Unit 2 Travelling Around the World 讲义Part One - Words and Expressions(学生版+教师版)


名称 Unit 2 Travelling Around the World 讲义Part One - Words and Expressions(学生版+教师版)
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资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-09-07 17:51:45


Unit 2 Travelling Around Book One中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台
Unit 2 Travelling Around
Part One - Words and Expressions
castle [ kɑ sl] cn. 城堡
apply [ pla ]
vi./vt. 申请;请求
【短语】apply (to sb./sth.) for sth. (向某人或某物)申请...
apply to do sth. 申请做某事
I am writing to apply to our school English club for the post of editor.
vt. 应用;使用;努力学习,勤奋工作
【短语】apply sth. to (doing)sth. 把某物应用于(做)某事
apply oneself/one’s mind to (doing) sth. 致力于/专心于(做)某事
We should apply what we learn in class to our future jobs and lives.
I must apply myself to studying in order to make my dream come true.
vt. 涂(油漆、乳剂)
【词汇扩展】application cn./un. 申请,申请表,应用 applicant cn. 申请人
【短语】a job application _____________ the application of sth. to ... 把某事/某物应用到
successful applicant ___________ 工作申请;合格者
The person who wants to apply ______ (prep.) the position will be expected to have a good command掌握 of English. to
We should apply theory _____ (prep.) practice, otherwise否则 it is of no use. into
To my surprise, I was chosen from hundreds of _______ (apply) to attend the opening ceremony开幕式. applicants
visa [ vi z ] n. 签证
rent [rent] vt./vi. 租用,出租;vi. 租用,租金为;un./cn. 租金
【短语】rent sth. to sb. 把某物租给某人 pay the rent 付租金 for rent 出租,招租
pack [p k]
vi./vt. 收拾(行李);vt. 包装
【短语】pack sth. up 把(某物)打包,把(某物)装箱
vi./vt. 挤进,涌进,塞满,挤满
【短语】pack (into) ... 挤满/进... pack someplace with ... ...挤满/进某地
At the opening ceremony, more than 2000 students packed (into) the hall.
After the final exam, the bus station was packed with students who returned home from school.
cn. (商品的)纸包,纸袋,一捆,一包,一群,群,帮
【短语】a pack of 一盒,一包,一帮,一群 in packs 成群地
John bought ______________(一包糖果)for his younger sister as a gift. a pack of candies
Tim was busy ________________(整理衣服)as he was leaving at that night. pack clothes up
The stadium体育场 __________________(挤满了歌迷)to see the famous singer. is packed with fans
amazing [ mez ] adj. 办令人惊奇的;令人惊喜的
【词汇扩展】amaze vt. 使惊奇 amazed adj. 大为惊奇的 amazement un. 惊奇,惊讶
amazingly adv. 令人惊讶地
【短语】be amazed at/by/that + 句子 对...感到惊奇
be amazed to see/find/learn sth. 因看到/发现/得知...感到惊奇
to one’s amazement 使人大为惊奇的是 in amazement 惊讶地
Taking pictures of polar bears北极熊 is _______ (amaze) but also dangerous. amazing
The audience观众 were ________ by the speaker’s ________ performance表现 on the stage舞台. (amaze)
amazed; amazing
arrangement [ re nd m nt]
cn. 安排,筹备 cn. 布置,安排方式 cn./un. 商定,约定
【词汇扩展】arrange vt./vi. 安排,筹备 vt. 整理,布置
【短语】make arrangements (for)(为...)做安排 come to an arrangement 达成协议
arrange for sth. 安排某事 arrange ( for sb.) to do sth. 安排(某人)做某事
The accident totally upset our _________ (arrange) and caused a lot of problems. arrangement
The manager arranged _____ (prep.) Miss Green to pick up a foreigner at the airport. for
I was arranged ______ (meet) Jane after work last night but she didn’t turn up. to meet
extremely [ k stri mli] adv. 极其;非常
【词汇扩展】extreme n. 极端 adj. 极端的
【短语】extremely important 极为重要的 extremely useful _____________________
source [s s] n. 来源;出处
【短语】sources of information 信息来源
narrow [ n r ] adj./vt. 狭窄的;(使)变窄
flat [fl t] adj. 平坦的;扁平的;n.公寓;单元房
powerful [ pa fl] adj. 强有力的;有权势的;有影响力的
【词汇扩展】power n. 权利,影响力
empire [ empa (r)] n. 帝国
【词汇扩展】emperor [ emp r (r)] n. 皇帝
site [sa t] n. 地点;位置;现场
take control of 控制;接管
【短语扩展】in control of ... 控制... (主语是人) in the control of ... 由...控制(主语是物)
lose control of ... 失去对...的控制 be under control 被控制住,处于控制之下
official [ f l] n./adj. 官方的;正式的;公务的 官员;要员
【词汇扩展】office n. 办公室 officer n. 军官,高级职员
recognise [ rek ɡna z] vt.辨别出;承认;认可
vt. 辨别出,认出
【短语】recognise one’s voice 辨别出别人的声音 recognise sb./sth. by/from 通过...认出某人或某物
vt. 意识到(某事)是事实,(正式)承认,认可,接受,赞成,赏识,公认
【短语】It is recognised that ... 人们意识到... be recognised as... 被认为是...,被称赞是...,被公认是...
【词汇扩展】recognition un. 认可
【短语】change beyond/out of recognition 变得(完全)认不出来
seek international/official/formal recognition 寻求国际/官方/正式的承认
Though we haven’t seen each other for years, I __________________(通过他的声音认出他)
__________________(人们意识到)it is time to protect the environment from being polluted.
Anne ___________________(被公认为最努力的学生)in our class.
recognised him by/from his voice; It is recognised that; is recognised as the hardest student
type [ta p] n.类型;种类;vt./vi. 打字
text type 文章类型
flight [fla t] cn. 空中航行;航班;航程
【词汇扩展】fly v. 飞(过去式flew 过去分词 flown) n. 苍蝇
【短语】a short flight 短途航班 a international flight ___________________国际航班
accommodation [ k m de n] n. 住处;停留处;膳宿
【词汇扩展】accommodation un. 住处,停留处
unique [j nik] adj. 唯一的;独特的;特有的;罕见的
【短语】be unique to ... 是...特有的 a unique way 一个独特的方法
The interesting and charming有魅力的 creature生物 is unique to China.
【词汇扩展】uniquely adv. 独特地,与众不同地
path [p θ] cn. 小路;路线;道路
destination [ dest ne n] cn. 目的地;终点
【短语】a travel destination 一处旅游胜地 popular holiday destinations 深受大众喜爱的度假胜地
arrive at/get to/reach one’s destination 到达某人的目的地
other than 除了
admire [ d ma (r)] vt. 欣赏;仰慕;钦佩;赞赏
【词汇扩展】admirer cn. 钦佩者,赞赏者,追求者 admirable adj. 可钦佩的,值得赞赏的
admirably adv. 令人赞赏地 admiration un. 钦佩,赞赏
【短语】admire the scenery/the moon 欣赏风景/月亮
admire sb. for (doing) sth. 因(做)某事而钦佩/赞赏某人
in admiration 赞上地,钦佩地 have admiration for ... 钦佩...
architecture [ ɑ rk tekt (r)] n. 建筑设计;建筑学
【词汇扩展】architect [ ɑ rk t kt] n. 建筑设计师
brochure [br (r)] n. 资料(或广告)手册
【短语】a travel brochure 旅游手册
package [ p k d ] n./vt. 包裹;包装盒;将……包装好
【短语】package tour 包价旅游
contact [ k nt kt]
vt. 联络;联系 联系;接触 un. 联系,接触
【短语】make contact with sb. 与某人取得联系 keep/stay incontact with sb. 与某人保持联系
be in contact with sb. 与某人有联系 lose contact with sb. 与某人失去联系
eye contact 目光接触
civilisation [ s v la ze n] n. 文明;文明世界
【词汇扩展】civilization n. 文明,文明世界(美式英语)
【短语】the technology of modern civilisation 现代文明的技术
make up 构成;形成;化妆;编造
【短语扩展】be made up of 由...组成/构成 make up for 弥补,补偿
make out 辨认清楚,理解,明白(事理) make use of 利用
make it 获得成功,渡过难关 make the most of 充分利用,尽情享受
make sense 有意义,讲得通 make up one’s mind 下定决心
我的演讲由三部分组成。_____________________________________ = _____________________________
My speech is made up of three parts. = Three parts make up my speech.
Cultural activities ________(构成)an important part of the Olympics Games. make up
Facing two offers, I haven’t _______________(下定决心)about which to choose. made up one’s mind
We should __________(利用)our gift to make smart choices in our life. make use of
I think the sentence doesn’t ____________(讲得通). make sense
soldier [ s ld (r)] n. 士兵;军人
transport [ tr nsp rt] n. 交通运输系统 vt.运输;运送(英式英语)
hike [ha k] vi. 徒步旅行 vi./vt. 去远足 cn. 远足,徒步旅行
【短语】go hiking __________________去远足
economy [ k n mi] n. 经济;节约
【词汇扩展】economic [ ik n m k] adj. 经济(上)的;经济学的 economical adj. 经济的,节约的
【短语】a low-carbon economy 低碳经济
credit [ kred t] un. 赊欠;借款;信用;称赞;cn. 学分
【短语】a credit card 信用卡 on credit 赊账 gain/lose credit 取得/失去信用
give sb. credit for... 为...而称赞某人,相信某人有(某种优点)
do sb. credit 使某人值得赞扬 to one’s credit 使某人值得赞扬
_____ (prep.) your credit, you gave back the money you found; your honest does you credit. To
These scientists should be given credit ______ their great contributions贡献 to society. for
detail [ di te l] un. 细节;详情;cn. 细微之处
【词汇扩展】detailed adj. 详细地,细致地
【短语】in detail 详细地 go into detail(s) 详细叙述,逐一说明
a detailed description/study 详细的描述/研究
give a detailed account of ... 详细地叙述
I’m really interested in all that you have said. Can we discuss it ________________(详细地) in detail
His language is wonderful, which gives the readers ______________(详细的描述)of the lifestyle in Britain.
detailed description
check in
vi. (在旅馆、机场等)登记 不及物动词,接宾语时要加介词at vt. 托运(行李)
【词汇扩展】check-in n. (机场、宾馆、医院等的)登记手续办理处,登记处
【短语扩展】check into vt. 登记入住(旅馆或私立医院)
check out (of...) 结账离开(旅馆等),调查,核实
request [r kwest]
cn. 请求,要求
【短语】at one’s request = at the request of sb. 应某人的要求 make a request/requests for... 要求/请求...
vt. 请求,要求
【短语】request sb. (not) to do sth. 要求.请求某人(不)做某事
It is requested that ... = request that ... 要求... (从句用主+(should) + V原)
I come here ________ (prep.) the request of Mr Smith to help him finish the work. at
The school requests that all the students _______ (wear) the school uniform on weekdays in school. wear
cn. 景色,风景(尤指乡间风景) un. 观看,视野
【短语】in view 在视线范围内 out of view 不在视野中 come into view 出现在视野中
have a good/bad view of ... 看的清/看不清...
cn. (个人的)看法,意见,见解,态度
【短语】in one’s view = in one’s opinion 在某人看来 one’s view(s) on/about sth. 某人关于某事的看法
take the view that ... 持有...的观点 point if view 观点,意见
in view of 鉴于,考虑到,由于
vt. 观看,以...看待,把...视为
【短语】view sb./sth. as... 把某人/某事视为... (常用被动形式sb./sth. is viewed as...)
The holiday cottage小屋 soon came _______ (prep.) view as we approached接近 the beach.
In Home Letters by Fou Lei, Fou Lei shared his views _____ (prep.) art and life.
We should consider the plan again _______________________(考虑到未来的发展).
When we climbed to the top of the mountain, we _________________________(看的清整个城镇).
Although the present isn’t worth much, I value it very much. _________________(在我看来), it’s important.
into; on/about; in view of the future development; had a good view of the whole town; In my view/opinion
sight [sa t] n.景象;视野;视力
cn. 看见/看得见的事物,景象,情景 un. 看见
【短语】catch sight of 看见,瞥见 at the sight of 一看见 lose sight of 再也看不见,忽略,忘记
at first sight 乍一看,初次见到
n. 风景,名胜
un. 视力,视力范围,视野
【短语】lose one’s sight 失明 in sight 在眼前,在看得见的范围内 come into sight 进入视线,进入眼帘
out of (one’s) sight 在(某人的)视线外,在(某人)看不见的地方
【易混词辨析】view & sight
view 眼睛看到的风景(尤指乡村风景),场景 The view from the top of the mountain was wonderful.
sight 看得见的事物,名胜,古迹 Mary will show you the sights of Xi’an.
To be honest, the house isn’t big enough, but you can get a good ________ (view/sight) of the park.
The Great Wall is one of the wonderful _______ (view/sight) in the world.
We are going to Paris for the weekend to see the _______ (sight).
As the plane came down through the clouds, green fields and white houses __________(进入眼帘).
Suddenly, I ____________(看见我的老师)in the crowd.
The crowd cheered __________(一看到这位赛跑选手), who was reported to have broken the world record.
At the railway station, the mother waved goodbye to her daughter until the train was ___________(看不见).
view, sight, sights, came into sight; caught sight of my teacher; at the sight of the runner; out of sight
statue [ st t u ] cn. 雕塑;雕像
tomb [tu m] n.坟墓
unearth [ n θ] vt. 挖掘;发掘
comment [ k m nt]
cn./un. 意见,评论,议论,解释 vi./vt. 发表意见,评论
【短语】make comments/a comment on/about 对...发表评论
comment on/upon ... 评论...中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台
Unit 2 Travelling Around
Part One - Words and Expressions
castle [ kɑ sl] cn. 城堡
apply [ pla ]
vi./vt. 申请;请求
【短语】apply (to sb./sth.) for sth. (向某人或某物)申请...
apply to do sth. 申请做某事
I am writing to apply to our school English club for the post of editor.
vt. 应用;使用;努力学习,勤奋工作
【短语】apply sth. to (doing)sth. 把某物应用于(做)某事
apply oneself/one’s mind to (doing) sth. 致力于/专心于(做)某事
We should apply what we learn in class to our future jobs and lives.
I must apply myself to studying in order to make my dream come true.
vt. 涂(油漆、乳剂)
【词汇扩展】application cn./un. 申请,申请表,应用 applicant cn. 申请人
【短语】a job application _____________ the application of sth. to ... 把某事/某物应用到
successful applicant ___________
The person who wants to apply ______ (prep.) the position will be expected to have a good command掌握 of English.
We should apply theory _____ (prep.) practice, otherwise否则 it is of no use.
To my surprise, I was chosen from hundreds of _______ (apply) to attend the opening ceremony开幕式.
visa [ vi z ] n. 签证
rent [rent] vt./vi. 租用,出租;vi. 租用,租金为;un./cn. 租金
【短语】rent sth. to sb. 把某物租给某人 pay the rent 付租金 for rent 出租,招租
pack [p k]
vi./vt. 收拾(行李);vt. 包装
【短语】pack sth. up 把(某物)打包,把(某物)装箱
vi./vt. 挤进,涌进,塞满,挤满
【短语】pack (into) ... 挤满/进... pack someplace with ... ...挤满/进某地
At the opening ceremony, more than 2000 students packed (into) the hall.
After the final exam, the bus station was packed with students who returned home from school.
cn. (商品的)纸包,纸袋,一捆,一包,一群,群,帮
【短语】a pack of 一盒,一包,一帮,一群 in packs 成群地
John bought ______________(一包糖果)for his younger sister as a gift.
Tim was busy ________________(整理衣服)as he was leaving at that night.
The stadium体育场 __________________(挤满了歌迷)to see the famous singer.
amazing [ mez ] adj. 办令人惊奇的;令人惊喜的
【词汇扩展】amaze vt. 使惊奇 amazed adj. 大为惊奇的 amazement un. 惊奇,惊讶
amazingly adv. 令人惊讶地
【短语】be amazed at/by/that + 句子 对...感到惊奇
be amazed to see/find/learn sth. 因看到/发现/得知...感到惊奇
to one’s amazement 使人大为惊奇的是 in amazement 惊讶地
Taking pictures of polar bears北极熊 is _______ (amaze) but also dangerous.
The audience观众 were ________ by the speaker’s ________ performance表现 on the stage舞台. (amaze)
arrangement [ re nd m nt]
cn. 安排,筹备 cn. 布置,安排方式 cn./un. 商定,约定
【词汇扩展】arrange vt./vi. 安排,筹备 vt. 整理,布置
【短语】make arrangements (for)(为...)做安排 come to an arrangement 达成协议
arrange for sth. 安排某事 arrange ( for sb.) to do sth. 安排(某人)做某事
The accident totally upset our _________ (arrange) and caused a lot of problems.
The manager arranged _____ (prep.) Miss Green to pick up a foreigner at the airport.
I was arranged ______ (meet) Jane after work last night but she didn’t turn up.
extremely [ k stri mli] adv. 极其;非常
【词汇扩展】extreme n. 极端 adj. 极端的
【短语】extremely important 极为重要的 extremely useful _____________________
source [s s] n. 来源;出处
【短语】sources of information 信息来源
narrow [ n r ] adj./vt. 狭窄的;(使)变窄
flat [fl t] adj. 平坦的;扁平的;n.公寓;单元房
powerful [ pa fl] adj. 强有力的;有权势的;有影响力的
【词汇扩展】power n. 权利,影响力
empire [ empa (r)] n. 帝国
【词汇扩展】emperor [ emp r (r)] n. 皇帝
site [sa t] n. 地点;位置;现场
take control of 控制;接管
【短语扩展】in control of ... 控制... (主语是人) in the control of ... 由...控制(主语是物)
lose control of ... 失去对...的控制 be under control 被控制住,处于控制之下
official [ f l] n./adj. 官方的;正式的;公务的 官员;要员
【词汇扩展】office n. 办公室 officer n. 军官,高级职员
recognise [ rek ɡna z] vt.辨别出;承认;认可
vt. 辨别出,认出
【短语】recognise one’s voice 辨别出别人的声音 recognise sb./sth. by/from 通过...认出某人或某物
vt. 意识到(某事)是事实,(正式)承认,认可,接受,赞成,赏识,公认
【短语】It is recognised that ... 人们意识到... be recognised as... 被认为是...,被称赞是...,被公认是...
【词汇扩展】recognition un. 认可
【短语】change beyond/out of recognition 变得(完全)认不出来
seek international/official/formal recognition 寻求国际/官方/正式的承认
Though we haven’t seen each other for years, I __________________(通过他的声音认出他)
__________________(人们意识到)it is time to protect the environment from being polluted.
Anne ___________________(被公认为最努力的学生)in our class.
type [ta p] n.类型;种类;vt./vi. 打字
text type 文章类型
flight [fla t] cn. 空中航行;航班;航程
【词汇扩展】fly v. 飞(过去式flew 过去分词 flown) n. 苍蝇
【短语】a short flight 短途航班 a international flight ___________________
accommodation [ k m de n] n. 住处;停留处;膳宿
【词汇扩展】accommodation un. 住处,停留处
unique [j nik] adj. 唯一的;独特的;特有的;罕见的
【短语】be unique to ... 是...特有的 a unique way 一个独特的方法
The interesting and charming有魅力的 creature生物 is unique to China.
【词汇扩展】uniquely adv. 独特地,与众不同地
path [p θ] cn. 小路;路线;道路
destination [ dest ne n] cn. 目的地;终点
【短语】a travel destination 一处旅游胜地 popular holiday destinations 深受大众喜爱的度假胜地
arrive at/get to/reach one’s destination 到达某人的目的地
other than 除了
admire [ d ma (r)] vt. 欣赏;仰慕;钦佩;赞赏
【词汇扩展】admirer cn. 钦佩者,赞赏者,追求者 admirable adj. 可钦佩的,值得赞赏的
admirably adv. 令人赞赏地 admiration un. 钦佩,赞赏
【短语】admire the scenery/the moon 欣赏风景/月亮
admire sb. for (doing) sth. 因(做)某事而钦佩/赞赏某人
in admiration 赞上地,钦佩地 have admiration for ... 钦佩...
architecture [ ɑ rk tekt (r)] n. 建筑设计;建筑学
【词汇扩展】architect [ ɑ rk t kt] n. 建筑设计师
brochure [br (r)] n. 资料(或广告)手册
【短语】a travel brochure 旅游手册
package [ p k d ] n./vt. 包裹;包装盒;将……包装好
【短语】package tour 包价旅游
contact [ k nt kt]
vt. 联络;联系 联系;接触 un. 联系,接触
【短语】make contact with sb. 与某人取得联系 keep/stay incontact with sb. 与某人保持联系
be in contact with sb. 与某人有联系 lose contact with sb. 与某人失去联系
eye contact 目光接触
civilisation [ s v la ze n] n. 文明;文明世界
【词汇扩展】civilization n. 文明,文明世界(美式英语)
【短语】the technology of modern civilisation 现代文明的技术
make up 构成;形成;化妆;编造
【短语扩展】be made up of 由...组成/构成 make up for 弥补,补偿
make out 辨认清楚,理解,明白(事理) make use of 利用
make it 获得成功,渡过难关 make the most of 充分利用,尽情享受
make sense 有意义,讲得通 make up one’s mind 下定决心
我的演讲由三部分组成。_____________________________________ = _____________________________
Cultural activities ________(构成)an important part of the Olympics Games.
Facing two offers, I haven’t _______________(下定决心)about which to choose.
We should __________(利用)our gift to make smart choices in our life.
I think the sentence doesn’t ____________(讲得通).
soldier [ s ld (r)] n. 士兵;军人
transport [ tr nsp rt] n. 交通运输系统 vt.运输;运送(英式英语)
hike [ha k] vi. 徒步旅行 vi./vt. 去远足 cn. 远足,徒步旅行
【短语】go hiking __________________
economy [ k n mi] n. 经济;节约
【词汇扩展】economic [ ik n m k] adj. 经济(上)的;经济学的 economical adj. 经济的,节约的
【短语】a low-carbon economy 低碳经济
credit [ kred t] un. 赊欠;借款;信用;称赞;cn. 学分
【短语】a credit card 信用卡 on credit 赊账 gain/lose credit 取得/失去信用
give sb. credit for... 为...而称赞某人,相信某人有(某种优点)
do sb. credit 使某人值得赞扬 to one’s credit 使某人值得赞扬
_____ (prep.) your credit, you gave back the money you found; your honest does you credit.
These scientists should be given credit ______ their great contributions贡献 to society.
detail [ di te l] un. 细节;详情;cn. 细微之处
【词汇扩展】detailed adj. 详细地,细致地
【短语】in detail 详细地 go into detail(s) 详细叙述,逐一说明
a detailed description/study 详细的描述/研究
give a detailed account of ... 详细地叙述
I’m really interested in all that you have said. Can we discuss it ________________(详细地)
His language is wonderful, which gives the readers ______________(详细的描述)of the lifestyle in Britain.
check in
vi. (在旅馆、机场等)登记 不及物动词,接宾语时要加介词at vt. 托运(行李)
【词汇扩展】check-in n. (机场、宾馆、医院等的)登记手续办理处,登记处
【短语扩展】check into vt. 登记入住(旅馆或私立医院)
check out (of...) 结账离开(旅馆等),调查,核实
request [r kwest]
cn. 请求,要求
【短语】at one’s request = at the request of sb. 应某人的要求 make a request/requests for... 要求/请求...
vt. 请求,要求
【短语】request sb. (not) to do sth. 要求.请求某人(不)做某事
It is requested that ... = request that ... 要求... (从句用主+(should) + V原)
I come here ________ (prep.) the request of Mr Smith to help him finish the work.
The school requests that all the students _______ (wear) the school uniform on weekdays in school.
cn. 景色,风景(尤指乡间风景) un. 观看,视野
【短语】in view 在视线范围内 out of view 不在视野中 come into view 出现在视野中
have a good/bad view of ... 看的清/看不清...
cn. (个人的)看法,意见,见解,态度
【短语】in one’s view = in one’s opinion 在某人看来 one’s view(s) on/about sth. 某人关于某事的看法
take the view that ... 持有...的观点 point if view 观点,意见
in view of 鉴于,考虑到,由于
vt. 观看,以...看待,把...视为
【短语】view sb./sth. as... 把某人/某事视为... (常用被动形式sb./sth. is viewed as...)
The holiday cottage小屋 soon came _______ (prep.) view as we approached接近 the beach.
In Home Letters by Fou Lei, Fou Lei shared his views _____ (prep.) art and life.
We should consider the plan again _______________________(考虑到未来的发展).
When we climbed to the top of the mountain, we _________________________(看的清整个城镇).
Although the present isn’t worth much, I value it very much. _________________(在我看来), it’s important.
sight [sa t] n.景象;视野;视力
cn. 看见/看得见的事物,景象,情景 un. 看见
【短语】catch sight of 看见,瞥见 at the sight of 一看见 lose sight of 再也看不见,忽略,忘记
at first sight 乍一看,初次见到
n. 风景,名胜
un. 视力,视力范围,视野
【短语】lose one’s sight 失明 in sight 在眼前,在看得见的范围内 come into sight 进入视线,进入眼帘
out of (one’s) sight 在(某人的)视线外,在(某人)看不见的地方
【易混词辨析】view & sight
view 眼睛看到的风景(尤指乡村风景),场景 The view from the top of the mountain was wonderful.
sight 看得见的事物,名胜,古迹 Mary will show you the sights of Xi’an.
To be honest, the house isn’t big enough, but you can get a good ________ (view/sight) of the park.
The Great Wall is one of the wonderful _______ (view/sight) in the world.
We are going to Paris for the weekend to see the _______ (sight).
As the plane came down through the clouds, green fields and white houses __________(进入眼帘).
Suddenly, I ____________(看见我的老师)in the crowd.
The crowd cheered __________(一看到这位赛跑选手), who was reported to have broken the world record.
At the railway station, the mother waved goodbye to her daughter until the train was ___________(看不见).
statue [ st t u ] cn. 雕塑;雕像
tomb [tu m] n.坟墓
unearth [ n θ] vt. 挖掘;发掘
comment [ k m nt]
cn./un. 意见,评论,议论,解释 vi./vt. 发表意见,评论
【短语】make comments/a comment on/about 对...发表评论
comment on/upon ... 评论...