Lesson 20教学设计
1.能准确理解、朗读并运用地点类核心词汇bank, hotel, cinema。并能结合具体语句询问或描述工作场所, Where do you work I work in a cinema.
1.教学重点:本单元的学习重点是,学生能够熟练掌握bank, hotel, cinema,Where do you work I work in a cinema. 并能够在真实的语境中灵活熟练地运用。能够围绕工作或学习场所这一相关话题展开对话或进行讨论。
教学环节 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图
Step 1 warming up Let’s sing a song.Review: Introduce myself. Sing together.Ask and answer.Introduce 通过Sing a song活跃课堂气氛,复习旧知,为本课做铺垫。简单的复习引领同学们走进英语情境,复现所学重点句型。
Step 2Presentation Words and sentencesT: Watch the video. Guess where we are now.T: Let’s go on our trip. Where are we Listen!T: This time we come to the hotel.Fun timeT: Where are we going to? Wow it’s time to play..T: Dear friends, welcome to Yingkou TV. Today I will interview a student. Watch and understandListen and understandAsk and answerGet one from the magic box and talk about it.Discuss and play in your team. 通过视频创设电影院情境,讲解新知。播放银行情境声音导入bank.练习句型。将hotel放在具体情境中运用。游戏调动学生积极性训练本课教学重点。把新句型和老话题融合。有助于培养学生的语言思维能力的开放性。
Step 3Extension T:You are so good. I want to give you a big problem. Can you do that T: Good job! Now let’s have a rest.T: I have a good friend. Today he wants to tell you his dream to you.T: Do you want to show your dream Write down it, OK Watch a video. Answer the questions.TeamworkPlay your cups.Watch and understand.Write and read 通过视频训练学生听和理解的能力,充分体现小组合作活动在学生学生过程中的重要价值。唤起积极性的,吸引注意力的环节。通过视频为下一步的写作做铺垫。通过本课新知的学习和对旧知的唤醒,学生的知识雪球越滚越大,注重了学生语言的积累,使学生能在真实的情境中脱口而出。
Step4Homework Talk about your dram with your parents.Write down your parent’s dream. Remember homework 课后同学们将自己的梦想讲给父母,增强学生用英语表达的自信心。并且记录父母的梦想,可以积累沉淀所学的英语知识,更加激发学生的想说用英语英语的欲望。
Step 5 Sum up A video for you. Watch a video. 帮助学生形成正确的职业观,激发学生向梦想出发的激情。