人教版(2019)选择性必修第一册 Unit 4 Body Language 单元复习(word 含答案)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修第一册 Unit 4 Body Language 单元复习(word 含答案)
格式 docx
文件大小 24.0KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-09-08 12:09:12



1.As a teacher you have to ______(调整)your methods to the needs of different children.
2.China suggests settling the ______(冲突) through peaceful means.
3.I feel almost ______(感到惭愧的) that I’ve been so lucky that I win again.
4.The twins are so alike.It’s difficult to ______ (辨别)one from the other.
5.You can then select the _______(适当的) product from this full list.
6.Opinions on this matter _______ (变化) from person to person.
1.For lots of people,the natural _________ (react) is to get angry when they are cheated by others.
2.I suppose I was looking for an _______ (occupy) which was going to be an adventure.
3.The storm _____to hit our city,and we will observe the _____ of it closely.(tend)
4.His plan was _______,and the ______ won him many ________ glances.(approve)
5.From their appearance,we cannot tell the ______ between the twins,but the ways they walk are ______.And they also _____ in their voices.(differ)
1.In many countries,____________ means “no”,and nodding means “yes”.
2.And if we are feeling down or lonely,______________ seeing the smiling face of a good friend.
3.So if a student ______________to look at his watch,it implies he is bored and just counting the minutes for the class to end.
4.Of course,____________ who looks up is paying attention in class.
5._____________,they occupy themselves by staring out of the window or up at the ceiling.
Eleven-year-old Allan Baltz of Jonesboro, Arkansas, is familiar with the foster (领养) care system. When he and his twin sister Alice were only four, they came to live with their foster parents Derek and Lesli Baltz.
Last fall when Allan got an opportunity to pay it forward, he made it count.
During the height of the 2021 shutdown, to keep their kids entertained at home, the family decided to switch up their hairstyles. Lesli dyed her hair red and Alice went blue. Derek tried out a mustache, and Allan went the craziest by growing out a long, beautiful mullet (胭脂鱼发型).
When friends pushed Allan to enter the USA Mullet Championships competition, Allan initially wasn’t interested because he thought he couldn’t win. However, once he learned there was a cash prize, he changed his tune.
“He instantly was like ‘Oh, OK. I can do it, and we’ll give the money to kids in foster care.” Lesli said. “He didn’t hesitate. He didn’t say, ‘I can get a bike, then give some money away.’ It was just instant that he wanted to give it away.”
After submitting his photo and following up with several weeks of campaigning, Allan took home the top prize in the kid’s division with more than 25, 000 votes in his favor.
He split his winnings between two local foster care organizations, Together We Foster and Project Zero, but his impact went far beyond just the $2,500 he donated. His giving heart inspired others to do the same, and he ended up raising an additional $4,500 for the two organizations.
“People also started volunteering … and donating,” Lesli said. “A few people that we know decided to start fostering because of Allan’s story. The way that people hear it and it inspires them to do something about the foster care crisis is really incredible.” Lesli said she couldn’t be prouder of Allan’s heart for helping others and feels truly lucky to be his mom.
1.What do the underlined words “pay it forward” mean in paragraph 2
A.Spend plenty of money. B.Pass on love to others.
C.Pay for goods in advance. D.Win great popularity.
2.Why did Allan grow a mullet
A.It was really a good way to have fun. B.It was an extremely popular hairstyle.
C.It was required for the competition. D.It was the craziest thing he’d ever done.
3.Which of the following words would be used to describe Allan
A.Talented and decisive. B.Selfless and open-minded.
C.Generous and kind-hearted. D.Sensitive and sociable.
4.What was the influence of Allan’s donation of prize money
A.It led to the donation totaling $4,500 in the end.
B.It inspired more people to get involved in foster care.
C.He helped to successfully solve foster care crisis.
D.He luckily won true love and admiration of Lesli.
Tom told himself that 2022 was going to be the year when he finally got his life together. So on New Year’s Eve of 2021, he wrote out all of his New Year’s resolutions. As Tom was writing them down, he got really excited and even became proud of himself, just for thinking of doing all these things.____1____He took full advantage of his time to work out.
____2____“You’re not going to work out when you are tired,” Tom told himself. He didn’t really feel like eating salad. What he felt like eating was a big, juicy burger. And again Tom told himself that “I’ve been working really hard over the past few weeks. I deserve a day off.”
Over the next few weeks, Tom’s good habits started to slow down. He started to sleep in a little bit. He would skip a gym session occasionally, and then almost all of Tom’s good habits were gone.____3____
Personally, I can totally relate with Tom, and some of you probably can too. Why did Tom and most people not stick with their good new habit ____4____You might ask yourself, “Well, how can I really acquire it ” Honestly, there isn’t a simple answer to this, but the best answer is to just think about what you are committing to.
Creating great habits is kind of building a house. Your habits are like bricks.____5____Without it, that house will definitely collapse and you will probably end up exactly where you left off. That is exactly what sets successful people apart from unsuccessful people.
A.Why did his New Year’s resolutions fall apart
B.Basically he ended up exactly where he started.
C.Commitment is like the glue that holds bricks in place.
D.However, one day he found himself gaining 7 kilograms.
E.As the New Year came around, Tom started off really strong.
F.However, one day after work, he didn’t really feel like going to the gym.
G.The main reason is that they don’t possess something called commitment.
The giant panda,also 1. (know) as panda bear or simply panda,is a bear native 2. south central China.In the past many years,the giant panda 3. (drive) out of the lowland areas where it once lived as a result of farming,deforestation and other 4. (develop).Wild population estimates vary:one estimate shows that there are about 1,590 individuals 5. (live) in the wild,while a 2006 study estimated that this figure could be as high as 2,000 to 3,000.Some reports also show that 6. number of giant pandas in the wild is on the rise.
The West first learned of the giant panda on March 11,1869,7. the French missionary (传教士) Armand David received a panda skin from a hunter.In 1936,Ruth Harkness became the first Westerner to bring a live giant panda named Su Lin to the Brookfield Zoo in Chicago.To protect the pandas,in 2012,Earthwatch Institute,a global nonprofit that teams volunteers with scientists to conduct important 8. (science) research,launched a program called “On the Trail of Giant Panda”.This program,based in the Wolong National Nature Reserve,allows 9. (volunteer) to work up close with pandas cared for in captivity (圈养),and help them 10. (gradual) adapt to life in the wild.
1.adjust 2 conflict 3 ashamed 4 distinguish5 appropriate 6 vary
1.reaction 2 occupation 3 tends ;tendency 4 approved;approval;approving 5 differences;different;differ
1.shaking one’s head
2.there is nothing better than
3.has his head lowered
4.not everyone
5.With their chins on their hands
词义猜测题。根据第一段“When he and his twin sister Alice were only four, they came to live with their foster parents Derek and Lesli Baltz.(当他和他的双胞胎姐姐Alice只有四岁时,他们去和养父母Derek和Lesli Baltz一起生活)”可知,Allan Baltz和双胞胎姐姐Alice从四岁开始被领养,一直与养父母生活在一起,得到许多关爱。从倒数第二段中“He split his winnings between two local foster care organizations(他把奖金分给了当地的两个寄养机构)”可知,Allan赢得比赛奖金全部捐给寄养机构,所以第二段承上启下。由此推知,此处为“Allan获得机会将爱传递”。故选B项。
细节理解题。根据第三段第一句“During the height of the 2021 shutdown, to keep their kids entertained at home, the family decided to switch up their hairstyles.(在2021年美国政府封锁的高峰期,为了让孩子们在家娱乐,这家人决定更换发型)”可知,疫情期间,为了找乐子,一家人开始创意他们的发型。故选A项。
推理判断题。根据第五段中“He didn’t hesitate. He didn’t say, ‘I can get a bike, then give some money away.’ It was just instant that he wanted to give it away.(他没有犹豫。他没有说,‘我可以买一辆自行车,然后捐点钱出去。’他立刻就想把它捐赠出去)”可知,Allan慷慨无私,且他为其他领养家庭考虑,有一颗帮助他人的心,所以他慷慨又好心。故选C项。
细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中“His giving heart inspired others to do the same, and he ended up raising an additional $4,500 for the two organizations.(他的慈善之心激励其他人也这样做,最终他为这两个组织又筹集了4500美元)”及最后一段中“A few people that we know decided to start fostering because of Allan’s story.(我们认识的一些人因为Allan的故事决定开始领养)”可知,Allan的捐助大大地鼓励了人们,许多人也开始参与志愿者活动或者捐助活动。故选B项。
根据上文“Tom told himself that 2022 was going to be the year when he finally got his life together. So on New Year’s Eve of 2021, he wrote out all of his New Year’s resolutions. As Tom was writing them down, he got really excited and even became proud of himself, just for thinking of doing all these things.(汤姆告诉自己,2022年将是他最终重新振作起来的一年。所以在2021年的新年前夜,他写下了所有的新年决心。当汤姆把它们写下来的时候,他变得非常兴奋,甚至为自己感到骄傲,仅仅因为想到要做所有这些事情)”以及后文“He took full advantage of his time to work out.(他充分利用时间去健身)”可知,上文提到了汤姆写下新年决心,说明在新年开始的时候汤姆就强势开始执行这些决心,故E选项“随着新年的到来,汤姆一开始就很强势”符合语境,故选E。
根据后文““You’re not going to work out when you are tired,” Tom told himself. He didn’t really feel like eating salad. What he felt like eating was a big, juicy burger. And again Tom told himself that “I’ve been working really hard over the past few weeks. I deserve a day off.”(汤姆对自己说:“当你累的时候,你是不会去锻炼的。”他真的不想吃沙拉。他想吃的是一个又大又多汁的汉堡。汤姆又一次对自己说:“过去几周我一直很努力工作。我应该休息一天。”)”可知,后文提到汤姆因为累而不去锻炼了,故F选项“然而,有一天下班后,他真的不想去健身房”符合语境,故选F。
根据上文“Over the next few weeks, Tom’s good habits started to slow down. He started to sleep in a little bit. He would skip a gym session occasionally, and then almost all of Tom’s good habits were gone.(在接下来的几个星期里,汤姆的好习惯开始变慢了。他开始睡过头了。他偶尔会不去健身房,然后汤姆所有的好习惯几乎都消失了)”可知,上文提到汤姆的所有好习惯都消失了,即在他开始的地方结束。故B选项“基本上,他是在他开始的地方结束的”符合语境,故选B。
根据上文“Personally, I can totally relate with Tom, and some of you probably can too. Why did Tom and most people not stick with their good new habit (就我个人而言,我完全可以理解汤姆,你们中的一些人可能也可以。为什么汤姆和大多数人没有坚持他们的好习惯?)”以及后文“You might ask yourself, “Well, how can I really acquire it ”(你可能会问自己:“好吧,我怎样才能真正获得它?”)”可知,本句是在回答上文关于没有坚持好习惯的问题:主要原因是他们不具备一种叫做承诺的东西。故G选项“主要原因是他们不具备一种叫做承诺的东西”符合语境,故选G。
根据上文“Creating great habits is kind of building a house. Your habits are like bricks.(养成良好的习惯就像建造一座房子。你的习惯就像砖头)”以及后文“Without it, that house will definitely collapse and you will probably end up exactly where you left off. That is exactly what sets successful people apart from unsuccessful people.(没有它,房子肯定会倒塌,你可能会回到你离开的地方。这正是成功人士与不成功人士的区别所在)”可知,上文把习惯比喻成砖头,后文则提到房子会因为没有某物而倒塌,可知本句是在说明这一东西是什么:承诺。故C选项“承诺就像把砖块粘在一起的胶水”符合语境,故选C。
1.known2.to 3.has been driven 4.development 5.living 6.the 7.when8.scientific 9.volunteers 10.gradually