牛津译林版九年级上册 Unit8Detective stories Study skills How to read a novel 教案


名称 牛津译林版九年级上册 Unit8Detective stories Study skills How to read a novel 教案
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 牛津译林版
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-09-02 19:59:39



Learning aims:
During the class, the students are expected to
1. present their comprehension about the story and how they solved the case.
2. use the plots to rewrite part of the detective story.
3. talk about what we have learnt after reading the novel.
Teaching emphasis and difficulties:
1. To clearly present how the detectives solve the crime, locating and confirming the murderer
2. To cultivate the students’ critical thinking and logical reasoning
Teaching methods: Read-Think-Share
Teaching procedures:
Step 1 Lead-in
1. Show the front cover of the book the Hound of Baskervilles and ask the students:
(1) Have you read the book Do you like the book Why
(2) Do you know who wrote it
2. Introduce Conan Doyle and Holmes briefly.
[设计意图] “阅读就是培养学生预测、分析、推断、综合、概括、质疑等思维能力的重要渠道”(付薇,2015:p.18)。通过与学生之间的互动问答,一步一步引导学生重视读前的背景知识,如作者撰写作品的相关背景、作品的文体特征、作品的导读内容等等,让学生对小说的大致情况有所了解,有利于学生阅读这部语篇较长、生词较多、剧情复杂、推理甚多的侦探小说,有利于学生提高对文本理解的清晰度和对案情的预测、分析与推理的准确性。
Step 2 Comprehension
1. Ask the students what the book is about:
A) What is the hound How do you feel when you look at the hound
B) What happened to the hound at last
C) Is “the Baskervilles” the name of a place What happened to the Baskervilles
D) What’s the relationship between the hound and the Baskervilles
2. Complete the main idea of the book with the right words or phrases.
[设计意图] 就小说标题The Hound of the Baskervilles与学生进行互动交流,引导学生关注小说标题所承载的信息;引导学生关注小说序言中的导读内容,让学生快速浏览整本书的内容提要寻找答案。引导学生再次快速阅读小说的Chapter 1-3内容,并让学生用英语简单陈述其主要内容; 通过引导学生陈述小说的开篇,笔者顺利地将学生引入了这起侦探故事的情境之中,并且发现了诸多可疑之处,如“猎狗杀死Sir Charles为何没有痕迹?威胁信为何不是手写?Sir Henry为何只丢掉一只靴子?跟踪的人与发出威胁信的人是同一个人吗?”等等,激发学生“悦读”下文弄清故事的真相,更期望看到福尔摩斯和华生怎么去寻找线索、解答疑惑、排除嫌犯、寻获真凶。
3. Ask students to name the main characters of the book.
4. Ask the group of the relationships of characters to present what they have found.
5. Ask the students to divide the characters into four types in a detective story: detectives, victims, witnesses and suspects.
[设计意图] 余文森(2009)指出“直观可以使抽象的知识具体化、形象化,有助于学生感性认识的形成,并促进理性认识的发展”(转引自陈玉卿,2012)。Buzan(1993)认为“思维导图意在协助学生解构阅读过程中错综复杂的内容和内在关联”(转引自付薇,2015)。因此,通过引导学生小组合作研讨小说中人物并合理分类、绘制思维导图的过程,帮助学生更好地理解侦探故事中的人物及关系,有利于本组和其他小组更好地呈现案件的发展过程并对案情进行更为细致地梳理与推理,有利于学生查阅相关资料了解更多的侦探故事背景知识。
Step 3 Exclusion
Go on reading and analyze one doubtful point of the case after another.
Task One: Excluding Dr Mortimer
1. Show part of the character diagram and ask the students why Holmes and Watson didn’t think Dr Mortimer was a suspect
2. Ask the students to offer evidence on whether Holmes believed what Dr Mortimer said---the hound in the legend killed Sir Charles.
(1) Is this a fairy tale
(2) Is Sir Henry the only heir
3. Ask the students to find out what strange things made Holmes and Watson puzzled
(a strange letter, one missing boot and a man with a black beard in a cab)
[设计意图] 教师通过与Dr Mortimer小组学生之间的互动,为其他小组展示“猜疑”的分析与推理做了示范,引导学生注意深度思考去挖掘案件疑点、排除无谓的猜测,各组学生的深度思维能力展现无遗,学生的语言输出出乎意料,完美实现了笔者的“人人都是嫌疑犯”的教学设计。
Task Two: Excluding the Barrymores
1. Ask the students to look for the suspect with a black beard in the story and offer the evidence.
(1) Who has a black beard in the story How do you know that
(2) Did Selden kill Sir Charles
2. As the butler of Sir Charles, he has a beard and he was very suspicious. Ask the Barrymores’ Group to present what they have found about them.
(1) Why are the Barrymores suspected to be the murderers
(2) How did Selden die Why did the hound kill Selden
(3) Who appeared at the scene right after Selden died
Task Three: Presenting the doubts
1. Ask students to infer Stapleton’s intentions.
(1) Why did he ask Holmes “Is our dear friend Sir Henry dead”
(2) Why did he ask Holmes “Can you solve the mystery of the Hound of the Baskervilles ”
(3) Why did he ask Holmes “Do you return to London tomorrow ” again
2. Ask students of Stapleton’s Group the doubtful points when Watson saw Stapleton for the first time
3. Ask the students to find the doubtful points when Mrs Stapleton met Watson.
[设计意图] “尊重学生的不同想法和思维是保护学生创造性的有效途径。...... 教师通过精心设计讨论话题、主动参与学生的讨论过程、及时汇总学生的讨论结果等手段,有效组织整个课堂,从而充分激发学生的主体创造性思维”(褚艳,2016)。让学生通过使用“学生随机合作文学圈”的形式分组、分块研读小说内容,并呈现出他们对案件的分析与思考,引导学生关注文本中对人物行为与语言的描写去捕捉破案的线索。最后,笔者通过四个问题再次引发学生深度思考,明白一个道理“疑犯确实刻意,但其未显现出明显的犯罪动机和直接的犯罪证据”。
Task Four: Presenting the proofs
1. Ask Holmes’s group to present how Holmes analyzed the case and located who the real murderer was.
[设计意图] 让Holmes案情分析小组的学生分析案情,其实是鼓励学生更加认真地研读文本,将前面各小组呈现的线索和自己的思考结合起来,将Holmes在Chapter 9和Chapter 10中与Dr Watson的对话内容结合起来,将Chapter 14中Holmes的案情回顾结合起来,最终将一些看似杂乱无章的线索串成线,并用英文陈述出来。这不仅需要学生有耐心去研读、去分析、去推理,更需要学生具有较高的逻辑思维能力和英语表达能力。笔者的及时总结也让故事轮廓变得更加清晰,对故事叙事方式更加明了。
2. Ask the students whether Holmes and Watson find the direct proofs and catch the real murderer.
[设计意图] 这个小组的学生对小说中Chapter 13的内容研读非常细致,将抓捕罪犯的过程描述分解成Waiting、Shooting和Searching三个阶段,且表达的语言简洁明了、展示的人物形象生动,选择的词语如grab the gun体现出抓捕罪犯时的紧张、shoot it over five times体现出射杀大猎狗的不易等。学生对小说结尾的开放性设计令听者意犹未尽,且充满无限遐想,能充分调动听者的深度思维,激发他们的思考、联想与创作的热情。
Step 4 Extension
Each group chooses one task.
1. Supposing you are Mrs Stapleton, how would you stop him from killing others Please make up a conversation between Mr Stapleton and Mrs Stapleton in pairs.
2. Which character in the story do you like best or least Why
3. Which scene impresses you most Why
4. Share what you have learnt after reading the novel.
[设计意图] “学生既可以通过阅读积累有用的语言知识和写作素材,又可以学习文学名著中的写作方法和技巧。反过来,写作也能检查和加深学生对阅读内容的理解”(何泽,2016:p.43)。因此,通过让学生自选1-2项写作任务来增加阅读收获,每一项任务的完成都依赖于学生对这个故事的真正了解。第一项任务是根据剧情补写人物对话,这需要学生对Stapleton和Mrs Stapleton的内心真实想法与人物个性比较熟悉,才能编写出适合故事情境和情节的好对话;第二项任务是写出最喜欢或最不喜欢的人物及理由、第三项任务是写出给你留下印象深刻的场景描写及理由,两者都需要学生在阅读故事的过程中通过分析人物的言行,挖掘人物的内心情感和通过分析场景描写,体会故事的悬疑给人带来的各种紧张、害怕、失望、兴奋;第四项任务是谈谈读这样长的小说之后的收获。学生在真正参与了这部侦探小说的读前准备、读中呈现和读后拓展的任务之后,学生必定有很多感悟,且绝不会仅仅停留在了解了这起案件的推理过程本身,以往面对英文课外阅读,尤其是较长篇幅、难度略超、推理严密、内涵丰富的文学名著的诸多疑惑,学生或许也会轻松找到良方。
Step 5 Homework
1. Rewrite a short story from the aspect of Mr Stapleton.
2. Write a thank-you letter to Holmes and Watson in the name of Sir Henry.
3. If interested, read the original edition of the Hound of the Baskervilles.
[设计意图] 初中学生英语思维能力尤其是深度思维能力的培养与学生的阅读与写作习惯息息相关,与教师的阅读指导和阅读教学密不可分,当然适合初中学生水平的阅读素材和思维训练也不可或缺。通过“换个视角写故事、换个名义表谢意、换个版本读深意”等作业要求来驱动学生个性化或小组化研读文本、赏析文本,通过“师生共读朋友圈、学生随机合作文学圈”等形式加强师生、生生之间的互动与交流、合作与探究,通过评价与质疑、坚持思辨式阅读和创新性写作等手段挖掘文本内涵,发展深度思维能力,提升学生思维品质。