9A Unit 8 Integrated Skills教学设计
Teaching objectives:
1. Knowledge objectives:
To master the important words, phrases and sentences.
2. Ability objectives:
1) To learn to make notes about an event.
2) To get information from listening details and complete the notes.
3) To finish a report on the kidnapping case.
3. Value objectives:
1) To develop the sense of safety.
2) To learn to protect ourselves against crimes.
Teaching key points and difficult points:
1. Learn important phrases and structures.
2. Think of some safety tips to protect ourselves against crime.
Teaching methods: Task-based language teaching
Teaching procedures:
Step1. Presentation
Show students some pictures about crimes and teach new words: detective, murder, theft, robbery, burglary, computer crime, kidnapping.(呈现关于罪行的图片,从已知罪行导入到未知“绑架”,既复习了旧知识,又引入了新知识。导入新单词,为接下来的学习奠定基础。)
Step2. Task1:Pre-listening
1.A kidnapping happened to Wu’s family. Read the police notes in Part A1 and get some information about the kidnapping.
Questions: Who was kidnapped
What is the victim like
When did the kidnapping happen
Where was the victim last seen (做听力前,让学生先阅读警方记录,了解本次绑架案的细节:谁被绑架了?受害人长相如何?绑架案什么时候发生的?受害者最后一次被人看见是在哪里?对绑架案情况有初步的了解,为下面的深入了解案情做好铺垫。)
2.Read the police notes in Part A1 again and find out more information.
Question: Who has a criminal record, WangGang or Fan Yiming (再次阅读警方记录,了解两位犯罪嫌疑人王刚、范益明谁有犯罪记录,预测谁更有可能是绑架犯,对案件破案走向有个初步的设想与预料。)
3.Try to predict some questions before listening.If you are a policeman, what questions will you ask the suspects (在做听力练习之前做些预测:假如你是警察,你会问两位犯罪嫌疑人什么问题?为接下来的听力练习有重点、有目的地去听做好铺垫。)
Step3. Task2:While-listening
1.Listen to the police officer’s interviews with the two suspects and complete their profiles in Part A1.(做听力练习时有目的地去听,获取本次绑架案的相关信息,对两位嫌疑犯的情况有进一步的认识和了解,为下面推测谁更有嫌疑做好准备。)
2.Work in pairs and say something about suspect1 and suspect 2.(小组合作,用完整的句子讲述两位犯罪嫌疑人的情况,加深印象的同时,为下面的猜测提供有力的依据。)
Step4. Task3:Post-listening
1.Complete the report about the kidnapping case in Part A3. (回答问题部分让学生熟悉绑架案及相关信息;通过读笔录,听审查录音,完成资料单及报告,训练学生的语言综合运用能力。)
2.Pair work:Who do you think kidnapped GuanFei Why (针对上述绑架案的相关信息,让学生推导谁最有可能是绑架案的始作俑者,训练学生的推理能力和语言表达能力。)
Step5. Speak up
1.Work in groups: Kidnappings sometimes happen. How can we keep ourselves safe Do you know any safety tips (讨论环节是个安全小贴士,提醒学生要注意自我保护以及自身的安全防护工作。同时也很自然地引导出speak up 部分的主题,起到自然过渡的作用。)
2.Listen and find out some safety tips.
1) What should we do when we leave home
2) What should we do when we go out at night (从听力材料中获取一些安全贴士,训练学生的思维能力和口头表达能力。)
Step6.Read and act out the dialogue.(小组合作,编造并呈现关于安全贴士的新对话,训练学生的思维能力和语言组织、表达能力。)
Step7.Group work
There are some crimes happening in our daily life. What should we do if... (小组讨论,发散性思维,讨论在日常生活中如何预防犯罪活动,锻炼学生的思维能力和语言表达能力,同时加强学生的安全意识并学习如何保护自己。)
Teach students more safety tips and tell them some safety warning words.(告知学生更多的安全贴士,教育学生安全是第一位的,树立安全意识,防范身边的犯罪行为,珍惜生命。)