Unit 3 Sports and Fitness讲义 Words and Expressions(学生版+教师版)


名称 Unit 3 Sports and Fitness讲义 Words and Expressions(学生版+教师版)
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资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-09-09 14:46:52


Unit 3 Sports and Fitness Book One 中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台
Unit 3 Sports and Fitness
Part One - Words and Expressions
fitness [ f tn s] n. 健康;健壮;适合
【词汇扩展】fit adj. 合适的 v. 适合,匹配
soccer [ s k (r)] n. 足球;足球运动
stadium [ ste d m] n. 体育场;运动场
复数形式为stadiums 或 stadia
boxing [ b ks ] n. 拳击(运动)
【词汇扩展】box v. 击打(拳击运动中) n. 盒子
badminton [ b dm nt n] n. 羽毛球运动
marathon [ m r θen] n. 马拉松赛跑
【词汇扩展】Full Marathon 全程马拉松 Half Marathon 半程马拉松 Quarter Marathon 四分马拉松
event [ v nt] n. 比赛项目;大事;公开活动
【短语】a sports event 一场体育赛事
come along 跟随;到达;进步;赶快
【短语扩展】come about 发生 come across 偶然遇见,被理解 come up 被提及,走到跟前
come up with 提出 come true 实现 come on 加油,登台,发展
come out 出版,发行,(太阳,星星,月亮)出现,露出
Yesterday when I was walking in the street, I ___________(遇见)Tom; he ______________(走近)and told me that his novel would ___________(出版)the next week, and that his dream would ____________(实现). He happily invited me for a drink and asked me if I would like to ______________(一起走).
came across; came up; come out; come along
ski [ski ] adj./vt. 滑雪的;滑雪
【短语】ski race 滑雪比赛 go skiing 去滑雪 【词汇扩展】skier cn. 滑雪者
host [h st] vt./n. 主办;主持;主人,东道主
【短语】a host city 主办城市 a host country 主办国 a host family 寄宿家庭
【词汇扩展】hostess cn. 女主人,女房东,女主持人
track [tr k] cn. 小道;足迹;铁路轨道;车辙 vt. 追踪;跟踪
keep/lose track of ... 了解/不了解...的动态,与...保持/失去联系 track and field 田径
gym [d m] n. 健身房;体育馆
【词汇扩展】gymnastics [d m n st ks] n. 体操(训练)
work out 锻炼;找到问题的答案;计算出;解决;思考;计划;成功地发展
With such busy lives, it can be hard to find the time to work out.
Though the problem is very difficult, they managed to work it out finally.
If you work out the cost of the holiday, please tell me.
I would appreciate感激 it if you would help me work out a plan for my study.
Things have worked out quite well for us.
sweat [swet] vi./vt. 使出汗; n. 汗水
sweat one’s way to sth. 努力获得某物,通过锻炼流汗的方式获得好身体
make it 获得成功;能够出席(到场);准时到达;幸免于难
Mr White wants to be a professor 教授 by the time he’s 30. Do you think he’ll make it
I’m sorry I didn’t make it to your party last night.
The flight leaves in twenty minutes - we will never make it to the airport.
- Do you think she’s going to make it, doctor - It’s really too soon to say.
legend [ led nd] n. 传奇故事(或人物);传说
【词汇扩展】legendary adj. 非常著名的,传奇的 【短语】living legends 活传奇
athlete [ θli t] n. 运动员;运动健儿
master [ mɑ st (r)] n./vt. 高手;主人;精通;掌握
set an example 树立榜样
【短语扩展】set an example for/to sb. 为某人树立榜样/做出表率
take ... for example 以...为例 follow one’s example 以某人为榜样 for example 例如
honour [ n (r)]
un. 荣誉,尊敬,尊重
【短语】have the honour of (doing) sth. = have the honour to do sth. 得到...殊荣,有幸(做)
It’s an honour (for sb.) to do sth. (对某人来说)做某事很荣幸
in honour of sb. = in one’s honour 为向某人表示敬意,为纪念某人
an honour to sb./sth. 某人/某物的光荣
vt. 尊敬,尊重,给与表扬
【短语】honour sb. with sth. 某事使某人感到荣幸,授予某人荣誉
be/feel honoured to do sth. 因做某事而感到荣幸
【词汇扩展】honourable adj. 光荣的,值得尊敬的,品德高尚的【短语】honourable mention 荣誉奖
We’ve decided to hold a meeting in honour ______(prep.) all the people that have helped us out.
Tu Youyou was honoured ______(prep.) the Nobel Prize on Oct. 5. 2015.
of; with
glory [ ɡl ri] un. 荣誉;光荣;赞美
【词汇扩展】glorious [ ɡl r is]adj. 光荣的,荣耀的,壮丽的,辉煌的
【短语】win glory ____________ glory days _____________ 赢得荣誉;光荣岁月
medal [ medl] n. 奖章;勋章
champion [ t mp n] n. 冠军;优胜者
【词汇扩展】championship [ t mp n p] n. 锦标赛;冠军赛;冠军称号
【短语】world championships 世界锦标赛
determination [d t m ne n] un. 决心;决定;坚定,果断
【词汇扩展】determine v. 决定,决心 determined adj. 有决心的,(尤指在困境中)坚定的
【短语】determine to do sth. 决定做某事 determine on/upon 决定某事
be determined to do sth. 决心做某事
apart [ pɑ t] adv. 分离;分开;分成碎片
【短语】fall apart 破裂;破碎;崩溃
They used to be close friends, but their friendships fell apart not long ago.
injure [ nd (r)] adj. (尤指在事故中)受伤;使受伤;损害(名誉、自尊等)
【词汇扩展】injury [ nd ri] cn./un. 伤害,损伤
injured [ nd d] adj. 受伤的,受到伤害的,委屈的
【短语】be/get badly/seriously injured 严重受伤 injure one’s pride/feelings 伤害某人的自尊/情感
the injured 受伤的人,伤员
He tried his best to comfort安慰 the passengers乘客 who ______ (injure) in the accident.
Race walking shares many fitness benefits with running, research shows, while most likely contributing to促成,造成 fewer ______ (injury).
injured; injury
captain [ k pt n] n. (运动队)队长;船长;机长
【短语】team captain _______________ Captain Tony ___________ 队长,托尼船长
lose heart 丧失信心;泄气
【短语扩展】lose one’s heart to = fall in love with 爱上... break one’s heart 使某人难过
put one’s heart into 全身心投入 learn...by hear 记住/背熟
from the (bottom of one’s) heart 从内心(深处),真诚地 heart and soul 全心全意
Adam put his heart _____ the wildlife research, and finally, his effort努力 earned赢得 him international respect尊重. into
You have learned the poem _____ heart, but it doesn’t necessarily mean that you have fully understood its meaning. by
graceful [ ɡre sfl] n. 办优美的;优雅的
【词汇扩展】grace un. 优美,优雅,高雅,文雅
strength [str θ] un. 力量;体力;毅力,意志力 cn. 优点;优势
【词汇扩展】strong adj. 强壮的 strengthen v. 加强
【短语】build up one’s strength 增强体力 strengths and weaknesses 强项和弱项,优势和劣势
failure [ fe lj (r)]
cn. 失败的人或事 un. 失败
The art show was far from a failure; it was a great success.
Successful people often aren’t very good at dealing with failure.
un./cn. 未做,,未履行(应做之事)
【短语】failure to do sth. 未做某事
His failure to return her phone call made her realize that something was wrong.
un./cn. 故障,失灵
【短语】heart/liver failure 心脏/器官衰竭 the power/engine failure 停电/发动机故障
failure in ... 在某方面出故障
【词汇扩展】fail vi./vt. 失败,未能做到 vi. 未能履行(某事)
give up
vi. 放弃,认输 vt. 停止,放弃(不用于被动语态),让出
【短语扩展】give away 捐赠,泄露,颁发 give off 发出,放出(气味、光、热等)
give back 归还,使恢复 give out 分发,用完,放出(气味、光、热等)
give in 屈服 give in to ... 向...投降
Most people quit before the result appears出现; they ___________ too soon and a quitter never win.
Saying too much can ____________ the secret秘密 you try to hide.
On the edge边 of the jacket, there is a piece of cloth which __________ light in the black.
give up; give away; give out/off
compete [k m pi t] vi. 竞争;对抗;参加比赛(或竞赛)
【短语】compete with/against sb. (for...) 为...同某人竞争 compete to do sth. 竞相做某事
compete in...(for...) 参加...的比赛(或竞赛)
【词汇扩展】competitive adi. 竞争的,竞争力的 competition un. 竞争,角逐 cn. 比赛
competitor cn. 竞争者,对手
As the youngest _______ (compete), John will compete _______ (prep.) the writing contest测试 ______ (prep.) 30 other top students ______ (prep.) the yearly award奖 of writing. So he must be very ______ (compete) so that he can win the _______ (compete).
competitor; in; with/against; for; competitive; competition
make sense
讲得通,有道理 What you say doesn’t make sense, so I don’t agree with you.
易于理解,表达清楚 【短语】sth. makes sense to sb. 某事为某人所理解
No matter how I read it, this sentence doesn’t make sense to me.
是明智的,合乎情理 【句型】It makes sense to do sth. 做某事是明智的
It make good sense to save money for a rainy day. 未雨绸缪总是明智的。
【短语】make sense of 理解,弄懂(复杂或不寻常的事物),主语通常为人
I can’t make sense of this poem, but perhaps I will if I read it for several times.
pretend [pr tend] vi./vt. 假装;装扮
【短语】pretend to be + n./adj. 假装... pretend (not) to do sth. 假装(不)做某事
pretend to be doing sth. 假装正在做某事 pretend to have done sth. 假装已经做了某事
The salesgirl pretended not ______ (hear) me and went on chatting聊天 with a lady in blue.
The police are setting a trap陷阱 for the thieves小偷. One pretends ______ (be) an ice cream seller standing at the corner. One pretends to ______ (finish) shopping and ______ (wait) for the bus. One pretends ______ (read) a newspaper.
to hear; to be; to have finished; to be waiting; to be reading
even if/though 即使;虽然
【形近短语辨析】as if = as though 好像
million [ m lj n] num. 百万
【短语】millions of 大量的,数百万的
数词/several +hundred/thousand/ million... + 可数名词复数(不加of) five/several million dollars 五百万/数百万美元
数词/several +hundred/thousand/ million... + of + the/those/these/名词所有格+可数名词复数 two/several thousand of these people 这些人中的2000人/几千人
表示概数时:hundreds/thousands/millions ... of + 可数名词复数(加of)
hundreds of students 数以百计的/大量的学生
cheat [t i t] n./vi./vt. 作弊;舞弊;欺骗;骗子
audience [ d ns] n. 观众;听众
audience为集合名词,作主语时,若强调个体,视为复数;若强调整体,视为单数;有类似用法的集合名词有:class, family, team, public, group等
The audience are cheering for their favourite athletes. 强调个体
A large audience was waiting outside the concert hall. 强调整体
形容观(听)众人数多或少时,通常用big, large, vast, small,等形容词修饰,不用many, few修饰
All the audience ______ (be) moved by his performance last night. are
The family ______ all music lovers and the family ______ going to a concert. are; is
positive [ p z t v] adj. 积极的;正面的;自信的;肯定的;(医学检验)呈阳性的
【短语】a positive attitude 乐观的态度 be positive about... 积极地对待
【词汇扩展】positively adv. 积极地,肯定地
negative adj. 消极的,负面的,不良的,有害的,结果为阴性的 cn. 否定,拒绝
slim [sl m] adj. 苗条的;单薄的
diet [ da t]
cn. 规定饮食(为健康或减肥的目的等)cn./un. 日常饮食
【短语】be on a diet 节食(表状态) go on a diet 节食(表动作) a low-fat diet 低脂饮食
a balanced/healthy/varied diet均衡/健康//多样化的饮食
vi. 节食,进行规定饮食
Aaron must __________(节食). He looks much thinner than he used to be.
Plants need water and sunlight to grow well. Similarly, a healthy body requires ____________(均衡的饮食).
As a matter of fact, you can’t expect to lose weight simply by ________(节食).
diet/go on a diet; a varied diet; dieting/going on a diet
make a difference 有作用或影响,有关系
【短语】make a (big/great) difference to sb./sth. 对某人/某物有(很大)影响
It makes a difference (to sb.) + 从句 ....(对某人)有影响
【短语扩展】make little/no difference (to sb./sth.) (对某人/某物)几乎没影响
I am a doctor and I love my work because it _____________(对...有很大影响)the lives of others.
__________(对我没影响)whether he will go to the city or not.
makes a big/great difference; I makes no difference to me
rather [ ra (r)] than 而不是
rather than, 唱英语连接对等的语法结构,该结构可以是动词,动词不定式,名词,代词,形容词,介词短语,v-ing, 或句子
rather than 连接的两个对等的语法结构作主语时,谓语动词应与rather than前面的语法结构在人称和数上保持一致。(就远原则)
You rather than I are going to camping.
Facing up to your problems rather than ______ (run) away from them is the best approach方法 to working things out. running
You rather than your sister ______ (be) to run the shop after your parents retire退休. are
It is better to express your anger, rather than ______ (hide) it in your heart. hide
push-up [ p p] n. 俯卧撑
cut... out 停止做(或使用、食用);剪下;割掉,剪出(某种形状);删除
Since my last heart break, I’ve cut fatty foods 高脂食物 out.
You’d better cut out the last paragraph of your article. They have no connection with your topic.
He cut out a picture from the newspaper he had just read.
now and then 有时;偶尔
compare [k m pe (r)] vt./n. 比较 vt. 将...比作 vi. 比得上,匹敌(常用于否定句)
【词汇扩展】comparison un. 比较 cn. 对比
【短语】compare ... and/with/to ... 比较...和... compare with/to... 与..相比(常在句中作状语)
compare A to B 将A比作B compare with ... 比得上
by/in comparison with ... 与...相比较 by comparison 比较起来,较之(常用于句首)
It is said that about 20% of 25-34-year-olds live with their parents, _______ (compare) with 16& in 1991.
_____ (compare) teachers _____ candles, MR. Smith helped the students to understand the role of teachers.
compared; Comparing; to
jog [d ɡ] n./vi. 慢跑 慢跑
【词汇扩展】jogging un. 慢跑锻炼
stress [stres]
n. 精神压力(= pressure),(物理)压力
【短语】under stress 在压力下 under the stress of ... 在...的压力下
vt. 强调,着重,重读 un. 强调 n. 重音
【短语】stress the importance of ... 强调...的重要性 lay/place/put stress on ... 强调/重视...
【词汇扩展】stressful adj. 压力重的,紧张的(常表明事物的性质)
stressed adj. 焦虑不安的(常形容人的感受)
If you get enough sleep and eat properly, and if you exercise and set aside some time for fun, you’ll probably feel less ______ (stress). stressed
Friends should be the people who help us to increase our strengths and find solutions to ______ (stress) situations. stress
error [ er (r)] n. 错误;差错Unit 3 Sports and Fitness Book One
Unit 3 Sports and Fitness
Part One - Words and Expressions
fitness [ f tn s] n. 健康;健壮;适合
【词汇扩展】fit adj. 合适的 v. 适合,匹配
soccer [ s k (r)] n. 足球;足球运动
stadium [ ste d m] n. 体育场;运动场
复数形式为stadiums 或 stadia
boxing [ b ks ] n. 拳击(运动)
【词汇扩展】box v. 击打(拳击运动中) n. 盒子
badminton [ b dm nt n] n. 羽毛球运动
marathon [ m r θen] n. 马拉松赛跑
【词汇扩展】Full Marathon 全程马拉松 Half Marathon 半程马拉松 Quarter Marathon 四分马拉松
event [ v nt] n. 比赛项目;大事;公开活动
【短语】a sports event 一场体育赛事
come along 跟随;到达;进步;赶快
【短语扩展】come about 发生 come across 偶然遇见,被理解 come up 被提及,走到跟前
come up with 提出 come true 实现 come on 加油,登台,发展
come out 出版,发行,(太阳,星星,月亮)出现,露出
Yesterday when I was walking in the street, I ___________(遇见)Tom; he ______________(走近)and told me that his novel would ___________(出版)the next week, and that his dream would ____________(实现). He happily invited me for a drink and asked me if I would like to ______________(一起走).
ski [ski ] adj./vt. 滑雪的;滑雪
【短语】ski race 滑雪比赛 go skiing 去滑雪 【词汇扩展】skier cn. 滑雪者
host [h st] vt./n. 主办;主持;主人,东道主
【短语】a host city 主办城市 a host country 主办国 a host family 寄宿家庭
【词汇扩展】hostess cn. 女主人,女房东,女主持人
track [tr k] cn. 小道;足迹;铁路轨道;车辙 vt. 追踪;跟踪
keep/lose track of ... 了解/不了解...的动态,与...保持/失去联系 track and field 田径
gym [d m] n. 健身房;体育馆
【词汇扩展】gymnastics [d m n st ks] n. 体操(训练)
work out 锻炼;找到问题的答案;计算出;解决;思考;计划;成功地发展
With such busy lives, it can be hard to find the time to work out.
Though the problem is very difficult, they managed to work it out finally.
If you work out the cost of the holiday, please tell me.
I would appreciate感激 it if you would help me work out a plan for my study.
Things have worked out quite well for us.
sweat [swet] vi./vt. 使出汗; n. 汗水
sweat one’s way to sth. 努力获得某物,通过锻炼流汗的方式获得好身体
make it 获得成功;能够出席(到场);准时到达;幸免于难
Mr White wants to be a professor 教授 by the time he’s 30. Do you think he’ll make it
I’m sorry I didn’t make it to your party last night.
The flight leaves in twenty minutes - we will never make it to the airport.
- Do you think she’s going to make it, doctor - It’s really too soon to say.
legend [ led nd] n. 传奇故事(或人物);传说
【词汇扩展】legendary adj. 非常著名的,传奇的 【短语】living legends 活传奇
athlete [ θli t] n. 运动员;运动健儿
master [ mɑ st (r)] n./vt. 高手;主人;精通;掌握
set an example 树立榜样
【短语扩展】set an example for/to sb. 为某人树立榜样/做出表率
take ... for example 以...为例 follow one’s example 以某人为榜样 for example 例如
honour [ n (r)]
un. 荣誉,尊敬,尊重
【短语】have the honour of (doing) sth. = have the honour to do sth. 得到...殊荣,有幸(做)
It’s an honour (for sb.) to do sth. (对某人来说)做某事很荣幸
in honour of sb. = in one’s honour 为向某人表示敬意,为纪念某人
an honour to sb./sth. 某人/某物的光荣
vt. 尊敬,尊重,给与表扬
【短语】honour sb. with sth. 某事使某人感到荣幸,授予某人荣誉
be/feel honoured to do sth. 因做某事而感到荣幸
【词汇扩展】honourable adj. 光荣的,值得尊敬的,品德高尚的【短语】honourable mention 荣誉奖
We’ve decided to hold a meeting in honour ______(prep.) all the people that have helped us out.
Tu Youyou was honoured ______(prep.) the Nobel Prize on Oct. 5. 2015.
glory [ ɡl ri] un. 荣誉;光荣;赞美
【词汇扩展】glorious [ ɡl r is]adj. 光荣的,荣耀的,壮丽的,辉煌的
【短语】win glory ____________ glory days _____________
medal [ medl] n. 奖章;勋章
champion [ t mp n] n. 冠军;优胜者
【词汇扩展】championship [ t mp n p] n. 锦标赛;冠军赛;冠军称号
【短语】world championships 世界锦标赛
determination [d t m ne n] un. 决心;决定;坚定,果断
【词汇扩展】determine v. 决定,决心 determined adj. 有决心的,(尤指在困境中)坚定的
【短语】determine to do sth. 决定做某事 determine on/upon 决定某事
be determined to do sth. 决心做某事
apart [ pɑ t] adv. 分离;分开;分成碎片
【短语】fall apart 破裂;破碎;崩溃
They used to be close friends, but their friendships fell apart not long ago.
injure [ nd (r)] adj. (尤指在事故中)受伤;使受伤;损害(名誉、自尊等)
【词汇扩展】injury [ nd ri] cn./un. 伤害,损伤
injured [ nd d] adj. 受伤的,受到伤害的,委屈的
【短语】be/get badly/seriously injured 严重受伤 injure one’s pride/feelings 伤害某人的自尊/情感
the injured 受伤的人,伤员
He tried his best to comfort安慰 the passengers乘客 who ______ (injure) in the accident.
Race walking shares many fitness benefits with running, research shows, while most likely contributing to促成,造成 fewer ______ (injury).
captain [ k pt n] n. (运动队)队长;船长;机长
【短语】team captain _______________ Captain Tony ___________
lose heart 丧失信心;泄气
【短语扩展】lose one’s heart to = fall in love with 爱上... break one’s heart 使某人难过
put one’s heart into 全身心投入 learn...by hear 记住/背熟
from the (bottom of one’s) heart 从内心(深处),真诚地 heart and soul 全心全意
Adam put his heart _____ the wildlife research, and finally, his effort努力 earned赢得 him international respect尊重.
You have learned the poem _____ heart, but it doesn’t necessarily mean that you have fully understood its meaning.
graceful [ ɡre sfl] n. 办优美的;优雅的
【词汇扩展】grace un. 优美,优雅,高雅,文雅
strength [str θ] un. 力量;体力;毅力,意志力 cn. 优点;优势
【词汇扩展】strong adj. 强壮的 strengthen v. 加强
【短语】build up one’s strength 增强体力 strengths and weaknesses 强项和弱项,优势和劣势
failure [ fe lj (r)]
cn. 失败的人或事 un. 失败
The art show was far from a failure; it was a great success.
Successful people often aren’t very good at dealing with failure.
un./cn. 未做,,未履行(应做之事)
【短语】failure to do sth. 未做某事
His failure to return her phone call made her realize that something was wrong.
un./cn. 故障,失灵
【短语】heart/liver failure 心脏/器官衰竭 the power/engine failure 停电/发动机故障
failure in ... 在某方面出故障
【词汇扩展】fail vi./vt. 失败,未能做到 vi. 未能履行(某事)
give up
vi. 放弃,认输 vt. 停止,放弃(不用于被动语态),让出
【短语扩展】give away 捐赠,泄露,颁发 give off 发出,放出(气味、光、热等)
give back 归还,使恢复 give out 分发,用完,放出(气味、光、热等)
give in 屈服 give in to ... 向...投降
Most people quit before the result appears出现; they ___________ too soon and a quitter never win.
Saying too much can ____________ the secret秘密 you try to hide.
On the edge边 of the jacket, there is a piece of cloth which __________ light in the black.
compete [k m pi t] vi. 竞争;对抗;参加比赛(或竞赛)
【短语】compete with/against sb. (for...) 为...同某人竞争 compete to do sth. 竞相做某事
compete in...(for...) 参加...的比赛(或竞赛)
【词汇扩展】competitive adi. 竞争的,竞争力的 competition un. 竞争,角逐 cn. 比赛
competitor cn. 竞争者,对手
As the youngest _______ (compete), John will compete _______ (prep.) the writing contest测试 ______ (prep.) 30 other top students ______ (prep.) the yearly award奖 of writing. So he must be very ______ (compete) so that he can win the _______ (compete).
make sense
讲得通,有道理 What you say doesn’t make sense, so I don’t agree with you.
易于理解,表达清楚 【短语】sth. makes sense to sb. 某事为某人所理解
No matter how I read it, this sentence doesn’t make sense to me.
是明智的,合乎情理 【句型】It makes sense to do sth. 做某事是明智的
It make good sense to save money for a rainy day. 未雨绸缪总是明智的。
【短语】make sense of 理解,弄懂(复杂或不寻常的事物),主语通常为人
I can’t make sense of this poem, but perhaps I will if I read it for several times.
pretend [pr tend] vi./vt. 假装;装扮
【短语】pretend to be + n./adj. 假装... pretend (not) to do sth. 假装(不)做某事
pretend to be doing sth. 假装正在做某事 pretend to have done sth. 假装已经做了某事
The salesgirl pretended not ______ (hear) me and went on chatting聊天 with a lady in blue.
The police are setting a trap陷阱 for the thieves小偷. One pretends ______ (be) an ice cream seller standing at the corner. One pretends to ______ (finish) shopping and ______ (wait) for the bus. One pretends ______ (read) a newspaper.
even if/though 即使;虽然
【形近短语辨析】as if = as though 好像
million [ m lj n] num. 百万
【短语】millions of 大量的,数百万的
数词/several +hundred/thousand/ million... + 可数名词复数(不加of) five/several million dollars 五百万/数百万美元
数词/several +hundred/thousand/ million... + of + the/those/these/名词所有格+可数名词复数 two/several thousand of these people 这些人中的2000人/几千人
表示概数时:hundreds/thousands/millions ... of + 可数名词复数(加of)
hundreds of students 数以百计的/大量的学生
cheat [t i t] n./vi./vt. 作弊;舞弊;欺骗;骗子
audience [ d ns] n. 观众;听众
audience为集合名词,作主语时,若强调个体,视为复数;若强调整体,视为单数;有类似用法的集合名词有:class, family, team, public, group等
The audience are cheering for their favourite athletes. 强调个体
A large audience was waiting outside the concert hall. 强调整体
形容观(听)众人数多或少时,通常用big, large, vast, small,等形容词修饰,不用many, few修饰
All the audience ______ (be) moved by his performance last night.
The family ______ all music lovers and the family ______ going to a concert.
positive [ p z t v] adj. 积极的;正面的;自信的;肯定的;(医学检验)呈阳性的
【短语】a positive attitude 乐观的态度 be positive about... 积极地对待
【词汇扩展】positively adv. 积极地,肯定地
negative adj. 消极的,负面的,不良的,有害的,结果为阴性的 cn. 否定,拒绝
slim [sl m] adj. 苗条的;单薄的
diet [ da t]
cn. 规定饮食(为健康或减肥的目的等)cn./un. 日常饮食
【短语】be on a diet 节食(表状态) go on a diet 节食(表动作) a low-fat diet 低脂饮食
a balanced/healthy/varied diet均衡/健康//多样化的饮食
vi. 节食,进行规定饮食
Aaron must __________(节食). He looks much thinner than he used to be.
Plants need water and sunlight to grow well. Similarly, a healthy body requires ____________(均衡的饮食).
As a matter of fact, you can’t expect to lose weight simply by ________(节食).
make a difference 有作用或影响,有关系
【短语】make a (big/great) difference to sb./sth. 对某人/某物有(很大)影响
It makes a difference (to sb.) + 从句 ....(对某人)有影响
【短语扩展】make little/no difference (to sb./sth.) (对某人/某物)几乎没影响
I am a doctor and I love my work because it _____________(对...有很大影响)the lives of others.
__________(对我没影响)whether he will go to the city or not.
rather [ ra (r)] than 而不是
rather than, 唱英语连接对等的语法结构,该结构可以是动词,动词不定式,名词,代词,形容词,介词短语,v-ing, 或句子
rather than 连接的两个对等的语法结构作主语时,谓语动词应与rather than前面的语法结构在人称和数上保持一致。(就远原则)
You rather than I are going to camping.
Facing up to your problems rather than ______ (run) away from them is the best approach方法 to working things out.
You rather than your sister ______ (be) to run the shop after your parents retire退休.
It is better to express your anger, rather than ______ (hide) it in your heart.
push-up [ p p] n. 俯卧撑
cut... out 停止做(或使用、食用);剪下;割掉,剪出(某种形状);删除
Since my last heart break, I’ve cut fatty foods 高脂食物 out.
You’d better cut out the last paragraph of your article. They have no connection with your topic.
He cut out a picture from the newspaper he had just read.
now and then 有时;偶尔
compare [k m pe (r)] vt./n. 比较 vt. 将...比作 vi. 比得上,匹敌(常用于否定句)
【词汇扩展】comparison un. 比较 cn. 对比
【短语】compare ... and/with/to ... 比较...和... compare with/to... 与..相比(常在句中作状语)
compare A to B 将A比作B compare with ... 比得上
by/in comparison with ... 与...相比较 by comparison 比较起来,较之(常用于句首)
It is said that about 20% of 25-34-year-olds live with their parents, _______ (compare) with 16& in 1991.
_____ (compare) teachers _____ candles, MR. Smith helped the students to understand the role of teachers.
jog [d ɡ] n./vi. 慢跑 慢跑
【词汇扩展】jogging un. 慢跑锻炼
stress [stres]
n. 精神压力(= pressure),(物理)压力
【短语】under stress 在压力下 under the stress of ... 在...的压力下
vt. 强调,着重,重读 un. 强调 n. 重音
【短语】stress the importance of ... 强调...的重要性 lay/place/put stress on ... 强调/重视...
【词汇扩展】stressful adj. 压力重的,紧张的(常表明事物的性质)
stressed adj. 焦虑不安的(常形容人的感受)
If you get enough sleep and eat properly, and if you exercise and set aside some time for fun, you’ll probably feel less ______ (stress).
Friends should be the people who help us to increase our strengths and find solutions to ______ (stress) situations.
error [ er (r)] n. 错误;差错