人教版(2019) 必修第二册 Unit 2 Wildlife Protection 知识点课件(20张)


名称 人教版(2019) 必修第二册 Unit 2 Wildlife Protection 知识点课件(20张)
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文件大小 1.2MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-09-01 11:40:10



Language points
Unit 2
Part 01
1. poster n. 海报 → post v.邮寄;投递 n. 邮政 → postage n. 邮费
use-usage使用 pack-package行李 short-shortage不足,短缺
2. illegal adj. 非法的 → illegally adv. 非法地 → legal adj. 法律的;合法的
3.hunt vt. &vi. 打猎;搜寻;追捕 n.搜寻,打猎→ hunter n. 猎人
hunt for=look/seek/search for 寻找,寻求
4. immediately adv. 立刻,马上 → immediate adj. 立即的;立刻的
as soon as=the moment/minute/second/instant
no sooner...than=hardly/scarcely...when
5. alarm vt. 使惊恐/害怕/担心 n. 恐慌;警报;警报器 → alarming adj. 惊人的;使人惊恐的 → alarmed adj.(人感到)惊恐的;害怕的
be alarmed at/by sth
scare-scared-scary(be scared of sth/doing sth/to do sth)
6. extinct adj.已灭绝的 → extinction n.灭绝=die out=endangered
7. mass adj. 大量的;广泛的n. 团;块;大量 → massive adj. 大而重的;非常严重的 a mass of大量,许多
8. aware adj.发觉;有…意识的 → unaware adj. 未察觉到→ awareness n.意识;认识 be aware/unaware of意识到/没有意识到 an awareness of the importance of意识到...的重要性 raise/heighten/increase the awareness of sth加强 / 提高 / 增强...的意识 a greater/a growing/an increasing awareness of sth对某事物更大的 / 日益增长的 / 愈来愈大的兴趣
9. endanger vt.使遭受危险 → endangered adj. 濒危的;快要绝种的→danger n.危险→ dangerous adj.危险的
10. concern vt.涉及;让…担忧→ concerned adj.担心的;关切的→ concerning prep.关于=about=regarding
be concerned about sth=be worried about sth
be concerned with sth=be interested in sth
11. adapt vt.使适应/合vi.适应→ adaption(adaptation) n.适应(性);改编本→ adaptable adj.能适应的 -adapt to适应/for改编为/from改编自 adapt oneself to sth/doing sth
adopt-adoption-adopted son -adoptive mother
12. pressure n. 压力;要求;挤压 → press v. 压;挤;催促 n.新闻工作者,出版社,出版,印刷;榨汁机;press sb into doing sth敦促谋人做某事
put pressure on sb/under pressure(stress压力,重要性,重读,强调 be under stress/stress the importance of /be stressed out)
13. reserve n.保护区;储藏(量) vt.预订;保留 → reservation n.保留;预定
14. observe vt. 观察(到);注视;遵守→ observation n.观察;监视
15. beauty n.美;美人→ beautiful adj.漂亮的→beautifully adv. 美好地;很好地 → beautify vt. 美化
抽象名词具体化a beauty一个美人,一个美好的事物(danger,failure,surprise,pleasure,success,)
16. remind v. 提醒;使想起 → reminder n.起提醒作用的事物
17. profit n.利润,利益 → profitable adj.有利可图的,有益的,有用的
18. effective adj.有效的→ effectively adv.有效地→ effect n. 影响;效果→
affect v. 影响-affection喜爱
have an effect/influence/impact on对..有影响
put/come into effect生效,开始实施 in effect事实上,实际上 take effect见效,起作用
19.recover vi.恢复;康复→ recovery n.恢复;痊愈
recover from从...恢复过来 make a quick/slow/full recovery很快/缓慢/完全恢复
20. intend vi.&vt.打算;计划;想要 → intention n.打算;计划;意图
intend(sb) to do sth打算做某事 be intended for
21. threat n.威胁→ threaten vt.威胁;危及-threatening威胁的,阴沉沉的 threatening letter恐吓信 a threat to 构成威胁的事物
22. exist vi.存在;生存→ existence n. 生存;存在(difference,independence,influence,confidence,excellence)→ existing adj. 现存的,正在使用的
23. harmony n. 和谐;融洽 → harmonious adj. 和谐的in harmony with与...相和谐
24. reduce v. 减少 → reduction n. 减少;缩小;降低
25. neighbourhood n.临近的地方;街区;城区;街道→ neighbour n.邻居;邻人;邻国
26. emotion n.情感;情绪;感情→ emotional adj.易激动的;易动感情的
person-personal profession-professional form-formal
addition-additional额外的 education-educational nature-natural music-musical internation-international nation-national
medicine-medical industry-industrial office-official
accident-accidental physic-physical
27. usual adj.通常的→unusual adj.不寻常的→ usually adv. 通常
as usual像往常一样
Part 02
Language points
1.endanger vt. 使遭受危险;危害-danger-dangerous
A heart attack may endanger the patient’s life.
Development of the area would endanger wildlife.
in danger在危险中 out of danger脱离危险 be a danger to对...构成威胁
be in danger of有...的危险
This kind of animal is in danger of _______ (become) extinct.
It is ________ (danger) to walk on thin ice in a lake.
The patient is now ___ ____ danger.
Smoking is a serious ______ to health.
(1) n.[C](动植物)保护区;[U]储藏(量) vt.预订;预留;保留
An effective way to preserve animal species is to create wildlife reserve。
I want to reserve a single room with shower.
We can reserve seats for you, only if you pay in advance.
reservation n. [C] 预约,预订;[C,U]保留意见
I started dating, but with reservation. (2022全国新高考1)
reserve sth. (for sb. ) (为某人)预订某物;(为某人)保留某物
make a reservation预订,预约 without reservation毫无保留地
It's difficult ____ _____ rooms during the National Day. We have to make __________ in advance.
3. make out 看清;听清;分清;理解,明白;
I could just make out a figure数字,人物,身材 in the darkness.
I couldn’t make out what he was saying.
She was a strange person,I couldn’t make her out.
give out用完;分发;放出(光、热等)carry out执行,履行
point out指出 pick out精心挑选;辨别出
break out(战争、火灾、疾病等)爆发 work out 解决;计算出;锻炼
find out 找到;弄清;查明
4. observe-observation
(1)vt. & vi. 观察,监视,注视
The teacher required the students to observe how people in the group communicated with each other.
The police observed a man enter the bank.
observe the law遵守法律 observe the local customs遵循当地习俗
You should observe the local customs when you go abroad.
Could you tell me how your family usually observe the Spring Festival
5. remind vt.提醒;使想起-reminder提醒人的事物,通知单
This song reminded me of my childhood.
A noticeboard告示栏 has been put up举起,张贴,搭建 to remind people to protect the trees.
remind sb. of/ about sth.提醒某人某事 remind sb. of...使某人想起......
remind sb. to do sth. 提醒某人做某事 remind sb. that… 提醒某人……
Please remind him ____ there is an important meeting tomorrow morning.
The incident served as a timely reminder of just how dangerous this sport can be.
6. illegal adj.不合法的;非法的-legal-illegally 非法地
It is illegal to carry guns without permission未经允许.
He entered the country illegally
take/seek legal advice听取 / 寻求法律咨询
o be legally responsible for sb/sth对某人 / 某事负有法律责任
7. shoot(shot, shot ,shooting)
(1)vt. /vi.射杀,射伤;发射;射门,投篮;拍摄;朝某方向飞驰
The new soldier shot at the target,but missed it again. shoot at朝...射击
He shot from the midfield中场 and still managed to score.
The last Emperor is the only film that was shot.
The cat shot across the garden. 这只猫快速穿过花园。
(2)n.[C] (植物的)芽,苗;射击,枪声;射门,投篮;尝试,努力;照片,镜头
相关词语积累shooting n.[C]枪击,枪杀;[U](电影的)拍摄
(1)Life of Pi ______ by Ang lee and his team is widely recognized as a best movie.
(2)I think it's cruel of them to ______the animals.
(3)If you shoot ____ my dog I will shoot you.
8. profit n.[C,U]利润,利益
The company made a healthy profit获利颇丰 on the deal交易.
There is no profit好处 in letting meetings drag on拖的太久.
profitable adj.有利可图的;有益的
non-profit adj.非营利的,不以营利为目的的
make profits=make a profit 赚取利益
net profit纯利润
9. attack攻击-attract吸引-attach固定,认为重要,联系(attach great importance to
(1)n. [C,U]攻击;抨击;[C]疾病发作
常见搭配:be/become under attack have/suffer a heart attack
His speech was a powerful attack on the enemy.
Ben suffered a heart attack and Helen rushed him to hospital.
(2)vt. 攻击;抨击;动手干
A woman was attacked and robbed(rob-robber-robbery) by a gang of一伙 youths.
She has been attacked for ignoring her own party members.
She immediately set about attacking the problem. set about doing sth=set out to do sth
Part 3