stay with him for the school year,” Snow stated.
“I wanted to say no because I wanted to spend my senior year with my friends,” Snow added.“I __16__ staying because my dad kind of forced me to stay.”
__17__ for the first little while, Snow decided to __18__ and make the most out of his situation.“I found out, since I was in the heart of Europe, that I would try to __19__ as much as I could.I started off with going to Paris,”stated Snow.
With the __20__ of easily accessible trains throughout the continent, Snow went from country to country.
“I would __21__ the train in Germany and go to places like Amsterdam and Prague,” noted Snow.“Anywhere you could think of, I would be a train away.”
When mentioning his __22__ experience in Europe, Snow recalls his experience in Spain at the Rafael Nadal tennis training centre.
“I spent a week there __23__ everything in my game, learning from Rafael Nadal — the best player in the world.I would play tennis all day on some of the __24__ courts (球场) I have ever seen. I even got the __25__ to meet him, which was super cool,” shared Snow.
“Even though I was in Germany, I attended an American high school on the army base my dad __26__ at.All the classes were taught in English, so it was basically like going to Freedom High School with a lot of __27__ faces,” said the senior, who is now returning stateside.
语篇解读:本文是记叙文。美国高中生Zach Snow讲述了他在欧洲旅游的经历和感受。
13.A.successes B.moments
C.expectations D.feelings
解析:选C 由该空后的“only staying for a week”与下文中的“My dad ...stay with him for the school year”和“I wanted to spend my senior year with my friends”可知,在德国只待一周是Snow原先的打算。
14.A.unique B.final
C.historical D.fair
解析:选A 由下文Snow介绍他游历欧洲各国,在喜欢的网球场训练和在当地一所美国高中上学可知,父亲给他提供的这次探索世界之旅的机会十分难得,对他产生了积极的影响,令他印象深刻。
15.A.chose B.offered C.paid D.allowed
解析:选B 由下文中的“my dad kind of forced me to stay”可知,这一想法出自父亲。
16.A.gave up B.minded
C.ended up D.avoided
解析:选C 由下文介绍Snow在欧洲各国游历可知,end up doing sth.(以……而告终)符合“他最终还是在德国留了下来”这一结果。
17.A.Frightened B.Reddened
C.Satisfied D.Saddened
解析:选D Snow是被父亲强迫留下来的,所以心情低落。
18.A.try B.return C.join D.organise
解析:选A 由下文中的“I found out ...I would try to ________ as much as I could”可知,此处是指Snow决定试着充分利用自己的处境。
19.A.imagine B.consider C.explore D.appear
解析:选C 由上文中的“...opportunity to discover the world”和下文Snow开始游历欧洲各国可知,此处选explore (探索)。
20.A.purpose B.help
C.name D.cost
解析:选B 由本段中的“easily accessible trains”和“Snow went from country to country”可知,欧洲大陆上交通便利的火车是Snow能游历各国的重要原因。with the help of ...“在……帮助下”。
21.A.jump on B.wait for
C.get off D.slow down
解析:选A 由上文Snow介绍他乘坐火车游历欧洲可知,这里选jump on。
22.A.similar B.terrible
C.past D.favourite
解析:选D 由下文Snow描述他愿意整天都在球场上打网球和见到偶像的激动心情可知,此处描述的经历应该是他最喜欢的。
23.A.improving B.teaching
C.noticing D.forgetting
解析:选A 由下文中的“I would play tennis all day”可知,他花了一个星期的时间在这个训练中心向世界上最好的球员学习,努力“提高(improving)”自己的球技。
24.A.best B.nearest C.cleanest D.safest
解析:选A 结合他喜欢打网球和对纳达尔的喜爱可知,这里应该是说纳达尔网球训练中心的球场是他见过“最好的(best)”。
25.A.job B.courage C.dream D.chance
解析:选D 在纳达尔网球训练中心,Snow应该是有“机会(chance)”见到纳达尔,这件事让他觉得很酷。
26.A.toured B.rested C.worked D.practised
解析:选C 上文中的“My dad was staying in Stuttgart, Germany working for the army”是本空提示。
27.A.colourful B.beautiful
C.new D.famous
解析:选C Snow在德国应该没有什么认识的朋友,所以他在这所美国高中上学时遇到的都是“新的(new)”朋友。
One of the challenges for any trip to Jiuzhaigou is the transportation in and out of northern Sichuan as, unlike most other __1__ (destination) in China, the choice is quite limited.
Many people who visit Jiuzhaigou will fly in. There are daily flights from the most popular airports in the country. The three most popular cities that international travellers often choose when leaving for Jiuzhaigou __2__ (be) Chengdu in Sichuan Province, Chongqing, and Xi'an in Shaanxi Province.
The airport that services the area __3__ (call) the Jiuzhai Huanglong Airport.It is about a two hour drive to Jiuzhaigou National Park.There are buses from the airport to the park, but they are limited.The other choice is to take a taxi, __4__ will cost several hundred yuan.
Huanglong National Park, another nearby attraction, shares the airport __5__ Jiuzhaigou and it's __6__ (close) to the airport — about an hour's drive.
There is no train station in Jiuzhaigou, because of the terrain (地形).Besides the plane, some buses run from Chengdu each day.Also, you can hire __7__ private car and driver.
Once __8__ (arrive) in Jiuzhaigou, there are taxis to help you tour around, along with some tourist buses.Many people choose __9__ (book) a private tour so they can __10__ (easy) visit some of the nearby attractions.
1.destinations 考查名词复数。destination意为“目的地”,是可数名词,根据设空处前的most other可知,此处表示泛指,指“大多数其他的目的地”。
2.are 考查时态和主谓一致。设空处所在句的主语是three most popular cities,谓语动词用复数形式,且此处描述的是客观事实。
3.is called 考查时态和语态。主语airport与动词call之间是被动关系,用被动语态,且此处描述的是客观事实。
4.which 考查定语从句。设空处引导非限制性定语从句,补充说明主句的情况,且在从句中作主语。
5.with 考查介词。share ...with ...“与……共享……”。
6.closer 考查形容词比较级。根据上文中的It is about a two hour drive to Jiuzhaigou National Park以及此处的to the airport — about an hour's drive可知,这里表示的是比较意义,指黄龙国家公园比九寨沟离机场“更近一些”。
7.a 考查冠词。单数名词与不定冠词a/an连用,可以表示泛指,且设空处后的private是辅音音素开头。
8.arriving 考查非谓语动词。设空处所在部分作状语,arrive的逻辑主语是you,此处省略。因为you与arrive之间是主动关系,故填arriving。
9.to book 考查非谓语动词。choose to do sth.“选择做某事”。
10.easily 考查副词。设空处作状语,修饰动词visit,表示“容易地”。
假定你是李华,你的外国朋友William写邮件请你推荐一个可以游览中国风景名胜的虚拟旅游(virtual travel)网站。请给他回一封邮件,内容包括:
Dear William,
I'm glad that you want to travel around China through a virtual travel website.The one I'd like to recommend is www..
The website offers 3D virtual tours of many amazing sights in China.You can register on the website or download the app.If you want to take photos in a place you are interested in, just click the mouse.
The popular sights are the Old Town of Lijiang, the West Lake, Mount Tai, the Palace Museum, etc.I wish you have a wonderful time.
Li Hua
UNIT 3 单元主题训练
Singapore is a city state in Southeast Asia.Thanks to a program, we got a chance to explore the Garden City for one day.
First, we headed to the Gardens by the bay.We were attracted by the Supertrees at once.They are high rise gardens, which produce electricity using energy from the sun, collect rainwater, and more.From there, we headed to the Cloud Forest, which I found most amazing in this Garden City.In hot and wet Singapore, this is a great place to cool off. Inside, a large waterfall comes down the side of the “cloud mountain”.This intricate structure (错综复杂的建筑) is divided into three levels and contains plants from different places.Visitors are free to walk around and learn more about all of the plants.Our journey then led us to a theater inside the Cloud Forest where we watched a ten minute film.I was totally taken aback by what I saw.I had never realized that our planet would change so greatly when the temperature increased by just five degrees.
Then we headed back outside and continued on our walk.Between two of the larger Supertrees, you'll find the Skyway.Visitors can head to the top to enjoy a fantastic bird's eye view of the city.
Next, we made our way to the Singapore River, where we saw a boat going by.In search of food, we headed into the Marina Bay Sands.It has what has to be the best food court I've ever eaten in, with delicious food from all over the world.We ordered different kinds of dishes, which were all tasty.
Needing to walk off that huge lunch, we walked from one side of the river to the other.On the other side, we found Merlion, the symbol of Singapore.Water flows out of the mouth of this amazing creation all day long.While walking along the riverside and enjoying the beautiful view,I couldn't help but wish we had more time to explore this Garden City.
1.Which of the following did the author most enjoy
A.The Skyway. B.The Supertrees.
C.The Cloud Forest. D.The Marina Bay Sands.
2.How did the author feel when he watched the film
A.Pleased. B.Relaxed.
C.Satisfied. D.Surprised.
3.What did the author's group do after lunch
A.They climbed a cloud mountain.
B.They took a boat trip on the river.
C.They went for a walk near the river.
D.They had a rest in the Marina Bay Sands.
The hike to the lost Incan city of Choquequirao is one of the most difficult in Peru.From the town of Cachora, which is 161 km west of Cusco, it's an 18 km walk to Capuliyoc Mountain, then down to Playa Rosalina, where travellers camp for the night. Waking early, travellers then have to cross the Apurimac River and walk uphill to camp close to the ruins.Then, the next morning, it's another 2 km walk up to the ruins, 3,100 m above sea level.To get back?Well, it's the same way you came.
“I've had people in their 60 s and 70 s do it,” said Juan Barrios, a guide from the Adventure Life company.“But some people come out thinking that because it's only 28 km from the drop off they can do it in a day.Six or seven days for the hike is best.”
It makes sense, then, that Choquequirao draws only about 30 people a day during the high season (June through August).Compare that to the 2,500 people who arrive each day at the famous Incan city of Machu Picchu.
But for those who make the journey, the rewards are great: beautiful mountain views at every turn, and the chance to explore the wonderful ruins nearly alone.
Believed to be created around the same time as Machu Picchu, in 1445, Choquequirao is actually larger than better known Machu Picchu.But very little has been written about Peru's other lost city and researchers are still uncovering new parts of the ruins, leaving life on the mountain relatively untouched.
But officials say that the building of the first cable car (缆车) to Choquequirao will shorten the several day walk to a 15 minute cable car ride.As a result, the number of travellers that now make the journey each week could turn into 3,000 visitors per day.
Choquequirao is beautiful now because of how untouched it is.Even though the lost city was discovered by Spanish explorer Juan Arias Diaz in 1710, the ruins still make you feel as though you're the first to find them.Will it be the same when more travellers flood in (大量涌入)
4.What does the first paragraph centre on
A.How tall Choquequirao is.
B.How to get to Choquequirao easily.
C.What great views Choquequirao has.
D.How hard the trip to Choquequirao is.
5.In what way is Choquequirao different from Machu Picchu
A.Choquequirao is older.
B.Choquequirao is quieter.
C.Choquequirao is smaller.
D.Choquequirao is better known.
6.How are the ruins of Choquequirao
A.They're still being dug out.
B.They're in a generally poor condition.
C.They're being renewed at the moment.
D.They've been researched internationally.
7.What does the author think of Choquequirao in the future
A.It will be more attractive.
B.It will develop at a slow speed.
C.It won't necessarily take a turn for the better.
D.It won't be more popular than Machu Picchu.
(2022·武汉质检)Diversity comes in many forms: gender, race, age, culture, etc. All of these contribute to an individual's unique experience of the world. Here are some reasons why it is significant in all aspects of our lives.
Bringing together people of various backgrounds leads to new ideas. 8  When tackling an issue, wouldn't it be better to have more than one understanding approach, rather than everyone contributing the same thoughts and conclusions
·Becoming a World Citizen
If you experience diversity in your everyday life, you will be regularly exposed to people, cultures, traditions, and practices that are unlike your own. Not only will you improve your social development, but you will also increase your understanding of the world.  9 
·Growing Acceptance
Promoting diversity is the first step towards true acceptance. Through growing contact with, and communication between new people, individuals may see that they may have more in common than they thought.  10  And that is okay, too! Increasing familiarity with these differences can facilitate acceptance.
·Richer Life Experience
Diversity is colourful! What if everyone who surrounded you was exactly like you, in every way? 11  We need new ideas, views, and practices to stimulate and inspire us, and to show us the way others eat, celebrate, and love!
We must not forget to spread the word about the importance of diversity and to face the world with a love and a celebration of our differences. 12 
A.Where is the fun in that
B.Or, they may still be remarkably different.
C.Everyone has their own way of viewing a problem.
D.This will prepare you to be a part of a global society.
E.Is diversity something we should fight for in all aspects of our lives
F.Hearing about another's experience can provide you with a different idea.
G.Together, our differences make a strong and beautiful world community.
Senior Zach Snow flew to Germany in July.With __13__ of only staying for a week, his then stationed dad presented him with a __14__ opportunity to discover the world.
“My dad was staying in Stuttgart,Germany working for the army, and __15__ me to stay with him for the school year,” Snow stated.
“I wanted to say no because I wanted to spend my senior year with my friends,” Snow added.“I __16__ staying because my dad kind of forced me to stay.”
__17__ for the first little while, Snow decided to __18__ and make the most out of his situation.“I found out, since I was in the heart of Europe, that I would try to __19__ as much as I could.I started off with going to Paris,”stated Snow.
With the __20__ of easily accessible trains throughout the continent, Snow went from country to country.
“I would __21__ the train in Germany and go to places like Amsterdam and Prague,” noted Snow.“Anywhere you could think of, I would be a train away.”
When mentioning his __22__ experience in Europe, Snow recalls his experience in Spain at the Rafael Nadal tennis training centre.
“I spent a week there __23__ everything in my game, learning from Rafael Nadal — the best player in the world.I would play tennis all day on some of the __24__ courts (球场) I have ever seen. I even got the __25__ to meet him, which was super cool,” shared Snow.
“Even though I was in Germany, I attended an American high school on the army base my dad __26__ at.All the classes were taught in English, so it was basically like going to Freedom High School with a lot of __27__ faces,” said the senior, who is now returning stateside.
13.A.successes B.moments
C.expectations D.feelings
14.A.unique B.final
C.historical D.fair
15.A.chose B.offered C.paid D.allowed
16.A.gave up B.minded
C.ended up D.avoided
17.A.Frightened B.Reddened
C.Satisfied D.Saddened
18.A.try B.return C.join D.organise
19.A.imagine B.consider C.explore D.appear
20.A.purpose B.help
C.name D.cost
21.A.jump on B.wait for
C.get off D.slow down
22.A.similar B.terrible
C.past D.favourite
23.A.improving B.teaching
C.noticing D.forgetting
24.A.best B.nearest C.cleanest D.safest
25.A.job B.courage C.dream D.chance
26.A.toured B.rested C.worked D.practised
27.A.colourful B.beautiful
C.new D.famous
One of the challenges for any trip to Jiuzhaigou is the transportation in and out of northern Sichuan as, unlike most other __1__ (destination) in China, the choice is quite limited.
Many people who visit Jiuzhaigou will fly in. There are daily flights from the most popular airports in the country. The three most popular cities that international travellers often choose when leaving for Jiuzhaigou __2__ (be) Chengdu in Sichuan Province, Chongqing, and Xi'an in Shaanxi Province.
The airport that services the area __3__ (call) the Jiuzhai Huanglong Airport.It is about a two hour drive to Jiuzhaigou National Park.There are buses from the airport to the park, but they are limited.The other choice is to take a taxi, __4__ will cost several hundred yuan.
Huanglong National Park, another nearby attraction, shares the airport __5__ Jiuzhaigou and it's __6__ (close) to the airport — about an hour's drive.
There is no train station in Jiuzhaigou, because of the terrain (地形).Besides the plane, some buses run from Chengdu each day.Also, you can hire __7__ private car and driver.
Once __8__ (arrive) in Jiuzhaigou, there are taxis to help you tour around, along with some tourist buses.Many people choose __9__ (book) a private tour so they can __10__ (easy) visit some of the nearby attractions.
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