人教版(2019) 必修 第二册 Unit 4 History and traditions 单元主题训练(Word版含答案,无听力试题)


名称 人教版(2019) 必修 第二册 Unit 4 History and traditions 单元主题训练(Word版含答案,无听力试题)
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文件大小 126.0KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-08-25 17:00:37


UNIT 4 单元主题训练
Many older people around the world have at least one common concern: How to get younger people, hooked on their electronic devices, interested in classic literature. Take the Monkey King, or Sun Wukong, as an example. The main character in the 16th-century classic novel, Journey to the West, is a romantic figure of bravery and adventure that charmed millions of readers before the appearance of online attractions.
Havoc in Heaven, a new Peking Opera film, attracted the wider public to the glamor of the traditional Chinese performance art, featuring one of the best-known chapters from Journey to the West. This film, expected to create a new channel to promote Peking Opera, includes nearly all the key ingredients of Peking Opera. It covers all the basic techniques, more than 10 classic tunes, and makeup for dozens of facial representations of different figures' characteristics.
It's actually a big challenge to combine Peking Opera and film, each of which has its own rhythm, according to Cheng Lu, director of the film, who is adopting a fresh approach to present the traditional art form. One challenge that Cheng and his production team faced is how to balance the new approach with maintaining the fundamentals of the art. The basic principles and performance skills in Peking Opera cannot be changed.
Some background images on stage, such as a painted waterfall, remain, and a live band was on the set to provide sound for the film, rather than employing the prerecorded music. “If we change traditions to cater to people's taste and preference for a regular film, it will no longer be a Peking Opera piece of art,” Cheng said.
On the other hand, some creativity was needed because Cheng and his team did not just want to document a stage puter technology is also applied to achieve some visual effects and to present impossible scenes.
Peking Opera films played a powerful role in the 1960s and 70s, but they gave way to more diverse entertainment. In recent years, there has been a recovery in the popularity of Peking Opera films. However, the overuse of special effects in many film adaptations of Peking Opera plays has weakened the original charm of the stage performances. The imagination (enabled by the stage) can never be sacrificed for a film's expression.
1.What is the purpose of the first paragraph
A.To blame young people addicted to electronic devices.
B.To introduce a new Peking Opera film.
C.To express older people's concern about the young generation.
D.To arouse readers' interest in traditional Chinese performance art.
解析:选B 写作意图题。本段以年长的人期望年轻人对经典文学感兴趣来引出《西游记》中的孙悟空,进而在第二段引出本文的话题——京剧电影《大闹天宫》。
2.What did Director Cheng do while producing the film
A.He made changes to basic performance skills.
B.He made use of symbols and motions equally.
C.He insisted on a band playing music on the scene.
D.He brought onto the stage exact details of real life.
解析:选C 细节理解题。根据第四段中的“a live band ...the prerecorded music”可知, 程箓导演在拍摄影片时让乐队现场演奏。
3.What innovation did Cheng's team make
A.They opposed a rigid recording of the performance.
B.They enriched visual effects with modern technology.
C.They allowed actors to repeat actions before the camera.
D.They adopted real explosion scenes during the shooting.
解析:选B 细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中的“some creativity was needed”和本段最后一句可知,程箓导演和他的团队创造性地应用了电脑技术来实现一些视觉效果并呈现一些舞台戏剧无法实现的场景。
4.What can we conclude from the last paragraph
A.Imagination is a unique charm of Peking Opera films.
B.Technology makes up for the loss of stage imagination.
C.There is some possibility for a film to replace Peking Opera.
D.The original charm of Peking Opera cannot be sacrificed for films.
解析:选D 推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“However, the overuse ...a film's expression”可推断出,不能为了电影而牺牲京剧本身的魅力。
In America, it's long been a tradition that tips are given to a person who provides good service.Of course, the tip is in addition to the bill.__5__ The general rule is to tip according to the service.
You may be surprised to know that waiters at the restaurants usually get low pay.__6__ Therefore, please make sure to tip properly when you visit a restaurant.For a full-service, sit-down meal, 15 to 20 percent of the pretax (税前的) bill is customary.__7__
You should tip a taxi driver around 10% of your taxi fare, because the taxi driver usually helps you load and unload the bags.When you reach the airport, there are porters who can help with the bags.__8__ When you reach the hotel, you should tip D|S1 or D|S2 per bag to the doorman who helps you with your bags.
Barbershops and beauty salons
When you go for a haircut, beauty treatment, shampoo, shave or other similar services, you should generally tip at least 10-20% of the bill to the service provider.
No tipping
There is no tipping required at the gas station.__9__
Unless someone helps you load bags in your car, there is no tipping required at the grocery store.
A.Most gas stations are self-service.
B.You should tip them D|S1 or D|S2 per bag.
C.Tipping practices can change depending upon the situation.
D.That is because they are expected to get tips from customers.
E.Many visitors to the US feel it isn't fair or reasonable to tip.
F.Tipping is the means by which others are thanked for their good service.
G.Of course, if no service is provided by the waiters, there is no need to tip.
5.选C C项内容与下文中的“The general rule is to tip according to the service”涉及同一话题,即付小费的惯例,且两句话都是对付小费惯例的总体介绍,不涉及具体情境,因此C项符合语境。
6.选D D项内容与上文中的“waiters at the restaurants ususlly get low pay”构成因果关系,餐馆服务员工资一般较低,那是因为他们通常会从顾客那里拿到小费。
7.选G 根据G项中的waiters可知,该项内容与Restaurants标题所引领段落的话题一致,而该项内容与空前一句并列,介绍了外出用餐时享受服务不同时,付小费的规则也有所不同。
8.选B 根据B项中的bag可推断,B项内容与Travel标题引领段落相关,介绍与行李服务相关的付小费惯例。B项中的them指代上文中的porters。
9.选A A项内容与上文中的“There is no tipping required at the gas station”构成因果关系,且A项中的gas stations复现上文中的gas station。
In 2019, I went on a winter break trip with my family. One of our __10__ was London.The first thing that I __11__ when I landed in London was the weather.It was too __12__ for my liking as it required me to wear a thick jacket.
After some __13__ using a map of London, we decided to go to Buckingham Palace first.Buckingham Palace was one of the __14__ of a “hop-on, hop-off (随上随下)” bus that we took.The palace itself didn't look very big or impressive from the entrance __15__ it got much more impressive when you entered the gates.
While continuing on the “hop-on, hop-off” bus, we __16__ the London Bridge, which I didn't notice until the driver pointed it out to me.While it felt kind of special to be driving on such an iconic (符号的) bridge, the __17__ was not as cool as one would imagine it to be.Besides its history, this bridge was just another bridge that __18__ two masses of land, something that pretty much all __19__ do.
When we __20__ Big Ben, we decided to hop off the bus and take some __21__.Big Ben was a pretty __22__ experience for me.In many pictures of London, Big Ben is a very visible building in the skyline, and it was very nice for me to see the clock tower __23__.I am a big fan of skyscrapers and skyscraper-like buildings so this clock tower certainly caught my __24__.
10.A.stops B.topics
C.places D.changes
解析:选A 由上文可知,“我”和家人是去旅游,伦敦是我们这次旅行的目的地之一。
11.A.forgot B.told
C.noticed D.liked
解析:选C 结合本句中的“The first thing”和下文中的“It was too ...a thick jacket”可知,伦敦的天气令“我”印象深刻,也就是说抵达伦敦后“我”最先“注意到(noticed)”的事是那里的天气。
12.A.foggy B.cold
C.dry D.clear
解析:选B 由下文中的“it required me to wear a thick jacket”可知,伦敦的天气对“我”来说太“冷”了。
13.A.testing B.planning
C.touring D.calling
解析:选B 由常识以及下文中的“using a map of London”可知,到了一个陌生的地方旅行,人们首先会利用当地的地图规划旅游路线。
14.A.ways B.dreams
C.starts D.destinations
解析:选D 由上文中的“we decided to go to Buckingham Palace first”可知,我们打算先去参观白金汉宫,而我们乘坐的随上随下观光巴士有一站就在白金汉宫停。
15.A.so B.if
C.but D.until
解析:选C 根据本空前后部分中的“didn't ...impressive”与“got ...impressive”可知,本空前后部分之间为转折关系,故选but。
16.A.greeted B.passed
C.checked D.found
解析:选B 由下文中的“driving on such an iconic (符号的) bridge”可知,我们正在“通过(passed)”伦敦桥。
17.A.history B.example
C.position D.experience
解析:选D 由本段中的“I didn't notice”和下文的“not as cool as one would imagine it to be”可知,本段描述的是“我”看到伦敦桥的经历,很显然,这段经历并不怎么好。
18.A.mixes B.spreads
C.ends D.connects
解析:选D 由本句中的“two masses of land”可知,此处是说桥原本的作用——连接两片陆地。
19.A.bridges B.buses
C.drivers D.towers
解析:选A 本空所在部分是对“this bridge was just another bridge”的补充说明:在“我”看来,伦敦桥跟其他的桥没什么不同。
20.A.reached B.built
C.visited D.left
解析:选A 由下文中的“we decided to hop off the bus”可知,我们决定下车是因为“抵达(reached)”了大本钟。
21.A.notes B.steps
C.pictures D.lessons
解析:选C 根据常识以及下文描述“我”对摩天大楼的喜爱可知,游客下车参观大本钟,自然会拍一些照片。
22.A.similar B.cool
C.bad D.common
解析:选B 由下文中的“it was very nice for me to see the clock tower”可知,“我”很喜欢大本钟,因此这段经历对“我”来说很不错。
23.A.in return B.in public
C.in advance D.in person
解析:选D 由上下文可知,不同于在照片上看到大本钟,“我”这次是亲眼见到它。in person“亲自,亲身”。
24.A.ear B.mind
C.eye D.hand
解析:选C 由本句中的“I am a big fan of skyscrapers and skyscraper-like buildings”可知,“我”喜欢摩天大楼之类的建筑,因此宏伟的大本钟自然是吸引了“我”的注意力。catch sb.'s eye“引起某人的注意”。
Once in a kingdom, a man named Liam protested against the King.The King was so angry because he didn't like anyone going against him so he ordered his soldiers to arrest and hang the man.Liam didn't show any fear and said, “My Lord, I will gladly accept your punishment but please grant me one last wish.Please give me some time.Before dying I just want to visit my home and see my children one last time.”
The King refused his request, saying, “No, I can't allow it.There is no guarantee that once you leave you will come back.”
Just then a man from the crowd came forward and said, “My Lord, please arrest me instead of him as a guarantee.If he doesn't come back on time, you can hang me instead of him.”
The King was surprised because he had never seen a man who would offer his own life for someone else.He believed that there was no real friendship in the world.The King asked him, “Why are you ready to take this person's place?”
The man replied, “My Lord, Liam is my best friend and I have trust in him.He is a man who always keeps his promise. I am sure that he will be back once he finishes meeting his family.”
The King agreed and allowed Liam to leave for his home.He was given six hours in all.He would need one hour to go and come back from his house, so he had at most five hours to meet his family.Liam left for his house.He met his family.He still had enough time to reach the King's palace before the time of his hanging.
Liam wanted to come back to the hanging place as soon as possible, but on his way he fell from his horse and got hurt.Because of this, he got delayed.
Paragraph 1:
At the same time, as time passed his friend was being held and prepared for hanging. 
Paragraph 2:
Listening to this, Liam went up to his friend and said, 
Paragraph 1:
At the same time, as time passed his friend was being held and prepared for hanging.His friend was standing on board to be hanged, happy to give his own life for him.Just as his friend was about to be hanged, Liam arrived, out of breath, and fell to the ground.Liam shouted, “Please stop! I am back.Please set my best friend free.”His friend replied, “Liam! You are finally back.I would be happy to take your place and die here.”
Paragraph 2:
Listening to this, Liam went up to his friend and said, “My friend, thank you for your help.Now please go.This is my punishment and I should face it.” Seeing this, the King was greatly touched by their friendship and said, “I forgive you. I had never thought that you would keep your promise.More importantly, your true friendship has made a deep impression on me.You are so lucky to have a friend who has trust in you and always stays by your side no matter what happens.You both are free to go.”
UNIT 4 单元主题训练
Many older people around the world have at least one common concern: How to get younger people, hooked on their electronic devices, interested in classic literature. Take the Monkey King, or Sun Wukong, as an example. The main character in the 16th-century classic novel, Journey to the West, is a romantic figure of bravery and adventure that charmed millions of readers before the appearance of online attractions.
Havoc in Heaven, a new Peking Opera film, attracted the wider public to the glamor of the traditional Chinese performance art, featuring one of the best-known chapters from Journey to the West. This film, expected to create a new channel to promote Peking Opera, includes nearly all the key ingredients of Peking Opera. It covers all the basic techniques, more than 10 classic tunes, and makeup for dozens of facial representations of different figures' characteristics.
It's actually a big challenge to combine Peking Opera and film, each of which has its own rhythm, according to Cheng Lu, director of the film, who is adopting a fresh approach to present the traditional art form. One challenge that Cheng and his production team faced is how to balance the new approach with maintaining the fundamentals of the art. The basic principles and performance skills in Peking Opera cannot be changed.
Some background images on stage, such as a painted waterfall, remain, and a live band was on the set to provide sound for the film, rather than employing the prerecorded music. “If we change traditions to cater to people's taste and preference for a regular film, it will no longer be a Peking Opera piece of art,” Cheng said.
On the other hand, some creativity was needed because Cheng and his team did not just want to document a stage puter technology is also applied to achieve some visual effects and to present impossible scenes.
Peking Opera films played a powerful role in the 1960s and 70s, but they gave way to more diverse entertainment. In recent years, there has been a recovery in the popularity of Peking Opera films. However, the overuse of special effects in many film adaptations of Peking Opera plays has weakened the original charm of the stage performances. The imagination (enabled by the stage) can never be sacrificed for a film's expression.
1.What is the purpose of the first paragraph
A.To blame young people addicted to electronic devices.
B.To introduce a new Peking Opera film.
C.To express older people's concern about the young generation.
D.To arouse readers' interest in traditional Chinese performance art.
2.What did Director Cheng do while producing the film
A.He made changes to basic performance skills.
B.He made use of symbols and motions equally.
C.He insisted on a band playing music on the scene.
D.He brought onto the stage exact details of real life.
3.What innovation did Cheng's team make
A.They opposed a rigid recording of the performance.
B.They enriched visual effects with modern technology.
C.They allowed actors to repeat actions before the camera.
D.They adopted real explosion scenes during the shooting.
4.What can we conclude from the last paragraph
A.Imagination is a unique charm of Peking Opera films.
B.Technology makes up for the loss of stage imagination.
C.There is some possibility for a film to replace Peking Opera.
D.The original charm of Peking Opera cannot be sacrificed for films.
In America, it's long been a tradition that tips are given to a person who provides good service.Of course, the tip is in addition to the bill.__5__ The general rule is to tip according to the service.
You may be surprised to know that waiters at the restaurants usually get low pay.__6__ Therefore, please make sure to tip properly when you visit a restaurant.For a full-service, sit-down meal, 15 to 20 percent of the pretax (税前的) bill is customary.__7__
You should tip a taxi driver around 10% of your taxi fare, because the taxi driver usually helps you load and unload the bags.When you reach the airport, there are porters who can help with the bags.__8__ When you reach the hotel, you should tip D|S1 or D|S2 per bag to the doorman who helps you with your bags.
Barbershops and beauty salons
When you go for a haircut, beauty treatment, shampoo, shave or other similar services, you should generally tip at least 10-20% of the bill to the service provider.
No tipping
There is no tipping required at the gas station.__9__
Unless someone helps you load bags in your car, there is no tipping required at the grocery store.
A.Most gas stations are self-service.
B.You should tip them D|S1 or D|S2 per bag.
C.Tipping practices can change depending upon the situation.
D.That is because they are expected to get tips from customers.
E.Many visitors to the US feel it isn't fair or reasonable to tip.
F.Tipping is the means by which others are thanked for their good service.
G.Of course, if no service is provided by the waiters, there is no need to tip.
In 2019, I went on a winter break trip with my family. One of our __10__ was London.The first thing that I __11__ when I landed in London was the weather.It was too __12__ for my liking as it required me to wear a thick jacket.
After some __13__ using a map of London, we decided to go to Buckingham Palace first.Buckingham Palace was one of the __14__ of a “hop-on, hop-off (随上随下)” bus that we took.The palace itself didn't look very big or impressive from the entrance __15__ it got much more impressive when you entered the gates.
While continuing on the “hop-on, hop-off” bus, we __16__ the London Bridge, which I didn't notice until the driver pointed it out to me.While it felt kind of special to be driving on such an iconic (符号的) bridge, the __17__ was not as cool as one would imagine it to be.Besides its history, this bridge was just another bridge that __18__ two masses of land, something that pretty much all __19__ do.
When we __20__ Big Ben, we decided to hop off the bus and take some __21__.Big Ben was a pretty __22__ experience for me.In many pictures of London, Big Ben is a very visible building in the skyline, and it was very nice for me to see the clock tower __23__.I am a big fan of skyscrapers and skyscraper-like buildings so this clock tower certainly caught my __24__.
10.A.stops B.topics
C.places D.changes
11.A.forgot B.told
C.noticed D.liked
12.A.foggy B.cold
C.dry D.clear
13.A.testing B.planning
C.touring D.calling
14.A.ways B.dreams
C.starts D.destinations
15.A.so B.if
C.but D.until
16.A.greeted B.passed
C.checked D.found
17.A.history B.example
C.position D.experience
18.A.mixes B.spreads
C.ends D.connects
19.A.bridges B.buses
C.drivers D.towers
20.A.reached B.built
C.visited D.left
21.A.notes B.steps
C.pictures D.lessons
22.A.similar B.cool
C.bad D.common
23.A.in return B.in public
C.in advance D.in person
24.A.ear B.mind
C.eye D.hand
Once in a kingdom, a man named Liam protested against the King.The King was so angry because he didn't like anyone going against him so he ordered his soldiers to arrest and hang the man.Liam didn't show any fear and said, “My Lord, I will gladly accept your punishment but please grant me one last wish.Please give me some time.Before dying I just want to visit my home and see my children one last time.”
The King refused his request, saying, “No, I can't allow it.There is no guarantee that once you leave you will come back.”
Just then a man from the crowd came forward and said, “My Lord, please arrest me instead of him as a guarantee.If he doesn't come back on time, you can hang me instead of him.”
The King was surprised because he had never seen a man who would offer his own life for someone else.He believed that there was no real friendship in the world.The King asked him, “Why are you ready to take this person's place?”
The man replied, “My Lord, Liam is my best friend and I have trust in him.He is a man who always keeps his promise. I am sure that he will be back once he finishes meeting his family.”
The King agreed and allowed Liam to leave for his home.He was given six hours in all.He would need one hour to go and come back from his house, so he had at most five hours to meet his family.Liam left for his house.He met his family.He still had enough time to reach the King's palace before the time of his hanging.
Liam wanted to come back to the hanging place as soon as possible, but on his way he fell from his horse and got hurt.Because of this, he got delayed.
Paragraph 1:
At the same time, as time passed his friend was being held and prepared for hanging. 
Paragraph 2:
Listening to this, Liam went up to his friend and said,