人教版(2019)选择性必修第四册Unit 1 Science Fiction单元测评卷(含答案)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修第四册Unit 1 Science Fiction单元测评卷(含答案)
格式 docx
文件大小 29.4KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-09-03 21:27:06



第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
Shopping centers, stadiums and universities may soon have a new tool to help fight crime. A California company called Knightscope says its robots can predict and prevent crime. Knightscope says the goal is to reduce crime by half in areas the robots guard.
William Santana Li is the chief executive officer of Knightseope. He says, “These robot security guards will change the world. Our planet has more than seven billion people on it. It's going to quickly get to nine billion people. The security equipment that we have globally is just not going to develop that fast. The company's Autonomous Data Machines can become the eyes and ears of law enforcement (执法).”
“You want them to be machines plus humans. Let the machines do the heavy and sometimes dangerous work and let the humans do the strategic decision making work, so it's always working all together.”
The machines do not carry weapons but they have day and night video cameras which are able to turn 360 degrees and can also sense chemical and biological weapons.
Some people may become concerned about their privacy, especially in connection with the video recordings. Some people may worry that such recordings will appear on the Internet. Eugene Volokh, a law professor at the UCLA School of Law, says the machines have to be used in the right way and it will be interesting to see how state laws deal with this kind of video.
William Santana Li says there is a long waiting list for the robots in the US. Workers in the company are working overtime to meet the demands of the marker. At least 25 other countries are also interested in these robot security guards.
21.What can this new tool do for humans
A.Make strategic decisions.
B.Keep watching day and night.
C.Carry heavy weapons.
D.Stop crime autonomously.
22.Why are some people worried about the new robots
A.Their privacy may be let out.
B.The robots are very expensive.
C.Robots will replace humans.
D.They will be out of work soon.
23.Which of the following can be the best title of the text
A.Robots Are Becoming More Popular
B.Robots Contribute a Lot to the World
C.Robots Are in Great Demand Now
D.Security Robots Could Help Cut Crime
A recent study conducted by researchers from Canada's Wilfrid Laurier University found that the snakes actively seek out socialization with their peers (同伴), but also they are extremely particular about who they spend time with. However, snakes used to be thought of as solitary animals. They are seldom seen hanging out in groups.
A team of researchers led by Morgan Skinner and Dr. Noam Miller selected 40 non poisonous garter snakes (袜带蛇). Ten were purchased from a snake keeper and the rest were caught in the wild. After marking each snake with a spot of color to allow for easy identification, the researchers placed ten snakes inside each of the four plastic shelters.
Skinner photographed each snake group twice a day before removing them from their shelters. After cleaning the areas thoroughly to rid them of any familiar smells, the reptiles were rearranged into different groups, and returned to the enclosure. A camera fixed over the shelters allowed the scientists to track the animals' movements for a total of eight days.
When Skinner and Miller analyzed the images, they found that regardless of where they were placed, the snakes always slipped back to their original “friends” forming groups of three or eight inside the small shelters. “They can tell others apart,” Miller said.
Gordon Burghardt, a biologist, says,“The study should help convince people that snakes have more social intelligence than most of us realize.”
Miller believes the research could help with snake protection efforts. Endangered snake species relocated to safer habitats often leave these areas. Now, conservationists may be able to avoid that by transferring entire snake groups to the new location. Alternatively, they could also spray (喷洒) the new habitat with the species' smells to make transplants feel at “home”.
24.What does the underlined word “solitary” mean in Paragraph 1
A.Causing fear.
B.Existing only in small numbers.
C.Causing death or illness.
D.Enjoying being alone.
25.What can we learn from the last paragraph
A.The findings can contribute to snake conservation.
B.Snakes like to spray smells on the trees.
C.Snakes are easy to adapt to new locations.
D.Snakes tend to stay in safer habitats.
26.Which of the following proverbs can be used to describe the findings
A.Barking dogs don’t bite.
B.The early bird catches worms.
C.Things of one kind come together.
D.A friend in need is a friend indeed.
27.In which section of a newspaper may this text appear
A.Entertainment. B.Science.
C.Education. D.Health.
Albert Einstein, the genius behind the Theory of relativity, which provided a new framework for all of physics and proposed new concepts of space and time, has recently been making headlines again. However, this time it is not for a new scientific breakthrough, but because of two handwritten notes the scientist gave a bellboy 98 years ago.
The story goes something like this. In October 1922, Einstein was invited to Tokyo to deliver lectures. As the scientist was making his way from Europe to Japan, he received a telegram informing him that he had been awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics. Though pleased at the news, he decided to continue with his Japanese trip instead of heading to Stockholm to accept the honor.
When in Tokyo, he penned two notes in German. One of them, written on a piece of plain paper, said, “Where there's a will, there's a way.”
Why did Einstein write the notes Some believe they were to express Einstein's delight at the reception he received from the people of Japan who crowded to attend the laureate's (获奖者) lectures. Others think they were specially written for a bellboy who came to deliver a message, either because the scientist did not have loose change to tip him,or because the messenger refused to accept tips. Regardless of the reason, Einstein purportedly told the bellboy, “Maybe if you are lucky, those notes will become much more valuable than just a regular tip.” He was right!
Earlier this year, the bellboy's nephew decided to part with the letters and handed them to Winner's Auctions and Exhibitions. The “theory of happiness” brought the owner an astonishing $1.56 million from a European buyer, The second note, which opened at $1,000, and expected to fetch a maximum of $6,000, sold for $240,000!
28.What made Einstein become people's focus again
A.The Theory of relativity.
B.His new concepts of space.
C.The notes written by himself.
D.His notes about his theory.
29.Where did Einstein write the words
A.In Bern. B.In Stockholm.
C.In Germany. D.In Japan.
30.How were Einstein's lectures
A.They had a great effect.
B.They attracted a lot of people.
C.They successfully inspired people.
D.They were hard to understand.
31.How might the owner of the notes feel about the deal
A.Disappointed. B.Curious.
C.Unfair. D.Unexpected.
Due to the outbreak of the novel coronavirus pneumonia (NCP), people all over the world are wearing masks to reduce the risk of infection. It's a very simple but incredibly effective method to protect oneself from a variety of harmful things. In fact, masks have been helping mankind for centuries. Let's take a look at some mask related history.
1st century
In that era, many people in Roman Empire worked underground in mines to support their families. But most of them suffered from and even eventually died of respiratory (呼吸的) illnesses. To address this problem, Pliny the Elder (23-79 CE), a Roman philosopher and naturalist, recommended the use of animal bladder (膀胱) skins to stop dust from being breathed in. Although primitive, his idea was considered the very first recorded mask invention.
16th century
Early inventions did not stop with Pliny. Many centuries later, Italian artist and inventor Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519), proposed using a woven cloth dipped in water over the face to protect against the poisonous chemicals.
19th century
The design of the mask look a big step forward in the 19th century. In 1848, American Lewis Hassley became the first person to patent (注册专利) a protective mask for miners, which was a milestone in face mask history. Masks at this stage were similar to gas masks. Later, in 1897, Polish Austrian doctor Johann von Mikulicz Radccki designed a simple mask composed of one layer of gauze (纱布), recommending medical workers to wear it to prevent infection. That was the first recorded use of a surgical mask.
20th century
In 1910, an epidemic broke out in Northeast China. Chinese doctor Wu Liande designed a cheap face mask called “Wu's mask”. Made of two layers of surgical gauze, it could be wrapped around the back of the head and tied in a knot. This mask was praised by experts around the world, as it was simple to manufacture (制作) and had a low production cost.
Modern exploration
With several outbreaks of infectious diseases and the flu and the rise of pollution caused by industrial waste, the materials in masks have continued to evolve to better protect its wearer. For example, in 2012 when China suffered from smog, mask models such as N95 and KN90, which can filter out this fine particulate (微粒) matter, became highly popular. In the future, masks will continue to improve, hopefully so will the habits of humans.
32.According to the text, why were masks invented
A.To reduce the risk of infection.
B.To protect miners from dust.
C.To indicate patients with respiratory illnesses.
D.To protect workers from harmful chemicals.
33.What was considered a milestone in face mask history
A.Using a woven cloth instead of animal skins.
B.Getting a patent on protective masks for miners.
C.The invention of surgical masks in 1897.
D.Using more than one layer of surgical gauze.
34.“Wu's mask” grew popular around the world because ________.
A.it could be used multiple times
B.it was simple for people to wear
C.it was cheap and easy to manufacture
D.it could better protect people from smog
35.What is the text mainly about
A.The evolution of masks.
B.The benefits of using masks.
C.A comparison of different masks.
D.The roles masks played at different times.
第二节 七选五(共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
Have you ever had times questioning yourself and feeling discouraged If you answer yes, what you've experienced is negative self talk. __36__ . You say to yourself untrue things like, “I'm not good enough. I'm a disappointment.” These false beliefs stop us in our tracks. So, how do you stop the negative self talk
Know you're special. You are “One of a Kind”! There is no other person that thinks exactly like you. When you begin to sincerely believe how special you are, it's easier to fight the negative self talk.
·Change your associations
Your negative self talk comes from your environment. You didn't just accidentally wake up one day thinking of bad things about yourself. It may be because someone, somewhere in your life has told you negative things about you and whether you accept it or not, you believe them. However, if you surround yourself with the right people, they will build you up, inspire you and make you feel better. __38__.
·Change your dialogue
Read and say all the wonderful things about yourself at least 5 times per day. Look at yourself in the mirror and say, “I am amazing!” __39__, and you'll believe that you are awesome pretty soon.
Of course, there are other things to stop negative self talk. __40__, but if you are determined to think positively in every situation, that will bring a positive change in your life.
A.Think the same way
B.Change is not easy
C.Change your position
D.It begins in your brain
E.Change your state of mind
F.You'll seek out the right people to help change your thoughts
G.You'll start to believe the great things they tell you little by little
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
Everyone should go to his or her 50th high school reunion. There was a time I thought I'd never go even if the opportunity __41__. But now I feel __42__ for people who don't go.
I went to the reunion of my high school on a Saturday evening, and I am glad I did. It was a gift to recognize some __43__ classmates right away—and to be recognized. __44__, we had name tags and our old photos on our clothing to help identify us. I recognized one woman immediately!
The most memorable and moving experience of the night was __45__ by a schoolmate and neighbor to whom I was once close. Unfortunately, we had a falling out in the high school. I never saw her after __46__, but this time, I saw her name on a place setting. At first, I feared that I would run into her. But my better self won over, and I __47__ her out. I kept looking until I got a __48__ on my shoulder. There she was __49__. We hugged as if nothing had ever __50__ and exchanged affectionate words. When the party ended, my old new friend walked towards me, __51__ me again and wished me well. I returned her good wishes. All the bad __52__ melted into thin air.
I am grateful I had this __53__ to reunite with old classmates. After all, we are almost nearing the final lap of our lifelong journeys. Some classmates had already left this __54__, and their names were deleted from the list. Sometimes we have to walk back into the past because time does heal old wounds. We're not the __55__ people. We are better people.
41.A.put down B.came up
C.got through D.took off
42.A.sorry B.relieved
C.upset D.enthusiastic
43.A.latter B.former
C.present D.future
44.A.Unluckily B.Unwillingly
C.Normally D.Thankfully
45.A.delivered B.provided
C.committed D.ruined
46.A.graduation B.separation
C.marriage D.departure
47.A.let B.drove
C.sought D.helped
48.A.hand B.blow
C.kiss D.tap
49.A.walking B.talking
C.smiling D.laughing
50.A.happened B.changed
C.existed D.mentioned
51.A.encouraged B.approached
C.hugged D.patted
52.A.words B.apologies
C.excuses D.memories
53.A.qualification B.situation
C.courage D.chance
54.A.world B.city
C.school D.class
55.A.important B.bad
C.merciful D.same
It's common to see food delivery workers riding electric bikes in a hurry through big cities in China. Some of them even risk 56.________ (run) red lights to deliver their meals in time. However, such careless behavior often causes serious problems.
The reason for the rise of such careless behavior is that there is 57.________ large demand for food delivery workers,and many companies offer high salaries 58.________ (attract) new workers. In fact, food delivery workers are often under high 59.________ (press) from their employers. They face company fines for delivering food late. Moreover, the more orders they take, the more money they can earn, 60.________ leads to some workers checking 61.________ (they) mobile phones for new orders while they are riding their bikes.
While most companies require delivery workers to follow traffic rules, it remains a problem whether these requirements and rules are 62.________ (strict) obeyed.
To solve the problem,some cities 63.________ (take) action since last year. Shanghai required the delivery workers should 64.________ (train) on traffic rules and safety. Now in Shenzhen, if a delivery worker gets caught breaking traffic rules more than twice, he or she will be banned 65.________ driving food delivery vehicles for a whole year.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
第一节 应用文写作(满分15分)
A Cross Country Running Race
第二节 读后续写(满分25分)
You never know the difference you might make if you take the time to encourage someone. I gave up the idea of being a writer the summer before I started college. I'd been writing since I was five years old. My little friends wanted toys at that time, but I just wanted paper. Childhood passed and a box of short stories gave way to my middle school days. I wrote for a magazine and by the time I was in my eighth grade, half of the annual publications were written by me. Sometimes I'd dreamed about being a novelist, writing books that everyone might read. My dad was always sure that it would happen. When he read my poems or stories, his eyes welled up. “That's beautiful, honey,” he always told me. “One day, the entire world will know what a gift you have. ” Those words encouraged me through high school to keep believing that writing was my calling.
But somewhere along the months of my senior year, I became disappointed. The crazy injustice (不公正) in this world—bad guys getting buck out on the street and doing harm again and again,changed my mind. “I'm going to be a lawyer in the future,” I told my parents. My dad's face fell, but he kept his smile. “Whatever you do,you'll be brilliant at it,” he said to me.
One of my first classes at college was Journalism 100. One day, the professor, Bob Scheibel, assigned us a story about an apartment fire. He gave us the facts and we had a few days to write a news story.
I was sure that I had gotten the facts right when I wrote the story. I didn't expect much feedback. But a few days later, Bob Scheibel asked me to talk to him after class. Questions raced through my mind. What had I done wrong Had I gotten the facts mixed up Did I miss anything critical in the details Five minutes after the class,I found myself in front of the professor. His eyes met mine with great seriousness.
The professor asked whether I have read an article about this event on the newspapers.________________________________________________________________________
Since then, I begin to devote myself to writing. ________________________________________________________________________
第二部分 阅读理解
第三部分 语言运用
to attract
have taken
be trained
第四部分 写作
A Cross Country Running Race
Last Sunday witnessed an extraordinary cross country running race, which nearly drew the attention of every student and teacher of our school.
The students selected from every class took part in the competition. The route measured five kilometers, from our school gate to the foot of Nanshan Mountain. Every runner tried their best to finish the task, with their classmates along the way giving them necessary help as well as encouragement. At last,all the runners managed to arrive the finish line, receiving cheers from all the directions.
The activity was highly spoken of, because not only did it provide a chance for us to exercise, but also made us more cohesive.
The professor asked whether I have read an article about this event on the newspapers. I shook my head and said no. “This is the first time that I have heard of this story,” I replied. “What you have written is brilliant. You've done a very good job,” the professor said. “I think you have a talent for writing things.” As saying this, he handed the writing assignment to me and I saw a bright A+ on the paper. Walking out of the teachers' office, I felt my heart soaring like a bird into the sky. The teacher's encouragement brightened my day.
Since then, I begin to devote myself to writing. Later in the school and city writing competitions, I get numerous awards and honors. All these achievements act as a motivation for me to dream of being a writer in the future. Now my dream has come true. I am one of the famous novelists in our city. The teacher's words will always be embedded in my heart because it is his encouragement that has set up a path for my future. Thank you, my dear teacher.