人教版(2019)选择性必修第四册Unit 3 Sea Exploration单元测评卷(word含答案)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修第四册Unit 3 Sea Exploration单元测评卷(word含答案)
格式 docx
文件大小 29.3KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-09-03 21:22:13



第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
“In 1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blue” is how the children's nursery rhyme begins. However, more than 90 years before the Nina,the Pinta and the Santa Maria,a huge fleet of ships set sail from Nanjing. It was the first of a series of voyages that would, for a brief period, establish China as the leading power of the age. The voyage was led by Zheng He. In fact, some people think he was the original model for the legendary Sinbad the Sailor.
In 1371, Zheng He was born in what is now Yunnan Province to Muslim parents, who named him Ma Sanbao. When he was 11 years old, he was castrated and made to serve as a eunuch (宦官) in the imperial household. Ma befriended a prince who later became the Yong Le Emperor, one of the Ming Dynasty's most distinguished. Brave, strong, intelligent and totally loyal, Ma won the trust of the prince who gave him a new name. Yong Le was an ambitious emperor who believed that China's greatness would be increased with an “open door” policy regarding international trade and diplomacy. In 1405, he ordered Chinese ships to sail to the Indian Ocean, and put Zheng He in charge of the voyage. Zheng went on to lead seven expeditions in 28 years, visiting more than 40 countries.
Zheng's fleet had more than 300 ships and 30,000 sailors. The largest vessels, 133 meter long “treasure ships”, had up to nine masts and could carry a thousand people. Along with a Han and Muslim crew, Zheng opened up trade routes in Africa, India, and Southeast Asia. The voyages helped expand foreign interest in Chinese goods such as silk and china. In addition, Zheng He brought foreign items back to China, including the first giraffe ever seen there. At the same time,the fleet's obvious strength meant that the Emperor of China commanded respect and inspired fear all over Asia.
Though Zheng He died in 1433 and was probably buried at sea, a grave and small monument to him still exist in Jiangsu Province. Three years after Zheng He's death, a new emperor banned the construction of oceangoing ships, and China's brief era of naval expansion was over. Chinese policy turned inward, leaving the seas clear for the rising nations of Europe. Opinions vary on why this happened. Whatever the reason, conservative (保守的) forces gained the upper hand, and China's potential for world domination was not realized. Records of Zheng He's incredible voyages were burned. Not until the early 20th century did another fleet of comparable size take to the seas.
21.Why did Zheng He sail to the ocean
A.Zheng He befriended the Yong Le Emperor and won his trust.
B.The emperor tried to increase China's greatness by an “open door” policy.
C.The voyages helped expand foreign interest in Chinese goods.
D.Zheng He wanted to promote culture and religious visits with foreign countries.
22.What's the significance of Zheng He's seven voyages
A.They established China as the leading power from then on.
B.They spread diplomacy, established trade routes and returned with riches and foreign items never seen before in China.
C.They provided pathways for religious communication between Han and Muslim crew.
D.They speeded up the process of imperial reform of Ming Dynasty.
23.After the death of Zheng He,why did Ming Dynasty stop oceangoing voyage
A.Because the successive emperor banned the construction of oceangoing ships.
B.Because the people of Ming Dynasty feared doing business with other rising nations of Europe.
C.Because the imperial policy turned inward.
D.No reason had been assigned in this passage.
Are you familiar with the greeting, “Can I add you on WeChat?” It seems like every time we meet new friends or colleagues nowadays, the first thing that springs to mind is adding each other on the app. Nevertheless,more than 80 percent of WeChat users report feeling stressed or anxious when they receive a large number of messages,according to a study done recently by the app's developer Tencent (腾讯). In other words, WeChat can overwhelm (使应接不暇) us, while also breaking down the boundaries between our work and private lives.
Just think how easy it is now for bosses to hand out assignments during the holiday, so long as they have your WeChat contact. When you're at the cinema enjoying a romantic movie or having a barbecue in the backyard, you can never cut yourself off from the outside world unless you switch off your phone. Not to post something in WeChat Moments before replying to your boss first!
Apart from interrupting your leisure time, WeChat can also reduce your productivity at work. For many office workers, logging in to WeChat on their computers at the start of the day has become routine. But what if browsing the Moments distracts us from doing the work The app steals our time without us even noticing it, making us have the false belief that we are busy all the time.
And as if that weren't bad enough, there're the “one off” friends who take up space on our WeChat friend list. A handy way to check how many one off friends you have is to take a look at your chat history with them. Sometimes, you only sent the initial friend requests so you could invite them to a WeChat group or inform them of something for your boss. Yet still, as your friend count (好友数量) ever goes up, it can make you feel the need to post selfies (自拍) and share details of your life in your Moments, just so you can stay up to date.
With WeChat, all our spare time is swallowed up by the constant torrent of messages and our attention keeps getting diverted by Moments and pop up ads. So it's time that we should do something to nip this problem in the bud.
24.What is most of WeChat users' reaction when receiving a mass of messages
A.They are quite upset.
B.They think it's unavoidable.
C.They break down.
D.They complain about Tencent.
25.Which of the following may make your boss angry according to Paragraph 2
A.Enjoying a movie at the weekend.
B.Posting something in WeChat Moments.
C.Having a barbecue on vacation.
D.Ignoring the assignment he handed out when seeing it.
26.How can we decide who is the one off friend on our WeChat friend list
A.By checking if you sent the initial friend request.
B.By seeing if your boss asked you to inform him of something.
C.By having a look at your chat record.
D.By counting the number of your friends on the list.
27.What can be a suitable title for this text
A.Is WeChat becoming a necessity in our life
B.Are WeChat friend requests ruining your life
C.Does your boss want to be your WeChat friend
D.Is it better to have more WeChat friends
A couple of weeks ago, my grandfather was explaining his favorite expression. “Nothing is ever easy.” The following day, as I tried to complete my day's work, I happened to notice a bumblebee (大黄蜂) on the skylight (天窗). The skylight was particularly high up, but I thought removing the bee would take no more than five minutes. An hour later, the bee still remained. All that had changed was that the living room was a mess and that I was dizzy from looking up into the sunlight. I did not expect to waste an hour on an insect so tiny, but by doing so, I understood what my grandfather meant.
It is not only time that we tend to underestimate—we don't account for unexpected costs. We often imagine what can work in our favor but we seldom think of all the negative things that could affect us. However, it is important to remember that your day or week or year might not go as planned, and that is completely normal. It is perfectly acceptable to feel challenged—even at a task you thought was simple—because that is part of life.
If you can accept that nothing will ever be easy, then life might seem slightly more manageable. In middle school, I thought high school might be easier because I could choose the classes I wanted to take. In high school, I thought college might be easier because I could have a schedule (计划) best suited for myself. Yet each time, I was both wrong and disappointed. After accepting that school wouldn't (and shouldn't) be easy. I found myself with a more positive attitude and improved results.
Of course, there should be preparations made to account for expenses or time. Doing so can only help you accomplish your goals in a better way. However,there is no need to beat_ourselves_up when something stands in our path. Maybe we cannot see a bee coming our way, but we can always give ourselves the extra time to catch it.
28.Why did the author mention his experience of removing a bee
A.To share something unforgettable with us.
B.To lead us to what the author learned from it.
C.To show the unexpected costs it caused.
D.To tell us how easy it is to waste our time.
29.Why do things often turn out to be different from what we expect
A.We often don't take time seriously.
B.We tend not to have enough money.
C.Unexpected things can happen.
D.It is easy to feel challenged.
30.According to the text, what does the underlined phrase “beat ourselves up” mean
A.To hit or kick ourselves hard many times.
B.To blame ourselves too much.
C.To encourage ourselves to work hard.
D.To give up ourselves.
31.What is the author's purpose of writing this article
A.To encourage people to make greater efforts.
B.To explain how to make preparations.
C.To tell us what to do when something gets in our way.
D.To persuade us not to expect things to be easy.
Stories play a vital role in the growth and development of children. The books they read and the characters they get to know can become like friends. It's also good for children to understand that books are a useful source of information and that good reading skills are important for success in their future lives.
Children who can read well are more likely to have higher confidence levels. This will benefit them in school as they'll feel able to participate fully in activities. Another part of building confidence is to know where you fit into the world. Stories can help with this process by showing children what people's lives are like where they live and in other parts of the world.
Stories are a great way to introduce new words and ideas into a child's language—starting with picture books for the very young, working up to more complex novels for teenagers. Fiction based on real life can also help children with their own life experience—it shows them how diverse the world is and that some people's lives are vastly different from theirs. And the process is done in a natural way. There's no actual teaching involved at all, but they learn from simply reading the story.
Reading helps children understand that there are other children who feel the same way and they are not alone. This helps children understand that feelings are normal and should be expressed. Watching their responses to the feelings of the characters in the stories will give you some idea of how a child feels about certain situations and emotions. For example, how the child responds to the character in the story feeling sad or scared will give you some idea of how the child thinks.
As you can see, children's stories are important for a number of reasons and form a vital part of the growing process. Being part of that process can bring children a sense of satisfaction as well as being great fun. So, go and get your children some wonderful books to allow them to enjoy a relaxing bedtime story.
32.What can we know from Paragraph 1
A.Reading stories benefits children a lot.
B.Reading is the best way to gain information.
C.Reading stories helps children make more friends.
D.Reading skills should be developed at a young age.
33.How could reading stories raise children's confidence
A.Inspiring children to get good grades.
B.Supporting children's language development.
C.Aiding children with living in a better family environment.
D.Allowing children to explore their suitable positions in society.
34.What does the author think about learning through reading
A.Unrealistic. B.Effective.
C.Time saving. D.Expensive.
35.What can be inferred from the text
A.Most teenagers are fond of complex novels.
B.Picture books are lacking in real life situations.
C.Most children have difficulty in expressing themselves.
D.Parents can know kids better from kids' reading responses.
第二节 七选五(共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
Reducing class size has traditionally been seen as an important way to improve a student's educational experience. Many often believe that smaller classes would permit teachers to give more personal attention to their students. __36__
But one recent study suggests there's not much research based evidence to support this idea. The research was collected by a team from Denmark's Danish Center for Social Science Research.
The study notes that one of the main problems with reducing class size is that it can have very high costs. __37__.Financial limitations make it very difficult for many schools to reduce the number of students in the classroom.
The new study began by examining 127 studies on classroom size. Its goal was to examine the major research studies already completed on the subject. __38__. In the end, the research centered on 10 main studies with possible sampling (采样) problems.
The researchers concluded that there's some evidence to suggest that reducing class size may lead to some improvement in a student's reading achievement. __39__ They found just a 53 percent chance that a randomly selected test score of a student from a small class would be higher than the selected score of a student from a larger class. __40__. This led the researchers to conclude that there would be no benefit at all to math students in a smaller class size.
A.But they said the effect is very small
B.For mathematics achievement, the result was 49 percent
C.This can theoretically lead to improved academic results for students
D.Many public opinion studies have shown teachers favor smaller class size
E.The effects of larger class size can stay long after the students complete their education
F.Increasing class size is one of the most common ways school systems control education spending
G.They especially centered on those trying to measure if smaller class size led to greater academic success
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
Last year I ruined my summer vacation by bringing along a modern convenience: the iPad.
Instead of looking at nature, I __41__ my e mail. Instead of reading great novels, I stuck to reading __42__, newspapers each morning. And that was the problem: I was acting __43__ I were still in the office. My body was on vacation but my __44__ wasn't.
So this year I made up my mind to try something different: getting away from the Internet. I knew it wouldn't be easy, __45__ I'm not good at self control. But I was __46__. I started by handing the iPad to my wife. Then, a stroke of luck:The mobile phone __47__ at our cabin was worse than in the past. I was __48__, forced to carry out my plan. Largely __49__ from e mail and my favorite newspaper websites, I had few ways to __50__ the world. I had no choice but to do what I had planned to do all along: read books.
With determination and the strong support of my wife, I succeeded in my vacation struggle __51__ the Internet. I finally realized that it was me, of course, not the iPad, that was the __52__.
I knew I had __53__ when we passed a Starbucks and my wife asked if I wanted to stop to use the Wi Fi. “Don't need it,” I said. __54__, as we return to work,a test begins: Can I continue when I'm back at work I don't plan to __55__ my iPad completely. But I hope to resist the temptation (抵抗诱惑) to use it every five minutes.
41.A.received B.selected
C.checked D.removed
42.A.online B.informal
C.local D.traditional
43.A.so that B.as if
C.now that D.even though
44.A.opinion B.identity
C.mind D.curiosity
45.A.since B.unless
C.though D.so
46.A.excited B.shocked
C.frightened D.determined
47.A.quality B.design
C.signal D.technology
48.A.trapped B.ignored
C.injured D.persuaded
49.A.taken out B.pulled down
C.cut off D.carried away
50.A.rely on B.connect to
C.help with D.look at
51.A.against B.for
C.on D.to
52.A.puzzle B.sign
C.evidence D.problem
53.A.won B.forgotten
C.suffered D.recovered
54.A.Somehow B.Anyway
C.However D.Therefore
55.A.take apart B.give up
C.turn to D.care about
Sadness, feeling down and having a loss of interest or pleasure in daily activities 56.________ (be) symptoms familiar to all of us. But, if they affect our life substantially, they may be depression.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDCP), 7.6 percent of people over the age of 12 have depression in any 2 week period, 57.________ shows the scale of the issue.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), depression is the most common illness worldwide and the leading cause of 58.________ (disable). They estimate that 35 million people 59.________ (affect) by depression, globally.
60.________ (general), the symptoms include lack of joy and reduced interest in things. Depression is a mood disorder characterized by persistently (连续地) low mood and a feeling of sadness and loss of interest. It is a persistent problem, not a passing one, 61.________ (last) on average 6 to 8 months.
Diagnosis of depression starts 62.________ a consultation with a doctor or mental health specialist. It is important to seek help from a health professional to rule out different causes of depression,ensure an accurate diagnosis and secure safe and 63.________ (effect) treatment.
As for most visits to 64.________ doctor, there may be a physical examination 65.________ (check) physical causes and other conditions. Depression is a treatable mental disease.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
第一节 应用文写作(满分15分)
第二节 读后续写(满分25分)
Recently Steve had a car accident. So he put his car in the garage to carry out the repair work. Since he had to go to the job daily,he decided that until the car was ready, he would travel by subway. One day, he noticed a homeless guy at the subway station at night. He felt pity for him, so he gave him some change from his pocket.
The homeless guy thanked him for it. Next day again, he noticed the homeless guy at the same place. This time Steve thought to get him something to eat, so he went outside the station and brought him a meal. The homeless guy thanked him for his kindness. But Steve got curious and asked him,“How did you get to this point?”
The homeless guy looked up at him and with a smile, he said, “By showing love.” Steve didn't understand it, so he asked him, “What do you mean by that?” The homeless guy replied, “Throughout my whole life, I make sure that everyone is happy. No matter what is going right or wrong in my life, I always help everyone.”
Steve asked him, “Do you regret it?” The homeless man replied, “No, it just hurts my soul that the very people I gave the shirt off my back to wouldn't give me a sleeve of that same shirt when I was in need. Son, it is better to build your own house and invite someone in for shelter than to hand them your bricks while you are building yours, because one day when you turn around and look at the spot where you had planned to build your house, it will be an empty lot. Then you are the one looking for bricks. ” Steve thanked him for the good advice, and he left.
However, Steve didn't understand what the homeless guy meant at that moment.________________________________________________________________________
After a few years, ________________________________________________________________________
第二部分 阅读理解
第三部分 语言运用
are affected
to check
第四部分 写作
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am writing to complain that the illegal hunt for ocean creatures is becoming bad to worse; as a result, the past five years has witnessed the sharp decrease of the whale because it has been the main target of the illegal hunt in the whole world.
If the balance of nature is destroyed, we will suffer a lot. There was a time when we were not aware of the importance of plants, and then drought and flood went hand in hand. If we did not stop the illegal hunt in the ocean, we would lose our home.
We trust that you will now consider this matter seriously and make an effort to prevent the recurrence of this kind.
Li Hua
However, Steve didn't understand what the homeless guy meant at that moment. He continued to help a homeless guy at the station, but the guy that he had met before didn't appear again. Shortly after his car was ready,he could go to work by car. In addition, whenever he met a person in need, he was always helping them. However, day by day, he spent all his savings and salary. As a result,he couldn't help others in need, which made Steve upset.
After a few years, he became poorer and poorer and his car was sold in the end. Steve had to take a subway at the station. One day, he happened to stay where he once helped the guy. He suddenly thought what the guy said and understood what he meant. Therefore, he didn't want to be a person who was looking for bricks. He needed to help others with the change in his pocket or a meal.