人教必修一 Unit 4 Natural Disaters 讲义(含答案)Exercises


名称 人教必修一 Unit 4 Natural Disaters 讲义(含答案)Exercises
格式 docx
文件大小 50.5KB
资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-09-20 11:23:19



Unit 4 Natural Disasters Book One 中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台
Unit 4 Natural Disasters
Part Seven - Exercises
This is one of the worst natural _______ (灾难) ever to hit the area.
The earthquake was so severe that most of the houses in the small village were completely _______ (破坏).
The first thing he did was to find _______ (掩蔽处) from the freezing wind and snow.
With so many people _______ (掩埋) under the mine,none of the rescue workers would stop to have a rest.
The river dried up soon due to the _______ (旱灾).
Too much drinking will do _______ (伤害) to your health; you should take the doctor’s advice.
He follows me everywhere and it makes me feel so _______ (困住的).
After _______ (营救) the passengers in the bus,they left.
There’s some doubt whether they can _______ (度过) the terrible accident.
-John is always working hard. -So he is.I believe all his _______ (努力) will be rewarded at last.
The man we followed suddenly stopped and looked as if ___ (see)whether he was going in the right direction.
The number of foreign students attending Chinese universities _______ (be)rising steadily since 1990.
It was with great sadness that we learned of his _______ (die).
The earthquake killed over 80,000 people and left many _______ (injure).
In order to catch the bear, some villagers set a _______ (陷阱) and covered it with some leaves.
_______ (智慧) is knowing what to do next.
Don’t leave the lights on.It wastes _______ (电).
Jill’s last school report _______ (shock) his parents into changing their opinion.
Death finally brought an end to her _______ (suffer).
I like getting up early in the morning.The morning air is good to _______ (breath).
The city lay _______ (破败不堪) after the earthquake.Now,rows of houses are being built.
It was reported that an American couple had _______ (掘出) a lot of gold coins from their own yard.
Although I got up with a headache, I went to work _______ (像往常一样).
If we cut _______ (穿过) the field we’ll get there before Frank.
Remember that success is getting up just one more time than you _______ (跌倒).
His bad habit _______ (毁灭) his chance of having a bright future.
After the woman heard that her husband was killed in the car accident,she went into _______ (休克).
The number of families seeking shelter rose by 17 _______ (百分比).
The government appealed to the International Red Cross to help the people suffering from the _____ (洪灾).
_______ (bury) himself in the newspaper, he didn’t notice what was happening.
The boy walked in as if he _______ (buy) the whole school.
If you’re addicted to computer games, you’ll ruin _______ (you).
Though the soldiers have been working for fifteen hours, they carry on looking for ____ (survive) in the ruins.
Her beauty _______ (打动) him deeply and he decided to marry her.
There is a _______ (小结) at the end of each chapter.
_______ (紧急情况) line operators must always stay calm and make sure that they get all the information they need to send help.
He still kept _______ (冷静的) in face of danger.
What happens when food and petrol _______ (supply) run out
The fish can grow to a _______ (long) of four feet.
Good teamwork is a _______ (power) tool for effective management.
We haven’t cleaned the house for a few days, because we don’t want to _______ (消除) good luck.
_______ (至少) one policeman is said to have been injured in the accident.
Judging from _______ (……的数量) cars. he thought there were not many people at the club yet.
Always have your dictionary _______ (在手边) when you study.
The professor will _______ (发表) a speech on environment protection.
And we should give _______ (援助) to strangers when they need help.
I had suddenly run out of oil paints just when I needed them. So I made a long 1 to the only store around here that sells them.It was the 2 time to shop. The store was full of people and the checkout line was long. I could see the 3 on the faces of the people around me. It was no better in the 4 and I found myself in the middle of a long line of cars waiting to pull out of it.
As my car was moving forward I 5 a middle-aged, thin black woman in an old coat. She was holding up a piece of paper that said, “ 6 my job.Kids to feed!” I 7 as car after car drove past her while their drivers turned their eyes away. 8 I came closer, I took out my 9 and pulled out the little cash I had left. I 10 next to her, rolled down (摇下) my window, and 11 put it in her hand. She 12 and said “Thank you” before the car behind me 13 me to drive on.
I drove away and 14 that I had helped her even a little. Was my small act of kindness 15 to her I don’t know. Did it change the 16 of the driver behind me Probably not. But it has been a wonderful 17 for me. We all want to make great changes and 18 great things, but sometimes a small kindness is all we can do. Just let your heart 19 you then. Fill your days with 20 kindnesses and fill your life with love.
A.walk B.wait C.time D.drive
A.proper B.worst C.happiest D.fixed
A.sadness B.doubt C.impatience D.surprise
A.market B.street C.parking lot D.bus stop
A.saw B.hit C.blocked D.recognized
A.Changed B.Lost C.Did D.Finished
A.rested B.organized C.watched D.showed
A.As B.Until C.Since D.Because
A.book B.card C.coat D.wallet
A.stopped B.sat C.ran D.stood
A.sadly B.carefully C.simply D.quickly
A.returned B.asked C.smiled D.came
A.advised B.forced C.encouraged D.caused
A.hoped B.imagined C.knew D.found
A.true B.meaningful C.familiar D.polite
A.attitude B.style C.purpose D.habit
A.message B.chance C.example D.experience
A.learn B.use C.say D.do
A.judge B.direct C.improve D.save
A.natural B.possible C.small D.interesting
Climate (气候) change may make parts of the Middle East too hot for human beings, according to a new study. Researchers have studied weather conditions in the Middle East since 1970.T he researchers say “very hot” days in the area have doubled over that period.
Right now, over 500 million people live there. In the future, the climate in large parts of the Middle East and North Africa could change because temperatures could get so, and those living in the area could be at risk. Researchers say temperatures in summer in the Middle East and North Africa will continue rising.
The researchers believe that by 2050, temperatures will not fall below 30 ℃ at night in the hottest part of the summer. During this period, day-time temperatures could rise to 46 ℃.
Extreme heat could continue past the 21st century. Researchers think temperatures in the middle of the day could reach as high as 50 ℃.
If mankind continues to send out carbon dioxide (二氧化碳) as it does now, people living in the Middle East and North Africa will have to expect about 200 unusually hot days.
The researchers created two models.In one model, rising temperatures are limited (限制) because of reductions (减少) in greenhouse gases. The other model is said to be a “business as usual” model where nothing is done to stop climate change.
Under both models, the future of the Middle East is not good, the researchers say. They also say sooner or later, many people may have to leave this area.
What has happened in the Middle East since 1970
Over 500 million have left the area. B. People have suffered more hot days.
C. Living conditions have turned better. D. The weather conditions have improved.
In the middle of the 21st century,day-time temperatures there might rise to _______.
30 ℃ B.39 ℃ C.46 ℃ D.50 ℃
What would the second model do to deal with climate change
Leave it alone. B. Protect people from heat.
C. Reduce greenhouse gases. D. Help people leave the area.
What does the passage mainly tell us
Temperatures will continue rising.
People living in the Middle East are at risk.
Scientists find ways to reduce carbon dioxide.
Climate change could make parts of the Middle East terrible.
Earthquakes have killed many people and have caused serious damage to people’s life. Here are some of the worst earthquakes that happened around the world.
Haiti Earthquake
A great earthquake hit Haiti on January 12,2010. Its center was located just southwest of the capital city of Haiti. It is the strongest earthquake to hit the country since 1770. It led to 100,000 to 316,000 deaths and left 2 million people homeless and 3 million people in need of immediate help. At least $195 million have been given by different countries, along with a large number of rescue workers to make rescue efforts.
Kashmir Earthquake
The Kashmir earthquake happened on the morning of October 8,2005. It was centered near the city of Muzaffarabad. The official number of deaths was 75,000 and there were 106,000 people who were injured. As Saturday is a normal school day in the area, most students were at schools when the earthquake happened. Many young people were buried under destroyed school buildings. Many people were also trapped in their homes. Reports say that entire towns and villages were completely wiped out in northern Pakistan. The serious damage was mainly because of poor buildings.
Indian Ocean Earthquake
Known as the Sumatra-Andaman earthquake, Indian Ocean earthquake happened on December 26, 2004. While the earthquake itself lasted for only 10 seconds, it caused a tsunami. he tsunami killed about 200,000 to 310,000 people along the shores (海滨) of Indonesia, Sri Lanka, South India and Thailand. There was one death even happening at Port Elizabeth in South Africa 8,000 miles away from the center.
What can be learnt from Paragraph 2
Haiti is a poor country. B. Haiti suffered many disasters.
C. Over 400,000 people died in the earthquake. D. Haiti received international help after the earthquake.
2. Why were many young people buried in Kashmir earthquake
A. It is the strongest in history. B. Its center was near Muzaffarabad.
C. It happened during the school time. D. There were too many school buildings.
3. Why does the author mention a death in South Africa in the last paragraph
A. To suggest South Africa is far away. B. To show how strong the earthquake was.
C. To tell us the earthquake killed many people. D. To prove the earthquake was felt by South Africa.
Self-love is the key to a happy life. After we have learned how to love ourselves, we will be able to love others. 1 You have to learn some steps to develop self-love.
Accept yourself the way you are. Every person has his or her own advantages and disadvantages. Our advantages make us proud but our disadvantages make us unhappy. This isn’t the right attitude towards life. 2 In fact, no one on this earth is perfect. The key is to achieve a better balance (平衡) and try to be as happy as possible.
Stop worrying. 3 It won’t help you get the solution (解决办法). In fact, it will make you very unhappy. So, don’t let your worries influence you. This will help you face the difficulties of life more positively.
Enjoy life. Take part in activities that you love and develop a hobby. 4 Take some time to enjoy them at least once a week. This way you are doing something that you are good at, which will make you feel good about yourself, and make you start loving life and everyone and everything in it.
5 If your body is weak and suffering from some health problems, you aren’t going to like anything about it. So you must take good care of your health.It includes eating fresh healthy food, taking enough rest and doing exercise.
Live a healthy lifestyle. Make efforts to improve yourself. It will hold you back from loving yourself. They can be anything that makes you happy. Worrying about a problem won’t let you think clearly. However, learning to love yourself isn’t going to be easy. The correct thing to do is accept the fact that you aren’t perfect.
1-10:disasters; destroyed; shelter; buried; drought; harm; trapped; rescuing; survive; efforts
11-20: to see; has been; death; injured; trap; Wisdom; electricity; shocked; suffering; breathe;
21-30: in ruins; evacuated; as usual; through; fall down; destroyed; shock; percent; flood; Burying
31-40: had bought; yourself; survivors; shocked; summary; Emergency;calm; supply; length; powerful
41-46: sweep; At least; on hand; the number of; deliver; aid