选择性必修一 Unit 3 Developing ideas Writing
高二年级 英语
Step 1: Analysis of the material
What: 本课的文体部分是关于一场体育运动会的场景描写,文章描述了接力赛中的现场情况。
Why: 本课旨在让学生掌握体育场景描写的特征和方法。
How: 通过引导学生对文本结构的解读以及对细节的梳理,掌握体育场景类写作的基本方法和框架。通过对例文的分析,了解体育场景描写的写作技巧,并运用所学知识描述一段自己经历过的体育场景。
Step 2: Leading-in
An inter-school basketball match
A school sports day
A relay race
Setting a scene
What: It involves establishing the time and place where events take place and describing any main sights and sounds.
Where: At the beginning of your writing.
Why: It will engage your readers and help set the right atmosphere for the remainder of your writing.
Step 3: Knowledge learning
What event is described
When and where did the event take place
What did the author see
What did the author hear
How did the author feel
Task 1: Read the passage and answer the questions.
What event is described
When and where did the event take place
What did the author see
What did the author hear
How did the author feel
The final of the 4 x100-metre relay.
Last Saturday, at the school playground.
(Before) All the audience stood up when the runners set off. . .
(During) The runners strained to run as fast as they could, while trying not to drop their batons at the change.
(After) Li Chong crossed the finish line first.
Cheering and shouting.
He was caught up in the excitement, as if his lungs would burst.
It was so wonderful to be part of this sporting moment and enjoy its speed and passion.
What event is described
When and where did the event take place
What did the author see
What did the author hear
How did the author feel
The final of the 4 x100-metre relay.
Last Saturday, at the school playground.
(Before) All the audience stood up when the runners set off. . .
(During) The runners strained to run as fast as they could, while trying not to drop their batons at the change.
(After) Li Chong crossed the finish line first.
Cheering and shouting.
Caught up in the excitement, as if the author’s lungs would burst.
It was so wonderful to be part of this sporting moment and enjoy its speed and passion.
1. General introduction
2. Body: what we see & hear
people & actions
before the event
during the event
after the event
3. Personal feelings
Task 2: Read the passage again and underline the words and expressions from the passage which can be used in your writing.
annual sports tournament; extraordinary experience;
quiet and still; intense; set off; start cheering and shouting; be hit by a huge wave of excitement; strain to run; be on one’s feet; be caught up in excitement; my lungs would burst; speed and passion
a far cry from 与…大不相同
carry on 继续
electric 令人激动的
go wild 发狂
embrace with tears of happiness眼中含泪拥抱
burst onto 突然出现
be assigned to 被分配到
pay off 取得成功
seize gold 夺取金牌
Task 3: Find expressions that achieve conciseness and coherence from the passage.
It was an extraordinary experience and something I will never forget. 【定语从句】
I could see the runners straining to run as fast as they could, while trying not to drop their batons at the change.
Everyone was on their feet, cheering.【非谓语】
It was Li Chong, the fastest student in our school, who first crossed the finish line. 【强调句结构 + 同位语】
Step 4: Language practice
Think about a sporting moment you have experienced and complete the table.
Think about a sporting moment you have experienced and complete the table.
Last week / 4*100-metre relay/ annual sports tournament/ atmosphere was so intense
I: stand on the starting line
Audience: quiet and still
I: strain to run/ pass the baton to the second runner
Audience: wild cheering and shouting
I: embrace teammates with tears of happiness
Audience: rise to their feet and cheer
be caught up in excitement
Step 5: Practical application
Now write a passage about the sporting moment.
Last week, I once ran the first leg of 4x100-metre relay at our annual sports tournament. It was exciting and unforgettable. Before the race, everyone was quiet and still. Standing on the starting line, waiting for the starting gun, I could almost hear my own heart beating. Then the gun sounded and I almost had blocked out everything else. I strained to run as fast as I could. To this day, I don’t remember how I finished my leg of the race. Only when I passed the baton to the second runner did I hear the wild cheering and shouting. The whole race was over in just an instant. The crowd rose to their feet and their cheering became even louder. Our team had won the race, and the four of us embraced each other tightly for quite a while with tears of happiness. I was caught up in the excitement and I felt really happy.
1. General Introduction
Last week, I once ran the first leg of 4x100-metre relay at our annual sports tournament. It was exciting and unforgettable. Before the race, everyone was quiet and still. Standing on the starting line, waiting for the starting gun, I could almost hear my own heart beating. Then the gun sounded and I almost had blocked out everything else. I strained to run as fast as I could. To this day, I don’t remember how I finished my leg of the race. Only when I passed the baton to the second runner did I hear the wild cheering and shouting. The whole race was over in just an instant. The crowd rose to their feet and their cheering became even louder. Our team had won the race, and the four of us embraced each other tightly for quite a while with tears of happiness. I was caught up in the excitement and I felt really happy.
2. Before the event
Last week, I once ran the first leg of 4x100-metre relay at our annual sports tournament. It was exciting and unforgettable. Before the race, everyone was quiet and still. Standing on the starting line, waiting for the starting gun, I could almost hear my own heart beating. Then the gun sounded and I almost had blocked out everything else. I strained to run as fast as I could. To this day, I don’t remember how I finished my leg of the race. Only when I passed the baton to the second runner did I hear the wild cheering and shouting. The whole race was over in just an instant. The crowd rose to their feet and their cheering became even louder. Our team had won the race, and the four of us embraced each other tightly for quite a while with tears of happiness. I was caught up in the excitement and I felt really happy.
2. During the event
Last week, I once ran the first leg of 4x100-metre relay at our annual sports tournament. It was exciting and unforgettable. Before the race, everyone was quiet and still. Standing on the starting line, waiting for the starting gun, I could almost hear my own heart beating. Then the gun sounded and I almost had blocked out everything else. I strained to run as fast as I could. To this day, I don’t remember how I finished my leg of the race. Only when I passed the baton to the second runner did I hear the wild cheering and shouting. The whole race was over in just an instant. The crowd rose to their feet and their cheering became even louder. Our team had won the race, and the four of us embraced each other tightly for quite a while with tears of happiness. I was caught up in the excitement and I felt really happy.
2. After the event
Last week, I once ran the first leg of 4x100-metre relay at our annual sports tournament. It was exciting and unforgettable. Before the race, everyone was quiet and still. Standing on the starting line, waiting for the starting gun, I could almost hear my own heart beating. Then the gun sounded and I almost had blocked out everything else. I strained to run as fast as I could. To this day, I don’t remember how I finished my leg of the race. Only when I passed the baton to the second runner did I hear the wild cheering and shouting. The whole race was over in just an instant. The crowd rose to their feet and their cheering became even louder. Our team had won the race, and the four of us embraced each other tightly for quite a while with tears of happiness. I was caught up in the excitement and I felt really happy.
3. How you felt
Step 6: Homework
Work in pairs. Make improvements to each other’s passages and share them with the class.
Thank you!