Unit 6 Bird watching Reading 2 Birds in Zhalong 教案(表格式)


名称 Unit 6 Bird watching Reading 2 Birds in Zhalong 教案(表格式)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 牛津译林版
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-09-07 18:33:55



Teaching plan for 8A Unit 6 Birdwatching Reading II
Teaching aims Knowledge Students can infer and understand the meanings and usage of the language points in context.
Ability Students can reinforce their abilities to skim text for overall meaning and scan for details. Students can learn to use the language points by making sentences, ask and answering questions, discussing and writing.
Emotion Students can realize the importance of wetlands and protect them by doing something.
Teaching important points To make students understand and use the language points in context.
Teaching difficult points How to develop the ability to understand and use the language points in context.
Teaching proceduresStep 1 Lead-in and revisionGive students a brief introduction about myself and tell them Fishmouth Wetland Park face some problems.It is important for us to protect the wetlands.What wetlands do you know A brief review about Zhalong by filling in the blanks.The article mainly tells us the brief introduction, problems and action.Step 2 Further review and language pointsAsk students more questions for details.Why is Zhalong a special place Ss: It is one of the world’s most important wetlands. Zhalong provides food and cover for a lot of wildlife.Point 1: one of+adj (-est)+n.(pl.)Practise by talking about our school and Mrs Li to stimulate their interest.Point 2: provide sth. for sb./ provide sb. with sth.Zhalong provides food and cover for a lot of wildlife.Who provides food and cover for you Our parents provides food and cover for us.Students read the two sentences and conclude the structure : provide sth. for sb.Practice: What other things can our parents provide for us Change the former two sentences with provide sb. with sth.Students read the two sentences and conclude the structure : provide sb. with sth.Practice: Thanksgiving is coming soon. What can we provide our parents with Students make sentences with: provide sb. with sth. / provide sth. for sb.What problems does Zhalong face Problem 1 Ss: Some people want to make the wetland smaller in order to make more space for farms and buildings.Tell Ss in order to have is equal to to have or for. Then ask Ss : What will this lead to Ss: This will lead to less and less space for wildlife.Problem 2Moreover, fishermen keep fishing there.This will lead to no food for birds to eat.Ask Ss to read the two sentences This will lead to less and less space for wildlife.This will lead to no food for birds to eat.Point 3 : lead to sth.Practice: watch the video for more problems the wetlands face.Ask and answer questions.A: If farmers keep cutting down too many trees,what will happen B: It will lead to……A: If people keep throwing rubbish into the river, what will happen B: It will lead to…… One more question for further results: If people keep doing all the bad things, these will lead to…..Point 4 : in order to.doWhat action do people take in order to help the birds in Zhalong Ask students to answer the questions and practise in order to at the same time.In order to help the birds, the government make laws_to prevent (prevent) all the bad things in Zhalong.In order to help the birds, the members of Birdwatching Society go there to study (study) the birds, record their types and changes in their numbers.In order to help the birds, the tourists go to watch the birds because the Birdwatching Society is now inviting them to help (help) the birds. Point 5 : invite sb to doThe Birdwatching Society is now inviting the tourists to help (help) the birds . invite sb to doI want to invite you to Fishmouth Wetland Park for a walk. invite sb to sp.Practice: Free talk: What things can we invite people to do for the wetlands Point 6 : understand the importance ofThis will help more people understand the importance of the wetlands. Practice: Distinguish importance and important.Step 3 Output: writing a reportWrite a report to the government of Jianye District with the language points.Protecting Fishmouth Wetland ParkStep 4 Summary and homeworkTo protect the wetlands is to protect ourselves.I hope we can often smell flowers and hear birds sing.Homework1. Review the language points and learn to use them in exercises.2. Finish your report about Protecting Fishmouth Wetland Park
教学反思:见word文件教学反思有效追问,引领学生思维向更深处漫溯应区教研员要求,我开设了牛津译林版初中英语教材Unit6 Reading Zhalong第二课时的公开课,并且紧扣“追问在阅读教学中的有效运用”这一主题。在全区老师的指导下开设这一堂课,我心里还是很忐忑的,特别是对于第二课时处理语言点的这一类型的课来说,既要落实知识的掌握和运用,又要充分调动学生的兴趣和积极性。为了上好这一堂课,我认真备好了课,进行了试讲。全体备课组的老师和教研组长都前来指导。大家对试讲结果不是很满意,有一个共同的感觉就是老师讲的太多,学生思考的时间很少,一节课太满太紧。教研组长说:“一节课,如果每一环节都太“满”,没有考虑环节的疏密得当和内容的虚实相生,学生没有思考的时间和机会,这样的教学,教师教得累,学生学得累,根本就无法达成“高效课堂”的目标。课堂要进行有效的“取舍”,运用有效的提问来激发学生的思维和能力。”备课组长说:“你讲的语言点有点多,30几张PPT就像放了一场电影一样。我们不可能面面俱到,也不要希望一节课能够让学生掌握所有的要点,一课能有一得足矣。不要担心自己的课有些平淡,留给学生学习的时间,看到学生积极的投入和思考,这才是课堂最美的“常态”,你虽然设计了活动,但是给予学生的时间太少,他们根本就没有充分的时间思考,所以难免就会影响效果。” 听到大家的点评,我找到了自己的不足,其实,对于新课改高效课堂的精神我还是深入学习过的,可在骨子里,我还是对学生不放心,总想给学生讲全面,讲明白,不知不觉就成了“一言堂”,却没有考虑到其实每一堂课我们要教会学生的不只是知识,而是思维。 通过一个周末的细致思考和修改,我把知识点由原来的12个删减成了6个,以“Protecting Fishmouth Wetland Park”贯穿始终,而且把我的ppt控制在了20张,讲解时间控制在了25分钟以内,每一个知识点都设置了相应的贴近学生生活实际的巩固练习,而且是通过情景设置和追问的形式唤醒学生的思维,层层深入,激发学生思考,并且在练习中渗透了保护环境,保护湿地的重要性。最后再总结归纳并且要求学生分组分工合作运用所学知识点做一件事情,即Write a report to the government of Jianye District,达到了“learning by doing”的目的。 等到正式上课的时候,课堂效果很好,学生发言踊跃,最后呈现的时候学生能用所学的知识写一封完整的倡议书,通过这一堂课,让学生学会了知识点的运用,并且用追问的形式让学生一步步思考,意识到了我们可以从身边做起,用英语做些事情来保护鱼嘴湿地公园。评课的老师都称赞这是一堂很精彩的阅读课,既紧扣了“追问的”主题,又灵活处理了讲与练的的关系,培养了学生的学习能力和思维品质。通过这次准备公开课,我明白了有效追问在阅读课堂中提升学生思维的重要性和有效性。 追问:是课堂教学中的一种提问技巧,是教师在前一次提问或者在主问题基础上的延伸和拓展,是对前次提问的补充和深化,以启发学生理解相关内容或解决问题。它对提升学生思维深度和拓展学生的思维广度,对培养学生的思维深刻性、敏捷性、创新性有着不可忽视的作用。 有效追问:课堂的有效追问是相对低效追问、无效追问言的,有效追问是指教师根据课程教学目标、课堂教学实际和学生学情,在教学中精心设计后续问题的情境,使教学内容具有研究价值。这样的追问应该是问题指向性明确清楚,内容具体有条理,层次清晰分明。有效的追问能针对不同层次的学生思维能力,能激发学生主动参与英语学习的欲望,能激发学生学习英语的热情,又能进一步培养学生创造性思维,促进学生思维能力的提升。 “有效追问”不仅涉及老师对学生的有效追问,而且还有学生对教师的有效追问。 在课堂教学中有效运用“追问艺术”,启发学生学习的兴趣,激起学生的想象力,创造力及团结协作的能力,点燃学生的学习热情,唤醒学生的思维能力,具体到这一节课的做法可以从以下几个方面进行推敲:第一,导入时追问,引生入境一节课的导入,就犹如打开殿堂的大门,诱导学生竞相登堂入室,使学生进入学习新课的最佳精神状态。在牛津译林版初中教材8A unit6 Zhalong Reading 2这一课时,笔者围绕protecting wetlands这一主题,从生活实际出发,介绍了我们平时候常去散步的鱼嘴湿地公园,然后引出问题让学生思考。What problems does it face What can we do to protect the Fish mouth Wetland Park 给学生设置了一个问题,以问题为主线贯穿整个课堂,启发学生思维,进一步深入学习讨论,巧设追问,引生入境。第二,讲解时追问,唤醒思维阅读第二课时是语言点是语言点处理课,既要知识点取舍,讲解详略,练习层次,对比归纳等方面都要巧设追问,给学生一定的思考空间,引导学生多角度思考问题。思维的多向性要求学生从不同的角度、方向、方面能用多种方法解决问题,不仅要引导学生学习知识点并运用知识点解决问题,还要鼓励学生学前质疑,学后探索。比如,笔者在取舍知识点的时候,进行了删减,为学生的思考和学习提供了时间,又如,在练习巩固的时候,笔者设置了不同的“空白”给学生“填”。在巩固运用: one of+adj (-est)+n.(pl.)这一语言点时,笔者要求学生用一句话来描述自己的学校和自己最喜欢的老师,拉近了师生之间的距离,既让学生有兴趣说,又有话可说。还有在操练 invite sb to do的时候先从课文中The Birdwatching Society is now inviting the tourists to help (help) the birds . 入手,然后回到导入时抛出的主题 I want to invite you to Fishmouth Wetland Park for a walk. 要求学生进行Free talk: What things can we invite people to do for the wetlands 既操练了句式结构,又贴近了保护湿地的实际话题。其次,在对比分析important和importance时给学生两个句子,要求学生观察并归纳区别,培养了学生对语言材料异同的理解,比起老师讲授,效果更好。 教师要善于答疑还要善于激疑,更要善于启发学生质疑,给学生思维发散的时间和空间,培养探索精神和创新意识。第三,练习时追问,启迪智慧上课对学生的提问以及问题的深入程度对学生思维开发很有好处。问是深入的阶梯,长进的桥梁,觉悟的契机。所以适时追问可以点燃学生的兴趣,唤醒学生的思维。所以在处理provide sth. for sb./ provide sb. with sth.时,笔者先从课本文章Zhalong provides food and cover for a lot of wildlife.引入,然后进行追问:Who provides food and cover for you Our parents provides food and cover for us.学生读句子进行总结: Students read the two sentences and conclude the structure : provide sth. for sb.进一步追问: What other things can our parents provide for us 同义转换:Change the former two sentences with provide sb. with sth.Students read the two sentences and conclude the structure : provide sb. with sth.进一步追问:感恩节来了,我们能给父母提供什么?Practice: Thanksgiving is coming soon. What can we provide our parents with Students make sentences with: provide sb. with sth. / provide sth. for sb.另一个例子,笔者在处理lead to的时候,是这样做的:What problems does Zhalong face Problem 1 (引出问题)Ss: Some people want to make the wetland smaller in order to make more space for farms and buildings. Then ask Ss : What will this lead to (询问影响)Ss: This will lead to less and less space for wildlife.Problem 2Moreover, fishermen keep fishing there.This will lead to no food for birds to eat.(挖空操练)Ask Ss to read the two sentences This will lead to less and less space for wildlife.This will lead to no food for birds to eat.Practice: watch the video for more problems the wetlands face.(观看视频)Ask and answer questions. A: If farmers keep cutting down too many trees,what will happen (追问影响) B: It will lead to…… A: If people keep throwing rubbish into the river, what will happen B: It will lead to……One more question for further results: (追问更深层次的影响) If people keep doing all the bad things, these will lead to…..适时追问是启发学生思维的基本方式,它可以为学生创设思考的情境,疏通思考的渠道,提供思考的空间,通过教师的设置质疑,可以激发学生思考,启迪他们去认识问题,使其思维处于积极主动的探究之中。第四,产出时追问,升华情感教师不是授人以鱼而是授人以渔,更重要的是教给学生获取知识的方法,点拨学生的思路,比如增设台阶,变化角度,练习已知,对照比较,纠谬正误等。空白就像一粒粒的珍珠,最后还要学生把他们串起来。比如,本堂课最后的大任务就是要求学生写一封倡议书给建邺区政府,号召大家保护鱼嘴湿地公园,主要目的就是培养大家用所学词组和句子写一篇文章,做一件有意义的事情。Protecting Fishmouth Wetland ParkWrite down the brief introduction with … Fishmouth Wetland Park is one of_____________________________________Write down at least three problems with The wetland park is now facing some problems.__________________________Write down at least three pieces of action with As students, we should______________________________________________If we all try our best to______________________________________________ 为了避免分组合作活动中有些同学无事可做,我又细化了学生的分工,四人一组,一人负责一个部分,人人有事做,让他们把这些“空白”串起来,成一篇英语文章。最后,孩子们的呈现非常精彩。 总而言之,一节课需要有效的追问,通过追问或转换角度与形式,使学生对之前的学习进行修正或反思,使其思维,情感,价值观得到进一步的启迪和完善,同时,让学生学会质疑,自己提出问题,从而实现思维向更深处漫溯。。
…provide sb.with sth…/.provide sth. for sb.…
…one of+adj.(-est)+n.(pl.) …
…lead to…
… in order to…
...understand the importance of...
…invite sb to ….