人教版(2019)必修第一册Unit 3 Sports and fitness Language points 课件(共37张)


名称 人教版(2019)必修第一册Unit 3 Sports and fitness Language points 课件(共37张)
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文件大小 2.7MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-09-01 20:13:09



1. They must be athletes who are masters in their sports and also set good examples for others.
master n. someone who is very skilled at something 大师;能手
a man who has control or authority over servants or workers 主人
vt. to learn a skill or a language so well that you have no difficulty with it 掌握,精通
to manage to control a strong emotion 控制住〔强烈的情绪
Runyon was a master of the short story.
I never quite mastered the art of walking in high heels.
Study hard, and you will master it.
He had learned to master his fear of heights.
a work of art by a true master
a master at (doing) sth. (做)某事的高手
be your own master 自己做主
master new skills/techniques 掌握新的技能/技术
set an example to behave in a way that other people should copy 树立榜样
He sets an example to the other students.
It’s my duty as a teacher to set an example to my students.
follow the example of = follow one’s example
make an example of sb. 惩罚(某人)以警戒他人
Tom has decided to follow the example of his father and study law.
The headmaster decided to make an example of the pupil and expel (开除) him from the school.
1)Determined to __________________(自己做主),Simmons quit in 2008 and started working freelance(自由职业).
2) I managed to ___________________(克服恐惧)
1) 你应该给你的弟弟树立好的榜样。
2) 约翰效仿哥哥也开办了一家小公司。
be his own master
master my fears
You should set a good example to your younger brother.
John followed his brother’s example and also set up a small company.
2. Here are our first two choices.
Here引起的完全倒装句,结构:Here/ There/ Now/ Then+谓语动词+主语(名词)
Here comes our teacher.
Here they come.
1) 表示方位或时间的副词(here, there, now, then, in, out, up, down等)位于句首作状语,谓语动词常为be, go, come, remain, lie, stand等。
In came our teacher.
2) 表示方位的介词短语位于句首时。
At the foot of the mountain lies a small village.
3) 在主系表结构中,出于强调的目的,把表语提前。
Happy are those who made it.
1) – Is everyone here
– Not yet. Look, _______________ (来了) the rest of our guests!
2) _____________ (接着来了) the moment that we were looking forward to.
3) ______________ (这就是) the book you’re looking for.
here come
Then come
Here is
3. As a player, Lang Ping brought honour and glory to her country.
honour n. a quality that combines respect, being proud, and honesty 荣誉
high respect 尊敬
vt. to feel very proud and pleased 尊敬
to show publicly that someone is respected and admired, especially by praising them or giving them an award for something they have done 给以荣誉
feel it an honour to do sth. 感觉做某事很荣幸
it is an honour to do sth. 做某事是一种荣幸
in honour of 为了向……表示敬意;为了纪念……
be / feel honoured to do sth. 感觉做某事很荣幸
be honoured for 因……而受尊敬
be honoured as 被尊为……
We fought for the honour of our country.
An oak tree was planted in honour of the occasion.
We are here today to honour the people who gave their lives to our country.
I am honoured to have a speech here.
We fought for the honour of our country.
Two American surgeons were last week honoured with the Nobel Prize for Medicine and Physiology.
An oak tree was planted in honour of the occasion.
We are here today to honour the people who gave their lives to our country.
I am honoured to have a speech here.
1) 这只是为纪念我生日举办的一个聚会。
2) 能被邀请到这里来作演讲,我感到很荣幸。
3) 能跟你共进晚餐是我的荣幸。
It is only a party in honour of my birthday.
I felt greatly honoured to be invited here to give a speech.
It is my honour to have dinner with you.
4. When the Chinese team was preparing for the 2015 World Cup, her determination was tested.
determination n. a fixed intention or resolution 决心
the decision or pronouncement made 决定
He fought the illness with courage and determination.
I admire her determination to get it right.
determine v. 决定;下定决心
determine to do sth. 决定/决心做某事
determine on (doing) sth. 决定 (做)某事
determine sb. to do sth. 使某人下决心做某事
determined adj. 有决心的;坚定的
be determined to do sth. 决心做某事
Your health is determined partly by what you eat.
On entering the senior high school, Joe determined to study hard.
I am determined to get this piece of work done today.
1) It takes hard work and ______________ (determine) to reach the goals that we want to achieve.
2) As a determined reporter, Peter determines ________ (cover) the event.
3) I have determined _____ going to the countryside after graduating from college.
4) He was ____________ (determine) look suggested that he wouldn’t change his mind.
to cover
5. The team that Lang Ping had built was falling apart.
fall apart break; fall to pieces 破碎
separate in a relationship 关系破裂
fall asleep 入睡
fall behind 落后
fall off 掉头;脱落
fall down 倒下
fall out (头发等)脱落;争吵
1) 他丢了工作,婚姻也破裂了。
2) 许多校舍不安全,有些简直是摇摇欲坠。
One year, through a series of unhappy events, it all fell apart.
When I come in, he pretended to have fallen asleep.
He lost his job and his marriage fell apart.
Many school buildings are unsafe, and some are falling apart.
1) Some persons gain a goal and direction from their tension(紧张); others ____________(崩溃) under pressure.
2) The drugs made her hair ________ (脱落) and she was very annoyed about it.
3) His little brother was ill for more than six weeks and __________ (落后) with his schoolwork.
4) When she finally __________ (入睡), she began to dream.
fall apart
fall out
fell behind
fell asleep
6. One of the best players had been injured, and the team captain had to leave because of heart problems.
had been injured是过去完成时被动语态。过去完成时态指先于过去某动作发生前完成的动作,即“过去的过去”,用“had+过去分词”表示。在这里,had been injured与后半句the team captain had to leave… 形成参照,指这名优秀队员受伤在前,队长因心脏问题离队在后。
injure vt. harm or impair (something) 损害
suffer physical harm or damage to (a part of one's body) 受伤
injure one’s feelings / pride 伤害某人的自尊/情感
be badly injured 严重受伤
injury n. 受伤处,伤口;损害,伤害
injury to sb./ sth. 对……的伤害
do sb. an injury 伤害某人
suffer / get / receive an injury 受伤
injured adj. 受伤的;有伤的
the injured 伤员(作主语时一般看作复数)
The boy fell off his bike and injured his leg.
She injured her friend’s feelings by laughing at him in public.
He was badly injured when he was cycling along the valley.
The passengers were lucky to escape without injury.
The comment was an injury to the singer’s pride.
She was told to stay in bed to rest her injured back.
1) He suffered ________ (injure) to his legs and arms when he fell off the tree.
2) Luckily, the _______ (injure) were soon taken to the hospital.
3) _______________ (injure) in the leg made it impossible for me to walk as fast as usual.
4) Be careful with that knife, or you’ll do yourself ______ injury.
Being injured
injure 多指在意外事故中受伤,也可指使名誉、自尊等受损伤
wound 指在战斗、攻击中受伤;多指枪伤、刀伤、刺伤等皮肉之伤
hurt 多指精神上受到伤害,也可指身体上的疼痛
harm 伤害人的健康、权利、事业等
injure, wound, hurt, harm
【语境应用】辨析填空: injure, hurt, wound与harm。
1) He ignored her on purpose, which ________ her feelings.
2) Reading in the sun will _______ your eyes.
3) Five people were killed and many others were seriously _________ in the attack.
4) Luckily, she was not badly _________ in the accident and we took her to the nearest hospital.
7. Losing two important players was a big challenge, but Lang Ping did not lose heart.
Never lose heart and believe everything will be better in the future.
People may lose heart as the work mounts up.
lose hear to stop believing that you can succeed
lose face 丢脸
lose weight 减肥
lose control 失去控制
lose touch 失去联系
lose one’s way 迷路
lose one’s sight 失明
lose one’s temple 发脾气
lose one’s heart 爱上
heart and soul 全心全意地
learn… by heart 背诵;牢记
break one’s heart 伤某人心
put one’s heart into 对……全力以赴;专心于
1) Although their house lay in ruins in the earthquake, the family never ______________ (丧失信心).
2) The boy ______________ (爱上) books and didn’t care about other things.
3) __________________ (专心于) your work, and you’ll succeed in time.
4) You should _________ English words _________ (背诵). Only in this way can you enlarge your vocabulary.
5) She _________________ (发脾气) with a customer and shouted at him.
lost heart
lost his heart to
put your heart into
learn by heart
lost her temper
8. Jordan’s skills were impressive, but the mental strength that he showed made him unique.
strength n. the physical power and energy that makes someone strong 力量
physical power and energy 体力
build up one’s strength 增加体力
a man of great strength 一个力气大的人
have strength to do sth. 有力气做某事
with all one’s strength 用尽某人全身的力气
strength and weakness 强项和弱项
strong adj. 强大的,坚强的,坚固的
strengthen v. 加强,强化,巩固
1) To make members of a team perform better, the trainer has to know their __________ (strength) and weaknesses.
2) ____________ (strength) our friendship, we’d better keep in touch with each other.
3) 夏天使我精力充沛,我感觉我有力量做生活中最困难的事情。
Summer makes me full of energy and I feel ___________________________________________________.
I have the strength to do the most difficult things in my life
To strengthen
9. Losing games taught him to practise harder and never give up.
give up cannot do something and stop trying to do it
give up smoking 戒烟
give up one’s job 放弃工作
give up easily 轻易放弃
give up doing sth. 放弃做某事
give away 分发,捐赠;泄露,背叛
give back 还给,恢复(健康等)
give in 交上,让步
give in to 屈服于;向……让步
give off 散发(液体、气体等)
give out 分发;散发;公开,宣布消息等;
1) When they saw that they were surrounded by the enemy, they __________.
2) That weekend, we went to a nearby neighborhood and __________ a lot of money to the people there.
3) The bad apples ___________ a bad smell.
4) The argument went on for hours because neither side would ___________.
gave up
gave away
are giving off
give in
10. The Boys and Girls Club which he started in Chicago has been helping young people since 1996.
本句主句时态为现在完成进行时,这一时态主要用于表示过去开始并一直延续的动作,可能刚刚停 止,也可能还在进行。
How long have you been waiting here
He has been running since 4:00 p.m., but doesn't want to stop at all.
他从下午四点开始跑,丝毫不 愿停下来。