Book 2 Unit 6 Earth first教学设计
单元主题 本单元的主题语境是“人与自然”,涉及的主题语境内容是关爱地球、保护环境。本单元从人类面临的诸多环境问题入手,引出单元话题,并进一步深入讨论了动物保护、自然保护区、全球变暖、空气污染、生活中的环保误区等子话题。整个单元的教学应牢牢把握该主题语境,帮助学生深度理解主题和语篇,有机渗透人与自然和谐相处的情感、态度和价值观。
单元目标 学生能够围绕本单元的主题语境内容,基于单元提供的视频、游记、广告等多模态语篇,综合运用各种语言技能,读懂与保护自然文化遗产相关的文章内容,能够运用阅读策略,从文本中提取信息并解读文本;能够理清现在完成进行时的用法及概念,并在具体语境中应用;听懂与生态旅游相关的话题并谈论环境保护问题,恰当使用所学词汇、句型及表达方式说服他人,以及表示折中、妥协的看法,深化对单元主题意义的理解与挖掘;能够分析招聘广告的要素,并根据所给文段内容,仿写招聘广告;同时能够运用单元所学,并通过辩论、分析,联系生活实际,辩证地看待问题,分析利弊,并做出正确评判;找到合理的解决方法,并创造性地表达自己的观点,实现知识与思维能力的迁移;通过了解联合国教科文组织世界自然遗产录,增强民族自豪感;提升热爱环境,保护自然遗产的环保意识。并通过运用各种学习策略,多渠道开展调研,有效进行自主学习;利用网络资源,筛选、整合、编辑自然遗产保护宣传册;并能够选择恰当的方法反思和调整自己的学习内容和进程,激发英语学习的兴趣,提高自己理解和表达的效果,最终促进自身语言能力、文化意识、思维品质和学习能力的综合提升。
Starting out板块教学设计 (建议时长10–15分钟,教师可根据教学实际酌情调整。)
课型 Viewing + Speaking
主题语境 人与自然——人与环境的和谐相处
内容分析 活动1呈现一则环保主题公益广告的视频,介绍了与环境相关的数据,直观地展现了人类面临的严峻形势。活动2要求学生看四幅环保主题漫画,基于已有知识讨论这四种环境问题的成因和应对措施,为后续环节进一步的主题意义探究做铺垫。教材提供的话题意义深远,视频和漫画生动有趣,有利于拉近学生和话题之间的距离,引发共鸣。
教学目标 1. 带领学生熟悉话题,激活已有的语言、背景知识,激发对话题的兴趣; 2. 引导学生发散思维,能够通过描述视频与漫画、小组讨论等方式,用英语分析和探讨问题,表达观点; 3. 引导学生基于已有的知识和经验,对保护地球这一话题进行简单的讨论。
教学重点 学生获取视频中与数字相关的细节信息。
教学难点 启发学生说明环境问题堪忧的理由。
教学策略 视听教学法、交际教学法
Teaching contents Procedures Purposes
Teacher’s activity Students’ activity
Activity 1 1. Teacher asks students to read the questions in Activity 1 and plays the video. 2. Teacher collects answers. If students are having trouble, Teacher can play the video again until students get the information needed. 1. Students watch the video and find answers to the questions in Activity 1. 2. Students present their answers to the class. 1. To arouse students’ interest and draw their attention to the theme of this unit – human and nature. 2. To let students understand some environmental problems we are facing nowadays that makes our future uncertain via watching video and widen students’ knowledge.
Activity 2 1. Teacher divides students into groups and lets them talk about what environmental problem each picture shows and try to think of possible reasons. 2. Teacher provides background information. 3. Teacher asks students to share their ideas and inspires them to think about how to solve these problems. Students discuss in groups and share their ideas for each question. To make students know more about environmental issues and know how to cooperate with each other.
Understanding ideas板块教学设计 (建议时长40–45分钟,教师可根据教学实际酌情调整。)
课型 Reading + Speaking
主题语境 人与自然——人与环境的和谐相处
内容分析 本板块呈现了一篇反映单元主题的课文,语篇类型为说明文。课文围绕“鲨鱼是危险的动物还是濒危动物”这一问题展开讨论,引发人们对保护海洋动物这一话题的关注。读前的导入活动激活学生对鲨鱼这种动物的已有认知,帮助学生提前熟悉语篇话题,为学习课文做铺垫。读中活动考查学生快速查找信息的能力。读后活动则通过探讨写作目的、细节理解和开放性问答等活动,启发学生深入思考,探究主题意义。
教学目标 1. 带领学生通过略读,获取目标信息; 2. 帮助理清作者的观点和写作意图,理解课文信息; 3. 引导学生运用批判性思维分析课文,形成对文章主题思想的理解; 4. 引导学生基于课文内容联系生活实际,发表自己的意见和观点。
教学重点 引导学生通过自主阅读和小组合作,借助语篇知识,梳理语篇结构。
教学难点 引导学生运用审辩式思维梳理人们对鲨鱼的态度变化。
教学策略 任务型教学法、P–W–P阅读模式
Teaching contents Procedures Purposes
Teacher’s activity Students’ activity
Activity 1 Teacher asks students to tick the words that would use to describe sharks. Students finish Activity 1 and add more words if they can think of any. 1. To lead students to the topic and activate their prior knowledge. 2. To prepare students for reading.
Activity 2 1. Teacher asks students to share what they know about the film Jaws. 2. Teacher asks students to skim the passage to find out how sharks are described in the film Jaws. 1. Students share their knowledge of Jaws. 2. Students read the passage quickly and find out how sharks are described in the film. To train students’ reading skills in locating certain information.
Activity 3 Teacher asks students to choose the writing purpose of the passage in Activity 3. Students complete Activity 3. 1. To encourage students to figure out the author’s purpose in writing the passage. 2. To let students gather information about the passage, thus preparing for Activity 4.
Activity 4 1. Teacher asks students to read the passage carefully and try to finish the chart in Activity 4. 2. Teacher asks students to work in groups and exchange their answers and comment on each other. 1. Students read the passage again, find the information they need to complete the chart. 2. Students present their chart to the rest of the class. To examine how much students have grasped the detailed information.
Think & Share Teacher asks students to discuss the two questions in groups and offers help if they need. Students discuss the two questions in groups then share their ideas with the class. 1. To train students’ ability to use language in their real life and express the ideas in a logical way. 2.To enhance students’ critical thinking ability.
Using Language板块教学设计 (建议时长60–70分钟,教师可根据教学实际酌情调整。)
课型 Reading + Listening + Speaking
主题语境 人与自然——人与环境的和谐相处
内容分析 本板块包括语法部分-ing和-ed做补语、词汇部分Dealing with global warming和听说部分Environmental problems to be solved。语法部分的两个语篇分别呈现了“美人鱼”汉娜致力于保护海洋环境的事迹以及三江源自然保护区工作人员的访谈;词汇部分向学生呈现了与全球变暖相关的词汇,并要求学生完成一份主题为“你能为应对全球变暖做的六件事”的宣传手册;听说部分的材料讨论了雾霾的“前世今生”,引导学生关注身边的环境问题。通过真实语境下技能的综合训练,学生能够加深对单元主题的理解,提高综合语言运用能力。
教学目标 1. 带领学生识别现在分词和过去分词作补语的用法,理解其补充说明宾语的作用,使学生在此基础上能够初步运用; 2. 引导学生运用相关词汇和语法结构讨论全球变暖问题,并提出可行的解决方案; 3. 引导学生运用话题词汇谈论空气污染问题,并能够根据需要有礼貌地打断别人。
教学重点 引导学生理解-ing 和-ed 做补语的区别;运用本单元已学词汇和语法结构表达如何应对全球变暖;在听力过程中,获取对话中关于雾霾的相关信息,归纳再进行语言输出。
教学难点 提取并总结归纳得体打断对方的表达,并迁移运用于相似情景的交流中;利用发散性思维拓展补充作者的观点。
教学策略 交际教学法、任务型教学法
Teaching contents Procedures Purposes
Teacher’s activity Students’ activity
Activity 1 1. Teacher asks students to read the sentences in Activity 1 and try to answer the three questions. 2. Teacher asks students to find more sentences with these structures in the reading passage. 3. Teacher asks students to summarise the functions and usage of “-ing and -ed as complement”. 1. Students read the sentences and come up with possible answers to the three questions. 2. Students find more sentences in the reading passage with similar structures. 3. Students summarise the functions and usage of “-ing and -ed as complement” with the help of the teacher. To encourage students to discover the grammar usage by themselves. To further enhance students’ understanding of “-ing and -ed as complement”.
Activity 2 1. Teacher asks students to read the passage and figure out the main idea. 2. Teacher asks students to choose the correct form of given verbs. 3. Teacher invites students to share their answers. 1. Students read the passage and find out what Hannah is doing and why. 2. Students share their answers. To get students to practise “-ing and -ed as complement”.
Activity 3 1. Teacher asks students to read the interview and then rewrite the underlined sentences using -ed or -ing form as complement. 2. Teacher invites students to read the new sentences and share their understanding of the function of using -ed and -ing forms as complement. 1. Students read the interview and rewrite the underlined sentences using -ed or -ing form as complement. 2. Students share their understanding of the function of using -ed and -ing forms as complement. To help students consolidate the application of -ed or -ing form as complement in a real-life context.
Activity 4 Teacher asks students to look at the six pictures and try to describe them. Teacher asks students to talk about what they know about the expressions. 1. Students look at the six pictures and try to describe them. 2. Students work in pairs and share knowledge of given expressions. To encourage students to learn and share more topic-related knowledge, especially in global warming.
Activity 5 1. Teacher asks students to read the brochure in Activity 5 and complete the blanks using expressions from Activity 4. 2. Teacher asks some students to share their answers with the class. 1. Students read the brochure in Activity 5 and complete the blanks using expressions from Activity 4. 2. Some students share their answers with the class. 3. Students read the complete brochure to the rest of the class. To deepen students’ understanding of global warming.
Activity 6 Teacher asks students to work in pairs and discuss what they can do to help deal with global warming. Work in groups and talk about what they can do to help deal with global warming. To enlarge students’ vocabulary and improve their abilities to solve problems.
Activity 7 1. Teacher asks students to read the topics. 2. Teacher plays the audio of the lecture and asks students to choose the topics that are covered. 1. Students read the seven topics to get a global idea about the lecture. 2. Students listen to the lecture for the first time to tick the topics that are covered. To train students to grasp the main idea and key information of the listening materials.
Activity 8 1. Teacher plays the audio again and asks students to complete the slides. Play one more time until students get the detailed information needed. Pause when necessary. 2. Teacher checks the answers with the class. 3. Teacher asks students to read “Learning to learn” on this page and reminds students to take notes during listening. 4. Teacher asks students to recall how the speakers interrupt each other. Play the audio again if necessary. Students listen to the audio again and complete the slides. Students check the answers with the teacher. 3. Students read “Learning to learn” on this page to learn how to interrupt someone politely. 3. Students work in groups and talk about how the students interrupt the lecturer politely. 1. To help students understand the details of the listening materials. 2. To help students learn how to interrupt someone politely.
Activity 9 Teacher divides students into pairs and asks them to read the materials on Page 84 and Page 87 respectively. Teacher asks students to work in pairs and make the conversation according to the different materials. Teacher invites several pairs to act out their conversations in front of the class and asks other students to make comments. Students work in pairs and read the materials on Page 84 and Page 87 respectively. Students work in pairs and make the conversation according to the different materials. Several pairs act out their conversations in front of the class. Others make comments. To help students learn more about the factual information about recycling. To encourage students to practise interrupting others politely.
Activity 10 Teacher divides students into pairs and asks them to talk about another environmental problem. Teacher invites several pairs to act out their conversations in front of the class and asks other students to make comments. Students work in pairs and talk about another environmental problem. Several pairs act out their conversations in front of the class. Others make comments. To encourage students to further practise exchanging ideas.
Developing ideas板块教学设计 (建议时长80–90分钟,教师可根据教学实际酌情调整。)
课型 Reading + Writing
主题语境 人与自然——人与环境的和谐相处
内容分析 本课为Developing ideas板块,是一篇阅读语篇。探讨了日常生活中的四个环保真理的真伪。作为说明文,文章结构清晰,采取总分总的结构。第一部分引入话题,引导人们思考我们所谓的环保常识/真理是否正确。第二部分四个副标题介绍了四条环保真理,并对其真伪进行辨析。最后一部分,作者提醒人们应该学会验证生活中的环保常识的真伪。通过对四个环保真理真伪的辨析,作者在澄清了环保常识的同时,也引发人们对于更多“环保真理”的批判性思考;读写部分的范文呈现了一封倡议 “光盘行动”的信件。通过这一板块的学习,学生能够提升思维品质,并初步掌握倡议信的文体特点和写法。
教学目标 引导学生利用副标题梳理文章结构,理解语篇内容,归纳文中对环保真理真伪的原因分析; 2. 引导学生借助语篇知识分析本课语篇类型特点以及段落逻辑关系,使学生能够运用逻辑思维和批判性思维梳理和评判生活中常见的观点; 3. 引导学生通过自主学习与小组合作学习,进一步深入分析文中环保真理错误的原因以及应对措施,并做一个简短的报告; 4. 帮助学生进一步深化对单元主题的理解,了解倡议信的写作特点,使学生能够运用所学内容写一封与环保相关的倡议信。
教学重点 1. 引导学生思考人们对四个“环保真理”产生误解的原因以及这些“真理”不正确的原因,培养其思辨能力; 2. 引导学生对文章观点做出自己的评论。
教学难点 1. 引导学生思考如何变得更加环保; 2. 以环境问题为主题写一封倡议书。
教学策略 交际教学法、任务型教学法
Teaching contents Procedures Purposes
Teacher’s activity Students’ activity
Activity 1 Teacher asks students to do the questionnaire in Activity 1. Students choose the answers they agree with in Activity 1. To lead students to the topic and activate the students’ background knowledge.
Activity 2 1. Teacher asks students to read the subheadings in the passage and decide if they are true or false. 2. Teacher asks students to summarise the main idea of the passage. 1. Students read the passage quickly and read the subheadings in the passage and decide if they are true or false. 2. Students summarise the main idea of the passage. To encourage students to skim the passage by applying the learning strategy to reading.
Activity 3 Teacher asks students to read the passage in detail and complete the causes in Activity 3. Students scan the passage and complete the causes. 1. To encourage students to scan and analyse the causes and effects. 2. To examine how much students have grasped the detailed information.
Think & Share 1. Teacher asks students to discuss the four questions in “Think and Share”. 2. Teacher invites some students to share their opinions. Students discuss the four questions in groups and then share their opinions with the class. To help students further understand the topic of the passage and make comments.
Activity 4 1. Teacher helps students organise a talk about one of the “green truths” in the passage by getting students to list important points. 2. Teacher helps students present their ideas properly. 1. Students work in groups and organise their ideas. 2. Students give a talk about one of the “green truths” in the passage. To help students consolidate the language and topic knowledge they have learned.
Activity 5 Teacher asks students to read the letter and answer the questions in Activity 5. 1. Students read the letter and figure out the structure of the letter. 2. Students answer the questions in Activity 5. 3. Students find out the sentence patterns to persuade others. To help students read and figure out the structure, content and language expressions of a persuasive letter.
Activities 6-7 1. Teacher asks students to work in groups and discuss another environmental issue. 2. Teacher asks students to write a persuasive letter based on the structure in the Students’ Book. 3. Teacher shows the criteria of a good composition and demonstrates how to assess a composition. 4. Teacher asks some students to show their writing to the class, and invites other students to make comments. 1. Students work in groups and think about another environmental issue. 2. Students use the expressions in the box to write a persuasive letter based on the structure. 2. Students do peer evaluation. 3. Students share their composition with the class. To help students improve their writing through peer evaluation.
Presenting ideas & Reflection板块教学设计 (Presenting ideas和Reflection部分建议总时长40–45分钟, 教师可根据教学实际酌情调整。)
课型 Speaking
主题语境 人与自然——人与环境的和谐相处
内容分析 本课为Presenting ideas与Reflection板块。以主题Earth first为依托,围绕碳足迹开展探索式学习。要求学生先思考生活中哪些物品会产生碳足迹,然后分组制作碳足迹调查问卷,通过班级调查了解并思考有哪些行为可以减少碳足迹,运用批判性思维深入思考自己对单元主题的理解并进行表达,进一步增强自己的环保意识。第一部分以图片材料的形式介绍了一些增加碳足迹的物品。第二部分为调查问卷环节,提供了问卷设计模板,并提示了报告调查结果的相关表达。
教学目标 1. 引导学生了解更多碳足迹产生的方式,并思考在日常生活中如何减少碳足迹; 2. 带领学生通过小组合作和讨论分享,制作碳足迹调查问卷,使学生能够通过问卷调查思考并总结实现低碳生活的有效措施; 3. 引导学生在对碳足迹进行调研和制作调查问卷的过程中,达成对本单元所学知识的迁移和运用; 4. 引导学生通过汇报小组活动成果,用英语表达自己的想法,展示调研成果; 5. 引导学生通过自我反思的方式,监控、评价、反思和调整自己学习的内容和进度。
教学重点 1. 引导学生思考日常生活中碳足迹如何产生; 2.引导学生从语言能力、思维品质等方面对自己在本单元学习过程中和结束时的学习行为和效果做出合理的评价。
教学难点 1. 引导学生设计计算碳足迹的调查问卷并通过问卷调查结果发现日常不环保行为; 2. 引导学生养成自我评价的好习惯。
教学策略 元认知策略、认知策略、交际策略和情感策略
Teaching contents Procedures Purposes
Teacher’s activity Students’ activity
Activity 1 1. Teacher provides some background information about carbon footprint. 2. Teacher asks students to look at the pictures and asks students to figure out how these items contribute to a carbon footprint. 3. Teacher asks students to think about the items’ contribution to carbon footprint and add more examples. 1. Students search for information about carbon footprint or know some knowledge about carbon footprint from the teacher. 2. Students look at these items to figure out how they contribute to a carbon footprint and think of more items. 1. To lead students to the topic and activate their background knowledge. 2. To help students prepare for the creation of the survey.
Activities 2-3 1. Teacher asks students to work in groups to create a carbon footprint survey. Teacher asks students to carry out the survey in the class. Teacher asks students to use the results to come up with ways to reduce carbon footprint. 1. Students work in groups and create a carbon footprint survey. 2. Students carry out the survey in the class. 3. Students use the results to come up with ways to reduce carbon footprint. To encourage students to apply what they’ve learned in real communication and solving problems.
Activity 4 Teacher invites some groups to report their results. Students report the results of their survey using the useful expressions in the box. To help students practise skills in presentation and learn from each other.
Reflection Teacher asks students to recall what they’ve learnt in this unit. Teacher asks students to complete “Reflection” in Student’s Book. Students rate their performance in this unit, summarise what they’ve learnt and think about what they need to improve. To help students evaluate their performance, review the unit, and think about ways to improve.
Project板块教学设计 (此部分教师可根据教学实际酌情调整。)
课型 Speaking
主题语境 人与自然——人与环境的和谐相处
内容分析 本单元的项目实践活动要求学生为建设绿色校园贡献自己的力量。学生通过调查研究和主题讨论,选择一种或几种活动方式,形成具体可行的校园环保计划,最后向全班汇报。如果有条件,教师应鼓励学生将计划付诸行动。学生在教师的指导下,进行自主学习、合作学习、探究式学习,增强环保意识,切实落实环保行动。
教学目标 1 指导学生调查研究,发现校园中存在的环境问题,并进行记录; 2 指导学生思考调查结果并讨论解决办法,从而达成对所学知识的迁移和运用; 3 带领学生将解决办法细化,使学生能够形成计划,并进行预评估; 4 如果条件允许,指导学生开展“校园环保节”活动,使学生能够通过各项宣传活动增强环保意识。
教学重点 1. 引导学生利用单元所学,上网查找资料,多渠道获取信息; 2. 引导学生利用问卷调查的方式分析校园环保问题。
教学难点 引导学生探索解决环保问题的有效措施。
教学策略 任务型教学法
Teaching contents Procedures Purposes
Teacher’s activity Students’ activity
Investigate (In the previous class) Teacher divides the class into groups and asks students to explore the school campus to find out areas that would benefit from greater environmental awareness. Teacher asks students to look at the three pictures and to choose an environmental problem. 3. Teacher asks the groups to look for information online or in the library about the problem they choose and try to create a questionnaire to investigate. (In the previous class) 1. Each group explores the school campus to find out areas that would benefit from greater environmental awareness. 2. Students look at the three pictures and choose an environmental problem they want to investigate. 3. Each group looks for information online or in the library about the problem and creates a questionnaire to investigate. 1. To get students prepared for the project, and develop their individual learning and exploring abilities. 2. To help students develop skills in collecting information via investigation.
Plan 1. Teacher asks each group to have discussions and decide how to take effective actions to solve the problems they have found through the investigation and find out the way to reach their target audience. 1. Students work in groups and figure out effective ways to solve the problem they choose. 2. Students try to think of the best way to reach their audience. 1. To help students classify information and explore effective methods. 2. To help students prepare for the campaign.
Create Teacher asks students to make a detailed plan for their campaign. Students make a detailed plan for their campaign. Consider the following aspects: (1) Date, time and location (2) Any materials you need to prepare (3) How the campaign will be carried out (4) Duties for each group member 1. To teach students to cooperate with each other. 2. To improve students’ integrated skills.
Present Teacher arranges time in later periods for students to evaluate all the plans and vote as a class for the best campaign plan. Students evaluate all the plans and vote as a class for the best campaign plan. If possible, carry out the campaign in the school. To help students practise skills in giving a presentation, and learn from each other.