Unit 1 Teenage Life 讲义 Part One - Words and Expressions(学生版+教师版)


名称 Unit 1 Teenage Life 讲义 Part One - Words and Expressions(学生版+教师版)
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版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-09-03 08:55:38


Unit 1 Teenage Life
Part One - Words and Expressions
teenager [ tined (r)] n. ( 13至19岁之间的)青少年
【词汇扩展】teenage [ tined ] adj. 十几岁的(指13-19岁);青少年的
ballet [ b le ] n. 芭蕾舞
volunteer [ vɑl n t r] n. 志愿者 vi./vt. 自愿做,无偿做
【词汇扩展】voluntary adj. 自愿的
【短语】volunteer to do sth. 自愿做某事 volunteer for 自愿
debate [d be t] n./vt. 辩论;争论
cn./un. 辩论;争论,讨论
【短语】It’s still under debate whether the old bus station should be replaced with a new hotel or not.
under debate 正在讨论中
a heated/lively debate (on/about/over...) 一场激烈的(关于...的讨论)
vt./vi. (尤指正式)讨论,辩论
【短语】debate (with sb. ) about/on sth. (与某人)讨论某事
They debated _______ (prep.) each other what courses they should take in the coming year. with
The suggestion of building a new library in a city is still _______ (prep.) debate. under
There has been ____ heated debate _______ (prep.) whether the public can use the University’s sports field. a; on/about/over
prefer - preferred - preferred - preferring [pr f (r)] vt. 较喜欢
prefer 相当于like better 不能再与比较级连用;不能用进行时
【词汇扩展】preferable adj. 更可取的,更合适的 preference un. 偏爱,爱好 cn. 偏爱的事物
a preference for 对...的偏爱 in preference to 而不是
We can eat out, but I would prefer staying/to stay home. ___________________________ 更喜欢做某事
prefer doing / to do sth.
I would prefer you to drive if you don't mind. ________________________________希望某人做某事
prefer sb. to do sth.
Many people prefer paper bags to plastic ones. __________________________________ 与B相比更喜欢A
prefer A to B
I prefer doing voluntary work to hanging out in the city. ___________________________ 与做B相比更喜欢做A
prefer doing A to doing B
I prefer to walk there rather than go by a car. = I would rather walk there than go by car. = I would walk there rather than go by car. _________________ = ________________ = _________________宁愿做A不愿做B
prefer to do A rather than do B; would rather do A than do B; would do A rather than do B
We must prefer ________ (say) yes to the request要求 of someone we know and like. saying/to say
My grandparents prefer ______ (live) in the countryside rather than ______ (move) to the town.
to live; move
I can't say which type of tea tastes better, it's just a matter of personal _______ (prefer). preference
Unlike fast-food places, fine dining shops prefer customers ______ (stay) longer and spend. to stay
content [ k ntent ]
un. (书、讲话、节目等的);主题内容,目录(常用复数) 【短语】predict content 预测主题
adj. 满足的,满意的,愿意的
【短语】be/feel content with 对...满足/满意 be content to do sth. = be willing to do sth. 愿意做某事
vt. 满足,使满足
We should never content ourselves with book knowledge only.
content oneself with ... 满足于...,使(某人)自己对...感到满足
【词汇扩展】contentment un. 满意,满足
When you are old and look back on your life, will you be content ____ the way things turn out with
From Tao Yuanming’s poetry, we can learn that he succeeded in finding ________ (content) in drawing pleasure from nature. contentment
movement [ mu vm nt] n. 动作;运动;活动
【词汇扩展】move v. 移动,变化,搬家 moving adj. 感人的 moved adj. 感动的
greenhouse [ ɡri nha s] n. 温室;暖房
【短语】greenhouse effect 温室效应 greenhouse gases 温室气体
clean up 打扫(或清除)干净
【短语扩展】clean-up n. 清扫,清除(污染物),清理,整顿 the clean-up of the river
【形近短语辨析】clear up 清理,放晴
suitable [ su t bl] adj. 合适的;适用的
【词汇扩展】suit vt. 相配,合身,对...方便 cn. 西装,套装 unsuitable adj. 不合适的
【短语】be suitable for sb./sth. 适合某人/某物 be suitable to do sth. 适合做某事
be unsuitable for...不适合...
actually [ kt u li] adv. 事实上;的确
【词汇扩展】actual adj. 实际的,事实的
【短语】in actual 事实上
challenge [ t l nd ]
n. 挑战;艰巨任务
【短语】face the challenge 面临挑战 accept/rise to/take up a challenge 接受挑战 meet a challenge迎接挑战
【短语】challenge sb. (to sth.) 向某人挑战(某事) challenge sb to do sth. 向某人挑战做某事
challenge the fact that 对...的事实提出异议
【词汇扩展】challenger cn. 挑战者 challenging adj. 挑战性的
title [ ta tl] n. (书、诗歌等的)名称;标题;职称;头衔
topic [ t p k] n. 话题;标题
【词汇扩展】topic sentence 主题句
freshman [ fre m n] n. (中学)九年级学生;(大学)一年级新生
sophomore n. 大二学生 junior student 大三学生 senior student 大四学生
confuse [k n fj z] vt. 使糊涂;使迷惑;(将...)混淆
【词汇扩展】confusing adj. 难以理解的,不清楚的 confused adj. 迷惑的,糊涂的,混乱的 confusion cn./un. 困惑
【短语】confuse A with/and B 将A和B混合 be confused about 对...感到困惑 in confusion 困窘地
We can conclude总结 from Tom’s _______ look that he is ________ about this ________ problem.(confuse)
confused; confused; confusing
fluent [ flu nt] adj. (尤指外语)流利的;熟练的
【词汇扩展】fluency n. 流畅,流利(尤指外语) fluently adv. 流利地
【短语】be fluent in ... ....流利
graduate [ ɡr d ue t]
n. 毕业生,大学毕业生
Going to college is one of the choices for us students after we graduate from high school.
vt./vi. (瞬间动词)毕业;获得学位
【短语】graduate in 毕业于...专业 graduate from 毕业于...学校
【词汇扩展】graduation un. 毕业 un./cn. 毕业典礼 undergraduate cn. 本科生
postgraduate cn.研究生
My sister graduated _______ (prep.) physics _______(prep.) Wuhan University in 2017. I still remember the day when we went to her ________ (graduate). in; from; graduation
recommend [ rek m nd]
vt. 建议;劝告
【短语】recommend doing sth. 建议做某事 recommend sb. to do sth. 建议某人做某事
recommend (that) + 句子(从句要用虚拟语气,即should +V原,should 可以省略)
When Lily planned a trip to America, her father recommended (that) she (should) go there by plane.
vt. 推荐,举荐
【短语】recommend sth. to sb. 把某物推荐给某人 recommend sb. as/for 推荐某人担任
【词汇扩展】recommendation cn. 正式建议,提议 un./cn. 推荐
【短语】a letter of recommendation 推荐信
I recommend you _______ (follow) the instructions说明书 when filling in the form. to follow
I would like to recommend this book ______ (prep.) those who are interested in travelling. to
As for presents, I recommend that you ______ (select选择) some well designed ones and they don't need to be expensive. select
Our host shared many of their experiences and ___________ (recommend) the wonderful places to visit. recommendation
sign up (for sth) 报名(参加课程)
advance [ d vɑ ns]
cn. (尤指武装部队的)前进,行进 cn./un. 进步,进展
【短语】in advance = ahead of time 预先,事先 in advance of (时间上)在...之前;(发展上)超前
make an advance in/make advances in 在...方面取得进展
vi. 前进 vt. 促进 vi./vt. 发展
【词汇扩展】advanced adj. 高级的,高等的,先进的
【短语】advanced technology 先进技术
As we develop more _______ (advance) AI technology, we would have to use new ways of communicating with that technology. advanced
literature [ l tr t (r)] n. 文学;文学作品
【词汇扩展】literal adj. 文字上的 literary adj. 文学的 literate adj. 识字的 illiterate adj. 不识字的 illiteracy n. 文盲
extra [ ekstr ] adj. 额外的;附加的
【词汇扩展】extra-curricular [ ekstr k r kjul r] n. 课外的;课程以外的
obviously [ bvi sli]] adv. 显然;明显地
【词汇扩展】obvious adj. 明显的
quit [kw t] vi./vt. 停止;戒掉;离开(工作职位、学校等)
【短语】quit (doing) sth. 停止做某事 quit school 退学 quit as ... 辞去...职务 quit one’s job 辞职
responsible [r sp ns bl] adj. 负责的;有责任的
【词汇扩展】responsibility [r sp ns b l ti] un./cn. 责任;义务 irresponsible adj. 不负责任的
responsibly adv. 认真负责地
【短语】accept/shoulder/take on the responsibility for 对...承担责任 be responsible for 对……负责
solution [s lu n] n. 解决办法;答案
【词汇扩展】solve v. 解决
schedule [ sked u l]
n. 工作计划;日程安排
【短语】a class/train schedule 课程表/列车时刻表 a busy/full schedule 紧张忙碌的日程安排
ahead of schedule = ahead of time = in advance 提前 behind schedule(比预定时间)落后
on schedule = on time 按时
vt. 安排;预定
【短语】The English speech contest is scheduled for next Friday afternoon.
The sports meeting of our school is scheduled to take place at the end of the month.
be schedule for + 时间 安排在某个时间 be scheduled to do sth. 预定做某事
editor [ ed t (r)] n. 主编;编辑;编者
【词汇扩展】edit v. 编辑
plate [ple t] n. 盘子;碟子
【形近词辨析】plant v. 种植,n.植物 plan n./v. 计划 plane n. 飞机 planet n. 行星
adventure [ d v nt (r)] cn. 冒险;奇遇
【词汇扩展】adventurous adj. 有冒险精神的 adventurer n. 冒险家
youth [j θ] n. 青年时期;青春
【词汇扩展】young adj. 年轻的
【短语】in one’s youth 在某人年轻的时候
survival [s va vl] un. 生存;幸存;cn. 幸存事物
【短语】survival skills 生存技巧
expert [ eksp t] n./adj. 专家;行家;熟练的;内行的;专家的
【短语】an expert at/in/on (doing) sth. (做)某事的专家
be/become expert at/in/on (doing) sth. 擅长/变得擅长做某事
behaviour [b he vj (r)] n. 行为;举止
【词汇扩展】behave v. 表现,表现得体well-behaved adj. 表现好的 badly-behaved adj. 表现糟糕的
【短语】behave oneself 守规矩,行为检点 behave well/badly 举止得当/不得当
generation [ d en re n] n. 一代人
【短语】generation by generation 一代又一代 young generation 青年一代 generation gap 代沟
attract [ tr kt] vt. 吸引;引起……的注意(或兴趣)
【词汇扩展】attraction un/ 吸引力 un. 有吸引力的事 attractive adj. 有吸引力的,吸引人的
【短语】attract one’s attention/interest 引起某人的注意/兴趣 attract ... to ... 引起...对...的兴趣
be attracted by 被...吸引 tourist attraction 旅游胜地 be attractive to 对...有吸引力
have much attention for sb. 对某人来说很有吸引力
As one of the most ________ places, Mount Wuyi ________ millions of tourists each year. And one of its most famous tourist _________ is the Nine Bend River.(attract) attractive; attracts; attractions
Last year many visitors ________ (attract) to Harbin to see the huge sculptures雕塑 made of huge ice blocks and tons of snow by artist from 12 countries. were attracted
As one of the four great ancient civilizations, China is attractive ________ (prep.) foreigners. to
focus [ f k s]
vi./vt. 集中(精力、注意力等);(使)调节焦距
【短语】focus one’s attention/energy/mind 集中某人的注意力/精力/心思 focus one’s eyes on 注视
cn. 重点;焦点;中心
【短语】the focus of attention 关注的焦点 bring ... into focus 使...成为焦点
【词汇扩展】focused adj. 注意力集中的,目标明确的
addict [ d kt] cn. 对……入迷的人;吸毒成瘾的人
【词汇扩展】addicted [ d kt d] adj. 有瘾的;上瘾的;入迷的 addiction cn./un. 瘾,入迷 addictive adj. 使人上瘾的
【短语】be/become addicted to 对...上瘾,沉溺于 Internet addiction 网瘾
adult [ d lt] n./adj. 成年人;成年的;成熟的
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" 21世纪教育网(www.21cnjy.com)Unit 1 Teenage Life Book One
Unit 1 Teenage Life
Part One - Words and Expressions
teenager [ tined (r)] n. ( 13至19岁之间的)青少年
【词汇扩展】teenage [ tined ] adj. 十几岁的(指13-19岁);青少年的
ballet [ b le ] n. 芭蕾舞
volunteer [ vɑl n t r] n. 志愿者 vi./vt. 自愿做,无偿做
【词汇扩展】voluntary adj. 自愿的
【短语】volunteer to do sth. 自愿做某事 volunteer for 自愿
debate [d be t] n./vt. 辩论;争论
cn./un. 辩论;争论,讨论
【短语】It’s still under debate whether the old bus station should be replaced with a new hotel or not.
under debate 正在讨论中
a heated/lively debate (on/about/over...) 一场激烈的(关于...的讨论)
vt./vi. (尤指正式)讨论,辩论
【短语】debate (with sb. ) about/on sth. (与某人)讨论某事
They debated _______ (prep.) each other what courses they should take in the coming year.
The suggestion of building a new library in a city is still _______ (prep.) debate.
There has been ____ heated debate _______ (prep.) whether the public can use the University’s sports field.
prefer - preferred - preferred - preferring [pr f (r)] vt. 较喜欢
prefer 相当于like better 不能再与比较级连用;不能用进行时
【词汇扩展】preferable adj. 更可取的,更合适的 preference un. 偏爱,爱好 cn. 偏爱的事物
a preference for 对...的偏爱 in preference to 而不是
We can eat out, but I would prefer staying/to stay home. ___________________________ 更喜欢做某事
I would prefer you to drive if you don't mind. ________________________________希望某人做某事
Many people prefer paper bags to plastic ones. __________________________________ 与B相比更喜欢A
I prefer doing voluntary work to hanging out in the city. ___________________________ 与做B相比更喜欢做A
I prefer to walk there rather than go by a car. = I would rather walk there than go by car. = I would walk there rather than go by car. _________________ = ________________ = _________________宁愿做A不愿做B
We must prefer ________ (say) yes to the request要求 of someone we know and like.
My grandparents prefer ______ (live) in the countryside rather than ______ (move) to the town.
I can't say which type of tea tastes better, it's just a matter of personal _______ (prefer).
Unlike fast-food places, fine dining shops prefer customers ______ (stay) longer and spend.
content [ k ntent ]
un. (书、讲话、节目等的);主题内容,目录(常用复数) 【短语】predict content 预测主题
adj. 满足的,满意的,愿意的
【短语】be/feel content with 对...满足/满意 be content to do sth. = be willing to do sth. 愿意做某事
vt. 满足,使满足
We should never content ourselves with book knowledge only.
content oneself with ... 满足于...,使(某人)自己对...感到满足
【词汇扩展】contentment un. 满意,满足
When you are old and look back on your life, will you be content ____ the way things turn out
From Tao Yuanming’s poetry, we can learn that he succeeded in finding ________ (content) in drawing pleasure from nature.
movement [ mu vm nt] n. 动作;运动;活动
【词汇扩展】move v. 移动,变化,搬家 moving adj. 感人的 moved adj. 感动的
greenhouse [ ɡri nha s] n. 温室;暖房
【短语】greenhouse effect 温室效应 greenhouse gases 温室气体
clean up 打扫(或清除)干净
【短语扩展】clean-up n. 清扫,清除(污染物),清理,整顿 the clean-up of the river
【形近短语辨析】clear up 清理,放晴
suitable [ su t bl] adj. 合适的;适用的
【词汇扩展】suit vt. 相配,合身,对...方便 cn. 西装,套装 unsuitable adj. 不合适的
【短语】be suitable for sb./sth. 适合某人/某物 be suitable to do sth. 适合做某事
be unsuitable for...不适合...
actually [ kt u li] adv. 事实上;的确
【词汇扩展】actual adj. 实际的,事实的
【短语】in actual 事实上
challenge [ t l nd ]
n. 挑战;艰巨任务
【短语】face the challenge 面临挑战 accept/rise to/take up a challenge 接受挑战 meet a challenge迎接挑战
【短语】challenge sb. (to sth.) 向某人挑战(某事) challenge sb to do sth. 向某人挑战做某事
challenge the fact that 对...的事实提出异议
【词汇扩展】challenger cn. 挑战者 challenging adj. 挑战性的
title [ ta tl] n. (书、诗歌等的)名称;标题;职称;头衔
topic [ t p k] n. 话题;标题
【词汇扩展】topic sentence 主题句
freshman [ fre m n] n. (中学)九年级学生;(大学)一年级新生
sophomore n. 大二学生 junior student 大三学生 senior student 大四学生
confuse [k n fj z] vt. 使糊涂;使迷惑;(将...)混淆
【词汇扩展】confusing adj. 难以理解的,不清楚的 confused adj. 迷惑的,糊涂的,混乱的 confusion cn./un. 困惑
【短语】confuse A with/and B 将A和B混合 be confused about 对...感到困惑 in confusion 困窘地
We can conclude总结 from Tom’s _______ look that he is ________ about this ________ problem.(confuse)
fluent [ flu nt] adj. (尤指外语)流利的;熟练的
【词汇扩展】fluency n. 流畅,流利(尤指外语) fluently adv. 流利地
【短语】be fluent in ... ....流利
graduate [ ɡr d ue t]
n. 毕业生,大学毕业生
Going to college is one of the choices for us students after we graduate from high school.
vt./vi. (瞬间动词)毕业;获得学位
【短语】graduate in 毕业于...专业 graduate from 毕业于...学校
【词汇扩展】graduation un. 毕业 un./cn. 毕业典礼 undergraduate cn. 本科生
postgraduate cn.研究生
My sister graduated _______ (prep.) physics _______(prep.) Wuhan University in 2017. I still remember the day when we went to her ________ (graduate).
recommend [ rek m nd]
vt. 建议;劝告
【短语】recommend doing sth. 建议做某事 recommend sb. to do sth. 建议某人做某事
recommend (that) + 句子(从句要用虚拟语气,即should +V原,should 可以省略)
When Lily planned a trip to America, her father recommended (that) she (should) go there by plane.
vt. 推荐,举荐
【短语】recommend sth. to sb. 把某物推荐给某人 recommend sb. as/for 推荐某人担任
【词汇扩展】recommendation cn. 正式建议,提议 un./cn. 推荐
【短语】a letter of recommendation 推荐信
I recommend you _______ (follow) the instructions说明书 when filling in the form.
I would like to recommend this book ______ (prep.) those who are interested in travelling.
As for presents, I recommend that you ______ (select选择) some well designed ones and they don't need to be expensive.
Our host shared many of their experiences and ___________ (recommend) the wonderful places to visit.
sign up (for sth) 报名(参加课程)
advance [ d vɑ ns]
cn. (尤指武装部队的)前进,行进 cn./un. 进步,进展
【短语】in advance = ahead of time 预先,事先 in advance of (时间上)在...之前;(发展上)超前
make an advance in/make advances in 在...方面取得进展
vi. 前进 vt. 促进 vi./vt. 发展
【词汇扩展】advanced adj. 高级的,高等的,先进的
【短语】advanced technology 先进技术
As we develop more _______ (advance) AI technology, we would have to use new ways of communicating with that technology.
literature [ l tr t (r)] n. 文学;文学作品
【词汇扩展】literal adj. 文字上的 literary adj. 文学的 literate adj. 识字的 illiterate adj. 不识字的 illiteracy n. 文盲
extra [ ekstr ] adj. 额外的;附加的
【词汇扩展】extra-curricular [ ekstr k r kjul r] n. 课外的;课程以外的
obviously [ bvi sli]] adv. 显然;明显地
【词汇扩展】obvious adj. 明显的
quit [kw t] vi./vt. 停止;戒掉;离开(工作职位、学校等)
【短语】quit (doing) sth. 停止做某事 quit school 退学 quit as ... 辞去...职务 quit one’s job 辞职
responsible [r sp ns bl] adj. 负责的;有责任的
【词汇扩展】responsibility [r sp ns b l ti] un./cn. 责任;义务 irresponsible adj. 不负责任的
responsibly adv. 认真负责地
【短语】accept/shoulder/take on the responsibility for 对...承担责任 be responsible for 对……负责
solution [s lu n] n. 解决办法;答案
【词汇扩展】solve v. 解决
schedule [ sked u l]
n. 工作计划;日程安排
【短语】a class/train schedule 课程表/列车时刻表 a busy/full schedule 紧张忙碌的日程安排
ahead of schedule = ahead of time = in advance 提前 behind schedule(比预定时间)落后
on schedule = on time 按时
vt. 安排;预定
【短语】The English speech contest is scheduled for next Friday afternoon.
The sports meeting of our school is scheduled to take place at the end of the month.
be schedule for + 时间 安排在某个时间 be scheduled to do sth. 预定做某事
editor [ ed t (r)] n. 主编;编辑;编者
【词汇扩展】edit v. 编辑
plate [ple t] n. 盘子;碟子
【形近词辨析】plant v. 种植,n.植物 plan n./v. 计划 plane n. 飞机 planet n. 行星
adventure [ d v nt (r)] cn. 冒险;奇遇
【词汇扩展】adventurous adj. 有冒险精神的 adventurer n. 冒险家
youth [j θ] n. 青年时期;青春
【词汇扩展】young adj. 年轻的
【短语】in one’s youth 在某人年轻的时候
survival [s va vl] un. 生存;幸存;cn. 幸存事物
【短语】survival skills 生存技巧
expert [ eksp t] n./adj. 专家;行家;熟练的;内行的;专家的
【短语】an expert at/in/on (doing) sth. (做)某事的专家
be/become expert at/in/on (doing) sth. 擅长/变得擅长做某事
behaviour [b he vj (r)] n. 行为;举止
【词汇扩展】behave v. 表现,表现得体well-behaved adj. 表现好的 badly-behaved adj. 表现糟糕的
【短语】behave oneself 守规矩,行为检点 behave well/badly 举止得当/不得当
generation [ d en re n] n. 一代人
【短语】generation by generation 一代又一代 young generation 青年一代 generation gap 代沟
attract [ tr kt] vt. 吸引;引起……的注意(或兴趣)
【词汇扩展】attraction un/ 吸引力 un. 有吸引力的事 attractive adj. 有吸引力的,吸引人的
【短语】attract one’s attention/interest 引起某人的注意/兴趣 attract ... to ... 引起...对...的兴趣
be attracted by 被...吸引 tourist attraction 旅游胜地 be attractive to 对...有吸引力
have much attention for sb. 对某人来说很有吸引力
As one of the most ________ places, Mount Wuyi ________ millions of tourists each year. And one of its most famous tourist _________ is the Nine Bend River.(attract)
Last year many visitors ________ (attract) to Harbin to see the huge sculptures雕塑 made of huge ice blocks and tons of snow by artist from 12 countries.
As one of the four great ancient civilizations, China is attractive ________ (prep.) foreigners.
focus [ f k s]
vi./vt. 集中(精力、注意力等);(使)调节焦距
【短语】focus one’s attention/energy/mind 集中某人的注意力/精力/心思 focus one’s eyes on 注视
cn. 重点;焦点;中心
【短语】the focus of attention 关注的焦点 bring ... into focus 使...成为焦点
【词汇扩展】focused adj. 注意力集中的,目标明确的
addict [ d kt] cn. 对……入迷的人;吸毒成瘾的人
【词汇扩展】addicted [ d kt d] adj. 有瘾的;上瘾的;入迷的 addiction cn./un. 瘾,入迷 addictive adj. 使人上瘾的
【短语】be/become addicted to 对...上瘾,沉溺于 Internet addiction 网瘾
adult [ d lt] n./adj. 成年人;成年的;成熟的