选择性必修1 Unit 5 Revealing nature教学设计
单元主题 本单元主题语境是“人与自然”,涉及的主题语境内容是认识与探索自然。使学生通过学习初步了解自然,认识自然, 积极探索并努力揭示自然规律,发现自然奥秘。单元通过对生物物种、生物进化、生物的多样性、自然界植物语言奥秘等多维度的介绍,使学生初步了解物种起源、植物发展规律,引发对自然的思考,激发对自然的探索、对规律的敬畏,进而帮助学生理解人与自然和谐相处的重要意义。同时,单元通过讲述达尔文完成著作《物种起源》的故事,引导学生体会探索的艰辛,学习科学家的不畏艰难、大胆质疑、勇敢探究的科学精神和创新精神。
单元目标 学生能够围绕本单元的主题语境内容,基于本单元提供的多模态语篇,综合运用各种语言技能,掌握本单元有关动植物及生物进化的词汇及表达,听懂与自然界生物多样性相关的话题,恰当使用所学词汇与表达谈论、阐述相关话题;初步了解中外科学家对大自然的探索,获取世界不同地区的动植物信息,深化对单元主题意义的理解与挖掘;运用单元所学知识,经过比较、分析并联系自身实际,介绍与自然相关的纪录片以及世界著名的自然历史博物馆,积极探索自然,培养不断探究、不断创新的思维意识;在自主、合作、探究式学习的过程中,运用各种策略,结合单元提供的反思性和评价性问题,不断监控、评价、反思和调整自己的学习内容和进程,激发学习兴趣,提升分析问题和解决问题的能力,最终促进自身语言能力、文化意识、思维品质和学习能力的综合提升。
Starting out板块教学设计 (建议时长10–15分钟,教师可根据教学实际酌情调整。)
课型 Viewing + Speaking
主题语境 人与自然——认识与探索自然
内容分析 本板块有两个活动,活动一为科学杂志的一页,介绍三种稀有动物,引入单元主题——自然。活动二呈现了一段与单元话题自然相关的视频,帮助学生初步了解自然界中种子的传播途径。该板块旨在激活学生已有的关于自然界动植物的背景知识和语言知识,并引入新知,为单元后续话题及学习活动做铺垫和预热。
教学目标 在本板块学习结束时,学生能够: 了解三种稀有动物的基本信息,指导学生掌握关于动物的相关词汇,引入主题的同时为进一步阅读、表达作词汇铺垫; 激活已有的语言、背景知识,激发对话题的兴趣; 3. 谈论动植物相关的知识,初步探索自然。
教学重点 引导学生初步了解关于动物的相关词汇,并联系生活实际与自身经历,激发对话题的兴趣,从而为整个单元的活动做铺垫和预热。
教学难点 谈论动植物相关的知识、用新学的和积累的词汇对动物进行介绍。
教学策略 视听教学法、交际教学法
Teaching contents Procedures Purposes
Teacher’s activity Students’ activity
Activity 1 Teacher divides the students into groups before class and asks them to collect words about wildlife and information of their favourite animals. Teacher asks students to introduce their favourite animals. Teacher asks students to scan the magazine page and discuss Question1 in groups. Teacher asks some pairs to share their answers in front of the class and other students make supplements or free discussion. Teacher asks students to read the page carefully to refine relevant animal vocabulary and discuss and answer Question 2. Teacher asks students to report their outcome of the discussion, and introduce similar animals by using the new vocabulary. Students collect words about wildlife and information of their favourite animals. Students introduce their favourite animals. Students scan the magazine page and discuss Question 1 in groups. Students share their answers in front of the class and other students make supplements or free discussion. Students read the page carefully to refine relevant animal vocabulary and discuss and answer Question 2. Students report their outcome of the discussion, and introduce similar animals by using the new vocabulary. To arouse students’ interest in the three animals and draw their attention to the theme of this unit – Revealing nature.
Activity 2 Teacher plays the video and asks students to watch the video and answer how seeds travel. Teacher plays the video again and helps students to refine relevant information. Teacher asks students to answer how seeds travelling benefit plants. Teacher asks students to think about another example of seeds travelling and answer the question. Students watch the video and answer how seeds travel. Students watch the video and complete the information. Students share the information in groups and answer how seeds travelling benefit plants. Students think about another example of seeds travelling and answer the question. To make students realize ways of seeds travelling.
Understanding ideas板块教学设计 (建议时长30–35分钟,教师可根据教学实际酌情调整。)
课型 Reading
主题语境 人与自然——认识与探索自然
内容分析 该板块为本单元主体课文,体裁为记叙文,文章以时间及行程路线为线索,介绍了著名的生物科学家达尔文著名的发现之旅,此次旅行,达尔文做了大量考察研究并获取了许多关于生物进化的信息及发现,并基于此次之旅,发表了后期改变世界的著名的《物种起源》一书。读前的导入活动旨在帮助学生激活关于生物进化的相关知识及储备相应的词汇,为课文介绍达尔文及其重要发现进行学习铺垫。读中活动引导学生通过文本解读更深入地解读文章标题,理解文章内容。读后活动包括判断主旨大意、理解文章结构和细节和开放性问答等活动,引导学生进一步理解、赏析文本,体会达尔文具有重大历史意义的发现之旅,进一步探究主题意义,感受达尔文探索科学、追求真理之路的艰难与险阻,同时,也激励学生以其为榜样,学习他不畏困难,大胆质疑,勇于探索的科学精神与创新精神。
教学目标 在本板块学习结束时,学生能够: 熟悉话题语境,获取文章的主旨大意; 感知叙述类文本语篇结构及语言特点,并按照事情发展顺序梳理达尔文关于生物进化的发现之旅; 在语篇中学习和掌握与话题相关词汇并能运用所学词汇进行交流; 从达尔文的故事中体会探索的艰辛,学习科学家的不畏艰难、大胆质疑、勇敢探究的科学精神和创新精神;汲取积极的科研态度,指导实际学习生活。
教学重点 引导学生读懂语篇,理解作者的写作意图,并了解尔文关于生物进 化的发现之旅; 引导学生了解叙述类文本语篇结构及语言特点。
教学难点 1. 引导学生把握动名词与动词不定式做宾语用法并运用其进行表达; 2. 引导学生深度思考探索的艰辛,学习科学家的不畏艰难、大胆质疑、勇敢探究的科学精神和创新精神。
教学策略 P-W-P模式
Teaching contents Procedures Purposes
Teacher’s activity Students’ activity
Activity 1 Teacher guides students to brainstorm the words about plants and animals. Teacher collects answers and presents them on the blackboard. Teacher guides students to look at the pictures and answer Question 1, reviewing old words and learning new words. Teacher asks students to discuss in groups and answer Question 2. Students brainstorm the words about plants and animals. Students observe the pictures and answer Question 1, reviewing old words and learning new words. Students discuss in groups and answer the question. To understand the pictures and lead in the topic. To review old words and learn new words.
Activity 2 Teacher asks students to read the passage quickly and predict the content, referring to pictures and topic. Teacher asks students to discuss the topic in groups. Teacher asks students to check answers in groups and share effective ways of reading. Students read the passage quickly and predict the content. Students discuss in groups. Students check answers in groups and share effective ways of reading. To get the main idea of the passage.
Activity 3 Teacher asks students to read the passage individually and choose the main idea of the passage. Teacher invites some students to share their answers with the class. Students read the passage individually and choose the main idea of the passage. Some students share their answers with the class and give the reason. To train students’ ability to summarize. To help students understand the structure of the passage, thus preparing for Activity 4.
Activity 4 Teacher guides students to pay attention to the title of the puzzle pieces and try to understand the intention. Teacher asks students to put the puzzle pieces in right order. Teacher asks students to read the passage carefully and complete the detailed information. Teacher checks the answers with the class. Teacher asks the students to retell the passage according to time. Students try to understand the intention. Students put the puzzle pieces in right order. Students read the passage carefully and complete the detailed information. Students check the answers with the teacher. Students retell the passage according to time. To examine how much the students have grasped the detailed information, and cultivate students’ analyzing abilities.
Think & Share Teacher asks students to discuss and answer the questions in groups. Teacher asks individual students to answer the questions. Teacher comments and lead students to think about Darwin’s scientific spirit. Students discuss and answer the questions in groups. Students answer and talk about how to study and inherit the spirit. To deepen understanding the passage and raise their awareness of getting along well with nature.
Using language板块教学设计 (建议时长80–90分钟,教师可根据教学实际酌情调整。)
课型 Reading + Listening + Speaking
主题语境 人与自然——认识与探索自然
内容分析 本板块围绕单元“人与自然”的话题,通过多模态的形式,引领学生通过语篇、听说训练,学习单元语法、相关词汇,帮助学生从不同视角开阔视野,提升语言学习能力,巩固单元话题,进一步理解单元主题。这部分是单元话题下的词汇和听说结合的综合活动,帮助学生深度聚焦语言的意义和功能,进行真实语境下思考和交际运用,全方位提升综合语言运用水平。语法部分通过文本的语句,帮助学生总结归纳“动词的时态和语态之过去完成时”的用法并通过对袁隆平、孟德尔实验以及对龟的介绍,巩固语法及词汇知识。此外,通过听说材料介绍细胞、细菌、及地球上的一些独特物种,如:蓝鲸、 水熊、Galapagos岛的大龟、 Isabela岛上的红树林、San Cristobal上的美洲蜥蜴以及中国境内的东北虎、水杉、牦牛、胡杨树、孔雀等,帮助学生进一步了解自然界中生物的多样性,激发学生了解神奇自然,走进自然的兴趣,从而能够理解人与自热的和谐关系。
教学目标 在本板块学习结束时,学生能够: 发现并掌握“过去完成时”的概念、特点及用法,并能够在真实语境中灵活运用; 在关于生物多样性的语篇中完成词汇学习并进一步了解自然界中生物的多样性; 听懂与生物多样性、自然界相关话题,并能够恰当地运用功能表达询问信息、补充信息 ; 4. 通过运用不同的查找信息的方法了解更多关于生物多样性的相关知识,并思考这些方法的有效性,提高信息搜索能力。
教学重点 引导学生进一步了解并掌握“过去完成时”的概念、特点及用法; 引导学生学会简单表达询问信息、补充信息。
教学难点 引导学生掌握“过去完成时”的用法; 引导学生思考生物多样性的相关知识,并提高信息搜索能力。
教学策略 任务型教学法、发现教学法、交际教学法、听说教学法
Teaching contents Procedures Purposes
Teacher’s activity Students’ activity
Activity 1 Teacher asks students to find sentences a and b in the passage and pay attention to the words in bold. Then ask students to answer Questions 1–2. Teacher asks students to look for more sentences with the similar structures in the reading passage, and helps students to summarise the functions and usage of the past perfect. Teacher encourages students to use the grammar in groups and present in class. Students find the two sentences in the first box and answer Questions 1–2. Students look for more sentences with the similar structures in the reading passage, and answer what the structure had done indicate. Students use the grammar in groups and present in class. To encourage students to discover the grammar usage by themselves. To further enhance students’ understanding the functions and usage of the past perfect.
Activity 2 Teacher asks students to read the instructions, sentences and paragraphs to get the main aim and idea. Teacher guides the students to pay attention to the orders and complete Activity 2. Teacher asks some individuals to share their answers in front of the class and teacher checks the answers with the students. Students read and get the main aim and idea. Students pay attention to the orders and complete Activity 2. Students check the answers with the teacher. To get students to practise use of tenses.
Activity 3-4 Teacher asks students to read the passage and get its main idea and complete the entry with the correct form of the words. Teacher asks individual students to share their answers and the class discuss. Teacher asks students to discuss why Lonesome George disappeared. Teacher asks some students to act out a role-play in pairs using the information in Activity 3. One will play the keeper of Lonesome George, and the other will play the reporter asking about George. Students get the main idea and complete the entry with the correct form of the words. Students share their answers and the class discuss. Students discuss why Lonesome George disappeared. Students work in pairs to act out. Use the past perfect tense where appropriate. To help students consolidate the application of past perfect in authentic context.
Activity 5-7 Teacher asks students to review and learn new relevant vocabulary by creating authentic context and and prepare for the following listening practice. Teacher guides students to read the 5 sentences in Activity 5 and helps them understand their meanings, to prepare for the listening part. Teacher plays the audio and asks students to listen and finish the task in Activity 5. Discuss and check the answers in groups. Teacher asks students to listen again and get specific information to finish Activity 6. Ask the students to discuss knowledge on cell and bacterium in groups and share in class. Teacher asks students to discuss relevant sentence structures in Activity 7 and pay attention to the pragmatic function. Teacher asks students to make dialogues by using the sentence structures. Students review and learn new relevant vocabulary by creating authentic context and and prepare for the following listening practice. Students read the 5 sentences and try to understand the meanings to prepare for the listening part. Students listen and finish the task. Discuss and check the answers . Students listen again and get specific information to finish Activity 6. Discuss knowledge on cell and bacterium in groups and share in class. Students discuss relevant sentence structures in Activity 7 and pay attention to the pragmatic function. Students make dialogues by using the sentence structures. To train students to grasp key information of the listening materials, and make key notes while listening.
Activity 8 Teacher asks students to look at the pictures and video. Teacher asks students to read the materials on Page 54 respectively and answer Question 1 and 2. Teacher checks the answers with the students. Students look at the pictures and video. Students read the materials on Page 54 respectively and answer Question 1 and 2. Students check the answers with the teacher. To arouse their interest in reading. To help students know more species to enlarge their knowledge about biodiversity To help students improve their ability of getting information.
Activity 9 Teacher guides students to review the passage to consolidate. Teacher asks students to discuss the vocabulary in Activity 9 in groups. Teacher asks students to read the paragraphs on Page 55 respectively and complete the task. Teacher asks some individuals to share their answers with the class. Students review the passage to consolidate. Students discuss the vocabulary in Activity 9. Students read the paragraphs on Page 55 respectively and complete the task. The representative of each group presents their view. To consolidate vocabulary and knowledge to lead in “the Galapagos Islands”. To help students deeply understand biodiversity.
Activity 10 Teacher asks students to look at the pictures of the species native to different regions of China. Talk about biodiversity in China using the words and expressions in Activity 5 and 9. Teacher divides students into pairs and asks them to choose one species they are interested in and collect information, study and discuss its evolution and present situation according to the pictures. Teacher asks students to discuss in groups and add more information from other groups. Teacher asks students to discuss using sentence structures in Activity 7 and vocabulary in Activity 8 and 9. Teacher asks students to share what they discussed in groups and report their data, and other groups make supplements and comment. Teacher arrange homework: To introduce species in their home town. Students look at the pictures, talking about biodiversity in China. Students choose one species and collect information, study and discuss its evolution and present situation according to the pictures. Students discuss in groups and add more information from other groups. Students discuss using sentence structures in Activity 7 and vocabulary in Activity 8 and 9. Students share what they discussed in groups and report their data, and other groups make supplements and comment. Students finish the homework. To help students understand the biodiversity in China. To strengthen students’ ability of using theme-related language to express views. To consolidate and use what they have learned.
Developing ideas板块教学设计 (建议时长80–90分钟,教师可根据教学实际酌情调整。)
课型 Reading + Writing
主题语境 人与自然——认识与探索自然
内容分析 本板块呈现了从另一角度反映单元主题的课文,语篇类型为描述性说明文,以植物界语言的奥秘为题,具体介绍了自然界中不同植物之间不同的交流方式,从而使学生通过了解神奇的自然,不仅增长了自然界知识,而且还激发了其对自然的好奇心。写作部分为观察日志,鼓励学生通过学习水仙花的生长过程的日志,通过实践观察,仿写向日葵的生长过程。通过这一板块的学习,学生能够加深对自然界的理解和认识,进一步走进自然、探索自然、了解自然、欣赏自然,学会自然的和谐共生,并且初步掌握观察日志的内容特点、文体特点和写作手法。
教学目标 在本板块学习结束时,学生能够: 1 理解文章,通过完成相应的活动,掌握与主题相关的关键词汇,并能清晰叙述文本介绍的自然界植物间的几种交流方式; 2 掌握描述性说明文的文体特征,从文本结构入手,通过对文本段落的分析,在把握结构的基础上掌握主题,加深对单元主题意义的认识, 进一步了解自然,形成与自然和谐相处的积极的人生态度。
教学重点 引导学生通过阅读来把握和概括段落大意和推测作者写作意图; 培养学生描述性说明文的写作能力。
教学难点 引导学生进行描述性说明; 引导学生树立与自然和谐相处的积极的人生态度。
教学策略 P-W-P模式
Teaching contents Procedures Purposes
Teacher’s activity Students’ activity
Activity 1 Teacher asks students to look at the pictures and tick what plants can do. Teacher asks some students to share their answers with the class, and further discuss what else plants can do. Students look at the pictures and tick what plants can do. Students share their answers with the class, and further discuss what else plants can do. To guides students to focus on what plants can do and activate their interest in the study.
Activity 2 Teacher asks students to read the instruction individually and find out the special information they should pay attention to. Teacher asks students to read the information quickly and find out the answers. Teacher organized the students to answer the questions and explain if necessary. Students read the instruction individually and find out the special information they should pay attention to. Students read the information quickly and find out the answers. Students answer the questions. To train students to read a passage with tasks and find out the key information.
Activity 3 Teacher asks students to scan the diagram to get key information, paying special attention to core vocabulary. Teacher asks students to scan the passage to find out the answers by using keyword position. Teacher invites some students to share their answers with the class. Students scan the diagram to get key information, paying special attention to core vocabulary. Students scan the passage to find out the answers. Some students share their answers with the class. To encourage students to figure out the structure and author’s purpose in writing the passage.
Think & Share Teacher asks students to work in pairs to discuss the answers. Teacher asks individual students to answer the questions and other students make supplements or free discussion. Students work in pairs to discuss the answers. Some individual students answer the questions and others make supplements or free discussion. To encourage students further explore the topic and inspire them to think more about natural rules and secrets. To help students understand personification and apply the figure of speech.
Activity 4 Teacher asks students to work in groups to retell ways of plants communication by referring to the diagram in Activity 3. Teacher introduces how bees and ants communicate and asks students to discuss animals’ other ways of communication. Teacher guides students to draft their speech. Teacher asks some groups to share their speeches with the class. Other groups comment. Students work in groups to retell ways of plants communication by referring to the diagram in Activity 3. Students discuss animals’ other ways of communication. Students finish their speech by referring to their notes and books. Some groups share their speeches with the class. Other groups comment. To improve students’ speaking skills. To cultivate students’ ability of creative thinking. To help students apply what they’ve learnt in a real-life context.
Activity 5 Teacher asks students to read the journal and understand the main idea. Teacher divides the class into groups, and asks them to pick out n. / v. / adj. and adv to describe daffodil bulbs and discuss the questions. Teacher asks some groups to share their opinions with the class. Students read the journal and try to understand the main idea. Students pick out n. / v. / adj. and adv to describe daffodil bulbs and discuss the questions in groups. Some groups share their opinions with the class. To improve students’ reading skills. To understand how the daffodil bulbs grow.
Activity 6-7 Teacher ask students to sort out structure and language to clarify key points in observational journal. Teacher ask students to observe the three pictures in Activity 6 to finish the writing, using correct n. / v. adj. and adv. / to describe sunflower. Teacher asks students to present their writing and guide other students to make comment. Students sort out structure and language to clarify key points in observational journal. Students observe the three pictures in Activity 6 to finish the writing, using correct n. / v. / adj. and adv. / to describe sunflower. Some students answer the questions and other students check the answers. Students present their writing and other students make comment. To teach students how to analyse a passage, train their ability to summarise.
Presenting ideas & Reflection板块教学设计 (建议时长40–45分钟,教师可根据教学实际酌情调整。)
课型 Speaking
主题语境 人与自然——认识与探索自然
内容分析 Presenting ideas本板块要求学生介绍一部揭示自然奥秘的纪录片,回顾记录片的主要内容并说出推荐理由。通过内容和观点阐述,促使学生对所学内容进行复习,进而掌握,并在真实的情境下加以运用和实践。 Reflection板块引导学生回顾本单元所学知识,及时对自己的学习行为和效果做出评估和判断,反思自己并进行改进。
教学目标 在本板块学习结束时,学生能够: 1 从多角度了解自然界,储备相关的词汇及知识,并恰当地运用本单元所学,讲述自然 界相关的内容; 2 推荐与单元主题相关的一部优秀纪律片,从而对人与自然这一话题有更深入的理解; 3 更深刻地认识人与自然白的关系,进而帮助学生理解人与自然和谐相处的重要意义。
教学重点 引导学生了解自然界,认识人与自然白的关系从而对人与自然这一话题有更深入的理解;并恰当地运用本单元所学内容进行演讲; 引导学生根据学生用书中的评价内容评估自己的学习表现。
教学难点 引导学生学会了解自然,形成与自然和谐相处的积极的人生态度; 引导学生在自我评价分析的基础上确定自己要改进和提高的方面。
教学策略 任务型教学法、交际教学法
Teaching contents Procedures Purposes
Teacher’s activity Students’ activity
Presenting ideas
Activity 1 Teacher asks students to work in groups to discuss the four pictures to discover the secrets of nature. Teacher asks groups to share their outcomes and give the reasons. Other groups make supplements or free discussion. Teacher asks students to brainstorm their favourite nature documentary and give their reasons. Students work in groups to discuss the four pictures to discover the secrets of nature. Students share their outcomes and give their reasons. Other groups make supplements or free discussion. Students brainstorm their favourite natural documentary and give their reasons. To encourage students to think actively and express themselves bravely.
Activity 2-4 Teacher asks students to decide what their group are going to introduce according to Activity 1. Teacher asks students to discuss documentaries in groups, writing down key information and sort out notes to make preparations for presentation. Teacher asks students to introduce and choose the best one in their groups. Teacher asks the representatives of each group to share their documentary. Students decide what their group are going to introduce according to Activity 1. Students discuss documentaries in groups, writing down key information and sort out notes, considering useful words, expressions and structures to make preparations for presentation. Students present their documentary in their group. The representatives of each group share their documentary. To guide students to understand the topic correctly and pay attention to language expression as well as the logic of the content.
Reflection Teacher asks students to evaluate themselves. Teacher asks students to recall what they’ve learned in this unit. Teacher asks students to think about what they need to improve and how to improve it. Students evaluate themselves. Students summarise what they’ve learnt. Students their think about what they need to improve and how to improve it. To help students evaluate their performance, review the unit, and think about ways to improve.
Project板块教学设计 (此部分教师可根据教学实际酌情处理。)
课型 Speaking
主题语境 人与自然——认识与探索自然
内容分析 本单元的项目实践活动要求学生开展调研,了解世界上著名的自然历史博物馆,并对其进行全面的介 绍,唤醒大家探索自然历史的意识。学生在教师的指导下,综合运用本单元所学,自主合作,有效 完成开放型任务,进一步挖掘人与自然的主题语境,发展综合语言运用能力。
教学目标 在本板块学习结束时,学生能够: 1 了解自然历史博物馆的不同方面(国家、名称、特色、设施、馆藏等),能够自主选择合适的设计和呈现方式介绍自然博物馆; 2 通过多种途径查询博物馆的相关信息,开展合作探究,提升沟通、协作能力; 3 将研究、体验相结合,解决生活中的实际问题,从而提高调研、计划、再创等实践能力; 4 关注自然、热爱自然,形成与自然和谐相处的意识。
教学重点 引导学生了解自然历史博物馆的不同方面(国家、名称、特 色、设施、馆藏等),能够自主选择合适的设计和呈现方式介绍自然博物馆;幻灯片进行分享; 引导学生关注自然、热爱自然,形成与自然和谐相处的意识。
教学难点 引导学生综合运用本单元所学知识,有效完成开放型任务; 引导学生对关注自然、热爱自然,形成与自然和谐相处的主题做进一步探索。
教学策略 任务型教学法
Teaching contents Procedures Purposes
Teacher’s activity Students’ activity
Investigate (In the previous class) Teacher asks students to go online to find information about natural history museums. Teacher asks students to work in groups, and tell about the natural museums they searched and choose one to do further research. (In the previous class) Students find information about natural history museums online and make notes. Students work in groups, and tell about the natural museums they searched and choose one to do further research. To get students to prepare for the project, and develop their individual learning and exploring abilities.
Plan: Teacher asks each group to gather relevant information about the chosen museum. Teacher asks students to discuss in groups and make notes about its features, items facilities, services and routes. Teacher asks each group to collect latest information of activities and shows. Each group gather relevant information about the chosen museum. Students discuss in groups and make notes about its features, items facilities, services and routes.. Each group collects latest information of activities and shows. To help students prepare for the presentation.
Create Teacher asks students to search for photos and other pictures related to the museum. Teacher guides each group to make a complete report and set up the presentation. Students search for photos and other pictures related to the museum. Students make a complete report and set up the presentation. To teach students to cooperate with each other.
Present Teacher encourages each group to present their museums to the class. Other students make comments. Teacher asks the whole class to vote for the museum the class would most like to visit. Each group presents their museums to the class. Other students make comments. Students vote for the museum the class would most like to visit. To help students learn from each other.