人教版(2019) 必修第一册 Welcome Unit 词汇课(一)教案


名称 人教版(2019) 必修第一册 Welcome Unit 词汇课(一)教案
格式 docx
文件大小 27.1KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-09-04 07:58:31



Welcome Unit——词汇课(一)
I .Teaching aims:
1.To grasp some new words and phrases, such as: exchange, design, annoy…
2.Students also can arouse their interested in learning words and they will be more confident to speak English in the class.
II .Key point:
Students need to master the new words and phrases and be able to talk about the topic of these knowledge.
III .Difficult point:
Students must open their hearts and change their previous impression of English vocabulary class through this lesson.
IV .Teaching method:
Situational teaching method
V. Teaching contents:
1. exchange: ex --前缀:出去;以前的 + change(v)改变,(n)零钱
1)an exchange student交换生(复数加s)
2)exchange A for B 用A交换B
Can you tell me where can change my dollars for pounds
3)exchange sth. with sb. 与某人交换某物; 与某人交流…
They exchanged their visiting cards with each other.
He is exchanging how to learn English with his friends.
4) make an exchange (for) sth. 为…做出交换
5)in exchange for 作为…的交换
Would you like my new TV in exchange for this camera
2. lecture
1) delver/give/make a lecture 做演讲
Eg: ①她正在向孩子们做关于如何学习英语的演讲。
She is lecturing the children on how to learn English.
She delivered a lecture on good manners.
3)表示演讲;讲话:address/speech/ lecture/ report
3. registration
1)registered 注册的
2)registration form 登记表
Eg: 学生们登记的课将在下周六开始进行。
The registration of students for the courses will begin on next Saturday.
4. sex
sexy 性感的
sexual 性别的
1)feminine 女性的
2)female senses 女性意识
3)male---- manly 勇敢的; 有男子气概的
We value equality of the sexes, of gender.
I will never really understand the female thinking.
Why males must be preferred to female
6. nationality
1)national 国家的
2)international 国际的
Eg: ①--你的国籍是什么?--我的国籍是中国。
--What's your nationality? --My nationality is China./I am a Chinese.
The president's speech was showed nationality.
③发展中国家:developing nation
发达国家:developed nation
东道国:host nation
中华民族:Chinese nation
1)be designed for 为…设计
2)be designed to do 被设计做…
Eg: ①事实上,我们的身体不是为了久坐不动而设计的。
Actually, our bodies are not designed to be inactive.
She is a good fashion designer.
by design故意地=by accident
on purpose 无意地
9.campus 指(大学)的校园
1)on campus 在校园里
2)campus culture校园文化
3) campus network校园网
4)campus life 校园生活
Eg: 我的意思是你真的喜欢住在学校吗?
I mean, do you like living on campus
1) informal 非正式的
Eg: 请用正规格式把它打印出来。
Please type it in a formal style.
1) anxiety 焦虑
be anxious about/for… 为… 担忧
Eg: ①我急于解决一切事情。
I was anxious for everything to be settled.
Here is no reason to be anxious about the result.
be anxious to do sth. 渴望做…
Eg: 我急切的想要知道自己的成绩。
I am anxious to know my grade.
be annoyed with… 对…生气
Susan felt annoyed with herself.
be annoyed at… 被…烦扰
We were annoyed at being beaten.
be annoyed by… 对…感到不快乐
Eg: 我因为他的坏习惯而感到不爽。
I was annoyed by his bad manners.
1) frighten 使惊吓
2)frightening 令人恐惧的(adj.)
3)frighten off/away 吓走,吓跑
Eg: 孩子们的喊声吓跑了鸟儿.
The children's shouts frightened the birds off.
4)be frightened to do sth. 害怕做某事.
Eg: 他害怕独自离开。
He is frightened to leave alone.
5)frighten sb. into doing sth.
6)be frightened of/by sth.
Eg: ①这个小女孩并不怕狗。
The little girl is not frightened of the dog.
She was frightened by the shadow of the tree.
1)be senior/junior to 比…年长/少
Eg: 他比我大三岁。
He is three years senior to me.
2)be senior/junior to sb. by…years 比…年长/年幼…岁
Eg: 他比我大三岁。
He is senior to me by three years.
3)junior 地位低下的/青少年
Eg: 他是个性格开朗且活泼的人.
He is an outgoing and lively person.
impress 给…留下印象
impressive 令人吃惊的 an impressive performance一场令人吃惊的表演
Eg: 所有人都对他那场精彩的表演印象深刻。
All the people were impressed by his impressive performance.
be impressed with/by/at/of 对…印象深刻
Eg: 祖父对他的童年有着深刻的回忆。
Grandpa has clear impressions of his childhood.
leave/make an impression on sb 给某人留下深刻的印象
Eg: 你可以用自己的性格给我留下深刻的印象。
You can impress me with your character.