人教版(2019)必修第一册Unit 5 Languages around the world辅导(素材+学案)


名称 人教版(2019)必修第一册Unit 5 Languages around the world辅导(素材+学案)
格式 zip
文件大小 78.6KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-09-01 20:25:38


Scan for specific information
1. When did different forms of writing system appear
2. When was the writing system unified
首先我们来看第一个问题,由问题中的关键词different forms,我们可以快速锁定关键信息位于第三段,通读全段可知,different forms应该出现在between the Shang Dynasty and the Qin Dynasty。接下来我们看第二个问题,由问题中的关键词unified,我们可以快速锁定第四段,再由Emperor Qinshihuang united ... where the Chinese writing system began to develop in one direction可知,the writing system was unified in the Qin Dynasty。
Languages 1. official languages ____________________ 2. native language ____________________ 3. ____________________ 外语学习 4. the Chinese writing system ____________________ 5. ____________________ 发展成不同的形式 6. an art form ____________________ 7. ____________________ 中国书法 8. ____________________ 方言和汉字的诸多变体 9. become an important part of Chinese culture ____________________
Time 10. ____________________ 在它的历史中 11. at the beginning ____________________ 12. by the Shang Dynasty ____________________ 13. over the years ____________________ 14. ____________________ 在现代 15. in ancient times ____________________ 16. ____________________ 追溯到几千年前
Others 17. lead to ____________________ 18. ____________________ 兴衰 19. ____________________ 涉及;谈到;与……相关 20. no matter where, who, what, etc. ____________________ 21. refer to ____________________ 22. play a greater role in global affairs ____________________ 23. ____________________ 观点;看法
1. 官方语言
2. 母语
3. foreign language learning
4. 汉字书写体系
5. develop into different forms
6. 一种艺术形式
7. Chinese calligraphy
8. many varieties of dialects and characters
9. 成为中国文化的一个重要部分
10. in its history
11. 最初
12. 到商代
13. 多年来
14. in modern times
15. 在古代
16. date back several thousand years
17. 导致
18. ups and downs
19. relate to
20. 不论……;不管……
21. 提到;指的是;查阅;描述
22. 在全球事务中扮演着更重要的角色
23. point of view如何写关于英语学习的博文
注意:词数100 左右。
1. be poor in ...
2. have difficulty with ...
3. My biggest headache is ...
4. ... is my biggest problem.
5. ... is hard for me.
6. I find it difficult for me to ...
7. I have met some trouble in ...
1. read widely
2. think in English
3. keep a diary in English
4. use the words properly
5. learn lexical chunks rather than single words
6. learn something about word formation
7. read simplified classic works
8. guess the meaning of an unfamiliar word
9. memorise grammar rules and do a lot of exercises
10. From my point of view, to improve ..., there is no better way than ...
11. One way to do that is ... The other way is to ...
12. Firstly, you should ... Also, you should ...
13. One of the best ways to ... is to ...
14. ... is a good way of learning English.
15. take part in the English Corner
1. develop one’s interest
2. improve one’s reading ability
3. form the / a habit of reading
4. enlarge / expand one’s vocabulary
5. practise one’s oral / spoken English
6. express oneself in English fluently
7. improve writing skills
8. It’s of great importance to ...
9. I benefit a lot from ...
10. have a good command of ...
11. have a good knowledge of English
12. make great progress
★Ask for advice
1. Would you like to ... so that ...
2. Would you mind ...
3. Would you be so kind to tell me ...
4. Could you please ...
5. I would appreciate it if ...
6. I would be grateful if you could send me information concerning ...
Knowing that you are asking for advice on how to improve your English writing, I’m more than glad to offer you some suggestions.
A good way to improve your writing is to read some good articles, through which, not only can you broaden your horizons, but also enlarge your vocabulary. To keep a journal is another useful way to improve your writing. It is natural for beginners to make mistakes in writing, but don’t worry. Finding out the reason why you make these mistakes will help you avoid the same mistakes and enable you to write better.
Hopefully, my advice will be helpful to you.
Many teenagers are faced with the problem of improving their English when they are writing. The problem is easy to solve if you take my advice.
To begin with, it is necessary to enlarge your vocabulary, because it will lay a good foundation for writing. Next, you can practise writing on topics that interest you. Because you are interested in the topic you can deal with the difficulties more easily. Last but not least, never be afraid of making mistakes. Language learning is a process built around making and correcting mistakes.
Hope that my advice will be of some service to you.语篇顺序之时间顺序
在本文中,作者行文整体采用了时间顺序。表示时间的词语At the beginning, By the Shang Dynasty, Over the years, the Qin Dynasty, Today构成了一条完整的时间链,使全文脉络清晰,自然顺畅。
此外,作者在按照时间顺序说明汉字书写体系的发展时,并非一味地罗列,也采用了过渡句,使得行文更为流畅。如第三段最后一句:This, however, changed under Emperor Qinshihuang of the Qin Dynasty (221-207 BCE),该句起着承上启下的作用,句中的This指代上文的the system developed into different forms,而changed以及Emperor Qinshihuang of the Qin Dynasty自然引出第四段秦朝时汉字书写体系的发展变化。